

A bold, stylistic puzzler with an extremely addictive system. Just absolutely pulsating with creative energies. The swap mechanic is a game changer.

Real player with 50.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Logic Games.

“Jubilane” is far better than its predecessors “Cavesweeper” and “Tess Elated”.

It’s a hexagonal minesweeper with picross elements.

If you get struck, deduce the colors of each question mark and swap the tiles.

Most puzzles can be finished without any guessing.

There are 72 puzzles in the Adventure Quest.

Completing quests will earn you treasury tokens.

This will unlock new game modes, different fonts, color themes and background artwork.

You can play any way you like in Solo and Multiplayer modes.

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

Jubilane on Steam

War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations

War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations

Warning: 1000+ word review from a guy that’s way too passionate about a trilogy that features chibi girls that shoot at each other and explode. Please read if you have spare time.

The first two War of the Human Tanks games are among my favorite PC-exclusive games I have played so far. So, I bought the third game on the same year it was released and… it wasn’t my cup of tea. What made the Human Tank games so special to me is the ability to break the game with overpowered tanks and pit those tanks against other overpowered extra stage enemies in a game of dark chess. This game takes that away and makes you play fair and square with the opponent in a normal strategy game.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Wargame Games.

I’m going to write a lot of words about anime tanks because I really like this series and I don’t think anyone else knows it exists. The last game in the series, Limited Operations, has been out for around 9 months and has about a dozen reviews. Here’s a really long one and consider this a review for the series in general.

The War of the Human Tanks series is essentially anime Battleship. Fights are real time and pause when you click a unit to choose an action. There’s always a large fog of war and most units are of the one hit, one kill variety. Tanks are of the mass-produced style, outside of a couple of special NPC’s, and are permanently destroyed when killed in action. Tanks can also equip modules that you can create which do things like increase shooting range and area, increase movement and so on. Limited Operations changes the last few parts up, though.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations on Steam

War of the Human Tanks

War of the Human Tanks

Battleships and chess with lolis.

Fantastic fun, interesting story with many twists and several endings, engaging gameplay that demands strategic thinking and an incredible soundtrack throughout.

The game’s story is told through visual novel format, which sets the state of affairs and the stage for the battle to follow. Battles are fought in real-time, but with a sort of turn-based system that runs on ticks, for example after giving a unit orders to move you must then wait for it to radio in asking for new orders before it can be moved again. Battlefields are presented as a grid of octagons, and before the round commences you must first place your units as in Battleships. Each unit has it’s own special properties and characteristics similar to chess, for example some may move 2 spaces at a time whereas others may only move 1, or one unit might only be able to attack horizontally whereas others must attack at least 2 spaces ahead of itself. The aim of each battle is to eliminate the opponent’s ‘Command Tank’ before they destroy yours which, regardless of how many units they have remaining, wins you the battle. The battlefield is covered by a shroud as seen in most real-time strategies with sight range varying between your different units, so early game tactics may usually consist of Battleships-esque artillery strikes into the dark hoping you’ll hit something, as your units gradually advance closer to the enemy, thinning out their ranks until their command tank is within firing range.

Real player with 73.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Turn-Based Tactics Games.

The first time I saw War of the Human Tanks, I was put off by how obviously low-budget it is; that was a huge mistake. Apparently, the art style just needed some getting used to, because once I got into it, I thought the graphics were actually pretty good. There’s full voice acting, fun animations and even some really catchy music that makes me itch to buy the soundtrack.

But what about the meat of the game? That, for me, comes in two packages (or perhaps Amasson boxes): the story and the gameplay. Let’s get this out of the way: The story is awesome. I loved it. This is definitely not a “skip-the-dialogue” kind of game; in fact, after a certain point, the story became the main appeal. It’s simultaneously lighthearted and grim, with a really interesting setting that ends up being much more detailed than you might suspect at first. There are four endings (two main paths, with two endings each) that all end up being pretty radically different and are all fantastic in their own way. I’m really in love with the setting, and all the little things you can learn about the rather disenfranchised battle-androids they call Human Tanks; the story really exceeded my expectations in every way. The translation is great, and the writing is clever, funny and serious when it needs to be; some of the big twists were huge gut-punchers. I’d definitely say the story was maybe the best part for me, and it’ll stick with me and inspire me for other personal projects for quite a while.

Real player with 53.0 hrs in game

War of the Human Tanks on Steam



In Bubblelands you will lead a team of cartoon heroes - the brave bean brawler, the fluffy feline defender, and the outlandish onion with oseledets - through a series of tactical turn-based battles on a grid of hexes. Each hero on the team has a different potential use in battle, skill set and development opportunities. The combat rewards smart positioning and using skills appropriate to the situation on the battlefield.

On their way, the heroes may encounter characters who need their help and allies who will join their party and strengthen the team with their special powers. You can meet them later at the party’s camp, where the heroes can also improve their skills and buy upgrades.

Bubbles are what fuels the technology and economy of this land. However, one day the soapy resource ceased to flow from the taps and fountains. In the atmosphere of the apocalypse, three heroes set off on a journey through foreign lands to find out where the life-giving Bubbles have gone.

Tactical Yet Simple Combat

The game is rules-light, you’re not going to find long statblocks and hour-long battles here. You may just hop in for a few fights any time!

Simple Yet Deep Mechanics

Bubbleland is not crunchy, but you still have to think before you act. Cautious positioning of the heroes and planning your actions is crucial!

Deep story… Not Really!

The world and story of Bubbleland is colorful and fun to watch. Find out if fluffy cats, angry cucumbers and onion cossacks fighting each other over bubbles have any deeper meaning!

Bubbleland on Steam

War of the Human Tanks - ALTeR

War of the Human Tanks - ALTeR

Welp, this certainly was a pleasent surprise. who would have thought that having a cute army of tank girls would be so interesting. The music is also interesting and I never tire of the battle/death cries of my, and my enemies, troops.

In the story there are acouple minutes of dialouge then a skirmish. For the battles, you must deploy a tank that acts like a king in chess, if she dies you lose (you can even have multiple). then you can make other units (if it is within the maps unit cap) like artillary (slow but long/wide range) shock tanks (fast/cheap/suicide explosion), assault tanks (medium speed, medium attack range) and much more. There is a fog of war, so you must proceed with care to find the enemy through scouting and prediction based on where you see them fire. You must build and upgrade your units by using supplies from winning or losing battles, so you may have to grind in the caverns or in free battles if you cannot preserve your troops.

Real player with 70.0 hrs in game

This game… this goddarn game.

I’m not exactly sure where to start, so first off: this game is absolutely fantastic! I haven’t played EVERYTHING yet (still need to get Glitch-Heshiko and play the 2 or 3 optional Floor 90+ Battles), but still. The combination of Visual Novel and (Semi-)turn based Strategy game is beautiful and really well balanced, most if not almost all the tanks have their use and encourage players to figure out their favorite strategies and the Modules and combination of them just add to the fun (I still have fun giving my Peko-Peko a Tank Life ensurance and just making her explode, achieving absolutely nothing… I’m an Idiot.).

Real player with 69.3 hrs in game

War of the Human Tanks - ALTeR on Steam

Pit People®

Pit People®

Pit people is a game I really want to recommend, but has a lot of major problems

that will keep it down.

To start off I was looking through common criticism of the game. and I found the most common 2 problems, is the game being repetitive, and the game not being very in depth, or having shallow gameplay. The reason people find this game so repetitive is because this game was designed so you will win with any strategy, and with any teamcomp in pve. even though this game has all the different units with all their different strengths and weaknesses, the average player has no real opportunity to explore this in pve, they can’t really explore how in depth the game can be, with all the different strategies and teamcomps you can do. the pve both never ramps high enough if difficulty, or at least not often enough for the average player to come across it, and even the few times the game does get difficult enough, if they do have trouble with it, there best choice won’t be counter pick units, it will be their highest level units. The game actually incentives using the same teamcomp because of the leveling system. your highest level units will outperform your lower level ones. so the game punishes you from trying something new. No shit everyone finds the game repetitive. The entire leveling system is just poor game design, and the way the game counters this is by making pve overall way easier than it needs to be, so you can get away with just about anything. so people will either mindlessly through stuff together, and just place everything in range to attack something. or they will stick with all their highest level units, and never explore other units. This is why people think the game is shallow and repetitive. either keep doing what works, and just do whatever because you can. insane mode is hardly more difficult and gives hardly any more loot, and that loot probably won’t be what you are looking for, so there isn’t really a point in ever turning it on. and permadeath mode is just grindy. because you need to keep capturing new stuff.

Real player with 2935.3 hrs in game

Pit People is a good game. I really did enjoy everything about it when I first started playing it.


When it comes to the plot and the writing, the game is clearly not trying to take itself seriously. This is one of the strenghts of the game: It’s silly and absurd, similar to that of Borderlands 2. The artstyle and the voice acting of the game, definately adds to the silly nature of the experience, and it skillfully made. The gameplay, while not perfect, is still polished and good.

Real player with 86.2 hrs in game

Pit People® on Steam

战术狂想3-枪战足球(Chimera of Tactics 3-Gun and Soccer)

战术狂想3-枪战足球(Chimera of Tactics 3-Gun and Soccer)

sometimes there is problems ending too early… consider Procedural Generation…

and it need scanning Item…

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

战术狂想3-枪战足球(Chimera of Tactics 3-Gun and Soccer) on Steam

King’s Bounty: The Legend

King’s Bounty: The Legend

Heroes of Might and Magic with an enchanted 5d20+5 sense of humor. If you decide to try this out, make sure to plan out how you spend ability runes from level one because runes seem to dry up once you start branching out your talent tree. Rage spirits get experience only from doing damage, which requires meticulous study in tactical micromanagement if you want your rage spirits to rain down mayhem in any semblance of actual destructive power (death really is your friend here). Armies are a non-renewable resource so save the best units for hard fights.

Real player with 319.9 hrs in game

Rating: good (7/10)


King’s Bounty: The Legend is the first game of the King’s Bounty series where you take a role of an adventurer that with the right combination of troops and magic is going to save the kingdom from its doom. The game is an RPG with turn-based strategy combat style.

Gameplay & Story: 6/10

The gameplay in KB:The Legend consists of traveling through the world map, getting quests and gathering troops and then fighting enemy forces in a turn-based hex-strategy styled battles. The combat is really similar to Heroes of Might and Magic, however you are not going to build castles or a kingdom here and instead travel through a huge open world. The story is quite simple - you are the treasure hunter for the king and discover after a while a plot against the kingdom by evil forces and you are obviously the only one that can destroy them. The gameplay is however very fun in King’s Bounty series and it is enjoyable to be able to traverse the land almost free (sometimes a quest or a strong army blocks your progress) but since the world is so huge, you mostly have different possible locations where you can go to. There are a lot of different factions that can offer you forces so you have a lot of choice depending on what strategy you enjoy more in battles. The classes offered are also quite distinguishable so it is even fun to play through the game multiple times with different classes and armies.

Real player with 270.1 hrs in game

King's Bounty: The Legend on Steam

A Game of Changes

A Game of Changes


  • Dev is very responsive and incredibly nice and helpful

  • Game has a nice relaxing pace

  • Core concept is interesting, creative, and fun


  • Fairly regular freezing and crashing

  • If you’re unfamiliar with the source material, the gameplay is confusing, and there’s no tutorial


Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

As a fan of the Tao Te Ching, I picked this game up on a whim shortly after release.

It appears simple but has challenged my patience as a Zen koan does to the student.

Choices appear to be mapped as the player walks on the trapezoid block, which denotes a forked path, with what looks like two Asian characters on it. Each character is a set of three horizontal lines be they solid or halved – called “trigrams.” Walking over the forked block, a trigram appears onscreen at right.*

*A web search of ‘trigrams i ching’ yields info on decoding the eight trigrams of the Taoist I Ching and the 64 hexagrams, corresponding to 64 levels in the game. Each hexagram presents a philosophy, to start the level. www -dot- taoistiching -dot- org

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

A Game of Changes on Steam

War War

War War

A old-school style game that is fun and doesn’t take a gigabyte of storage in 2020? Crazy! Seems to be extremely optimized as it is small but brings with it a bunch of fun online matchups. 3 units, ground forces, a tank and 2 drones. I think I am best at the tank as it is easiest, but splitting up the ground forces and controlling individual groups of them with two joysticks on the same controller at once is awesome! Units can’t turn around (they can’t and it seems intended) so the game is a simple match up once you go to War War!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

War War on Steam