Suspicious Downpour

Suspicious Downpour

It’s a very short and relatively straightforward game, for the most part. There is very little actual gameplay involved and most of what you need to do is hinted at through either on-screen tips or the titles of the books in your tent. However, the key things you need to do, as well as how to do them, are not always obvious, so some players may find it a little frustrating to get to the game’s ending.

The developer has written a guide to tell how to earn all of the achievements, which is great as it gives you a bit more information on what you need to do in the game. Earning the achievements is very easy and you can gain them all in a single play-through.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Action-Adventure Games.

Firstly, the game is incredibly short. Most of my game time is due to idle. There honestly isn’t even much to do in the game, you basically just look around and shine a flashlight in the dark (and throw sandwiches). There are a few items that you can mouse over and read their descriptions. You can’t walk around in the game (the keys instead play music, which was both nice and out of place). The rain noise was pretty relaxing and the graphics were decent enough.

Overall, I suppose it was a good enough short game that felt kind of like a walking simulator but without the walking. It’s also free, so there’s really nothing to lose in trying out the game. For that, I recommend this game for anyone who wants a simple game to play.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Suspicious Downpour on Steam



Awesome game, Once I started playing it I couldn’t stop until I had beaten it. Played it at a friends house and had to get it for myself until I beat it. Fun, exciting, frusterating, and challenging, this game makes you want to keep trying until you complete it, after you beat it it gives you satisfaction that you finally completed it. Would recommened this to anyone.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Thriller Games.

Keys on Steam

Real Horror Stories Ultimate Edition

Real Horror Stories Ultimate Edition






░░░░▄▄▄██▀▀▀▀ THE GATES

Real player with 666.0 hrs in game

The very idea of this game is jump scare though graphics, sound and sudden pop of images during after after you solve the puzzle for each level.

Very simple and very baisc. This game did just that. The graphics are very nicely done and sound effect is also excellant.(especially enjoy the wind howling).

The puzzles are all pretty simple. I kinda lost count of the levels but there are less then 30 for sure when you reach the end of this game. Most of the puzzle are really easy and you can click the bottom part of each puzzle to exit it and reset the puzzle.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Real Horror Stories Ultimate Edition on Steam

Love Bites

Love Bites

Hello Steam user who is wondering if this little visual novel is worth their time. I’m going to tell you right now that the answer is a sad no which is actually quite frustrating because I really wanted to like this game. It has everything I like in stories like this. It has mystery and intrigue and romance and supernatural elements to enrich the world and yet how it’s executed is like something cobbled together like a blind drunk monkey on a typewriter. Seriously, the mechanics in this game are not great. We’re not talking 1931 Scheherazade bad but they are not good and they really bogged down what could’ve been a great cheesy Halloween visual novel.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game


+Charming love interests (Viktor especially was very cute)

+You can romance a mad scientist. I always wanted to romance a mad scientist. You can also romance a witch, a werelion and a vampire huntress, I mean come on, that’s pretty interesting.

+Some scenes were genuinely creepy. (it’s a horror game after all, so this is a good thing)

+You can choose the gender of your protagonist, I like games that give you that option.


-The side characters were used horribly. We get introduced to the protagonist’s friends in the beginning, only that they never appear again.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Love Bites on Steam




It’s Russian. It’s “horror”. It’s made in Unity Personal. This is generally a hat trick of crap for a LOT of horror games. I’ll give you a minute. (Skip to after the overview if you want a video)

UPDATE: After running the game for about nine hours, not a single trading card dropped. Surprising absolutely nobody, it’s safe to assume even that is broken with this garbage. Strike that from the pros list.

_Welcome to intermission. Do do do do do do do do do do do.

Yeahhhh intermission._

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

First a short english review, because there is no other review right now. At the end you can find a gameplay video about the first minutes. In the guide section is a full walkthrough from me.

AntiHorror is a short little indie-comedy-horrorgame. If you like wierd humor, it is fun.


  • Price

  • It is funny

  • Enjoyable


  • Lots of Unity-Assets

  • Game feels cheap

  • Game is too dark

Nun gehts in deutsch weiter.

AntiHorror ist ein kleines Indie-Horrorspiel. Obwohl, eigentlich ist es kein Horror Spiel sondern eher Comedy. Sinn ergibt das ganze gar nicht, aber es hat doch einige wirklich gute Lacher drin. Alles ist sehr skuril und absurd. Insgesamt ist es recht kurz, man kann es unter einer Stunde durchspielen. Grafisch sieht es akzeptabel aus, ist aber sehr dunkel. Leider benutzt es viele Unity Assets, die aus anderen Games bekannt sind.. Das Spiel hat nur eine russische Sprachausgabe, aber die Texte sind englisch. Der Sound ist okay. Die Steuerung ist auch gut. Im ersten Teil des Spiels muss man 7 Notizen finden, danach gibt es auch einige kleine Rätsel zu lösen. Alles eher unkompliziert. Mir hat es Spaß gemacht, aber man muss schon den spezellen Humor mögen. Für den kleinen Preis empfehle ich es.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Antihorror on Steam

Call of Corona: Micro Warfare

Call of Corona: Micro Warfare

I had discovered this game through undorthodox channels - it was posted to a torrent tracker and from the title I thought it was a joke by the uploader, so came to steam to see if it was for sale. I’d purchased it not expecting anything close to the standard of what I just enjoyed.

In short you play through a story that reminded me of ‘Ozzy & Drix’; playing as a dormant Antibody Agent who’s reawakened inside NotTomHanks' gut after being swallowed, in a last ditch effort to fight the ‘baddies’ and prevent another celebrity death.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Tried playing this on Linux when it came out - was very buggy, kept falling through walls and couldn’t get past the first jumpy pillar. Tried it months later on Windows and turns out I’m just terrible - still can’t get past the jumpy bit! Haven’t rage quit this hard since Dark Souls 10/10 would recommend

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Call of Corona: Micro Warfare on Steam



Cataplexy is a short visual novel that combines incompatible genres of comedy and horror. It all depends on the chosen interpretation of events and the mood of the reader. To believe in the mystical nature of what is happening or to make out logical explanations. To be horrified by the state of hopelessness or to laugh at the comicality of the situation. This is for you to decide. Although the hero of our story in any case will have a hard time.


  • Possibility to choose the mood of the story: ironic or serious.

  • Visits by various otherworldly entities.

  • Backgrounds that combine hallucinations with reality.

  • A non-standard view of a truly existing phenomenon called Cataplexy.

  • A lot of story fragments were based on personal experience.

Cataplexy on Steam

Father´s Island

Father´s Island

This could have been a very nice game, except that in its current version it is plagued by far too many bugs, making it impossible to enjoy it. It still feels like a beta, not quite ready for prime-time yet.

Here are some of the problems I came across:

  • Loading the game takes a long time, even on my PC (Skylake, GTX980Ti, SSDs, etc.) This wouldn’t necessarily be a problem if it only happened when you start up the game. But if you want to reload a save, or if you accidentally die and you have to reload a save, it reloads the whole damn thing all over again, and you just have to wait, and wait… every time.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Things you can do with $5. You can enjoy a Big Mac and still have enough money left for a small soda. You can rent a couple of movies from Redbox. You can go to the dollar store and buy 5 items. You can go to Goodwill and buy some underwear and socks, or you can light $5 on fire. All of which will be more fun than playing Father’s Island.

Without a doubt, Father’s Island is one of the worse games of all time. I’d rather play Atari 2600’s E.T. I’ve played some bad games in my time but this one takes the cake.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Father´s Island on Steam

One Way To Die

One Way To Die

Short text based game with achievements and trading cards (not dropped, must be bought on market or through badge booster packs) that requires the lost art of reading and that even more ancient art of knowing the reference used for the pun or punchline. I personally nominate this character for a Darwin Award … now 131 times.

This might be free-to-play but the 0.99 cents (US) DLC is worth adding, and quite often on sale for 0.49 cents. 111 different ways to die (with DLC added), some bizarre, some funny, some absurb, some WTF, some STEAM related and all a reference or pun to something (even the page titles). With the 2015 Halloween update there are now 121 ways to die (The 10 Halloween related deaths give the achievement The Hallowest.) The developer added another 10 deaths for 2015 Christmas and claims this will be the last time. (The 10 Christmas related deaths give the achievement Crimson X-Mas). Note: Both of the holiday related deaths and corresponding achievements are only available during that particular holiday.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

   Every Monday I return home after a less than soothing weekend with family and take my grievances out on my boyfriend by javelining sharp, rough cascades of abnormally peculiar games in his face for the rest of the week. His is usually a face that only sees major titles and nothing else. So I keep picking up random games just as silly as this and as we sit together and play I feel joy in knowing that I’m introducing the surprising amount of fun (and pain) indie games, that wear their simple mechanics and bare graphics proudly like some trendy new quirky armour, can actually be. A lover of such wacky video games, a good deal of my allocated gaming time is spent playing glorious “abominations” on the likes of Game Jolt, and Desura. There is a difference between badly made games and games of an acquired taste that seem bad unless you know how to consume it. OWtD is like a free slab of English Blue Stilton cheese or Japanese Nattō at the supermarket. So I was dissapointed to see the reproach of less than happy reviews after the inital positive curiosity upon release. This game is a wonderful idea and fun to try out though it is useful to step into this game with a bucket full of greasy, troll humour ridden popcorn.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

One Way To Die on Steam

Phucker in the Ashes

Phucker in the Ashes

Truly one of the best games on steam. Between strangling Hiroshi Honda 4 times and accidentally setting off a nuclear reactor you could say I’ve had a real hoot playing this one.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Master this vidcon and you will win the admiration of your gaming allies. And the respect of your gaming foes.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Phucker in the Ashes on Steam