

First time playing in 2021 and it is still worth it!

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Funny Games.

its style is timeless

its gameplay IS NOT


Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Psychonauts on Steam

Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

I’ve been playing various Lucasarts graphic adventure games for the past week, and this is probably the worst so far. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason as to where you are supposed to go, and it loves wasting your time by padding the game with horribly repetitive mazes everywhere you go. The characters are almost non-existent. Barely any lines are spoken between characters aside from Zak uttering a newspaper headline every once in a while. There are also unknowable fail states, which are unacceptable in a game filled with nonsensical puzzles and pixel hunting.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Retro Games.

Although “Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders” is a not one of the famous LucasArts' game, it’s one of their oldest point and click adventures that certainly pushed the genre forward with some creative ideas. Gameplay mechanics like controlling multiple characters or traveling freely everywhere were unique for back then and made the game less linear. That doesn’t mean that the puzzles are perfect. Many puzzles have weird logic or they don’t give you enough clues to proceed to the the next one. A lot of times you’ll try things by luck. Dead ends, repetitive deaths, pixel hunting and obsolete controls can be frustrating too. Nevertheless it is a game that packs lovely pixelated graphics, a crazy story, adorable characters, good sense of humor and it is entertaining enough to give it a try.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders on Steam



This game is actually not as bad as most reviews state it is. Though coming from a Neverhood fan, it has its pitfalls.

First off, let’s start with the game’s artistic features. The claymation style is rather wonderful to look at, fitting with Armikrog’s whimsical style (like the Neverhood). It was pleasing to hear Terry Taylor return to make the soundtrack, albeit taking a more “earthy” and electronic turn than the blues and Dixie soundtrack he wrote for the Neverhood. Despite the musical shift, the music is still great to listen to through levels. Last but not least, the return of the near-entire staff who made the original game. Tennapel and several of the original members coming on board again truly helped make this game amazing. Most of the quirky humor was still prevalent with the characters and situations, from many of the game’s writers. Those aspects helped shape the experience to be enjoyable.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Retro Games.

This review contains spoilers, mostly from The Neverhood

I don’t know how many attempts at writing this review I’ve had before. And to be honest, I still don’t entirely know how I feel about this game - but I’ll do my best to express all that comes to my mind.

Let me start by saying that The Neverhood is my ultimate favourite game. As in, for me it’s an absolute perfection, a masterpiece among games, my favourite game ever since I first played it as a ~6-year-old.

The Neverhood has everything.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Armikrog on Steam

Grim Fandango Remastered

Grim Fandango Remastered


There are tons of guides out there. Why you should read mine? I had beat the old version of this video-game around 8 times. Also, I damn love Grim Fandango. Trust me, you will get good info on this one.

This game is one of those that catch your soul and your heart and attach to it like if it will never let you go. It’s like if this game eat your soul, but in a good way. In this video-game you are in the shoes of Manuel “Manny” Calavera. You are a travel agent that work for a company called the DOM “Department of the Death” right at the Land of the Death, and your mission is to sell the best commission to the people that came right after death. The objective is to give to each person what deserves for being good or bad in life. The good people go to heaven, but things change when you discover a conspiracy behind the DOM and you meet Mercedes “Merche” Colomar. The world as Manuel Calavera knows it changes forever. Grim Fandango it’s a game that contains amazing art, and incredible story and a very fun gameplay.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

🚀 Overview

** Original **

| 👍 Merits | 👎 Flaws |


✔️ Engaging story

✔️ Tip-top character design

✔️ Amusing dialogue and voicework

✔️ Multilayered level design

✔️ Schmick art direction

✔️ Fantastic soundtrack


❌ Overuse of bizzare logic in puzzles

❌ A complete lack of primitive hints

❌ Clunky controls


** Remastered **

Real player with 23.5 hrs in game

Grim Fandango Remastered on Steam

Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold - Episode 1

Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold - Episode 1

A tribute to classic point and click adventure games!

Fester Mudd was a surprise, a great surprise. It really respects its antecessors and the genre, works as a nice throwback to those adventure games back in the day and oh boy, it delivered.

The story is interesting enough to keep you playing it, in fact, as the game goes on you are more and more invested in the plot thanks to its pretty good puzzles, all of them make sense, some served as a comedy value, some can be challenging.

Talking about comedy, it is filled with tons of funny dialogues and scenarios, which ones delivered even more entertaining to the game, there are some easter eggs and those are great.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

I love this game. It feels so fresh and retro at the same time. The humor is wonderfully thought out and even the minor characters are memorable. The game keeps the Point & Click tradition of bizarre puzzle solutions so you may need a guide for specific parts, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing considering the genre.

There are two reasons why I cannot reccommend this title at its current $10 price tag. First, for the amount of money you spend, you won’t get much replay value out of it. When you consider Steam sales dishing out titles like borderlands 1 & 2 for a $10 total, games like this become a less worthy investment. Plus, has a few Point and Click adventures floating around their site for FREE. I think the game could stand more of a chance if it routinely went on sale.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold - Episode 1 on Steam

Metal Wolf Chaos XD

Metal Wolf Chaos XD

tl;dr: Arcade Armored Core. Fast, furious mech action with a ton of customization, lots of hidden depth, and a focus on old school arcade-style high score chasing and replayability.

Yeah, yeah, President of the United States in a giant robot, blow up America for great justice. If you’re looking at this store page, you already know the bonkers pitch, and you probably know that the tone of the game really is as ridiculous as it sounds. But how does it play?

You control an ultra-agile mech running, jumping, boosting and flying around to complete objectives that are all fundamentally “blow up something or other.” Early levels may have you blow up all the enemy encampments in an area, but later levels can involve racing through a timed sequence to blow up a reactor, or playing hide and seek with a giant spider mech to blow up its power station (and then blow up the mech itself), or fighting against a group of enemy mechs in order to blow them up. Though all this might seem repetitive, the level designs and subtle differences in how you’re expected to blow things up really do give each level a distinct feel, and the sheer act of blowing things up never stops feeling great.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

A bare-bones re-release and remaster of the game with a few issues (including a locked frame-rate due to its console origins) but aside from that, it should run on a toaster and is perhaps one of the craziest, most nonsensical and downright ridiculous mecha games around, done by From Software nonetheless. The story is pure unadulterated insanity or how Japan views or thinks the US works. Dialogue here is above the proverbial “so bad it’s good”: this is voiced, people SPOKE those lines. You just don’t get this level of madness anymore and I applaud them for it.

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

Metal Wolf Chaos XD on Steam

Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon

Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon

When Under a Killing Moon debuted in 1994 it was a marvel, the first story-based adventure game to incorporate both 3D first person movement and FMV (Full Motion Video). When it showed up on Steam at a bargain price I decided to replay it and see how it held up against the recent spate of indie-made story games that I’ve been playing. The verdict - it’s still pretty amazing.

Sure, the graphics are pixellated and the controls are a little…odd. But the production values are stellar - great sound, acting, writing, and game design. The mouse-based movement control took a little getting used to, but actually worked much better than the fidgety controls in recent games like Edith Finch and Stories Untold, which just about drove me mad.

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Trawling through the relics of adventure gaming’s past can often be more frustrating than fun, but I’m happy I gave Tex Murphy a chance! Under a Killing Moon tells a great tale set in a near-future, post-apocalyptic world, done up in the most advanced tech 1994 could muster. Even if – unlike myself – they don’t see beauty in jerky live-action videos so low res they contain weird rainbow blotches, everybody who enjoys adventures will find something to love in the silly-serious narrative, and especially in the character of Tex Murphy: a down-on-his-luck, fedora-wearing PI torn straight from the pages of a Raymond Chandler novel. Some of the actors are pretty good, some are so bad they’re good, and some of them are just straight-up bad – tough, yet affable, yet goofy ol' Tex, though, is consistently played to perfection (perhaps that’s because he’s portrayed by Chris Jones, who is also the series' head designer). It’s easy to see why this character picked up such a cult following!

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon on Steam

A Vampyre Story

A Vampyre Story

A starting note that the play time does not reflect game length or completion time as I often leave games running whilst off doing other things.

A Vampyre Story is a fun point and click game that whilst not breaking any moulds of the genre it’s characters and dialogue I thought were witty and memorable and had me laughing out loud a fair few times. It also looks good, but the animations can sometimes ‘stick’ shall we say, although this is not a big issue.

Any fans of P&C’s will not be diasapointed in what this has to offer, although not the most challenging game out there, the puzzles aren’t ludicrously obscure as they can be in some other titles and range from simple to medium difficulty.

Real player with 46.4 hrs in game

I picked this game up when it first came out on disc and I regretted never finishing it. I was thrilled that it showed up on Steam and I’m very happy my memories of the game weren’t just nostalgia, it’s very fun and polished. The tone and puzzles are reminiscent of classic LucasArts games and the art is top notch, even by today’s cartoon game standards.

Some have not liked the voice of Mona, the main protagonist. It is high pitched and I can see how it could annoy folks but I thought it fit and didn’t mind.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

A Vampyre Story on Steam

Deponia: The Complete Journey

Deponia: The Complete Journey

Deponia: The Complete Journey contains the first three Deponia Games (Deponia, Chaos on Deponia, and Goodbye Deponia) it is NOT a separate game. I made the mistake of thinking it was a separate individual game on it own and ended up buying all three original games PLUS The Complete Journey but luckily it was during one of STEAM’s massive sales and they were all super cheap. The good thing is that it gave me a chance to compare all three games with this collection.

Since this is a collection of the first 3 games, if you actually have any of those 3 games you are probably better off just buying the other 2 individually unless you find the collection is on sale and offer a better price then it would cost to buy the other 2 games (which does happen). If you don’t have any of them I would say just buy this collection. For the most part, there isn’t anything really different between the game play on the collection vs the game play in the individual games. Graphics are the same, sound is the same. The biggest difference is that this collection offers “director’s commentary” in the game. The bard who sings the opening, cut-scene, and end scene parts is the in-game avatar for the Games director (I want to say Pokki is his name but it’s been a while and now I’m neither sure of the spelling or the name itself). With the director’s commentary you see a circle in the upper corner with his image. Every scene you are in (including mini-games… which he loves by-the-way) has that circle.

Real player with 108.4 hrs in game

I’m writing this review just as i finished the entire trilogy including all the achievements,

last week i got a little nostalgic so i decided i want to play deponia all over,

l had the complete journey in my library and decided ill use it for it

about the complete journey edition:

the most notable change about this version is that you have a full voiced commentary by one of the devs

in daedalic “poki” and i got to say its just so fun to listen to them

as someone who aspires to be a game dev i find the commentary very interesting and also very charming and humoristic , a real new experience

Real player with 65.3 hrs in game

Deponia: The Complete Journey on Steam

Full Throttle Remastered

Full Throttle Remastered

I first knew about Full Throttle back in its release year of 1995. I thought it would be an interesting game to try because I was aware that it is an adventure game about bikers. However, I never got the chance to play it. In 2017 Full Throttle Remastered was released on Steam, so I had renewed interest in this game.

The 1995 version of Full Throttle was pixelated point-and-click adventure whereas the remastered version is 3D, but you can switch between the pixelated version and the 3D version at any time. The game is an interactive tale told through a biker’s perspective; a biker named Ben. From the start, I felt like the game was a great way to experience gaming in the point-and-click adventure genre.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

My rating: 8/10

Based on: one full playthrough

Full disclosure: As with many LucasArts adventure video games, I played the Windows original around the turn of the century on my first home PC and I still have fond memories of it.


(+) a high-octane main story set in a gritty near-future alternate-history universe, following Ben, a tough and gruff biker gang leader, as he gets mixed up in murder, corporate and vehicular warfare, and other manly exploits

(+) a motley crew of larger-than-life and memorable supporting characters like the elusive love interest Mo and the fiendish antagonist Adrian Ripburger

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Full Throttle Remastered on Steam