Castle of the Underdogs : Episode 1

Castle of the Underdogs : Episode 1

This game has an awesome Suikoden vibe going for it that you just don’t see often in other games. With it were longer though. Looking forward to part 2!

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Colorful Games.

I played through the first chapter in EA and THIS WAS FUN! The sense of humor here is unique and makes the game charming… left me wanting to run right into the second chapter. I hope to see the next one soon! I am kinda sad that the first chapter did not have more of the recruiting and castle formation stuff, but it is forgivable as long as the content continues and we can keep playing along.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Castle of the Underdogs : Episode 1 on Steam

My Isekai After Life is an RPG!?

My Isekai After Life is an RPG!?

The game was very nice at first i thought the game won’t be good for me or even fun to play , but after playing it for a while now ,i actually loved it and it was super fun while it was short im actually looking forward to the DLC . i highly recommend giving it a try

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy RPG Games.

– Review written for 3 Point Play

A pretty small, pretty chill, little game about living some sort of after-life which most weebs know of, that is, the isekai resurrection thing. Featuring some cutesy pixel graphics and easy mechanics, I think this particular game here can be appealing to anyone who enjoys anime and is not that much into gaming, since, once again, everything is pretty much entry-level mechanic-wise: you click people to interact, you click objects to collect materials, you move in a standard fashion with the WASD keys, and you do your combat stuff with WASD + Enter.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

My Isekai After Life is an RPG!? on Steam

The Tainted

The Tainted

You play as Jezebel, a mysterious girl who awakens in the woods, with little memory of her past. Unlike most of the humans of this world, she can use magic and communicate with intelligent creatures. In trying to live up to her motto of always doing what’s necessary, she often finds herself in uncomfortable situations.

Along the way to exploring the land of Xanthia, you’ll gain allies to help you face the many challenges that await. Do you have what it takes to stop the Taint?


Old school, 2D style RPG

Turn-based combat

Partial spell customization

Mature/immature humor


The Tainted was created using the RPG Maker MV engine and makes use of a lot of content created by the RPG Maker community. It attempts to tell a unique and funny story, as well as show off some of the talent found in this often overlooked community. Much of the humor is of a mature nature and is not intended for younger viewers. So, if you enjoy classic RPGs with turn-based combat and are also an adult that still thinks farts are funny….you might also enjoy The Tainted.

Read More: Best Comedy RPG Games.

The Tainted on Steam

Cthulhu Saves Christmas

Cthulhu Saves Christmas

At first I was really into it. It was funny, combat was fun and showed promise, music was great, the writing and scenes kept me interested. But it quickly died down. This is not a bad game. But not only does it not improve from previous games, which would’ve been important, it’s even a step down from previous games overall, especially coming from Cosmic Star Heroine.

First, minor tech issues: the game has an overlay glitch at 1440p, possibly appears at other resolutions too, that doesn’t happen at 1080p. It’s not major, but it’s a blemish. There is also an issue with characters following you going out of-sync above 60FPS. Doesn’t pose any problem otherwise though.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

I picked this up back around Christmas, and took only a little over 12 hours to finish it. Its only now I am getting around to reviewing it, so lets begin. I do recommend this game, but barely. It didn’t click with me totally like some of Zeboyds previous titles.

The concept is simple. Cthulu wakes up and is told Santa has been kidnapped. Why should he care? Because Santa helps everyone get what they want for Christmas, even dark gods. If Santa isn’t rescued, Cthulu can never conquer the world. Oh no! And so you set off to battle the League of Christmas Evil and save the holidays.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Cthulhu Saves Christmas on Steam

Video Game Fables

Video Game Fables

“Video Game Fables” is a fun, lighthearted RPG adventure set in a once-traditional RPG world that hasn’t had a player in decades.

The world’s script gets completely ruined by someone calling herself “The Forsaken Princess.” It’s up to Aru (the world’s princess), Nate (an NPC aspiring to be a hero), and Tator (the villain’s son) to get things back to normal…or maybe change everything forever.

  • Lighthearted humor throughout the dialog, characters, and world.

  • Fun narrative and story that doesn’t rely on parody and has its own identity.

  • Challenging, fast-paced, turn-based battles that require strategy and quick thinking.

  • Colorful and vibrant stylized graphics.

  • Unique XP and leveling system which lets you allocate resources to setup your party strategically.

  • Skill crafting, light class system that changes play styles slightly depending on equipped weapon, weapon upgrades, mining, fishing, simple gardening, and many more fun features.


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Original music by Levc EGM and Peach Tea Music.

Video Game Fables on Steam

Metal as Phuk

Metal as Phuk

This is not your typical RPG Maker “jrpg”, with your standard typecasted heroes. The characters have well written personalities and interactive dialogue that is just unseen on most “jrpg’s” (and that statement is not exclusive to rpg-maker games, I mean rpg’s in general). While the plot and the direction are somewhat linear, the pc’s are what make it gold. It’s like reading a really good book with fleshed out characters that say things that bring the game to life. I have rarely played rpg’s that actually have dialogue interaction with enemies and bosses throughout the battle itself, and the dialogue is not repetitive. It is rich and full of humor, sprinkled with jokes and funny innuendos throughout the entire game. Moreover, it abstains from the beaten path of stereotypical backgrounds and played out motivations. Pontius, one of the main characters, is not a stereotypical mage and almost sets the stage for what good things you can expect for the rest of the game.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

RPG Maker - I start with this - most obvious and for me it usually keeps me a bay.

That would be the only negative.

Now let’s look at what is good in this game.

Story - not too complex, not too plain. Just enough to make player tied to the developing progress and expand the game beyond fight&survive.

Humor is sometimes for a bit more mature audience, but even kids would get it and is not bad at all. Dialogues between (later) four party members are pretty cool.

Combat - we all know RPG maker combat, and this one is best of breed (what RPG maker can offer). Not to bad, not to difficult, not too easy. Graphics - you can see on screenshots, I like it. Skills and Spells are well balanced and each next level each char gets new spell or ability.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Metal as Phuk on Steam



IndieGems Curator


What happens when you take the full metal humor of Full Throttle mix it with a turned based combat system reminiscent to the VATS system in fallout and mix it all into a graphical aesthetic that looks like the lovechild of an adult swim cartoon and newgrounds animations. The combat mechanic alone is fun enough to sink some time into this one. You aim at your enemy wherever you want with whatever weapon it it destroys them layer by layer in a boxed grid style if it hits. Different weapons and skills have a chance to hit them in that particular spot based a variety of factors. There’s a diverse set of “uglies” to fight, weapons to use, and powerups to find. There’s also secrets to discover throughout the fairly long game. Set out into the wasteland collecting meat as a currency for upgrades in the quest to find gas to keep yourself driving through the wasteland.

Real player with 57.1 hrs in game

Outta Gas has a retro, throwback, feel to it. Lots of little easter eggs and nods to classic games, film, etc. The soundtrack is fantastic, and also calls back to nostalgic times.

Turn-based combat with increasingly more complex levels as the game progresses. The dialogue has equal bits of wit, snark, and innuendo.

Coded, animated, and voiced by one dude, this game has a lot of heart, sweat, and tears in it. There’s also a lot of blood, but I don’t think any of that is the game designer’s. :)

Real player with 47.7 hrs in game

OUTTA GAS on Steam

Agent Awesome

Agent Awesome

My playtime: 22.8h (based on steam).

Grindy Achievement: Yes (1 achievement).

Optional Achievement: Yes (45 achievements).

Difficult Achievement: No.

Developer Response: No (last response is in 18 Feb 2015).

*Note that around 13 achievements are bugged.


Agent Awesome is a turn based stealth game where you play as an agent which plans to wipe out everyone in his previous company. There are 12 levels in total and each level can be completed in a few minutes to a few hours (if you retry a lot of times).

Real player with 374.5 hrs in game

My playtime: 22.8h (based on steam).

Grindy Achievement: Yes (1 achievement).

Optional Achievement: Yes (38 achievements).

Difficult Achievement: No.

Developer Response: No (last response is in 18 Feb 2015).

*Note that around 3 achievements are unlocked randomly.


Agent Awesome is a turn based stealth game where you play as an agent which plans to wipe out everyone in his previous company. There are 12 levels in total and each level can be completed in a few minutes to a few hours (if you retry a lot of times).

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

Agent Awesome on Steam

Doom & Destiny Advanced

Doom & Destiny Advanced

Honestly, I wanted to like this game. There are a lot of good stuff, but some features were simply so annoying that I can’t even think why they implemented them.. Don’t be fooled by the amount of hours I’ve put into this game. I forced myself to complete all the achievements in this game.

  • Class system: even though I thought the class system was interesting, the affinity leveling up system simply doesn’t fit the RPG genre, in my opinion. If you try to see what each class has to offer, there is a great chance you will end up lots of weak classes instead of a single strong one

Real player with 107.3 hrs in game


I thought the story was a bit weaker than the previous one but that could be because it took a while for the fun, wacky stuff to happen. But the story was more about dimensions overlapping and stuff than parody set pieces this time which was okay and I enjoyed the locations and characters, though I hop you do more with them as I find them pretty interesting, like explore Viola and her getting use to technology or Esmeralda’s crush on Francis. I know you gonna do something with the Emporer later.

Real player with 62.0 hrs in game

Doom & Destiny Advanced on Steam

Doom & Destiny

Doom & Destiny

What can I say about Doom & Destiny?!

I think everything has already been told about this masterpiece!

We have a classic JRPG which takes a lot from Final Fantasy VI and similar games for what concerns graphics and gameplay (turn-based system, no ATB but fixed turns depending on stats etc.), but with an hilarious plot and literally fun on every single different screen you’ll walk into.

The soundtrack is definitely nice too!

Lots of humour and lots of references to any kind of game or franchise (and pop culture!) you can imagine! It’s really a lot of fun to find out every single reference!

Real player with 65.3 hrs in game

I’m a bit surprised I liked this game as much as I did. I was a bit put off by the developer constantly adding “please review this game” NPCs in EVERY SINGLE TOWN. It’s like I’ll review it when I damn well feel like it. You really don’t need to badger the player to review your game while playing your game, especially if you actually paid for the game. It really left a bad taste in my mouth and its wholly unnecessary.

Getting past that this game is fun. The developer definitely made use of all the RPG Maker sprites and the writing was decent. I like it when a gmae doesn’t take itself too seriously. I also enjoyed a few of those “did you know?” random facts littered around the first town. Characters are pretty shallow and honestly I just remember them as red, blue, green and yellow. It was chock full of crass humor, game and anime references.

Real player with 40.9 hrs in game

Doom & Destiny on Steam