Armed and Dangerous®

Armed and Dangerous®

Armed and Dangerous is a very old and unpolished game. That being said, the gameplay being so simple to pick up and the comedy keeping itself fresh until the very end keeps this old gem in the positive thoughts of my mind to this day.


1. Simple controls - difficult level design. It’s really just a third-person click and shoot with some clever and funny weapon designs later. At first, I was worried that the game would be a cakewalk, but even on the medium difficulty I found myself constantly looking for cover, taverns to heal, and reloading my game a number of times.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Funny Games.

Adequate Gameplay, Hilarious Comedy

Whenever I think of a flaw in this game to criticize, I immediately remember that there’s a gun which shoots sharks and forget what my criticism was. Watching enemies being devoured when a shark leaps out of the dirt below them never ceases to be hilarious. That said, I wish there were more comedy guns like that, and less of the standard aresenal of assault rifle, sniper rifle, and comedically-shaped-but-otherwise-normal-rocket-launchers.

The standard third-person shooting gameplay is probably the most disappointing aspect of Armed and Dangerous. Other than the shark gun, most of the weapons function like guns in any other game, even if they’re shaped like a tuba and fire exploding musical notes. This is kind of a shame, because the devs clearly knew how to make comedy, as the cutscenes and aforementioned sharkgun can attest to. That being said, the shooting is competent

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Armed and Dangerous® on Steam



MDK 2 is a fantastic game, but the HD version is just a lazy update with much wasted potential. This should have been the definitive version of MDK2 and not a version which is better just in some ways. You should play the original first and then maybe later the HD version.

Positive: The graphics look beautiful in HD and widescreen. It looks better than the original.


  • Mostly this game is in widescreen, but some parts switch to 4:3.

  • The loading screens depicted fictional MDK 2 comicbook covers (at least one is a parody of a classic Marvel issue). This was part of the charme of this game, which made it funny and unique. In this HD version, the loading times are so fast that you have no chance to see the comicbook covers, which is really a shame.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Remake Games.

DO NOT i repreat DO NOT buy this peice of buggy crap

Starting the game you get a black screen which i managed to get over by moving it into windowed mode… ok right?

No the rest of the game is buggy aswell. some bugs could be ‘forgiveable’ to an extent like sound bugs (alltho they ruin the atmosphere by quite some)

Since i was an avid fan of MDK2 i managed to let the nostalgia wash me over and ignore them…untill well LAST FUKIN' BOSS

when you reach his final stage he is unkillable because his brain’s health bar keep resetting . i also had a bug where i was stuck inside his body and had to start over the whole fight…

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

MDK2 HD on Steam

Saints Row: The Third

Saints Row: The Third

Haha Penis Sword

Real player with 82.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Funny Games.

GTA but fun =3

Real player with 74.7 hrs in game

Saints Row: The Third on Steam

Saints Row IV

Saints Row IV

IF YOU PLAN TO PURCHASE THIS TO PLAY IT WITH ANOTHER FRIEND, DON’T BUY IT. It crashes every few minutes in Co-op and it seems like it hasn’t been fixed for a long time.

Real player with 50.6 hrs in game

Game was a blast! It was like what I wanted that most recent crackdown game to be. Fun powers and whacky story that made sense given the Saint’s history. Plenty of fan service for long time fans, but it didn’t bog down the experience for new players.

If you like have super powers in a sandbox, this game is for you!

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Saints Row IV on Steam

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered


Humor is on par

Graphics are decent

Very good story

High replay value

Easy to learn hard to master controls very reminiscent of the Metroid Prime series


The only cons i experienced are both related to the difficulty but oh boy they will definitively tarnish your experience

First, the difficulty in-game is absolutely inconsistent you’ll blaze through most of the level and then die 20 times at that one part and only through ridiculous luck will you get past it (Attack of the Stone Angels for example) the difficulty is a flatline most of the time and then spikes into the obscene

Real player with 62.8 hrs in game


















Real player with 43.8 hrs in game

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered on Steam

Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed

Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed

Crypto is back with a license to probe. The alien invader returns, groovier than ever. Experience the swinging ‘60s in all its chemical-induced glory and take revenge on the KGB for blowing up your mothership. You’ll have to form alliances with members of the very species you came to enslave.

Key Features:

  • Show those hippies who’s boss using classic weapons and new technology like the Meteor Shower

  • Explore 1960’s Mother Earth and unload your trusty saucer all over her fictional cities

  • Defend a much larger, much more open world from those who seek to undermine your mission

  • Hoover up humans from different countries and grind them up into DNA cocktails to upgrade your skills

  • Invite a friend over for a twosome and enjoy the full story in local 2-player split screen co-op

Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed on Steam



The Steam release of MDK is a bit of a letdown. It inspired me to make a fan patch for the game since, not only does it not include any glide wrappers to make the game compatible with modern systems, it also missed a LOT of original content from the game such as cutscenes, artwork etc.

Using my patch though you should be able to experience the game as it was meant to be.

In my opinion MDK is a pretty awesome shooter. It’s insanely easy to play (especially with a modern WASD+mouse control setup), easy to grasp and while the game is a bit short, it has an insane amount of variety in level designs and graphics, especially for its time when most shooters looked like brown and grey corridors (coughQuakecough) and the game also features more open arena-like spaces a lot.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

MDK is a must own! MUST OOOOWWWNNN !!! The first time I saw this game was on a PC in a Tandy Electronics store in early 1997. lol, boy I tell you, I played it as much as I could. Which was only 15 mins. But when I had to leave, I knew I had to get away from games like Doom, Quake, Heretic, Descent, Blakestone 3D, Wolfenstein 3D, Duke Nukem 3D … etc. These 3D platform shooters were the next big thing!

The graphics amazed me back then. Now that I play it, I gotta admit it isn’t as great as I had remembered, but the gameplay is incredibly fun that you’ll pay no attention to the graphics. There’s this really cool slanting to the camera angle when you run left or right. I also find the parachute mechanism as integral and addictive to the gameplay as bullet time is in the Max Payne series.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

MDK on Steam

Tango Fiesta – 80’s Action Film meets 2D Top Down Multiplayer Co-Op Roguelike Military Shooter

Tango Fiesta – 80’s Action Film meets 2D Top Down Multiplayer Co-Op Roguelike Military Shooter

Short Version Review

A simple and amazing action-packed game that manages to be fun, nostalgic, and challenging. If you are looking for a game to pass some time, have some fun, shoot some bad guys and have fun alone or with your friends, BUY THIS GAME NOW.


Full Review Below

This amazing game is not only nostalgic, but it is incredibly fun. You can play alone, you can play with friends, you can play online and local co-op. This game not only brings the nostalgic feeling of the 1980’s in a wonderful, funny and entertaining way, but it is also challenging and has many play styles, characters, and weapons to choose from.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Long story short, this game is an overpriced, junky flash game, at least at the time of this review.

The game has its humor and it’s clearly visible what it wants to be, but it completely falls on its face. I can give it credit for its humor and the nice art and all, but mechanically, this is a complete mess. I’ve been waiting until I was finished the campaign to write this review, and it was an honest pain. Bugs a-plenty (This isn’t Early Access, and is $12.99 as of this post), locked aiming to only cardinal and diagonal directions (I don’t care what your piss-poor reasoning behind having it be this way is, it sounds more like an excuse than an actual reason), glitchy as all hell UI (Ammo literally never showed correctly for me what my current magazine was, as well as a bunch of times where dialogue windows would cover the game), and just poor balance (Difficulty is easy in the first world, ramps pretty high in comparison for the second, levels off with an okay ramp-up for the third and fourth, and then just out of nowhere becomes absurd on the fifth). Most of the bosses just seem lazy, especially the Killionaire and Ghoul Squad ones. The champion enemies that drop health and ammo have a crazy-high health multiplier to the point that it takes several mags to destroy one if the wrong enemy happens to get it, and in the case of the last world, if the floating head enemies are a champion, they have health equal to that of a miniboss, and still never actually drop their equipment. Melee is a completely useless function for the most part, the character differences don’t really make a noticeable impact until you’re forced to change your playstyle because of the level’s enemies, guns don’t very well describe how they are in comparison to others, despite their being stat windows for each, each weapon requires you to essentially run around in circles and endlessly kill enemies to grind for the money to buy them, instead of just being accomplishment rewards, or having the prices be within check. I haven’t tried the multiplayer, but if it’s as bad as the singleplayer is with its glitches and problems, I dread to think about it. There’s so many issues for a game that’s supposed to be finished that it’d be laughable if it wasn’t so frustrating and disappointing trying to, in vain, have an enjoyable time with it.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Tango Fiesta – 80’s Action Film meets 2D Top Down Multiplayer Co-Op Roguelike Military Shooter on Steam

Ace of Seafood

Ace of Seafood


Ace of Seafood is the supposed successor to ‘Neo Aquarium: The King of Crustaceans’ and this can be seen by a variety of aspects implemented into this newer title ‘Ace of Seafood’.

This game has a surprising amount of aspects to it and they all seemingly work with eachother.

To begin with, the story goes as follows. It’s sometime in the future and the human race has gone extinct, leaving only “seafood” alive. However, while the physical form of humanity has disappeared, they still reside on a subconscious level of existence, presumably taking control of the many forms of marine life alive on Earth. The story isn’t to be taken too seriously as it sounds mostly gimmicky, however I did find myself entranced in the story during some parts of the game.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

This game has made me experience every emotion. I love it. A game for game’s sake. A game that all started from, “I want to make a game where you can fly as a fish”. Wacky, terryfing, inspiring, epic, beautiful, tense. Just a few of the words that describe this game. It’s definitely not a normal game, and if you’re expecting easy controls, perfect english (especially in the trailer, but his voice more than makes up for it), a plot, logic, a glitchless experience, or regular gaming conventions this is not the game for you. But for me, not having these actually adds incredible charm and having them could ruin the experience. The controls and way the game plays really puts emphasis on teamwork, strategy, and manueverability. You’re not pinpoint accurate and the lock on system plain doesnt work on medium to small targets. The “OK, but not perfect” english lends a feeling of otherworldliness to those with a strong suspension of disbelief. The main plot states itself in less than a paragraph and is entirely unnecessary, except the stuff after “The certain thing” that makes it feel really cool and you just proved the worth of all the new “Seafood”. Because the plot should only boil down to “You want take over ocean. Cool stuff happens. Go do it.”. Anything else doesnt matter. The foreign logic results in an interesting new world with new rules that are incredibly fun to figure out. Partner-popping (using co-op’s auto return to put partner in wall and use him to flank enemy while me and rest of team fight head on, then switching to seige formation and forcing them to split up) and melee-flopping/salmon-skipping (what an actual fish does on land in order to pass the dreaded “Radio Channel”/ sprint-swimming over small patches of land in order to escape or surprise enemies). The glitches add to the fun and wacky bits of the game. Me and my friend played through the new-ish Co-op mode and couldnt stop playing. The genuine thrill of coming back to a reef that stomped your tailfin the first few times you tried and managing to overcome it is quite good. So many unique experiences in this game. Seal Team Five. The previously mentioned dreaded Radio Channel. BloodBath at the Bottom of Barrier Reef. The dead Whale. The Canadian outpost (Saury!). King Krab Klubhouse. Simba’s Pride. The College Campus (TriggerFish Reef). The Abyssal Eye. And of course, Space Fish. The single player gives you a sense of total command with you at the helm, while co-op is more working within a team rather than outside of it. Hard to describe the actual gameplay, really. I think it’s supposed to play like a flight sim? The soundtrack’s amazing, too. If you want something different or just something really good and involving, pick it up. OOH (Barracuda), Big Da King (King Crab), Big Boy (Cubera Snapper), He (sort of secret thing), Wate (Tuna), and HIGH VOLTAGE (Electric Catfish) are out there protecting the Ocean from enemies like Seafood Platter No. 2. Why aren’t you?

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Ace of Seafood on Steam

Captain Frogger

Captain Frogger

Its beautiful, truly beautiful. I do not believe there is anything else in the world that can compare to this, truly masterful. At first the violence seen in the game play trailers holds a sense of cruelty and barbarity, as if both the gorilla and the frogs are all mystics of violence, hate, bloodshed and nothing else. Ohohoooo! but my fellow primates, we were truly mistaken. You see, the frogs were leaping towards the ape because they were so happy to see him come home from the war but since the ape is still on edge due to all the fighting and his primal instincts, he immediately saw the oncoming horde as the many bloodthirsty baboons from the war-torn savanna and acted in self defense. But what makes this all so beautiful is that both the gorilla and the frogs forgave each other, these beautiful creatures have maintained there strong bond through thick and thin and understand each others struggles and make each other’s lives truly wonderful. Now to you I may seem as just a lowly “Jungle Monkey!!”, but please I beg of you to give this gam- NAY! work of art a chance, for their sake.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Legit more difficult than Dark Souls

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Captain Frogger on Steam