All You Can Eat

All You Can Eat

I think this game is worth getting. But it’s not for everyone: it’s an adventure game in the Sierra-on-line (eg Kings Quest) style of game, where you have an inventory and have to click on objects. Fortunately, the game is short, so your inventory is never unwieldy nor are any of the puzzles bizarre. No having to put bat-guano in cannons or anything so counter-intuitive.

Here are the pros:

It is free of any problems or bugs.

There is no way to mess up… the game simply won’t let you use your items in the wrong place.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comic Book Comedy Games.

### An Interactive Comic Book that You Print Out and Color? Yes, Please!

### Introduction

This wonderful little gem, All You Can Eat, is a perfect blend of comic and game. The gameplay is just like any adventure title, complete with inventory, and simple point and click. It centers on our intrepid, but very lazy, main character. He is without a name in the game but in my playthrough, I called him “Bob.” He just seemed like a Bob. He needs to save his favorite all-you-can-eat diner from foreclosure and is forced into the wide world of his neighborhood to do so. The humor is corny and mostly clean (just a few curse words).

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

All You Can Eat on Steam

Why Neon Lights Again?

Why Neon Lights Again?

Why Neon Lights Again? is a nostalgic cyberpunk shooting gallery to play with a friend or on your own. Shoot bad guys and level bosses with different weapons, fly on cars, see how story is revealed in a comic book style

In the distant future citizens of Asgard witness strange series of events. Something is in the air and it’s not just neon lights and rain (it often rains here actually). Frey(r) finds himself in an unknown street. It’s raining (of course!) but what is more troubling is a group of street gangs pointing guns at Frey!

What is going to happen? Would this involve flying cars? For Sure!

Key features:

  • retro/nostalgic cuberpunk feel and a lot of easter eggs, throwback to 80-90’s (would be interesting to play with friend or family)

  • hot seat mode: play with a friend like back in the days, combine various weapons and skills, compete who gets the best high score

  • interesting story mode (with plot shown in comic book style) and fun survival mode (get the highest score!)

Read More: Best Comic Book Indie Games.

Why Neon Lights Again? on Steam

Teenage Blob: Paperperson - The First Single

Teenage Blob: Paperperson - The First Single

This is the best version of “Paper boy” that i have ever played, please make this a full game, not just a mini game! The music is great but the other 5 games don’t match the quality of this one, and i feel like i’m not alone in saying so, the concept is great but i would have really loved if all the games were NES remakes like this one.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comic Book Hand-drawn Games.

Well… it’s a “split release” featuring 6 songs & 6 minigames (with the demo version featuring just one song and one minigame, which is a Paperboy clone).

This immediately hit a nerve - you see I have an almost pathological obsession with playing various versions of Paperboy, ever since the Amstrad CPC home-micro version was (sadly) lacking any sort of in-game sound. (yeah, it’s an emotional scar from my teenage years, what can I say).

This particular mini game is pretty nice - but there’s just one problem: There are times when the perspective changes from the classic isometric view, to a side-view (resembling Kikstart, somewhat). However, this switch (which follows the song’s rhythm) can occur in completely inappropriate times (for example, at the moment you line up your newspaper shot) and when your view suddenly switches back, you can miss your shot or crash into an obstacle, etc.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Teenage Blob: Paperperson - The First Single on Steam

Soul Gambler

Soul Gambler


This is a visual novel where you get to make choices throughout the story that affect what happens next and possibly the final outcome as well. At the start of the game, you can assign “points” to your character’s assets (e.g. +3 health, +1 intellect, +0 charisma, etc) which affect what options are available to your character when dealing with situations that arise.


  • High quality feel - Well-made, aside from some poor language and editing at times.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Gambling Addicts beware : In this game you get to sell your soul

Ahem now that awful joke is out of the way… this VN has a great mix of comic style graphics, cafe bar music and an addictive Choices Matter game that has over 20 achievements to collect making the replay factor more appealing.

The menu allows you to Save at any point (though I should add it saves by the Chapter you are on so make sure you don’t progress onto the next chapter before reloading or you will end up being on that chapter not the 1 you intended!!); there are music settings too that can be muted at anytime leaving the sound effects only which are activated by actions.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Soul Gambler on Steam

Draw With Unknown

Draw With Unknown

Really fun and really chill, kind of like Draw Something had a baby with Omegle.

Also, the minimum requirements say you need all sound cards to run this, and sadly my PC only has one ;-;

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

i like this game a lot! i do have a few suggestions, however i can’t seem to find any way to submit anything. the developer/publisher doesn’t seem to show any source of social media on their steam profile, and i even looked on twitter, no help! this game is super fun and a good way to meet nice people, but i feel like people would play more if it had a better way of drawing. like i said, super cool game, but it could use some work.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Draw With Unknown on Steam



This game hit home for me and those watching the stream. I loved the art style and how it captured the emotions. The game itself does not have any puzzles but is a point and click adventure with guides. The music, the dialog, the sass from our conscience? monster, and the over all humor of the game mixed with the depression/ loneliness is my kind of humor. You really understand the character and root for her because shes just trying to be happy but makes many mistakes along the way. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who likes dark stories about the mind and humanity.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

I love this game. Stilstand is one of the only visual novels I could really get into and appreciate to its core as it’s not just relatable but also very creative in its delivery of subject matter. It’s a very raw and vulnerable tale about a woman who is self-destructive, depressed, anxious, and introverted but who tries her hardest to set up dates and go out with friends despite this triggering yet another wave of anxiety attacks and a retreat back to the safety of her blanket - while trying to deal with the summer heat and her nagging subconscious. The style of drawings here are so amazingly crude, in a good way; they really get across how the main character can be utterly frantic or completely depleted and hopeless. Take a trip into her mind, as she dissociates after a massive alcohol binge at a party she never wanted to be at in the first place, or is left ghosted after a date gone wrong.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Stilstand on Steam

Finley’s - The Colour of Radiation

Finley’s - The Colour of Radiation

A puzzle solving game of laser light beams, refraction, reflection and mixing.

Game Features:

  • Casual gameplay

  • A plethora of levels to discover

  • Steam achievements (over 40 awards)

  • Speed Runner mode

  • Leader boards for total score and speed (friends and globally)

  • Ever increasing difficulty

  • Multiple ways to solve a puzzle

  • Simple user interface using “drag and drop”

  • Share your achievements with others

  • No time limit (although faster means better!)

  • Beautifully rendered secret laboratory

  • Retro 1960’s comic style

“Is this thing on? Testing, testing.”

“My sensors really need a clean!”

“Oh wait, there you are.”

“Welcome test subject to our human radiation colour …or is that color? Hmm I’m not sure, my programming has more than a hint of the transatlantic in it…Where was I… Oh yes.,, Welcome test subject to our human radiation colour perception challenge. My name is Finley 808 and I’m your AI companion for your short foreseeable future.”

Pit your wits against the maniacal artificial intelligence Finley in this reimagining of the unknown and very secret 1960’s human perception tests carried out in top secret hidden bunker laboratories.

“Did you know there’s a Prize to be found deep in the Laboratory at the end of this test?”

As the test subject, the deeper you go into the facility, the harder the puzzles become to most.

“Thanks to a lucky find near Roswell, New Mexico we have built this facility to experiment on some new forms matter”

The objective of each test is simple. Drag and drop the available laser manipulation devices to split, redirect and absorb the laser death ray and eliminate the alien blob like waste product artefacts.

“The death ray… I mean focused radiation beam… is quite powerful. Should it touch the sides I will have no choice but to activate sterilisation protocols!”

It is possible for the light beam to touch the sides of the test laboratory. If you do, it will activate a countdown (limiting the time you have to pass the test). Should the countdown reach zero (all containment suppression fuses in the lab are blown), you will fail the test.

“Oh I do hope you aren’t one of the mediocre ones. You know your colours right? Oh I do hope so, whilst this alien waste product is messy, recycling substandard humans is really messy!”

The alien artefacts have a distinct hue. Black, Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and White. The white light of the laser will neutralise any of these. However you can split the white light (and combine of course) into these colours to remove corresponding Alien waste products.

“I’m always amazed just how many supposedly bright humans don’t understand how primary colours are mixed to make other colours. As a species you boast about the likes of Newton and Einstein, but really. The number of test subjects I see that didn’t know Red and Green makes Yellow, Red and Blue makes Magenta and, get this, Blue and Green makes Cyan. I mean please, over 80 billion neurons and not one helping… I will understand this species one day”.

A report card is produced for each test level completed. The grading is typical of the 1960’s where a “F” is an out and out fail through to an A (a top pass). Finley will award three star ticks for the best “A” class students! You are welcome to retake a level test again and again to improve your rating and score.

“It’s good to reward good effort don’t you think?”

You can increase your score (and report card attainment of course) by completing levels quickly, matching laser beam colour to Alien blob and minimising the number of device moves.

“Oh dear, that was a failure. Where will I get the next test subject from?”

You can easily (with permission granted) share your report with friends. Perhaps they will be better or worse than you when they face Finley’s Colour of Radiation challenge? Either way, it’s a game that will improve your cognitive and problem solving skills - Those secret 1960’s experiments have to have proved something right?

“We like humans, they will do whatever you ask of them, if you ask in the right way. Only last week I said to a test subject that managed to get to the Prize… I got into a fight with 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. – The odds were against me. Soon after, 19 and 20 had a fight. Twenty one. ….They laughed!”

Still not sure if you want to give this game a go? Well, we can offer you hearsay and hyperbole regarding the experience of this game. Here are some of the totally fictitious characters that helped develop it…

“Man. This game is far out. The colours dude, they like blend you know.” (Comic reader guy, Long Beach, CA)

“My uncle did a lot of deep water filming in the 1960’s, but this game takes you deeper.” (Jake Coostoe, Monaco )

“One doesn’t simply play the game, one becomes the game, doesn’t one?” (MP, London)

“You know… When I was stuck in the game, I did manage to get by with a little help from my friends.” (Musician, Liverpool)

“Floot-rig-noota-garf-garf-yipa-enata-solinty-bim.” (A caretaker, Altair V)

We hope you enjoy this game!

Duckocide Games

Finley's - The Colour of Radiation on Steam

KUUKIYOMI 3: Consider It More and More!! - Father to Son

KUUKIYOMI 3: Consider It More and More!! - Father to Son

This game is perfect.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

| Game type | Read the room Simulation |

| Story | ★★★☆☆ |

| Graphic | ★★★☆☆ |

| Fun | ★★★☆☆ |

| Difficulty | ★☆☆☆☆ |

| Play time | ★☆☆☆☆ |

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

KUUKIYOMI 3: Consider It More and More!! - Father to Son on Steam

Escape from the Cosmic Abyss

Escape from the Cosmic Abyss

Great game to play on those short pauses in our busy rotine. The controls are very responsive and the game is imenselly fun to play with it’s twists on this classic mechanic. Once you begin playing a level, you’ll want to play it until you beat it, and after you beat all the levels you even get an arcade and a speedrun mode. Guaranteed fun with this one and really worth it for the price.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

It can be a good flash game but upgrades are SO WEAK that it doesn’t even change the playstyle

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Escape from the Cosmic Abyss on Steam

Meteor 60 Seconds!

Meteor 60 Seconds!

Meteor 60 Seconds!

This is the first title from Avocavo and I must say I am genuinely pleased from having to play it.

It’s a very fun and short simulation game. It’s a good point and clicker game if you want to waste some extra time. Play it between your study time, even from your work or when you’re bored from other games.

I wouldn’t mind a longer version of this, with multiple more endings and some cutscenes.

You can kiss dogs, women or men. Fist fight with the human beings. Shoot people with an AK-47 or deploy a nuclear reciever. Save the earth or destroy it as you like. Equip a bat and smash your way trough this cute retro game.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game


















Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Meteor 60 Seconds! on Steam