Titeuf: Mega Party

Titeuf: Mega Party

Decent game to play with friends. Story a bit annoying when you don’t know what to do, since the game doesn’t tell you much, but the minigames are actually worth it.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comic Book Comedy Games.

Got this in a cheap random key bundle. Game is not fun at all lmao its an easy 100% tho. Would not buy even on sale unless it was like a dollar.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Titeuf: Mega Party on Steam



★☆☆☆☆ Terrible!


The 2020 remake of XIII is a cheap, lazy, broken cash-in on a once fascinating name.

It really makes me feel bad to have to say that because I had high hopes for this. But it’s true! In the same year that 2K gave us an amazing remake for the original Mafia, XIII stands in its own class of awfulness. That anyone could release a game in this state and try to charge 40 Euro for it, let alone goat people into pre-ordering it, is appalling.

At first, I thought the ‘very negative’ review status on Steam was a little overboard. I had followed the discussion boards before release and boy, some people did not like the style change. Having played this for an hour and then gone back to the original, I can say with a certainty that I should have listened to those people more. Not only have the developers ripped all of the charm from the original game, but they have also failed to replace it with anything of substantial worth. I think this is the most apparent in the half-a$$ed attempts to tie some of this remake’s style into the original’s. In the original, was frequent and eventually blended into the background. Here it’s reserved for very few things. It’s noticeable that its inclusion feels inconsistent at best.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comic Book Shooter Games.

Graphics aside, what the remake was INTENDED to be was the original game’s campaign and levels more or less faithfully recreated (with the original cel-shading replaced by more of a Fortnite-like cartoony art-style), but with new, more “modern” Call of Duty-inspired gameplay, including aim-down-sights, a limited inventory, a simplified health/armor system, and partial regenerating health. Rather similar to what happened with F.E.A.R. 2/F,E,A,R, 3, Bioshock Infinite, Aliens Colonial Marines, etc.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

XIII on Steam

Sam & Max Save the World

Sam & Max Save the World

I thought I smelled that joke coming down the turnpike, burning oil and dragging its muffler.

Sam & Max almost feels like one of those things that’s self-explanatory at this point, but also it’s totally not since point & click adventures aren’t really as mainstream as they used to be. So if you don’t know, Telltale’s Sam & Max games are episodic comedy games that were part of a (mostly successful) attempt to make adventure games more enjoyable for normal people. Sam & Max Season One was also kind of a proof of concept that showed that episodic games were viable. It’s also very funny.

Real player with 29.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comic Book Comedy Games.

This game is what you need to start playing to experience point and click adventure gaming at its finest. The actual adventure gaming at its finest is Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse. But before you get to that, you must play this and also season 2.

How does it hold up to the original? It’s great! The visuals are improved. They have altered a few things, but the altered things were elements of polish that reflect society’s growing understanding of how to better talk about things and represent people (actually hiring a black actor to play Bosco, for instance). While it initially took a couple of games for the new Bosco voice to find his sea legs, they went back and updated the first couple of episodes so now it practically sounds like the same old Bosco. (And no worries about the original Bosco actor, he’s still Jimmy Two Teeth so he’s still in the game.)

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

Sam & Max Save the World on Steam