The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game

Words can’t describe how much of a masterpiece this “game” is, but I’ll give it shot.

I put game in quotes, because you can’t really call this a game, its more of a vivid memory of your distant self who is a frog detective. The instant I clicked on the “New Game” button I became Frog Detective.

Thanks to the innovative key bindings my keyboard and mouse could truly become an extension of my body, which only resulted in letting this experience become more real. Even though I only have 50 min in this “game” it felt like I went through an entire life of pure joy.

Real player with 83.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Funny Games.

Short game and with childish art style but somehow unique and charming!

Developed by Grace Bruxner and Thomas Bowke, The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game is a short (~1h) by enjoyable adventure that puts you in the role of a lovely froggy detective, who is phoned by his supervisor to investigate a strange case. On an island ruled by Martin, a sloth who crowned himself king, unexplained noises can be heard from crevices. The sloth’s first reaction is to call in a group of ghost scientists, who spend the next two weeks trying to figure out what is going on. Trying, but certainly not succeeding. That is where the Frog Detective, come in.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game on Steam

Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard

Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard

First Impressions

Having recently played and reviewed the first game, which really disappointed me, I’m not at all looking forward to Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard (FD2). Considering how well received the first game was, I don’t see the developers changing up what they did the first time, as there’s no reason to fix something that’s not broken. Knowing I’d knock it out quickly enough, I decided to play it sooner than later to find out whether I was right or wrong. To spare any potential mystery, I wasn’t off the mark in my prediction.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Funny Games.

Frog Detective is back! A delightful sequel to the original game

Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard picks up right after the events of the original game, The Haunted Island: A Frog Detective Game. In a lot of ways, the games are very similar, both are a short and easy point & click adventure game, where you play as the titular Frog Detective, who need to gather clues and figure out who the culprit is within the case. This time, you are aimed to solve a new mystery. You need to figure out who wrecked the parade the townsfolk of Warlock Woods were preparing to surprise their new neighbor, an invisible wizard?!

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard on Steam

Jazzpunk: Director’s Cut

Jazzpunk: Director’s Cut

The 1960’s were a strange time, atomic paranoia fueled the cold war as the space race allowed mankind to make monumental leaps forward technologically. Global espionage was the tool with which the cold war was fought as agents from both of the world’s super powers battled for information and technology. Amidst all of this, counter culture exploded and use of psychedelics became a new past time. Jazzpunk uses this period of time as an aesthetic springboard for it’s comedic hijinx and in doing so plays out like an episode of Saturday Night Live with an overarching theme to it’s skits.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Surreal Games.

Jazzpunk is…well it’s…umm…hmm…

Sitting here having finished the game, I haven’t the least bit of an idea how I’m supposed to describe the bloody insanity that is Jazzpunk. I could say it’s a psychedelic love letter to obscure references; an outrageous consolidation of ridiculous moments and hilarious dialog, brought to life with a bizarre art style and deadpan delivery. But what is Jazzpunk really? Well I guess it’s all of these things and so much more; an barrage of creativity held together by forces beyond our understanding. It’s insane and absurd, and I love it so much.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Jazzpunk: Director's Cut on Steam

Wide Ocean Big Jacket

Wide Ocean Big Jacket

I liked the writing in this game, what themes the game dealt with and the overall mood and pacing of it.

This has my type of art style and colours, loved them. Thank you for making this game. I hope to see more games like this. I would like to see our cast of characters in a future game :) but I will not hold you to it, do what you want or can.

Is It worth the price? Yes.

Is it boring? Definitely not! It’s very enjoyable.

Should you find ways to support this studio? Absolutely! regardless of what their future plans are and how long they take.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

And an even bigger heart.

As the car hums past different scenery everyone fidgets slightly. The young girl and boy in the back seats look around, bored probably, as the car zooms along towards a destination unknown to the player. Steering the bright red convertible, a brunette woman in shades shifts her gaze slightly, accompanied by a man that lets his arms hang outside the car every now and then. This is the beginning of a quiet little camping trip.

Full Sentimental Jacket

From the store page alone the expectations for Wide Ocean Big Jacket should be set: it’s a short camping trip about a niece, her new boyfriend, her aunt and her uncle. But this simple premise houses lots of simple, slice of life moments that add up to something more. The feelings it’s able to portray with bold colors and sparse lines of dialogue is impressive. The design of the game, from just the menu alone, speaks volumes in terms of the artistic approach of the game.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Wide Ocean Big Jacket on Steam

DLC Quest

DLC Quest

English Version:

Given to me by a friend, I wanted to try this game, starting to play it without many claims.

A satirical and polemic indie about the continuously increasing downloadable contents after the sale of any game (contents that, as a matter of fact, should already be included in the game itself).

The game has no real plot, or rather, It’s the same old ‘‘save the princess’’ like Super Mario. It offers simple but diversified scenarios (some of theme are totally absurd). To me it was brilliant in some aspects, in others a bit too extreme but always funny. However, the whole thing is a fun and challenging adventure.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

7/10 – Remember to not kill the Sheep

This review is a reupload from Gao Li Occasionally Reviews

In a treacherous game of greed and escapades a princess gets kidnapped under the watchful eye of her lover. Now, in a fatal game of cat and mouse, facing almost insurmountable odds, he must overcome his limitations and embark on a journey to … buy more stuff, because he can’t even jump over obstacles let alone walk left and the shopkeep is the only one selling these abilities to him. DLC Quest (2013) contains two adorkable little satires by Going Loud Studios in which players go through the motions of everything that’s wrong and right about video games of the early 2010s.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

DLC Quest on Steam

Hamlet or the Last Game without MMORPG Features, Shaders …

Hamlet or the Last Game without MMORPG Features, Shaders …

Hamlet or [insert words here] certainly lives up to its satire laden title. The game lampoons not only its Shakespearean source material, but also the expected conventions of adventure gaming. Reading scraps of paper will only provide false leads. Multiple interactable objects… sometimes whole areas of the screen… are useless in these lateral thinking-esque exercises. There are some “normal” puzzles, sure, appearing just frequently enough to lull you into believing that the zaniness has stopped, right before you run smack into the next inane situation. But, unfortunately, none of that is actually enjoyable.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

What a cute game! First of all the name made me giggle and was the first thing I’ve noticed before the cute artwork. I’ve enjoyed this puzzle Point & Click game which is based on William Shakespeare’s Hamlet with a twist. The story starts off when Claudius killed the king and took the crown, not only that but he forced Ophelia, Hamlet’s girlfriend to marry him. But of course Prince Hamlet will not let the evil man take everything from him, he will avenge the death of his parents and save his girlfriend, however, something fell from the sky and changed the whole story. A new hero appeared and accidentally landed on Hamlet, so he had to take the job instead and save the princess.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Hamlet or the Last Game without MMORPG Features, Shaders ... on Steam

Odd Adventure of Chub, Color, 23 and You

Odd Adventure of Chub, Color, 23 and You

Fun little visual novel thing. Enjoyed my time with it quite a bit.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

there are like two kind of things to do in this whole game but the story and characters are enough to make you keep going.

your dialogue options won’t matter but I think it’s there to make you pay attention to the conversation they have.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Odd Adventure of Chub, Color, 23 and You on Steam

All You Can Eat

All You Can Eat

I think this game is worth getting. But it’s not for everyone: it’s an adventure game in the Sierra-on-line (eg Kings Quest) style of game, where you have an inventory and have to click on objects. Fortunately, the game is short, so your inventory is never unwieldy nor are any of the puzzles bizarre. No having to put bat-guano in cannons or anything so counter-intuitive.

Here are the pros:

It is free of any problems or bugs.

There is no way to mess up… the game simply won’t let you use your items in the wrong place.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

### An Interactive Comic Book that You Print Out and Color? Yes, Please!

### Introduction

This wonderful little gem, All You Can Eat, is a perfect blend of comic and game. The gameplay is just like any adventure title, complete with inventory, and simple point and click. It centers on our intrepid, but very lazy, main character. He is without a name in the game but in my playthrough, I called him “Bob.” He just seemed like a Bob. He needs to save his favorite all-you-can-eat diner from foreclosure and is forced into the wide world of his neighborhood to do so. The humor is corny and mostly clean (just a few curse words).

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

All You Can Eat on Steam

Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist

Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist

This is a terribly broken game; I was stuck at the loading screen for almost five minutes despite having a very powerful computer.

I selected the “No Lasers” mode difficulty, and what do I get? Lasers. I was stuck there for hours trying to get past the rediculous challenge. It’s not even a joke difficulty; the game has a “Lasers” difficutly.

The tiger chased me past where I could clearly tell the chase was over. The funny thing is: Strange NPCs popped up and started dealing with it. Honestly, I could have sworn I had heard them scrambling around before the chase started. I don’t get it!

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

I’d write a review, but someone is already doing it, seems like I’ll have to wait… Should I?

Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist, which I’ll refer as simply Dr. Langeskov, is an adventure game also labeled as a walking simulator, along the lines of games like The Stanley Parable. It’s a really short game if you’re just focused on finishing it. It may take 15 minutes to 45 depending on how much you look around.

“You can’t, you can’t, you can’t… You can’t play it."

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist on Steam

Rogue Warrior

Rogue Warrior



SIMILAR GAMEPLAY TO: Zombie Parking, Older FPSs

WHAT TO EXPECT: Short campaign. Dated, stiff, unexciting gameplay. Basic graphics. Functional AI enemies. Mickey Rourke voice-over. Difficulty establishing multiplayer session.



WHEN TO BUY: AVOID. Unless bad & corny is your thing!

More info below….


Rogue Warrior is an old-skool corridor shooter with limited cover mechanics and minor stealth elements. Your objective is to one-man Rambo; an eight mission campaign, set in the Peoples Republic of North Korea. Choose to kill by stealth but be seen and its time for gun-toting action. The campaign is single-player but it has a multi-player arena style deathmatch with a few maps.

Real player with 38.6 hrs in game

Rogue Warrior is horrible. Beyond Mickey Rourke’s hilarious voice acting, this game is linear, poorly programmed, and very shallow. Now, that’s not to say that it’s not at least an enjoyable experience, but you need to know what you’re getting into before you buy it, for hopefully a price below $10.

I beat the game in under 3 hours, and that was with me being killed many times in certain levels. The enemies are extremely repetetive, and pose no challenge unless they gang up on you. Dick (protagonist) moves around like a tank. The “stealth” aspect of this game is laughably broken. You can run up to every enemy, making as much noise as you want and kill them with a prompt that appears on the screen. The sound broke for me towards the end, which ruined the ending cutscenes. Grenades rarely ever work in this game, they’re pitiful. The grenade launcher is also a piece of garbage and may kill you more often than save you. Weapon selection is extremely limited. The levels design is boring and, again, very linear.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Rogue Warrior on Steam