Regular Human Basketball

Regular Human Basketball


1. There is no single player mode

2. The community is practically dead, you’ll be lucky to find 2 to 4 people online to play with, if any

3. If you do manage to start a match the game play is unfortunately pretty slow and clunky


1. You can play local multiplayer

2. It’s almost interesting as a party game

In summary: Be sure you actually have people to play this with or you won’t even be able to play it at all.


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Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Funny Games.

This game is absolutely the best. Tiny bit of a learning curve, but I really have no complaints. Fun action, makes you and your friends laugh, runs smooth as butter. Not to mention you can have up to 14 people playing this at once. 14 people. 10 on controller and 4 on keyboard.

I really hope that somehow, someway, this game will get a playerbase so that online matches will exist. There simply isn’t enough people playing to jump into a random online match.

Either way I absolutely love this game. You should definitely buy this game provided you have friends to play them with. (also check out the other powerhoof games. they totally rock)

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Regular Human Basketball on Steam

Iron Brigade

Iron Brigade

Tl;dr: Iron Brigade is a cheesy, dieselpunk themed, cooperative tower defense game. The only problems with it are slightly dated menus and a low player count.

Behind this is a very playful, tongue-in-cheek style of humour that strives for “Rated ‘M’ for ‘MANLY’” in a dieselpunk world changed by the coming of cable television, and enormous mechanized walkers - the Mobile Trenches.

“Turn no-mans-land into REAL-MANS-LAND!”

You get to pilot one of the afor-mentioned walkers, taking to the field personally to defend objectives against terrors of screens, wires and other components besides to prevent the CRT-based ‘Tubes’ from conquering the world. Your walker can be personalized with a variety of interesting, fun, and sometimes downright wacky weaponry and abilities that lets you dominate the field. From small, fast ranging scouts, to lumbering mobile turrets, you are not defenseless in the least, and can take the fight to the Tubes, up close and personal!

Real player with 81.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Third-Person Shooter Games.

This game is from 2011/2012, but it feels like brand new. I quickly snatched it on discount for under $4 during the 2015 mid year sale. Definitely worth more than that!

It’s a wonderful coop experience. I’ll never forget all the times the game crashed with authentication state error on each start-up when organising a game with sauce and trash. We’d all go crazy, revalidating Steam cache files, restarting Steam, restarting the PC. In some cases the game would crash sauce’s PC. trash and I would be like, “sauce you still there?” as we watch his Mumble name disappear off the screen a few seconds later in dismay.

Real player with 64.2 hrs in game

Iron Brigade on Steam

Metal Wolf Chaos XD

Metal Wolf Chaos XD

tl;dr: Arcade Armored Core. Fast, furious mech action with a ton of customization, lots of hidden depth, and a focus on old school arcade-style high score chasing and replayability.

Yeah, yeah, President of the United States in a giant robot, blow up America for great justice. If you’re looking at this store page, you already know the bonkers pitch, and you probably know that the tone of the game really is as ridiculous as it sounds. But how does it play?

You control an ultra-agile mech running, jumping, boosting and flying around to complete objectives that are all fundamentally “blow up something or other.” Early levels may have you blow up all the enemy encampments in an area, but later levels can involve racing through a timed sequence to blow up a reactor, or playing hide and seek with a giant spider mech to blow up its power station (and then blow up the mech itself), or fighting against a group of enemy mechs in order to blow them up. Though all this might seem repetitive, the level designs and subtle differences in how you’re expected to blow things up really do give each level a distinct feel, and the sheer act of blowing things up never stops feeling great.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy America Games.

A bare-bones re-release and remaster of the game with a few issues (including a locked frame-rate due to its console origins) but aside from that, it should run on a toaster and is perhaps one of the craziest, most nonsensical and downright ridiculous mecha games around, done by From Software nonetheless. The story is pure unadulterated insanity or how Japan views or thinks the US works. Dialogue here is above the proverbial “so bad it’s good”: this is voiced, people SPOKE those lines. You just don’t get this level of madness anymore and I applaud them for it.

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

Metal Wolf Chaos XD on Steam



Explosionade, reminds me of the games of the 90’s, simple, but nice and fun!

Considering the low price, and a must to buy with your eyes closed!

(Below is the Italian full review)

Pilota un gigantesco robot sperimentale, che spara granate e salta sugli alieni, distruggi le loro basi, salvandoti giorno dopo giorno!


Infitrati nelle fortezze sotterranee, e cattura le basi aliene.

Spara con la MegaNades una mitragliatrice che riesce a distruggere tutto

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

If mommy has a selection of best games, it needs to get tried - and I’ve got to play the crazy platformer called Explosionade made by Mommy’s Best Games.

The visual style is not serious at all, it’s kind of silly sci-fi/alien environment where you are piloting a mech, killing aliens and getting to the exit. The controls felt really tight (played on Xbox 360 Controller) and I really liked it, considering more possible ways to deal with enemies - aggressive grenade rushes or defensive tactics with shield.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Explosionade on Steam

Stalin vs. Martians 4

Stalin vs. Martians 4

Stalin vs. Martians 4 is a massively soloplayer action game which tells a story of the conflict between Stalin and the Martians. It has a narrative-based story with a plot and rich dialogues of humorous nature, which beautifully highlight the story’s narrative-based narrative and plot.

Also Stalin vs. Martians 4 is a rather unexpected sequel to 2009’s infamous real-time strategy game. GameSpot named the original Stalin vs. Martians ‘perhaps the worst RTS game ever created’. That’s high praise. You don’t hear it every day.

Well yeah, the original Stalin vs. Martians featured some brilliant, but questionable ideas in the fields of game design, level design and some other designs as well. So we sent most of the original developers to Gulag, we’re making a proper and, which is important, playable game. It is powered by Unreal Engine. And you’re gonna like.

Could you please be a little more serious?

OK, Stalin vs. Martians 4 is an isometric action/shooter game. Which is frankly quite obvious from the screenshots and gameplay videos provided. But it must be understood, that SvM4 is not entirely about the core gameplay. It is more about the overall user experience. In a way, it can be compared to Catherine. Which is essentially a puzzle game, but in fact it is so much more than that.

Even more serious

SvM4 is built around the core gameplay of an isometric shooter, but it is conceived as a pythonesque over-the-top project, that puts a very unlikely protagonist against a very unlikely backdrop. All the time, mission after mission. It’s a sketch comedy about an evil idiotic buffoon. You have Stalin in Candyland, then he emerges in the Lovecraftian setting and fights Cthulhu, then he goes to Mars, then he travels to Ancient Greece, etc. Occasionally the game spoofs other games and introduces absurd mini-games. Sometimes it changes the genre, but within reason. And then you have crazy video intermissions (think of Red Alert or, you know, the original Stalin vs. Martians).

As mentioned above, the game is very narrative-based. Kinda like Firewatch, but, you know, better. It is also very cinematic. So we intend to provide a stable, very cinematic rate of 24 frames per second… Oh, wait. Okay, maybe more if the audience expects a certain digital fidelity in this field.


• A follow-up to one of the craziest games in history

• Campy humor, insane concept and ridiculous storyline

• A “sketch comedy” approach with a variety of settings and mini-games

• Fast-paced isometric combat

• Physics-based destruction system (“Katamari Damacy in reverse”)

• At least 12 levels, separated by absolutely insane video intermissions

• Narrative-based missions (“Firewatch on drugs”)

• Some of the levels include mini-games, some are just switching

the genre, because why not?

• Character upgrades, crazy weapons and special abilities

• Ranks system which defines the progress through the game

• Survival mode

• The bestest soundtrack ever

• Actual gameplay

The game may also feature nudity if we’ll be able to find someone nude. (Which is unlikely).

Stalin vs. Martians 4 on Steam

100ft Robot Golf

100ft Robot Golf

This felt more like an anime with interactive bits than a game. At several points matches are ended early with the match finishing in the cutscene. How you do in the matches has no bearing on the story, either, and you’re constantly forced to change character. Each character has a different special ability, but in several cases I couldn’t work out what they did, and it was never explained. I’m sure the anime part is enjoyable if you’re familiar with anime, but I’m not- I just wanted to play golf with 100 foot robots.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Wanted to write something longer, but haven’t played too much and wanted to keep it the review digestable.

I recommend this game with the stipulation that you buy it for $15 or less and enjoy the McElroy’s or cheesy humor meant to mimic the style of 80s/90s anime involving mech pilots, as well have having some friends to play with.

The gameplay is standard enough (it’s golf), only now you’re in mechs and can destroy buildings and try to hinder each other from making shots. Controls are mapped well and feel varying between mechs but are a bit cryptic, since they aren’t really explained anywhere so it’s more trial and error when you first pilot a new one. Special weapons feel nice as well, though, again, they aren’t explained too well. Physics might be a bit too floaty, though we do golf on the Moon and under the sea, so I suppose those are the reasons for it.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

100ft Robot Golf on Steam

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair

The premise is cheesy. The dialog is hammy. But ham and cheese has never tasted this good!

Before we continue, let’s get the negatives out of the way so we can focus on talking about how awesome EDF is.

The base price can seem a bit steep given the game’s age, and the highest discount you’ll ever find is 40% off. Yes, it’s a console port. That means enduring some things such as a clunky menu interface and unmappable, hardcoded keybinds. Increasing your arsenal and max health isn’t just tedious, it’s a requirement for the higher difficulties. There’s talk of a cheater problem in public lobbies, and creating a private online game requires you to invite your friends through the chat shortcuts window, of all things. I don’t believe you can invite anyone mid-mission, either. Sometimes there will be so many enemies or explosions on-screen that your framerate will take a very noticeable hit even on a good computer. I don’t think there’s a borderless windowed mode, if that matters to you. Oh, and the game can’t even be launched if you’re on a version of Windows older than 7.

Real player with 761.5 hrs in game


Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair, or more commonly referred to as EDF, is a third person shooter that puts you in the shoes of an unnamed soldier of the Earth Defense Force that is tasked with locating and eradicating giant insects and robots from across the globe. Your mission is simple – kill everything that moves.

You’re given four class options before starting: Ranger, Fencer, Wing Diver or Air Raider. Rangers are your typical versatile infantry class, able to equip a variety of guns, sniper rifles, or a plethora of explosives and specialty weapons. Your next option is the Air Raider, a class that has the ability to call in buffs such as shields, turrets, healing modules and heavy armor, such as tanks, helicopters and a slew of different mechanized vehicles. Your third option is the lightly-armored, agile and swift-moving Wing Diver, an all-female crew of airborne infantry that use energy weapons and jetpacks to quickly move about the battlefield. Your final option is the Fencer, EDF’s dual-wielding tank, comprised of thick armor and massive cannons at the expensive of maneuverability.

Real player with 213.7 hrs in game

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair on Steam



Super difficult! Physics-unfriendly action!

This is an action game in which you move with your hoof.

This robot can’t walk or jump normally.

It just hangs and shifts its weight.

The Z and X keys each correspond to a grab and release motion.

If you accidentally let go and fall off, you have to start over at the checkpoint!

Let’s swing and fall our way to the goal far beyond!

You’re welcome to play and stream live!

All 9 stages


Dr. Wells has created a dream machine called MONKEY BARS ROBOT

I’m going to brag to the world about it.

But we can’t let the doctor’s stock go down.

We’ll make sure he stays in line.

How to operate

↓↓←↑Shift center of gravity & selection

X or Z Grab & Release

Space Pause Screen & Decision

Esc Exit Game

Play time

We expect a minimum of one hour.




This is addicting, the good way

A great game, it has a wide variety of levels already in the game to play offline and train your skills. You will need these to break your and other peoples records. You can go bonkers with the level editor, a fabulous tool to sink in for hours and then challenge people online to beat your levels - the only limit is your imagination, and skill.

The game is challenging in just the right way to be motivating and frustrating at once. I cant recommend this game enough, espacially to people that like puzzle and physics games will be able to spend many, many hours in this.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Pendelum is such a neat concept. Although I admittedly don’t have much experience with physics-based puzzle games, I’ve never played anything like it. The level design is quite good, in general. I liked the feeling of simply moving the pendulum (as it has a certain weight to it), and in trying to maintain enough height to maneuver with some precision. I decided to pick up Pendelum so that my co-op partner and I could play through the three sets of levels designed specifically for co-op play.

However, I do have a few gripes. First of all, it’s just a bit too punishing for my tastes. Levels come in sets of four, and if you don’t complete the whole set in one go, you’ll have to start again from the first one in the set (even if you’ve made it to the final level). There are also no checkpoints in the levels themselves. This omission is more forgivable - however, some of the levels are quite long. My co-op partner and I failed repeatedly on the penultimate level within the second set of co-op levels, and then put the game down until the following week. We picked it back up again, made it to the final level, but again failed repeatedly until we became exhausted with the game.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Pendelum on Steam

HELLDIVERS™ Dive Harder Edition

HELLDIVERS™ Dive Harder Edition

It’s as simple as the trailers. Virtually the better “Magicka” concept in execution. There was a lot of talk about… I really tried to make it short.

Now, if you’ve never played Magicka…

HELLDIVERS is a top down shooty bangbang game with emphasis on multiplayer cooperation, like Alien Swarm. But unlike Alien Swarm, it has much more depth and variation completely dependent on player preference, kinda like Magicka. What? My comparisons are awful? Fiiine.

In HELLDIVERS, you are a soldier fighting a grand war against three oppositions. In every mission, you and up to three others will be dropped in the middle of enemy territory. You are to complete as many objectives as you can or die trying. Upon completion and/or failure of every objectives, evacuation will be made available. After every three regular missions, you will have completed a planet, receive a greater reward, and also contributing to the overall war effort. zzz…

Real player with 582.8 hrs in game

I don’t know if Arrowhead are geniuses or they got lucky with this one, I haven’t played their other games… but Helldivers is, in my opinion, a masterpiece.

It’s a game about situational awareness, quick thinking, and self control. It can be brutally unforgiving, but also allow you to pull a win out of the messiest of situations, which can be very satisfying. It’s fun when you’ve got a very tight squad flawlessly executing missions, and it’s fun when the shit hits the fan and everything starts going wrong. With full friendly fire, and tremendously powerful tools at their disposal, Helldivers can be their own worst enemies.

Real player with 484.1 hrs in game

HELLDIVERS™ Dive Harder Edition on Steam