Secret Agent Allan Martin in … Phoenix Erupting

Secret Agent Allan Martin in … Phoenix Erupting

This is a very well thought out comedy game. I have enjoyed this game very much I like it. Very good

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Multiple Endings Games.

Secret Agent Allan Martin in ... Phoenix Erupting on Steam

The Grand Lord

The Grand Lord

I have tried the game only for two rounds yet I’ve already discovered some very surprising outcomes from different choices. The endings I’ve got is quite general thus I am really intrigued by the other possible ones for I’ve gone two opposite directions by being good and mean. The dialogues involved are quite interesting and the great colours are used as an indication for status. Recommend it!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Choices Matter Games.

Really enjoyed the game. Very funny and makes me want to beat all the endings as it’s very re-playable. Really glad i gave this game a shot, 100% worth giving it a shot

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

The Grand Lord on Steam

Karen: An Outrage Simulator

Karen: An Outrage Simulator

I went into this game expecting 45 minutes-1 hour’s worth of silly little content that would give me, someone who’s worked in food and retail, a good laugh.

What I got was 3 hours of organ rupturing good humored, nail on the head scenarios that were so scarily familiar but also insanely ridiculous.

Without spoiling anything (yes, yes, there is a plot, and it is delicious), you go through a good handful of incredibly unique, inconvenient situations that could truly happen to anybody. No level feels like a repeat, no joke feels overused or like low-hanging fruit (unless you count the entire premise of the game as low hanging fruit). If you play on Normal mode, you have to figure out how to manipulate different characters to get what you want purely through intuition and guess work, WITHOUT you (Karen) becoming outraged and making a disaster of the place.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Diplomacy Games.

Similar to other reviews, I thought this game would be shorter…offering maybe an hour of content. I ended up streaming it for over 3 hours.

I played this with a couple of other friends and we all took turns voice-acting Karen and the other characters. We spent so much time laughing our sides were sore!

I’ve also worked 7 years in retail and, again like other reviewers, have encountered my fair share of “Karens” and this game accurately depicts the stereotypical Karen in her natural habitat.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Karen: An Outrage Simulator on Steam

Kyle is Famous: Complete Edition

Kyle is Famous: Complete Edition

I played through every single one of the endings of this game. And although I would love to say ti was worth it, I cannot.

The humor is funny at first, but then you realize that the writer of this game has an obsession with vore/cannibalism/vomit and it’s pretty easy to predict the direction of every single ending. Also, there were many times when perfectly decent endings were drawn out to the point where it’s completely ridiculous and unfunny, like it’s necessary for Kyle to completely change society every time he dies.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

The trailer for this game gave me major Stanley Parable vibes so I was excited to play it. Unfortunately the trailer is pretty misleading. The narrator reads out your choices and the results in a normal voice. There’s no emotion (confusion, anger, exasperation, etc), and there’s no additional comments. The only similarities with Stanley Parable are that playthroughs can unlock additional options for the next playthrough. As far as humour goes, it had the odd funny moment but most of it was just stupid, and not in a funny way IMO. Humour is very subjective though so I can understand some people liking it.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Kyle is Famous: Complete Edition on Steam

The Hayseed Knight

The Hayseed Knight

If there was a game that perfectly captured modern day degenerate humor it is this game. Our unfortunate hayseed knight is basically a walking talking cursed innuendo. This game actually almost feels like an anime in that way.

I really liked this game. I’m starting to grow an appreciation for the simple game design of line less painted backgrounds and simple line drawn ‘cut scenes.’ You can get a lot of good screenshots literally all over the place.

The music is great. I love situation specific music that knows how to change with whats happening. I could actually see myself buying the OSP if I could.

Real player with 36.4 hrs in game

The Hayseed Knight is a lovingly crafted Visual Novel which, while light on gameplay, features incredibly well-written dialogue and narration, memorable and sometimes surprisingly complex characters as well as art assets and voice acting rivalling even big-budget productions in terms of quality. But I know that story is what’s most important to the Visual Novel crowd, so let me tell you this: The Hayseed Knight made me laugh, it made me think, it made me feel butterflies in my stomach and in the end,

! it even broke my heart.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

The Hayseed Knight on Steam



Let us consult the stars.

Astrologaster was one of those games that I almost passed up on. I don’t remember exactly when I first came across Astrologaster, but it didn’t click with me at first. I was just sleepily browsing the upcoming games section around midnight, as you do, and it popped up. Finding the name interesting, I clicked, looked at the screenshots, and thought “hmm, I don’t know”. I saw it a couple more times, but when it got closer to the release date I finally watched the trailer. Why I didn’t watch it before, I can only blame it on being way too tired that night. With the combination of finding the trailer and the real life element behind Astrologaster intriguing, as well as peeking at a gameplay video, I thought “Hey, why not take the chance?”. Spoiler alert, I’m glad that I did.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this Letter of Recommendation for the General Public, as such that it is publicly displayed for All to fashion and be notified of the most excellent Occurence that has blessed our Water Vapour Storefront.

I feel obligated with great Duty to inform the good People of this Community that the very Heavens have brought down a veritable Angel of scientific Inquiry and medical Expertise. Why, I am, of course, referring to Doctor Simon Forman, an extraordinary Gentleman of grand Intellect and greater Empathy for the common Man. Through the Science of the Stars, Doctor Foreman instills a Sense of Security and Safety towards his Querents, many of which are notable Members of the higher Echelon, for good Reason! It is clear Doctor Forman’s medical Practice is of such immaculate Degree that God himself speaks directly to him via the starry Sky above!

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Astrologaster on Steam

Dracula VS The Ninja On The Moon

Dracula VS The Ninja On The Moon

Dodgy bootleg VHS style interactive FMV were you try to fix the tracking on your VCR to see what happens next in this outrageously silly movie about vampires and ninjas on the moon!

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

The introduction feels like you’ll be there to see your first born live and die it takes so long. Most importantly though, the game’s main mechanic, the “tracking” is outright broken. Pressing either side does nothing no matter how many times you press, and when a new scene comes it’ll be clear suddenly for no apparent reason.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Dracula VS The Ninja On The Moon on Steam

Survivor Dieland

Survivor Dieland

Codeword: Hag.

So, I recommend this, because playing it made me feel good and smile. It is by far not my favourite of the test games, but it is well worth its money in my opinion.


  • Short but entertaining

  • Interesting questions that you actually have to think about

  • Reading the results was highly amusing and made me feel good. I think that needs to be emphasized considering that survival is a rather serious business. On that note:

  • The outlandish scenarious you are confronted with are quite nice. Managed to take me off guard once or twice, which is refreshing.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Secret word: Shark-bite

While I’ve enjoyed a good amount of the other games, I would say this is one that isn’t really worth playing. I never want to down vote small studio games because I know that it can affect how many other people buy the game. This one still felt like a miss on my end. If you’re looking for a game that has interesting questions and provides you with a short story at the end of the game, then you should play it– but this was just not my kinda game. I don’t plan on refunding it though, because it brought a little enjoyment. Just not enough to recommend it to other friends/users.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Survivor Dieland on Steam

The Sych story

The Sych story

This game is fucking incredible.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

The Sych story on Steam

Gobby McGobblenutz Presents - The Questionably Quirky Quiz Show

Gobby McGobblenutz Presents - The Questionably Quirky Quiz Show

Secret Word: Wonderful

Point number: 420

So, this was lots of fun! One of my favourite games of theirs so far. It made me smile, it made me exclaim in shock and I was enjoying every second of it. Actually gonna go right over to my best friend to recommend this game, because I really want to know her results and this is so much fun it ought to be shared!

Also, the Granny rocks!

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Points: 439

Secret Word: Wonderful

This one definitely had a different feel than the other games, and I found it harder to decide what type of answer I should give… What I would genuinely give, the get the most points, or what I suspect the lady whose points we need to match might have given. Was still a fun half hour.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Gobby McGobblenutz Presents - The Questionably Quirky Quiz Show on Steam