Ostrova Koshki

Ostrova Koshki



Imagine a small snowy island surrounded by an endless ocean from whose waters giant birches grow. There is nothing more in the whole world. The only people are a small tribe.

According to tradition, each child must go through a complex ritual to get rid of the evil spirit that lives in everyone from birth. This is the only way to get a name and become an adult.

The Boy has one last attempt to go through the ritual, and he goes on a journey for Magic Water that can make any person strong. But this potion is protected by a Grim Creature that lives in a Dark Cave.

Will the Boy be able to resist the danger, overcome all the difficulties, fight the Beast, become strong, return to the surface in time and undergo the rite to become part of his tribe?

Well, of course he will.


The Boy is not a typical platformer hero: he is sensitive and fragile.

Will you listen to the Boy’s worries, choosing a safer path, or will you risk not caring about the child’s feelings, just to get through the game as quickly as possible?

  • Control your mental state and stamina level.

  • Try to avoid cold water.

  • Look for shelter so as not to freeze.

  • Go to bed to restore your strength and save game progress.

  • Learn how to overcome various types of enemies, traps, and mechanisms.

  • Get to know new proverbs and sayings to better understand the nature of this world.

  • Pay attention to the details to discover a new depth of this story.

  • Eat well and rest well.

  • Get back to the village in time.

You only have one chance to go through the rite. When you fall, the game is over. There are no continues, my friend.


We are a team of two novice developers from Irkutsk, Russia. This is our first experience of game development, and we have many interesting ideas that we want to implement.

Ostrova Koshki is a very personal game. I think it’s easy to guess that I often imagine I’m the Boy, and the Cave is a video game development. The release of the game is a ritual, the culmination of many years of work, where I have only one attempt to prove myself.

If you find our game at least a little cute, add it to your wishlist and come see my growing-up ritual when the game is finished.


Cathood Party: Comeback Collection is a game series consisting of four games:

  • Game of the year, a rhythm arcade about the importance of simple moments when you can just fool around with your friends and forget about all your worries.

  • Shaman You, a casual novel about mental and physical health on days when life turns upside down.

  • Cathood Party, a JRPG in which you play the role of the party leader and your strongest weapons are ethics and empathy.

  • Ostrova Koshki, an action platformer about teenage issues in primitive world.

These games are autonomous, but all together they are telling an entirely new story. You will find out about it soon enough.

Thank you for your attention.

See you

Someday, somewhere

Read More: Best Comic Book Funny Games.

Ostrova Koshki on Steam

Sketchy Fables

Sketchy Fables

Sketchy Fables is a first-person exploration adventure and can be described as a comic-book that has broken up over a landscape. The story begins with the search for an mysterious child who influences Your reality. Can You still find the child in You?


*** Fully Hand-drawn & animated game world consisting of about 8000 unique artworks, designed by award-winning artist Alle Jong.**

*** Plays like an interactive cartoon slash artgame/comicbook/Interactive Visual-novel. Sketchy Fables is an personal artistic expression full of poetry & art**

*** There is an Main storyline, but nothing is what it seems..**

*** 3 open save slots**

*** An diverse game environment to explore full of villages and rural landscapes.**

*** Focused on personal exploration with many random encounters & discoveries**

Read More: Best Comic Book 3D Games.

Sketchy Fables on Steam



Vitatio 3 is inexpensive fun for all ages. The game is challenging in the beginning because you need to build up funds in order to upgrade maneuverability and add a cannon, but that is part of all the charm of this sideways scroller. Playing the game reminds me of when Han Solo has to maneuver in an asteroid field and C3PO says “Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1!”

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comic Book 2D Games.

This game is next to impossible to play in the beginning, it needs huge efforts to improve balance and playability before moving forward.

Right now, it’s a torture.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

VITATIO 3 on Steam



Welcome to the world of CREEPSLORE, where text shown in all caps means someone is SHOUTING!

Take part in a surreal, interactive arthouse adventure inspired by older Adventure Games mixed with Choose Your Own Adventure books and RPGs. Supported by it’s massive list of (112+!) characters, heartfelt story, and uniquely weird art style, Creepslore is here to make you laugh, cry, and question it’s creators' sanity and overall well being.

The game takes place sometime during the 1970’s, and is told from the point of view of a sarcastic character who gets suckered into an adventure after arriving on a monster filled island. Realizing there’s no way back, he now has to deal with a bunch of intoxicated creatures with idiosyncratic tendencies (ergo: they’re also stupid) who think humans are the de-facto best gourmet food option.

What this game offers:

  • surreal & tongue in cheek humor

  • a story with 5 completely different scenarios (no forced repeats of dialogues to unlock ‘extra’ content!)

  • 18 explorable locations, ranging from cities to swamps

  • more than 110 individual characters

  • pre-rendered backgrounds created in Quake

  • even MORE NUMBERS to grab your attention

  • text, text and some more text

  • a sad fish

What this game DOESN’T offer:

  • saving the world

  • cute anime girls

  • fan-service

  • a happy fish

PS: if you’ve ever wondered why the Giant Spider in Skyrim carries coins, and where the hell it puts them, we’ll, let’s just say we have the answer to that.

Creepslore on Steam

Video Realms

Video Realms

the closest thing to twisted metal that exists. very good car combat game

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Okay, so…

Fuck the other two games - flesh out Carnage Cross as much as humanely possible. This is the closest the Twisted Metal fan-base will ever get to a spiritual successor since Sony decided to elbow-drop Twisted Metal for good. Wait until at least 1.0 to keep working on Sanitize or Starglades.

I know some of the suggestions I’m gonna make are already on your roadmap - AND I DON’T CARE. I’ll repeat them infinitely into the fucking VOID if need be.


● NONE of the vehicles should have auto-aim machine guns - all of their guns should fire directly forward. Auto-aim should be either a power-up or a special ability. With that being said…

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Video Realms on Steam

All You Can Eat

All You Can Eat

I think this game is worth getting. But it’s not for everyone: it’s an adventure game in the Sierra-on-line (eg Kings Quest) style of game, where you have an inventory and have to click on objects. Fortunately, the game is short, so your inventory is never unwieldy nor are any of the puzzles bizarre. No having to put bat-guano in cannons or anything so counter-intuitive.

Here are the pros:

It is free of any problems or bugs.

There is no way to mess up… the game simply won’t let you use your items in the wrong place.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

### An Interactive Comic Book that You Print Out and Color? Yes, Please!

### Introduction

This wonderful little gem, All You Can Eat, is a perfect blend of comic and game. The gameplay is just like any adventure title, complete with inventory, and simple point and click. It centers on our intrepid, but very lazy, main character. He is without a name in the game but in my playthrough, I called him “Bob.” He just seemed like a Bob. He needs to save his favorite all-you-can-eat diner from foreclosure and is forced into the wide world of his neighborhood to do so. The humor is corny and mostly clean (just a few curse words).

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

All You Can Eat on Steam

Jump With Dragons

Jump With Dragons

The graphics alone make this game worth the 0.59 I payed for it. It’s both fun and challenging. I suggest changing the key bindings under settings because the controls were awkward. I was also having problems getting my controller to fully work with it. I could look around, jump, and dash but I couldn’t walk in any direction so I was stuck playing with the keyboard and mouse.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Not perfect but good.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Jump With Dragons on Steam

1f y0u’re a gh0st ca11 me here! 幽铃热线

1f y0u’re a gh0st ca11 me here! 幽铃热线

I think this game’s charming in its way. It has quite a unique gameplay that I think it’s worth a try.

Gameplay is somewhat demanding. It’s kinda like playing papers please, but have to check about 2-4 different documents all at once and it is up to the players to make a split judgement where to send where.

The game is quite difficult, but I think anyone can get used to the game over time.

Story is short? I think? I haven’t seen all the endings (cuz the game’s hard..), but in terms of building an overall environment and the characters were interesting enough for what this game is worth.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

i really wanted to like the game but the story sucks there is only one song that is kinda annoying the gameplay is innovating but at the end it breaks and looses meaning

at first i was like i need to get all A but in the end i said fuck it i don’t care

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

1f y0u're a gh0st ca11 me here! 幽铃热线 on Steam

Dragon Rage

Dragon Rage

Great game for what it is, small game but reasonably priced. Such satisfaction in slaming into everything and getting those power ups to easily stay ahead and achievements that aren’t complicated/cryptic as ****.

When I first saw the negative reviews for this game, I hated what they put into the reviews because all they said was its too short or I paid too much for so little content. How about they try to make a game all by themselves?! It’s not easy. Give these people some slack because I’m pretty sure those negative review people don’t even think about how hard it is to make a game.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

I myself enjoy the game even though most people seem to dislike it. I feel the reason people do dislike it is this its very very short for the price of 7$ and even though i got it for 15% of it still seemed short for the price. If they were to maybe add some new levels, more customization and possibly even some story to the rampage plot, or at least make it an option to change the background. Customization could be like which power up you like more and want to drop on your 100ks drop, or even more exciting giving dragons clothes and hats! But all in all its a great stress releasing game and definetly reminds me of the old rampage games. Also I feel like I’d really enjoy the creators should slowly releasing updates and adding little bits here and there and that will surely keep me happy and probably the rest of this games small fanbase.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Dragon Rage on Steam

Game Localization

Game Localization


The application allows you to translate texts in any game into any language.

0. Start this application.

1. Start the game to be translated.

2. Choose language.

3. Customize options as you need.

4. Play the game

5. The application will display texts from the game with translation into the desired language.

Best for turn-based games and visual novels.


You can customize the screen design that will be on top of any game


It can snow or rain on top of any game

Game Localization on Steam