Boris the Sloth

Boris the Sloth

On his quest to save his friend Euka the Koala from an evil mandrake, Boris the Sloth must solve physics-based puzzles while fighting off dangerous animals and traversing challenging terrain.

Faster than your Average Sloth

Move Objects

Warp Time

Alter Gravity

Pet the Dog

Fight Dangerous Animals with Cunning

Transition to and from the Spirit Realm

Use your powers in the spirit realm to uproot trees and move objects in order to give yourself a chance to escape and find Euka in the world of the living. But watch out, one missed step and you’ll be stuck as a spirit forever. Luckily, you have a few tricks up your fur and can use your sloth abilities to warp time and alter gravity in order to rescue your friend.

Navigate through jungles, caves, dungeons, and ruins to save Euka and take revenge on the evil mandrakes that have taken over the jungle.

Read More: Best Comedy Surreal Games.

Boris the Sloth on Steam

Road to Ballhalla

Road to Ballhalla

Road to Ballhalla is a cheeky, occasionally cruel but ultimately satisfying experience, that I would highly recommend to anyone with a taste for arcade-style platformers and puzzle games. I say this having completed 100% of the game’s achievements.

Aesthetically, with regards to its delightfully colourful design and well-suited, unintrusive yet engaging soundtrack, I can’t really fault Road to Ballhalla. The puzzles are all very much based upon rhythm and visual patterns, meaning that the audio-visual elements of the game are critically important, and I am pleased to report that they do themselves absolute justice.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Funny Games.

Road to Ballhalla is a simple top-down arcade-style game. You control a ball, and your goal is to navigate your way through 20 levels, collecting little sparks (the game’s collectable) and avoiding dying as you go.

The game is very simple – there isn’t even a jump button. You can simply move in any direction, or speed up your rolling in a sort of dash move. The dash move makes it so you die instantly if you take damage, rather than simply… well, taking damage. This makes it risky to use at times, so it must be used judiciously.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Road to Ballhalla on Steam

Alien Escape

Alien Escape

Very good puzzle platformer,fun to play and puzzles will give you a decent challenge.

Wish there were more levels and some harder levels too because some mechanics are really good and could be used to make more challenging levels.

All in all a solid puzzle platformer and worth the asking price

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Logic Games.

I have enjoyed playing this game. Got 6 hours from 60 puzzles. Currently stuck on the (final??) one with the fir balls witch. The graphics and interface are very basic but the gameplay is satisfyingly addictive to keep going puzzle after puzzle. Well done devs for a cleverly simple game.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Alien Escape on Steam

Escape from Life Inc

Escape from Life Inc

Heard about this game a while back and have had it on my wishlist. Was super excited to try it today and I’m happy to say that I couldn’t stop playing! It was quite a lot of content too! Really good puzzles, a nice compelling story with funny dialogue and lots of little hidden things. Great work! :)

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game


1. Had to rebind my controls twice when I first started (bound them, scene changed and they’d reverted to default), but once I’d quit and started the game back the controls stayed. Probably just an issue with when the gave saves your controls?

2. Walljumps frustrated me. (You have to hold toward the wall until you jump, and then immediately hold away; I believe most games cancel or delay your “toward” press as soon as you walljump which makes it easier to perform? Not sure, but something about the walljumps gave me trouble.)

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Escape from Life Inc on Steam

Quantum Conundrum

Quantum Conundrum

Many people say this game seems like Portal.

Well, if they mean it looks like a physics-based first-person puzzle-platformer then yes, it is like Portal. The difference is that you manipulate the physics of the level rather than where you enter and exit the ‘test chamber’.

There are 5 dimensions you can change between to alter the physics.

  • Fluffy dimension makes everything that’s not nailed down light enough to pick up.

  • Heavy is the reverse, nothing can be picked up.

  • Time slows everything down, including light beams.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

Rating : 8/10

Overview: 1st person puzzle platformer

The Good:

  • The game allows you to switch between 4 different dimensions to solve puzzles and traverse the environment. The first dimension is ‘fluffy’ dimension, which makes objects lighter allowing you to carry them and place them on switches. The second, is heavy dimension, which makes objects heavier, the third is slow time and the fourth is reverse gravity. You can only be in one dimension at a time.

  • The game offers a mix of puzzles and platforming. Some areas are strictly related to one or the other while other areas combine the two. It provides a nice change in pace as you are not strictly doing one thing over and over again.

Real player with 23.2 hrs in game

Quantum Conundrum on Steam

Pixel Game Maker Series Puzzle Pedestrians

Pixel Game Maker Series Puzzle Pedestrians

I figure since no one else has reviewed the game yet, I can hop on the hype train while it’s still warming up. Judging by the community discussion forums, people on Steam are totally trying to decide whether or not they should buy Puzzle Pedestrians, right? Regardless, by the end of this review I hope to at least help persuade a single person to lean one way or the other.

Being as big a fan of Kenichi Nishi as I am from prior experience with his other games like Moon and Chibi-Robo, the latter being my favorite game ever, I jumped on this game the moment I heard about it. The first thing I noticed is how his style and charm comes through in the music, art direction, and sense of humor each puzzle presents. Despite each scenerio involving helping pedestrians reach their destination in a set amount of time using the specific tools the game provides you in each level, the framing for each allows for unique puzzles and stories to play out. Sometimes you have to boost someone with bees so they can reach the bus on time, or help two lonely individuals meet each other by slipping on a banana peel so they’ll fall in love. None of it is laugh out loud hillarious, but it is funny enough for it to stand out to me. I found the difficulty ramped up pretty quickly by just the third level, so there is a sense of challenge involved to the figuring out the solutions at times.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Pixel Game Maker Series Puzzle Pedestrians on Steam

the office simulation

the office simulation

A pretty good game for a game jam, however there are some things that need to be pointed out.

What I like.

Environment- I honestly enjoyed the environment since it reminded me of those liminal space images you’d see online and the uncanniness of the graphics helps with that.

What needs to be worked on.

Movement- the movement feels too floaty and there is a slight choppiness with the camera.

Quality of life- some quality of life things are missing from the game currently such as the ability to mess with the options from the pause menu, other bits are minor such as the keyboard clipping through the table at the beginning.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Spacious room to move around and clear pathing make Office Simulator a solid platformer. With firm controls and the classic Mario Land style of air control, you’ll have no problem maneuvering the various obstacles strewn about.

Unfortunately however, there is no visible way to boot up Dallen Clicker on the office computer, so I can only recommend getting this during a sale.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

the office simulation on Steam

Flipping Death

Flipping Death

It would be an exaggeration to say I hate platformers but dungeons like Final Fantasy XV’s Pitioss haven’t done much to quell my inner voice telling me, “You’re rubbish at jumping! Look at you, you just missed the timing and now you’re impaled by spikes! Goodbye thirty minutes of progress, how does it feel to be back at the beginning - again?” So, it’s saying something of significance that I actively sought out Zoink Games after seeing gameplay footage of their latest release, Flipping Death.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

An Unfulfilled Potential. Get It On Sale: 6/10

For Linux & Steam Deck: Platinum Experience. Runs well on Proton 6.3-7

Flipping Death is a 2D puzzle platormer that suffers from an equal amount of good ideas that is tarnished with bad execution that ultimately makes it a disappointing game. Gorgeous graphics, interesting game mechanics and good main story arc soiled by bad controls, wrong game design choice, bad dialogue and uninteresting characters make it difficult to like it.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Flipping Death on Steam



A puzzle platformer where you play as an AI being tested to determine your intelligence in puzzle solving.

How to Play?

Push cubes, press buttons and switch levels to go through each levels.

Choice Matters

Every choices you made will be recorded and saved in the database. Make the wrong choice and the system will determine you as a faulty A.I and dispose of you.

Meet A.I Friends

You will meet different A.Is along your journey which requires your help. Choose to help or ignore them.

Uncover Secrets

You will encounter many mysteries along the way. It is up to you to uncover them and unfold the true secret of the system.

Hexahedron on Steam

Mayhem in Single Valley

Mayhem in Single Valley

*I played in v 4.0.02 and finished the game in v 4.0.04.

Playing status: 100% achievement

Grindy Achievement(s): No.

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (29 achievements, all of them are missables).

Difficult Achievement(s): No.


There is mayhem in Single Valley. Everyone turned into radioactive, mindless monsters that can kill you in one hit. Explore the whole valley, dodging all monsters along the way, to save everyone.


  • A lot of collectibles to collect, some are hidden in tricky places

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

The 80s Never Felt So Good!

(a review copy of this game was provided. Check out my full review on GeektoGeekMedia)

What a fun ride! I want to hurry and finish the review so I can play more! Mayhem in Single Valley is a polished, sharp, fun little adventure game that hits ya like a catchy 80s pop song; you can’t get it out of your head!

Jack Johnson (no relation) is about to fly to the city to attend art school–a wonderful opportunity and chance to escape the dead-end lifestyle of his not-so-well-to-do family. All that remains is a couple of chores and…what’s this? Mysterious shadow entities dumping toxic waste into the town’s water supply? Oh, dear! Well, what’s a helpful/mischievous lad in a red-hooded sweatshirt supposed to do but grab some trashcan lids and fight mutant forest animals!?

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Mayhem in Single Valley on Steam