Chair F*cking Simulator

Chair F*cking Simulator

Erotic. Sublime. A wonderful experience with which to pass the time.

Chair Fcking Simulator, henceforth known as CFS offers a unique outlook into the lifestyle of sxually uninhibited, potato shaped being. Browsing through profiles on postcards, Potato-Like Man picks one perfect and sexy piece of furniture with which to do the deed.

Friends, let me tell you that I’d been quivering with anticipation up to this point but when the actual act began, ohhh, what art. Potato-man slams his vegetable groin into a variety of sultry seats. Thus far, my most beloved memory was Potato grinding his shapely buttocks (You can do that too in case you don’t feel especially thrusty) into a spitting image of Ol' Sparky complete with blue electric light.

Real player with 357.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comic Book Horror Games.

Absolutely my favorite experience that I have ever had with any f**king sim.


The graphics are pretty stellar for a game about chair… buffing. Your character really gives off the vibes that they are the last thing alive in the immersive world, but we’ll get to setting in a moment. Overall, 7/10 in graphics. Great, but I don’t necessarily feel like I’m buffing a chair.


The story is barebones, if there at all, but you can grasp the rough points:

*You are the last living thing that isn’t a chair

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Chair F*cking Simulator on Steam

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1 Demo]

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1 Demo]

In all honesty for a two person project (coding\story\writing and artist) it’s pretty good. The character designs and personalities are interesting and some character powers are pretty unique. Like (spoilers) but someone being a siren was in my opinion a pretty under appreciated thing, and being able to sing people to sleep is pretty interesting. though my main gripe is in certain story skips and dialouge. Like for example, the protagonist is told in a huge moment of exposition that shit is wack and the world might end and that he/she/they might have powers. thing is somehow everyone else in the story knows this later on. Without the protagonist ever explaining that to them. there are also times where the dialouge is akward at point but i think that adds to the charm of it. Like characters are all highschoolers, it makes sense that sometimes the conversations are kinda stiff and akward cuz that’s how it would actually go in real life. Like if a goth girl who most likely is a fan of arson came up and started talking to you, of course you’d be a bit akward in your speech. But my last two complaints about it are the music and facial expressions. In all honesty, the music is terrible, it’s better than that royalty free ukelele from hell but im sure theres other stuff out there you can use without copyright. mainly the music I’m talking about here is the resting abd casual time music, it’s a weird mix of meowing and beeps and i often found myself turning the music all the way off and playing my own mix. And the complaint i have abnout the expressions is later on in the story, i don’t have any complaints about reused assets especially in visual novels, but (spoilers ahead here) maybe after a character like willow loses a loved one maybe don’t show a kind of ‘meh’ face when what she feels is true sorrow. You see that sorrow shown later on but my point still stands. other than those (admitibly small things for a game made by two people with one doing most of the heavy lifting) I think it’s a great game and absolutely my new fav comfort game. good work on the game guys hope you get episode two out soon :)

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comic Book 2D Games.

This is overall an ok experience. I’ve only played through it once and it’s not really that long but there are a lot of different choices and I assume tons of backstories to discover. The characters are overall pleasant to talk to but the story doesn’t really come together well. It feels as if every choice somehow expects me to have taken all the previous options as to create a more authentic group feeling from knowing the characters. That is to say, a lot of characters I hadn’t interacted with were friendly to me and I to them and I even knew their secret or something at times. This made no sense from what I had played. Usually visual novels circumvent this by having routes and a long intro section as to establish a backstory. This is not the case here at all and the game has tons of choices early on. I would assume that at least the first one is just for flavour but overall it starts too early for meaningful ones or doesn’t incorporate the choices made on future events. Another big problem I had was figuring out how fantastical the setting is. From the start I was expecting a normal world setting with abnormal characters but later on it seemed that supernatural phenomenons were actually canon and well known. This was quite a jarring switch for me and I couldn’t really figure out if the early events were just not the kind of abnormal people were used to or if the setting was inconsistent. The plot later on felt really quite weird but I was imagining some kind of child detective setting and therefore not as unusual for this group or something, even if I wasn’t even aware how close they were. Overall it felt like I was supposed to have read the web comic or played out each choice to be eased in. The story itself felt quite unengaging and frankly unrealistic from my point of view. The only truly engaging part was just at the end of the demo, which was too late. Apart from that, the art looked quite good but there were tons of small problems, some weird lines in some character’s drawings, some really rough edges on objects, a character’s art was extremely blurry and the way side character’s were displayed was inconsistent and the distance to the camera was very different to the main cast’s. Also there was a clock which was quite wide. There also was a night sky picture that certainly didn’t seem drawn and was fairly low quality. There was a rain scene in which the rain drops' position resetted on the next text box. I’m looking forward to how the finished release will be.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1 Demo] on Steam

A Sketchbook About Her Sun

A Sketchbook About Her Sun

Essentially it’s an animated music album with some simple sketches for every song. I assume the visuals were created for the music and not the other way around, but the game still has a narrative as we follow the same individual that goes through melancholy, heartbreak, and possibly depression. You can also just pick the songs from the main menu, but I am not sure if I unlocked the feature at the end. I believe the 11 songs make the full album, so it’s kind of like buying a soundtrack. I am not sure if there is any purpose to the choices that you can make during the songs, I assume those are for the 2 optional achievements. I guess it depends on how much you like the music, for myself, I liked more than half of the songs, and even for the songs that I didn’t love, I still enjoyed the lyrics. Don’t take this as a criticism because I honestly don’t care if the singer has a perfect voice, but I enjoyed her voice more within a lower range. Also, I noticed some guitar clipping which I feel should be cleaned up in the processing. Aside from those small nitpicks, I enjoyed the album overall and I will be playing it when I draw for months ;). I know not many people like paying for music on Steam, but I am all for it personally, especially this cheap. I always like to list my favorites, and that would be the ‘Planet X’, ‘Document’ and ‘Human Copy’ (I only wish you reused the part in the end of HC once in the middle, too).

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comic Book Indie Games.

A Sketchbook About Her Sun is an enjoyable experience with incredible artwork and an amazing soundtrack. The gameplay warrants itself well to replaying and is definitely worth your attention

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

A Sketchbook About Her Sun on Steam

apartment: a separated place

apartment: a separated place

There are a lot of ‘break up’ games and this is by far one of the best I’ve ever played. There’s a sophistication and maturity to the storytelling that’s hard to find. Relationships are never simple and each of the vignettes explore the complexities of relationships that fall apart, never come together, or eventually find a way to work. The design of each vignette combined with the story it’s telling is one of the best aspects of this game.

There’s a meditative quality when playing–where I found myself reflecting on my own relationships as I played. May and Rose’s stories were probably the most moving and interesting–with truly unique interactions exploring losing or finding the person for you.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

While not perfect, this game still has a story to tell. I found the progression within the main story satisfying, with little touches which enhance the world around you. For me, some of the vignettes are stronger than others but overall they were a pleasing break from the main arc while remaining familiar enough.

Having waited some years for this game I do feel like I wanted more “meat on the bones” with Nick and Madison’s story. The ending did feel a bit sudden and I was left wanting more. For some people this will be perfect and they’ll appreciate the short, sad and sweet nature.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

apartment: a separated place on Steam



I love you mom, but there is no shame, for it is I that runs the show. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

What an amazing game i never thought i was into games like this where you read and choose the path kinda thing but after playing this i gotta say i really enjoy these games i mean the story was so good i really enjoyed it and i think my money was very well spent here it even gave me a sense of joy and hope all at the same time

i really think this game is very good and would highly recommend it

To The Developer

Just wanted to say BIG Thanks for making this game had an amazing time playing and ill being coming back to play more of your games so if you make anymore games id be happy to play them

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

IdolDays on Steam

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1+2]

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1+2]

very good game that’s it

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

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Winning Love by Daylight Is a visual novel by Cutlass Boardgames. The game starts off quickly and puts you straight into class, introducing each character one by one. Winning Love puts you in one-one scenarios with these characters very quickly, and introduces important plot points immediately. Right off the bat, The art made a good impression on me, not being your typical visual novel fare. The artwork ranges from good to very pleasant, my only complaint being a few odd character features such as remarkably long fingers. The music was not as kind to my ears as the visuals were, as it was an annoyance as often as not.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1+2] on Steam

Slow living with Princess

Slow living with Princess

As a big fan of adventure and fantasy games. anime, and web/light novels, this game is totally my wet dream lol and no, I have neither read the novel nor watched the anime, and I haven’t finished the entire story YET ;) wink

With a bit of isekai vibe (I don’t even know why I get it from this game), you start your new life in game as a adventure and a drug dealer or a pharmacist as a kids friendly term. Though you can pretty much sell everything and anything in your apothecary, like sometimes your customers will come and rob you off the egg you’ve been saving to make eggs and bacon…

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

Huge fan of the manga and now the anime. Very fun RPG that is reminiscent of Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley. You gather herbs and other resources as well as fight monsters in dungeons in order to obtain supplies for crafting and potion making which you will need to sell in the character’s personal store.

For an early access game, there is a LOT of content. Took me 27 Hours to complete all available main quests and side quests. Was also able to complete a majority of the wishlists for the other characters with the exception of some items which are too rare to obtain. Also only missing 1 achievement, but I did not want to grind a few more hours when I essentially finished all the available storyline quests.

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

Slow living with Princess on Steam

Along the Edge

Along the Edge


A few hours ago a friend of mine logged to tell me about this visual novel. I checked the game title, I never heard of it. I checked the development company, I never heard of them. I looked at the trailer, and the art style intrigued me enough to try it out.

Along the Edge is a visual novel that tells the story of a Ph.D. student that due to certain circumstances is forced to give up on her research and move from the city to a town. It is a fairly interesting story of self-discovery, of family grudges - possible ways to solve them (Stabby! Stabby! Or other more boring venues of conflict resolution…) and between scientific reasoning and the occult.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

So Along the Edge is interesting but the characters fall a bit flat and I don’t really find the romances compelling. The art style is nice and you are capable of taking many branching paths. One of the things that I find interesting is that you can take the skeptical route and never see confirmation of anything occult or magic. You get different' alignment choices but none are considered evil or good inherently, which is a nice detail. However the “60 endings” is misleading. In a way, yes, you do get that many but it plays it off like they are all very different. They are not. There’s only a handful of majorly different endings and then the DETAILS of each of those major endings can be varied. But they are not full stop completely different, most of those details are easily forgettable and not very impactful.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Along the Edge on Steam

Every Day’s Different

Every Day’s Different

One of the most real and heart worming VN of the world today. Truly s must own.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Although this game is early access I would highly encourage everyone to give Every Day’s Different a read. Every Day’s Different has a very unique art style that makes it stand out from other visual novels. Not only that but the music is pretty catchy. After clearing episode one, I already feel attached to the characters and feel committed to the story. The CGs are nicely done with a lot of detail. The voice acting definitely stand out, giving each character even more life and depth. I would recommend this game to anyone trying to get into visual novels or those who have already read many.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Every Day's Different on Steam

Accel Magician Mimi

Accel Magician Mimi

If you look at the rest of the developer’s games, it appears they either used a kit and reskinned it, or made one game and reskinned it, multiple times. Keep this and the fact I’m basing my recommendation on the sale price I obtained it at (59 cents).

Game only consists of 3 stages and bosses, which can easily be completed in under an hour. However, there is 2 player battle mode and co-op, adding to the replayability. Controls are responsive. No optimization issues noted. Difficulty progression is smooth and different enemies have varied enough attack patterns to keep the game interesting.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Accel Magician Mimi on Steam