Chickens Madness

Chickens Madness

Bought this looking for something fun to play with the 4 yo in front of the TV. Pretty clunky and unfinished to begin with, the lastest update has tightened up some problems with the controls and added a bunch of game modes. The kid loves it - there’s some charm to the game, but a couple of things sour it.

1. The violence - one mini game involves squashing baby chicks into bloody spots - not really enjoyable and adds a nasty tinge to the otherwise family friendly fun, sure you can skip/remove from the list but wouldn’t miss it if it was removed.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Family Friendly Games.

nice early game with 4p (players) in 2hours after i play with another guys cuz thier no any things happen when we replay the mini games no mods no bots no death player can do any thing

but i like it

before u buy it the game without online

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Chickens Madness on Steam

Oh…Sir! Prototype

Oh…Sir! Prototype

This game.

If this had network support and a bigger base of sentence fragments, plus a few other polishes and niceties you’d expect from a very small retail game, I’d buy it for 5 bucks no questions asked.

As it is, it’s free, so that’s ok too.

Most hilarious two player couch minigame I have ever seen.

Also, Monty Python.

Create insults out of a random selection of sentence fragments, and make them as insane as possible.

But you still need to observe basic grammar so your insult has to make “sense”.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Free to Play Games.

When I had heard from my manservant Clyde that a gentlemanly game was released for free to the masses, I had to hop onto the interwebs to pick it up and oh… sir is a fun little number for the days in after hunting. I must admit that me and Clyde had a lot of jolly good fun calling each others mother a small furry rodent and saying that they smell like a bunch of wild and seasonal berries. Jolly good fun I say! I will beckon it from the atrium for thou to try have some jolly good times too.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Oh...Sir! Prototype on Steam

Sumo Revise

Sumo Revise

I enjoy a game that I can sit down and play with my friends and family. Normally, I tend to be competitive when it comes to games, but when it comes to this game in particular, all I experience is joy and laughter.

The entire game is ridiculously fun and extremely spontaneous. You’ll be playing at normal speed on one round only to find the next round has a super splorch Special that has been waiting for you, filled to the brim with speed boosts and launch arrows.

The game doesn’t end until you choose to end it, which is also a plus.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy 2D Fighter Games.

A cheap Smash Bro’s wanna-be with Atari 2600 graphics. Might be fun for local multipayer, maybe for like 20 mins. Easy to learn how to play.

Achievements are relatively easy to get, I got 80% of them simply by running one game mode(with 7 AI and myself) and letting it run for over 200 rounds.

Has cards.

Recommend this for easy Achievements, and cards.

NOT RECOMMENDED for it being a generally horrible game.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Sumo Revise on Steam

The Jackbox Party Pack 2

The Jackbox Party Pack 2

DISCLAIMER: This review is written by a European player. My opinion might (and probably will) differ from a player from this game’s target audience: The American player base. Please also note that this review was written in 2020, as though several other packs have released after that.

Do I recommend the Jackbox Party Pack 2?

  • Yes, absolutely.

Individual game review:

Fibbage 2:

  • A classic of the Jackbox Games.

  • Better than the 1st one.

  • Possibility to trick your friends to win.

Real player with 58.3 hrs in game

Ah, Party Pack 2, Easily earns the #1 Spot in order of favorite pack out of the three. This pack’s filled with gems, and honestly, there are more games that I’d give a higher rating here than in 3 and 1 combined. Each and every game in this pack gets a high rating from me. Let’s begin, shall we?

Bidiots - 9.3/10 - Bidiots is my 3rd Favorite Game made by Jackbox, with first being Tee K.O, and 2nd being You Don’t Know Jack. Bidiots is an absolutely hilarious take on art auctions. I have no clue what I’m doing, and neither does anyone else I play with, but it is oddly very competitive and addicting. Draw 2 Drawings based on silly prompts you’re given (much like Drawful), and then let the auction commence! Each person has an art professional on their team that will tell them three paintings worth a big sum of cash. But since this is Jackbox, you’ve gotta try and guess which of those paintings you’re seeing at the moment, or if you’re not seeing a valuable one. Are they saying the beer bottle painting is worth a good sum of cash? Haven’t seen a beer bottle and you’re over halfway done? Shucks man, that beer bottle you’re looking for could’ve been that penis-looking painting you didn’t bid for 10 minutes ago! We’re not done yet though. The host has a hilarious British accent, this game takes the Screws from You Don’t Know Jack which you can use once per game, forcing the person you use it on to bid on artwork. Best of all, there is a loanshark company in this game with the catchiest jingle you’ve ever heard. Dammit Jackbox, I played this game for the first time in December, and I still have the Predatory Loans Jingle in my head! Anyway, this is an absolute masterpiece, and it takes the cake for this pack with Earwax JUST behind.

Real player with 39.5 hrs in game

The Jackbox Party Pack 2 on Steam

The Jackbox Party Pack 5

The Jackbox Party Pack 5

Mad Verse City: 10/10

Patently Stupid: 9/10

You Don’t Know Jack: 7/10

Split The Room: 6/10

Zeeple Dome: 3/10

Price: 25 USD / EUR

Verdict: Amazing game for parties or with friends online,

Grab it on a minor sale or even full price

What is the Jackbox Party Pack and how do I play it?:

Each edition of the Jackbox Party Pack contains five minigames. To play, only one person needs to own the game. That person needs to either stream it on a monitor if you’re playing with friends in the same room, or stream it via Twitch / Discord Screen Share etc. Players then watch the stream while entering answers to prompts via the website on their mobile device or pc browser.

Real player with 76.5 hrs in game

Ooh boy, here we go. A party pack with a MIXED review? Well, lets dive in!


The game with High culture and Pop culture collide! Not to sell out to Binjpipe or anything, but I had a bunch of fun with this game. Being my first dive into the YDKJ games, I had fun with most of it. The questions are weird, the few times I had other people in game the screws get super wacky, and Dis or Dat is a pretty fun question type. Which leads into the worst thing about it: question types. Most of them are good, except for one. The flickerpiss nosecum gibberish question. God damn I hated this so much. It was just super annoying, and after 20 of these fuckers, I FINALLY got one right. (Wont feta bread slugs fight: Don’t let the bed bugs fight) And another problem I had is that most people don’t really do JackBox for the Trivia games anymore. I mean Trivia Murder Party was pretty good, but that’s as far as most people will go with short attention spans. Good thing it supports 1 players, since that’s the majority of my time playing this game was with myself.

Real player with 75.6 hrs in game

The Jackbox Party Pack 5 on Steam

Thumb Fighter

Thumb Fighter

Your next favorite party game!!!

Thumb Fighter is a wacky and fast paced minimalist one-button fighting game.

Does it sound too simple? Maybe. It is too simple? Maybe? Is it fun? Absolutely!

After many years of huge success on other platforms it will hit the Steam Store as a premium fully featured game :)

By being this simple Thumb Fighter offers one of the most inclusive fighting experiences you can find.

Fun assured to children, families, couples, friends, you name it!

Literally everyone who played thumb fighter (Believe us, millions of people played already :) ) will tell you.

Thumb Fighter it’s a great ice breaker, with its one-button mechanic anyone can play and the battles still awake desperation, laughters and goose bumps.

Thumb Fighter’s thumbs have one and only one movement, a head hit.

Try to grab your opponent when it’s (guard?) is down until you achieve the victory.


  • Single Player Mode (can you defeat all thumbs and become Thumb… master…champion lord… of all thumbs?

  • Quick PvP, PvAi, Ai vs Ai (why not?) battles.

  • Tournament Mode ( Create up to 8 players tournament to define who whashes the dishes)

  • Minigames nobody asked for (but great time killers while you drool like a zombie over your lap)

  • Campaign Mode

  • More than 100+ characters


  • Procedurally generated levels (we already did that in Hidden Lands)

  • Minimalist racing mechanic (we already did that in Turn Right)

  • Online Matches (For now…. we’ll see in the future ¯_(ツ)_/¯ )

Thumb Fighter on Steam

Ducks' Wrath

Ducks' Wrath

So painfully underrated for what it is, this game deserves more attention

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game


Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Ducks' Wrath on Steam

Oh…Sir!! The Insult Simulator

Oh…Sir!! The Insult Simulator

The Insult Simulator has all the makings of a great game. It’s turn-based, two-player, competitive Cards Against Humanity. I spent over 100 hours on it and reached a spot in the top 30 players on the leaderboards legitimately. That’s why I should be recommending this game. Of course, that’s not what’s happening here.

The multiplayer component is this game’s main selling point, and also its most dealbreaking failure. In order to compose sentences longer than “Your face looks like a sad lemur” you need to pick up “and” from either the board that both players draw their words from, or from a randomly-generated set of words and phrases that only you can access (both players get those). Which means that if you can click every “and” on the board, even incorrectly, your opponent will most likely be unable to make large sentences. You can take all of the skill out of the game that way, reducing it to a mindless dice roll contest with no meaningful interactivity. And that’s exactly what the playerbase does now. Without exception. The devleopers don’t mind at all, though, because they’ve already got your money by the time you’ve drummed up a sample size of matches large enough to prove me right. Some of them have gone as far as to indicate that “and sniping” is a part of the overall strategic component of the game and kept in deliberately.

Real player with 149.3 hrs in game

It’s finally here, Sirs. And possibly Ladies.

Dust off your bowler hats and make a cup of tea, because we are going to insult, British Style.

The prototype was already a blast, and what it lacked in features it made up for with a hilarious setting and a fantastic, fresh, original gameplay.

Now the real deal is here, and it has multiplayer, Human vs CPU battles, and more lines and characters - Pretty much everything the (I’m assuming very small) community wanted to see in a “proper” release.

So what is this about, you ask?

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator on Steam

Quiplash 2 InterLASHional

Quiplash 2 InterLASHional

There should be an option to disable acronyms etc. from the last lash and leave it as a one question for everyone.

After creaing a fun question base in my native language it’s stupid that i’m getting lash lash task in a different language.

Please give us an option to make it the same as in the quiplash 1 where we would get 1 question for everyone (would be good if that question came from the created base).

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

EDIT: It has come to my attention that in an update, Jackbox Games has added the “Make your own” feature, which gives this game tons more value. However, I’d suggest just getting the Jackbox Party Pack 3 instead, because that includes many more great games for around double the price of this game.

(The original review is below.)

“This game is basically Quiplash 1.5

An improvement on the original Quiplash.

That’s kinda it. The worst thing about it is that they removed the “Make your own” feature, which WAS in the original Quiplash 2, but whatever. Still tons of content.”

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Quiplash 2 InterLASHional on Steam

Use Your Words

Use Your Words

Fun partygame, if you have people who can write funny.

How does it work?

Use Your Words is a partygame, in which players have to subtitle a foreign movie, write headlines for a photograph in a newspaper, or finish a sentence. Indeed, use your words! Participants can join via a website, so they can use any device such as phone, tablet etcetera. This is most fun at home, but online is also an option during some event where we all have to stay at home.

Unlike games like Jackbox, the presentation in this game is subtle. It depends greatly on the players if it’s fun. If people aren’t very witty, it can become boring. It helps a lot if someone takes a role of showhost, someone to read the answers out loud and comment on them.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Great game and extremely fun. i see alot of people complaining about house answers, but they actually add alot to the game. alot of them are actually really good and the deduction of points is only a problem if you are being hyper-competitive instead of just trying to have a fun time. they add variety and aren’t predictable as to what one is the house answer most of the time (note, in many instances the house answers have quotation marks, which makes it very obvious in those instances). they add another joke to the mix and its normally a pretty good one too. i also enjoy the pacing of the game. parties aren’t about doing as much as you can as quickly as you can, they’re about hanging out and having fun. the explanations fo the minigames is helpful in case someone hasn’t played in a while, is new, and to help get people in the right mindset for the game rather than jsut thrusting them into it suddenly. i can see an argument for a skip button, but i don’t feel its necessary, the game is great as is and has given me no problems. i may not have played that much of it yet, but its a regular even anytime i go out with my friends. it is extremely fun and very much worth the $15 i paid, actually tends to be more fun than cards against humanity most of the time.

Real player with 21.7 hrs in game

Use Your Words on Steam