The Way Home

The Way Home

crazy challenging driving game.

Enjoying music give you chills. but many, too many obstacles wait on the way to home.

recommend for guys who want to challenge.

PS. ppl in ROR are blind. so be careful while driving.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Crime Games.

I couldn’t stand it for more than a couple of minutes. The game is ugly, repetetive and looks horrendous, it plays out sluggishly and boringly. The music that starts playing when starting up the game is some stock shreeking that stabs into my brain.

It is a great, A-Grade worthy programming project for a highschooler. But it is not anthing more. It is not worth asking money on steam.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

The Way Home on Steam



Roundabout is a cheesy low-budget FMV game starring a limousine driver, a mechanic, a lady in a hat, and a $40 skeleton bought off of with surprising entertainment value.

In Roundabout, you control a constantly rotating limousine. You play as Georgio Manos, the world’s first revolving limousine driver. Your limousine is constantly rotating at all times, which forms the core of the game’s gameplay – you know how to get from point A to point B, but your constant revolution makes your life a lot more difficult. Early on it is fairly simple, navigating your way around stationary obstacles, but as the game progresses, things get increasingly more difficult, with moving obstacles, barrels which cause you to bounce in the opposite direction after striking them, platforming (done while spinning all the while), and the odd unique gameplay challenge to make things harder.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy FMV Games.

Most of us have been gaming a super long time by now, and anyone who’s been around can tell that ideas are slowly running dry. Innovation is something more or less absent from the game industry as we see the market pump out bland shooters, uninspired retro platformers, Diablo-likes, or roguelike-likes sticking with elements they know sell while struggling to find ideas that haven’t been exhausted already. Every great once and awhile a game comes a long and changes everything capturing the hearts of players everywhere by simply presenting us with a mechanic so strange and simple yet is an absolute blast to play. A game that makes the player stop and ask “Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?”

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Roundabout on Steam

Kinetic Edge

Kinetic Edge

Excellent game. I’ve been playing the gauntlet challenge all day. it’s difficult and extremely addictive, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes so satisfying rapidly flying through the course. Would definitely recommend to people that like time trails or like a challenge. I hope more levels get released and Kinetic Edge gets the popularity it deserves!

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Funny Games.

Kinetic Edge is enjoyable. I bought this game during my last semester in university. It was a great way to take short breaks (10, 15 minutes-ish) to clear/refresh my brain when doing assignments. The Races are fun, the Labyrinths can be mind benders, and the Gauntlet is a good challenge. I wish the power sensitivity on the Golf mode was lower though. The neon aesthetic isn’t for everyone, but I got around it by lowering the graphics quality (and a small fyi, I currently run games on a laptop). I would wager that this game can be a blast with a close group of friends. I implore SCT to either add more content themselves or add a Workshop feature for us players to create stuff.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Kinetic Edge on Steam

Freelance Trucker: Insurance Fraud Edition

Freelance Trucker: Insurance Fraud Edition

Neat little game to waste some time, I enjoyed causing some mayhem and trying to survive until the goal (it’s not always that easy). Far from perfect but enjoyable for sure for an indie title. Good job!

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Freelance Trucker: Insurance Fraud Edition on Steam

Mad Taxi

Mad Taxi

Mad Taxi is another asset flip from copy+paste merchants, HotFoodGames. This time they’ve ripped off someone else’s NW.js endless runner/reflex clicker game where you have to click your mouse button when the taxi hits one of the arrows.

I mean, if you’re going to plagiarise someone else’s work by asset flipping, at least you could flip something decent? Apparently not. Anyway, this is bundle worsening asset flip garbage that got dumped into cheap nasty DailyIndieGame bundles and should be avoided.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Mad Taxi on Steam

Dumbass Drivers!

Dumbass Drivers!

A bad option to spend your money on!

This game is trash.

Not the good kind of trash, but just a waste of time!

Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Maps are badly done, yet playable with much patience!

  • Design sucks. I mean the graphics are worse than many free games from the beginning of the 21st century, it is just bad, cheap landscaping and very low budget production overall.

  • THE GUY to the right of the screen makes me freak out. I mean WHY? Why do you add something like him? xD

You can get the achievements relatively easy, if you feel the need to get them … ( 25h)

Real player with 33.6 hrs in game

Please send help. They’re living in my walls and making me play this in the 9th circle of hell. There are bugs inside of me. THERE ARE SPIDERS. IN. MY. FUCKING. BONES.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Dumbass Drivers! on Steam

Lawnmower Game: Next Generation

Lawnmower Game: Next Generation

I’ve been playing the game for about 4 hours a week and I’m glad that I bought it and, in general, found out about it. I love to mow the grass, so most of my games are all about them. For a gardener, like a person who loves order, it became a choice for me to buy this game. And so the developers did their best and made a quality game. Very well developed cars and body parts of the cabin, etc., good pine graphics, not bad dynamics and many different additions

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

If you dreamed of working as a lawn mower in your life, but circumstances do not allow you, or you do not have a private home, then you can buy this game and mow the lawn for hours, because no one restricts you (well, except for your mother: 3)! The game looks not very attractive in terms of graphics, but I can assure you that the picture does not reflect the whole essence of the game. After starting the game, you can easily mow the lawn for a couple of hours.

The gameplay of this game is simple: you play as a man of about 30 years old, who rides around on a lawn mower and mows the grass. For each mowed area, you get points that can be spent on new lawn mowers (there are 4 of them in the game, including the initial one). The world in the game is not big, not small. The environment in the game does not shine with variety, but it is also enough for a comfortable game.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Lawnmower Game: Next Generation on Steam

FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator

FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator

It’s a fun little restaurant simulator. For 10 dollars I got about 9 hours of play before I beat the one and only challenge in the game (15 tables), but it looks like the devs are coming out with updates, so maybe there will be some expanded content. The physics can be kind of frustrating, sometimes a 100 dollar tub of falafel mix will clip through the wall into an alley you cant get to. It has some other quirks that I’d like to see be ironed out with patches. I wouldn’t mind unlimited sprint, a way to pick up multiple items, and a way to expand the restaurant. Everything right now is pretty simple. Looking forward to more content from the devs. Though there isn’t much to do after you get past the first challenge, I’d still recommend.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

ATTENTION ! GROSSE ARNAQUE ! Le développeur de FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator prefere sortir des jeux identiques sur le même modele plutôt que de mettre à jour FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator qui comporte énormément de bug et qui ne sera donc jamais terminé ! De plus il rédige de faux avis positif de tous ces jeux qu’il a Cree, enfin de faire gonfler la note des avis positif de ces jeux ! Voilà vous ete prévenues….

WARNING ! BIG SCAM! The developer of FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator prefers to release identical games on the same model rather than updating FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator which has a lot of bugs and which will therefore never be finished! In addition, he writes false positive reviews of all these games that he has created, finally to inflate the rating of positive reviews of these games! Here you are warned ….

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator on Steam

Flåklypa Grand Prix

Flåklypa Grand Prix

Liker spillet godt. Det kommer mange minner tilbake, og en fantastisk jobb er blitt gjort for å lage spillet i en 2021 versjon. Noen forbedringer kan gjøres. “scores” blir borte av seg selv, da man lukker spillet og åpner det på nytt. Dette er frustrerende da man konkurrerer mot familiemedlemmer i bl.a postsortering. Man gå jo ikke rundt å husker på scoren sin, men når spillet glemmer den i tillegg blir det vanskelig å konkurrere. (sikkert en liten bug) Håper også highscore systemet skiller mellom lett/normal/vanskelig i en update. Har også et ønske om at resten av spillene kommer tilbake, gjerne i en “DLC” evt.

Real player with 53.1 hrs in game

I enjoyed this game greatly but it is not without problems.

It’s been so long since I played the original I can’t remember much of it, but I do remember the Ludwig’s labyrinth minigame being my favourite but they have changed into something else that is too easy and boring, in the original it was some easy addicting pac-man-ish.

The game is filled with the most useless trivia, I don’t know if it’s so they can sell it as a learning game or it’s just fun facts, but they are so pointless with one sentence each to cover entire fields of study.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Flåklypa Grand Prix on Steam

Last Kids on Earth and the Staff of Doom

Last Kids on Earth and the Staff of Doom

I wanted to at least complete the main story mode to give a proper review; I really had fun with this game, I’m super into the show and the books, but not exactly on the whole Action RPG formula (although this one reminded me a lot of Mercenary Kings, and that game rocks) so that says how well the characters can carry you along to keep you hooked xD

If you’re a fan of the show, you’re gonna love this game… Jack Sullivan as a protagonist can be annoying at times (and I like the guy LOL) so I don’t blame you if you find his narration obnoxious, that’s like… his thing, but then again it feels like something from season 1 of the show (considering the game was produced along it) and since then the characters had evolved a bit more ^^

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

This game is an incredible piece of crap. It NEVER boots into a usable interface and thus can’t be played. REFUND NOW!!

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Last Kids on Earth and the Staff of Doom on Steam