

Let us consult the stars.

Astrologaster was one of those games that I almost passed up on. I don’t remember exactly when I first came across Astrologaster, but it didn’t click with me at first. I was just sleepily browsing the upcoming games section around midnight, as you do, and it popped up. Finding the name interesting, I clicked, looked at the screenshots, and thought “hmm, I don’t know”. I saw it a couple more times, but when it got closer to the release date I finally watched the trailer. Why I didn’t watch it before, I can only blame it on being way too tired that night. With the combination of finding the trailer and the real life element behind Astrologaster intriguing, as well as peeking at a gameplay video, I thought “Hey, why not take the chance?”. Spoiler alert, I’m glad that I did.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this Letter of Recommendation for the General Public, as such that it is publicly displayed for All to fashion and be notified of the most excellent Occurence that has blessed our Water Vapour Storefront.

I feel obligated with great Duty to inform the good People of this Community that the very Heavens have brought down a veritable Angel of scientific Inquiry and medical Expertise. Why, I am, of course, referring to Doctor Simon Forman, an extraordinary Gentleman of grand Intellect and greater Empathy for the common Man. Through the Science of the Stars, Doctor Foreman instills a Sense of Security and Safety towards his Querents, many of which are notable Members of the higher Echelon, for good Reason! It is clear Doctor Forman’s medical Practice is of such immaculate Degree that God himself speaks directly to him via the starry Sky above!

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Astrologaster on Steam

Mount Your Friends

Mount Your Friends

This game is fantastic, but I must issue a warning:

Player creativity and practice is an absolute requirement.

Some people say the game gets old quick, and that it’s too simple to squeeze enough enjoyment out of it to make it worth the money, and that d!ck jokes aren’t funny. Those people are wrong.

When I picked it up, I liked it, and it made me laugh my ass off for a bit, but I wasn’t quite hooked. Then I played a match with someone who was REALLY good at the game, and it showed me the potential for hilariously rewarding gameplay and growth through raw skill. It actually exercises your brain because you have to figure out which keys you need to push next, and in which order, while you’re helplessly rag-dolling through the air.

Real player with 264.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Multiplayer Games.

…I just spent almost 2 hours in an online match with some random guy. Neither of us were trying to win the game (bridge builder). We were pretty much on par with one another skill-wise in the beginning. Suddenly he pulls a fancy move and teabags my character, grabbing his head and smacking his junk against his face. It was hysterical.

I did the same thing right back, attempting to ride his face ‘Gangnam style.’

This went back and forth from a number of bizarre homo-erotic positions. The novelty just did not seem to wear off.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Mount Your Friends on Steam

Road to Ballhalla

Road to Ballhalla

Road to Ballhalla is a cheeky, occasionally cruel but ultimately satisfying experience, that I would highly recommend to anyone with a taste for arcade-style platformers and puzzle games. I say this having completed 100% of the game’s achievements.

Aesthetically, with regards to its delightfully colourful design and well-suited, unintrusive yet engaging soundtrack, I can’t really fault Road to Ballhalla. The puzzles are all very much based upon rhythm and visual patterns, meaning that the audio-visual elements of the game are critically important, and I am pleased to report that they do themselves absolute justice.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Narration Games.

Road to Ballhalla is a simple top-down arcade-style game. You control a ball, and your goal is to navigate your way through 20 levels, collecting little sparks (the game’s collectable) and avoiding dying as you go.

The game is very simple – there isn’t even a jump button. You can simply move in any direction, or speed up your rolling in a sort of dash move. The dash move makes it so you die instantly if you take damage, rather than simply… well, taking damage. This makes it risky to use at times, so it must be used judiciously.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Road to Ballhalla on Steam

BattleBlock Theater®

BattleBlock Theater®

super cute, funny narrations, addictive, levels are fast paced and fun. love it :)

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

A (precision) platformer with light-weighted puzzles, gentle difficulty curve, wacky plot, and hilarious narration. Especially enjoyable to play with a partner. Last few chapters could be a little bit too difficult though, but nothing insurmountable even for casual players.

Support local multiplayer, but controllers are necessary. Otherwise, you can progress in story mode with your friend in online multiplayer mode. When two computers are on the same WiFi network, the lag is nearly imperceptible.

Real player with 39.0 hrs in game

BattleBlock Theater® on Steam

Cat Capacity

Cat Capacity

Leave no cat behind! This game is fun and pretty crazy. Can get pretty challenging when the cats don’t all want to fit in the cupboards. And watch out for the bunny boogey man, he’s pretty quick!

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Cat Capacity on Steam

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Just a note, I recieved a beta key, but I have bought this game for friends who also wanted it.

I played a ton of the free beta for this game (a couple hundred hours) and helped out on the discord a lot, so I think I have a pretty good idea on what makes this game good. It’s an RPG that’s fairly lighthearted that makes fun of things like how the player tends to be a kleptomaniac stealing everything not tied down translating to the characters being kleptomaniacs. Unlike previous entries though the characters actually are more than just caricatures and act closer to real people as well as being funny parodies of stereotypes.

Real player with 519.1 hrs in game

The Epic Battle Fantasy series has been a childhood pastime of mine ever since I discovered EBF 3 on Kongregate. From the humorous dialogue, to the many hidden secrets, to the intense strategy required for epic mode, this game was a heck of a ride and probably Roszak’s best game yet.

The story was definitely a step up from previous EBF games. The dialogue and flavor text was as hilarious as ever, with my favorite line being from a report in den of a conspiracy theorists referencing Alex Jones’s “turning the frogs gay” comment. I really enjoyed the arc with

! Lance as the main villain, since his regime provided an urgent threat and a mini-climax of the story earlier on in the game rather than only building up to the climax at the very end. I also enjoyed Matt’s occasional fourth-wall breaking since it fleshed out his character in comparison to his dumb muscle portrayal in previous games. I also found that part near the end where the people you did quests for come to help and encourage the party very heartwarming, The last phase of the final boss fight

! where the Devourer deletes the world, becomes an epic race against time that was really enjoyable.

Real player with 303.7 hrs in game

Epic Battle Fantasy 5 on Steam

Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard

Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard

First Impressions

Having recently played and reviewed the first game, which really disappointed me, I’m not at all looking forward to Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard (FD2). Considering how well received the first game was, I don’t see the developers changing up what they did the first time, as there’s no reason to fix something that’s not broken. Knowing I’d knock it out quickly enough, I decided to play it sooner than later to find out whether I was right or wrong. To spare any potential mystery, I wasn’t off the mark in my prediction.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Frog Detective is back! A delightful sequel to the original game

Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard picks up right after the events of the original game, The Haunted Island: A Frog Detective Game. In a lot of ways, the games are very similar, both are a short and easy point & click adventure game, where you play as the titular Frog Detective, who need to gather clues and figure out who the culprit is within the case. This time, you are aimed to solve a new mystery. You need to figure out who wrecked the parade the townsfolk of Warlock Woods were preparing to surprise their new neighbor, an invisible wizard?!

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard on Steam

Howloween Hero

Howloween Hero

Full play through 100% achievements w/ time stamps here:

Overall I think the game is good I’m not sure it’s long enough or has enough to do to be worth 5.99, but it’s a cute game that kids could enjoy it’s pretty simple.

EDIT: The creator was super responsive and fixed every complaint I had about the game it’s short, but for the price of $5.99 it felt worth it.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

An absolutely adorable Halloween romp through a quirky neighborhood full of people that dump gallons of candy into the bucket of a dog they think is a human. Well worth the price of admission! The developers have ironed out some minor issues too.

Be wary of Frankenstein. He’s a little Psy-cho.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Howloween Hero on Steam

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game

Words can’t describe how much of a masterpiece this “game” is, but I’ll give it shot.

I put game in quotes, because you can’t really call this a game, its more of a vivid memory of your distant self who is a frog detective. The instant I clicked on the “New Game” button I became Frog Detective.

Thanks to the innovative key bindings my keyboard and mouse could truly become an extension of my body, which only resulted in letting this experience become more real. Even though I only have 50 min in this “game” it felt like I went through an entire life of pure joy.

Real player with 83.0 hrs in game

Short game and with childish art style but somehow unique and charming!

Developed by Grace Bruxner and Thomas Bowke, The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game is a short (~1h) by enjoyable adventure that puts you in the role of a lovely froggy detective, who is phoned by his supervisor to investigate a strange case. On an island ruled by Martin, a sloth who crowned himself king, unexplained noises can be heard from crevices. The sloth’s first reaction is to call in a group of ghost scientists, who spend the next two weeks trying to figure out what is going on. Trying, but certainly not succeeding. That is where the Frog Detective, come in.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game on Steam

Yuri Ogibalov’s Bizarre Adventure

Yuri Ogibalov’s Bizarre Adventure

Yuri Ogibalov’s Bizarre Adventure is top-down action rpg, focused on exploration, characters and fights. You play as Yuri, who must find where his grandfather disappeared. Explore the dangerous and not so friendly environment of the russian province. Fight enemies in turn based battle system with tons different weapons and items.

Unravel the mysteries of Yuri Ogibalov’s Bizarre Adventure’s world and find the truth that lies hidden beneath the mysterious mist.


    • Unique turn based battle system.
    • Bizarre story with an emphasis on humor and satire.
    • Bizarre characters.
    • Fishing minigame.
    • Drinking minigame.
    • Pogs minigame.
    • Vodka. What do you expected?
    • No, bears will be not in the game!
Yuri Ogibalov's Bizarre Adventure on Steam