Alien Flex

Alien Flex

Alien Flex starts out hard as heck in the tutorial level, but scales down in difficulty once you learn how to approach fights. The first sequence of levels took me over 30 mins to complete.

Game has its flaws, but persevering through them makes winning all that much more satisfying.

Kill the guards, steal the drugs, and boogie.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Action-Adventure Games.

Alien Flex on Steam



Dynopunk is an ironic visual novel that combines a unique repairing simulator with the ability to directly influence your clients' attitudes.

Imagine there was no asteroid hitting the Earth and millions of years later dinosaurs created their own society. Chris is the last surviving T Rex and all he wants is to open the repair shop of his dreams. It also wouldn’t hurt to build a time machine and travel to the past to find himself a girlfriend. Isn’t it a bit much, Chris? Just don’t throw your paws up!


Your friend came to you worried? Talk about his problems and give him some advice. But beware, he will listen to you. Or maybe a moody but rich client came to you? Just give him a drink he likes and be nice, it will pay off. On the other hand, you can badger him to see how mad he can get!


For a successful gadget repair, you need to find out the breakdown causes by talking with the client, choose a suitable chip with an effect, and make it as high quality as possible. Your profit depends on your skills.


A 3D printer that can print chips which give an object any effect. How will you utilize this? A client brings you a broken robotic vacuum: do you install a chip with internet connection to fix the navigation system, or install an intellect chip so the vacuum takes over the owner’s house?


Sip a cup of your favourite tea, listen to a lo-fi soundtrack, dive into characters' stories, and make your choices. Play your own jokes on customers as well.


World filled with history, subtext, dinosaurs, and futuristic gadgets. What more could you ask for?

Read More: Best Comedy Crafting Games.

Dynopunk on Steam



Final score: 8/10

Pros: story; dialogue; music; combat; puzzle design

Cons: several major bugs; little to no explanation for certain game/combat mechanics; narrow windows for a handful of side quests and character upgrades

PC: 64-bit Windows 7, Intel i7. Ran smoothly from point of sale, no need for workarounds or additional patches.

Review: I have more to say about this game than I can type here or that most people would read. My first exposure to Anachronox was playing the demo included on a PCGamer disc back in my middle and high school years. It only included a small snippet of the game - the Sly Boots murder investigation in Whitendon. I was intrigued by nearly everything about the game design, and playing it in full almost two decades later I was not disappointed.

Real player with 54.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy RPG Games.

When I started playing this game I had no idea what to expect. I was initially struggling to get two other games set up and ready to stream (Jade Empire and Thief Gold) and so I was looking for a back-up game to stream instead and saw the name, remembered I got it years ago (most likely during a sale) and I gave the store a quick look just to get the genre correct for my organisation with how I name/organise my streams by game genre, ect. That said, what came next I was not prepared for!

My first stream of the game and my legitimate first-hand experience of this game:

Real player with 53.8 hrs in game

Anachronox on Steam

Born Punk

Born Punk

A former combat hacker, a corporate CEO and a malfunctioning android get possessed by mysterious, otherworldly entities and must band together to save themselves and uncover the entities' origins. Talk, puzzle and explore your way through this (often humorous) cyberpunk thriller.

Bornholm. Today, a quaint island in the Baltic Sea. In 2155, a sprawling metropolis able to compete with major world powers. Thanks to the Space Elevator, a technological marvel built by Bornholm’s corporate consortium, The Conglomerate, few nations on the planet are more influential both in industrial matters and space exploration.

In Born Punk, the player slips into the role of three people (well, two people, depending on your stance on artificial lifeforms) living on the island: Eevi, a corporate combat hacker turned bartender down on her luck; Mariposa, the CEO of Bornholm’s biggest corporation; and a malfunctioning android who calls himself Grandmaster Flashdrive.

The three characters have one thing in common: they all, one after another, get possessed by strange entities of unknown origin and even less known intentions. They must work together - and sometimes against each other - to find out of the nature of those beings, what they want, and why they seem to think that their ‘mission’ is of vital importance for the future of humanity.

Key features:

  • A classic point-and-click adventure experience: we’re very proud to feature our own distinct style, but we are also definitely influenced by games like Monkey Island or Beneath a Steel Sky and try to please both veteran afficionados of the genre and newcomers alike with a traditional pixel-art appearance and a streamlined, modern approach to game design

  • Movement everywhere: you won’t feel like you’re walking through a still life painting; Born Punk’s world is alive and full of animation, soundscapes and small details to discover

  • Choices and consequences: often, it’s possible to approach dialogues and puzzles from different angles. As a result, interactions and dialogues with other characters, the difficulty to overcome certain obstacles, and the results of many actions will vary greatly depending on what the player chooses to do

  • Full voice-overs: every character in Born Punk and every line is voiced by professional voice actors. Yes, that includes the cat.

  • Bombastic music: the main theme and various other tracks are composed by Jeff Kurtenacker, composer of Wildstar and choral arranger of World of Warcraft. Jeff is joined by a merry band of synthwave musicians to create a genuine and emotional cyberpunk/sci-fi soundtrack with a Nordic twist

  • Let’s be serious, it’s funny: Born Punk is science-fiction with heavy cyberpunk influences; but we’re also boasting a hopeful, often humorous undertone. Point & click adventures without at least a bit of humour are unthinkable to us!

  • A comprehensive universe: there’s a slew of background info to read and experience, all of which becomes available in your PDA as you interact with the game world. Sometimes, in-game lore will also serve as an optional gameplay mechanic.

Born Punk on Steam

No Sushi, No Life

No Sushi, No Life

It crashed my computer and crushed my dreams.

If you wanna check out some honest game play check out the video below and decide yourself

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Object detection is poor. I kept not picking up the plates and failing (even though I should have picked up the plates perfectly).

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

No Sushi, No Life on Steam

Jazzpunk: Director’s Cut

Jazzpunk: Director’s Cut

The 1960’s were a strange time, atomic paranoia fueled the cold war as the space race allowed mankind to make monumental leaps forward technologically. Global espionage was the tool with which the cold war was fought as agents from both of the world’s super powers battled for information and technology. Amidst all of this, counter culture exploded and use of psychedelics became a new past time. Jazzpunk uses this period of time as an aesthetic springboard for it’s comedic hijinx and in doing so plays out like an episode of Saturday Night Live with an overarching theme to it’s skits.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Jazzpunk is…well it’s…umm…hmm…

Sitting here having finished the game, I haven’t the least bit of an idea how I’m supposed to describe the bloody insanity that is Jazzpunk. I could say it’s a psychedelic love letter to obscure references; an outrageous consolidation of ridiculous moments and hilarious dialog, brought to life with a bizarre art style and deadpan delivery. But what is Jazzpunk really? Well I guess it’s all of these things and so much more; an barrage of creativity held together by forces beyond our understanding. It’s insane and absurd, and I love it so much.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Jazzpunk: Director's Cut on Steam

Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon

Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon

grant bought me this game for my 3rd birthday and i just recently learned to type so thank grant for the game goodnight

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

better then the actual far cry 3


Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon on Steam

Gods of the Twilight

Gods of the Twilight

Gods of the Twilight is a multi-season episodic visual novel that places you in a dystopian near-future where old magic is reemerging in a world on the brink of Norse mythology’s apocalypse. Play as two protagonists—one male, one female. Explore government conspiracies and attempt to navigate your social and romantic lives while a decaying future world faces Ragnarök, and ancient truths about you and your companions start to resurface.

  • Your choices determine the protagonists' relationships with their companions, and with each other.

  • A range of possible endings, for your characters and for the world.

  • Choose which romance(s) each protagonist will pursue, or choose none at all!

  • An episodic story released over time, where choices carry over between volumes.

  • At least 3 volumes, with over 95,000 words (10-15 hours of gameplay) currently planned for the first volume alone.

Both player characters have romance options of multiple genders, including each other! But the romance arcs are completely optional, and you can enjoy the game’s core story and all endings even if you opt to romance no one.

Althea Mishra - A scholarly but sheltered daughter of two high-achieving parents, she’s an intellectual who nonetheless loves dirty jokes.

Farkas Heklason - Under the hardened exterior of a guy who survived rough streets growing up, he’s a scarred introvert whose emotions run very deep.

Sara Grímsdóttir - Sensitivity and strength combined, this mostly soft-spoken girl is just as full of bravery as she is compassion for anyone she encounters.

Hector Koskinen - A shameless dork, he’s involuntarily wealthy thanks to his CEO father, but nonetheless straightforward and honest to a fault.

Lieutenant Cebisa Komani - A duty-driven Icelandic special forces police officer, she’s now an operative for the highly classified international operation dealing with recent supernatural occurrences.

Mikael Pulkkinen - Hector’s valet, who has become more like an older brother to him through the years they’ve spent together. Easily sees through bullshit and has zero tolerance for it.

And more as the story unfolds!

Gods of the Twilight on Steam



Punkgrad is a fast-paced and bloody 3D platformer. You will become a crazy guy, with an important mission on his shoulders to save the world that was hung by a strange homeless man. It is not clear where this man came from and who he is at all, but apparently, now you will have to do what he says, but exactly to chop and to shoot creatures from different dimensions and listen to his meaningless chatter on the interlink, because there is no another way out of the situation.

You will have to go through all this experience till the end and maybe there you will find answers to your numerous questions or not, who knows…

Punkgrad on Steam



Outstanding game. From gameplay to visual style, music and the references to retro movies, they all contribute to a complete package that will make you grateful for finding this gem. I absolutely recommend it without second thought, go for full price or not, it’s your call.

Playing with a controller is advised

Real player with 47.8 hrs in game

This game was an epic find! Amazing gameplay, even better story, awesome replay-ability value, great visual style… I only wish I managed to get the limited edition physical copy. If you are a pop culture freak like myself, you will love tons of references :) Oh, I almost forgot, playing with friends brings the experience to the next level. This game is a must play.

Real player with 29.0 hrs in game