No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

The fact that they released an old game in this state is absolutely ridiculous and inexcusable.

  • Partial controller support for a game that doesn’t support kb+m despite the fact that it could work (you need workarounds in order to play with Dualshock 4 for gods sake).

  • Constant crashing during load screens. You know that lovely feeling of doing side stuff for hours only to have the game crash on you and removing all your progress because autosave isn’t a thing? Outstanding.

  • No options whatsoever. Wow look, you can toggle fullscreen on or off, so advanced.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Motorbike Games.


Aaaaand that’s the next game all done! What an experience this game was. Let’s begin with the review:

Soooo…once again, I’m glad I gave these games a chance and I’m glad that I bought both of these instead of just one, definitely got a more fuller experience with them. So, where do I stand on this game?


While I don’t think this game is narratively better than the first game, The assassins in this game don’t feel like real people at times and more or less just feel like ‘oh, just another bad guy for Travis to fight to get to the top, I guess.’ It’s kind of jarring going from a game that had characters with some levels of depth to them and you could almost feel their struggles up until they died to a sequel where only a few of the assassins actually feel like they’re properly fleshed, and one of those few is just a character from the first game brought back from the dead that Travis himself doesn’t even get to face, with that character being ‘New Destroyman’, instead Shinobu fights him (or rather them since there’s two now and it’s kind of an annoying fight, ngl.) The story is….worse than the first game and while it has it’s good moments in it as well like Henry fighting an anime mecha girl, Shinobu making her moves on Travis which is uhhh…kind of funny and kind of weird at the same time considering the fans who probably DID ship them got slapped in the face and those who didn’t were probably just thinking ‘Yeah, that seems about right’, and Travis and Sylvia having more banter (which was some of my favorite moments in the first game and this one since we got to see the two interact more here and form a sort of…screwed up bond), overall, the story is just…okay, not as good as the first game’s but not god-awful either…Jasper is a really crappy character, though, ngl, he’s comic-book as heck and he really only just made Travis get out of retirement because of him killing Greg/Bishop…who barely mattered before in the games asides from him fetching your bike on NMH1 and running the shop in both games. It’s just kind of sad we didn’t get a better story considering how amazingly improved everything else was.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle on Steam

No More Heroes

No More Heroes

Welcome to the Garden of Madness, Sudabros…

tldr; the game is great, but the port is not


The non-technical part of this port is still good, even after 14 years, the game has it’s charm. The heart and soul of the game is still here (except “Heavenly Star” is absent, but you can mod it back in), but the technical side of this port - OH THE TECHNICAL SIDE..

As you could see, most of the reviews here talk about the lack of controller support (KB+M is not an option;

! and why would you even want to play it on KB+M? ) - the game only supports XBOX360 controller, BUT DS4Windows works just fine for me.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Motorbike Games.

Yes. But not yet.

the game works really well, but there’s some bugs that need fixing.

Here’s some stuff nobody else is saying:

  • A bunch of achievements are broken, specifically those that have progression tracking. The counting doesn’t work properly. Those who have the achievement “Dial M for Massacre” are using SAM… for shame guys.

  • There’s some particular segments in the game where you need to hit a target at the right time but the timing is extremely finicky if not completely broken. Luckily they are all optional, but some are tied to a certain achievement. It’s not impossible per se, but I sure avoided them like the plague.

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

No More Heroes on Steam

Fatal Paws

Fatal Paws

Is your cat a murderhobo?

If you want to be spoiled, go ahead and watch my video. Fatal Paws puts you into the role of a jaded teacher who picks up a stray cat from another planet. Dive into Pokemon style cat-vs-human fights in-between an overly dramatic plot that makes about as much sense as a bad horror movie. As a tribute to Fickle Sickle’s cat, it’s touching. As a game to buy, I can’t recommend it. But if you decide to, there is a cat video waiting for you at the end.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Comedy Funny Games.

OMG this game is so fun and so cute. If you are a cat lover you will enjoy this game.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Fatal Paws on Steam

Lost Assassin

Lost Assassin

The year is 3043. You are an AI-AGR (Assassin Grade Robot). Your mothership was destroyed by an unknown force (spoiler: evil robots). Engage in intense platform-shooting action while seeking vengeance, 12 satisfying weapons, powerups, jetpacks, bionic legs and more. Inspired by 80s sci-fi movies and games.


-12 primary weapons, grenades and loads of powerups

-Dialogue system. Choices you make affect gameplay

-AI enemies react and respond to your movements

-Mine resources to upgrade your arsenal

-Jetpack and double jump to reach those tough spots

-Cutting edge 80’s inspired sprites with modern lighting effects

-Huge levels to explore with precise controls …and much much more

Lost Assassin on Steam

Gods of the Twilight

Gods of the Twilight

Gods of the Twilight is a multi-season episodic visual novel that places you in a dystopian near-future where old magic is reemerging in a world on the brink of Norse mythology’s apocalypse. Play as two protagonists—one male, one female. Explore government conspiracies and attempt to navigate your social and romantic lives while a decaying future world faces Ragnarök, and ancient truths about you and your companions start to resurface.

  • Your choices determine the protagonists' relationships with their companions, and with each other.

  • A range of possible endings, for your characters and for the world.

  • Choose which romance(s) each protagonist will pursue, or choose none at all!

  • An episodic story released over time, where choices carry over between volumes.

  • At least 3 volumes, with over 95,000 words (10-15 hours of gameplay) currently planned for the first volume alone.

Both player characters have romance options of multiple genders, including each other! But the romance arcs are completely optional, and you can enjoy the game’s core story and all endings even if you opt to romance no one.

Althea Mishra - A scholarly but sheltered daughter of two high-achieving parents, she’s an intellectual who nonetheless loves dirty jokes.

Farkas Heklason - Under the hardened exterior of a guy who survived rough streets growing up, he’s a scarred introvert whose emotions run very deep.

Sara Grímsdóttir - Sensitivity and strength combined, this mostly soft-spoken girl is just as full of bravery as she is compassion for anyone she encounters.

Hector Koskinen - A shameless dork, he’s involuntarily wealthy thanks to his CEO father, but nonetheless straightforward and honest to a fault.

Lieutenant Cebisa Komani - A duty-driven Icelandic special forces police officer, she’s now an operative for the highly classified international operation dealing with recent supernatural occurrences.

Mikael Pulkkinen - Hector’s valet, who has become more like an older brother to him through the years they’ve spent together. Easily sees through bullshit and has zero tolerance for it.

And more as the story unfolds!

Gods of the Twilight on Steam

The Van of Justice

The Van of Justice

The van of justice is an action, casual simulation game with a lot of physical objects. Experience systematic ragdoll systems, thrown and broken objects, which are not obvious to be found in other games.

“You get revenge, I build results.”

Police J comes to Kim, a student who was bullied at Turner High School in San Francisco, USA in 2005. J offers to give pocket money according to the value of the student’s arrest if he punishes and arrests the students who bullied Kim. Kim, who was bullied by all students, accepted the offer, and now Tooner High School has only to be avenged.

The way to realize justice

All students at Tooner High School are bullying Kim. Punish by throwing weapons or physical objects. Revenge if you make eye contact while walking around the hallway. Punish even if the breathing sound is loud. Even if you’re ugly, punish them. Punish both the teachers and the principal. If you take them to J’s police van, J will pay an additional corresponding price. You don’t have to feel guilty. Everyone is bullying Kim, and you are just realizing justice. If you lost interest in repeated punishment, it’s not a bad idea to carry out additional quests provided by J. If enough money has been collected, the ultimate goal is to purchase nuclear weapons parts through Kim’s home PC, expel all personnel in the school, and blast and demolish buildings.

Slave of capital, student leaders

The counselors (LMCD), as known as student leaders, will punish you when you do something wrong. Openworld games always has this kind of group. However, protection on students is not their jurisdiction. they only work for teachers and themselves.

Is this a school or a subway entrance to hell?

There are many unique friends in this school. Kim is also a very unique case right now. Coco Brothers, who throw up bombs when they’re nervous, Jay and Jenny, a nuisance couple who always stick together at schools where dating is prohibited. Right, There are also a psychopath dancer rabbit Bunny and a 500kg giant Terence who destroys everything and everyone on his way.

The Van of Justice on Steam

Watch Tower

Watch Tower

“Casual arcade with clicker elements! Defend the Kingdom from invasion!”

Well, this 5€/$ game starts with too much enthusiasm maybe.. let’s see =P

Starting from the very first screens, it’s clear that this is a mobile phone game. Cheesy and colorful graphics, little to no text (no settings basically), few things to click or, well, to touch..

And just a few upgrades and boosts: double arrows, poison and freeze arrows; more soldiers, our wall stronger and little else.

The game offers no tutorial at all, even if it’s quite simple - you’ll play as some soldiers in a watch tower on the left side of the screen with the enemies coming in waves from the right side.

Real player with 89.1 hrs in game


Another game I bought during the sales, and the first thing I want to make sure is that it’s not worth your money! I was hoping for this to be one of those old-school tower defense games, but it’s not.

This game has 30 levels, which all look the same.

It’s a very active game, where you need to spam your mouse buttons all the time. The defending of your tower/castle only happens by you, spamming those buttons. There are a couple of things you can upgrade, but they actually don’t help you that much. Unfortunatly this game lacks variation, which makes you want to quit it after probably 5-10 levels.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Watch Tower on Steam

The Ship: Murder Party

The Ship: Murder Party

The Ship is definitely not your usual first-person shooter, where you just shoot anything that looks at you funny - although there is a game mode for that.

It feeds on your cleverness and paranoia. Each game round, you have to kill on specific person onboard one of several ocean liners - the titular Ships - and at the same time, someone is hunting you. Both you and your target - or ‘quarry’ - can take cover under the watchful eye of a Security Guard or Camera, but your hunter will likely be quite happy to bribe the Security to ignore their crimes while they bring that big ol' bat of theirs and beat your ass to death with it.

Real player with 60.3 hrs in game

Turn Clue into a first-person shooter on 1920’s era luxury liners, sprinkle in bits of The Sims, and you’ve got The Ship. Instead of having to uncover a killer, The Ship makes you the killer. To be more specific and familiar to the gaming audience, The Ship is a very polished and creative take on the Assassin’s Creed Multiplayer experience (but also keep in mind that this game came before the Assassin’s Creed Multiplayer genre was released)….where the main gameplay mechanic revolves around finding your target, called your quarry, and breaking their face as stealthily as possible. To do so, there are plenty of lethal weapons and objects to wield, and even some environmental traps that you will find yourself potentially avoiding. To add flavor, everyone else on each map has a quarry as well. While pursuing your own target, you’ll need to stay alert and attempt to spot the passenger readying a knife for your back. The Sims element of the game, quells upon your daily needs to survive (food, drinks, toilet, sleep, etc). The ‘character’s needs’ element makes for a deeper gameplay experience, as your character is vulnerable to attack while you’re downing a bag of chips or snoring on a bed. And it is surely funny when your friend murders you on the toilet. The Ship is one of very few games that brings a large amount of enjoyment to my friends and I. Built on Valve’s Souce engine, a majority of gamers can experience a $20 title with basically 4 copies to gift away. A little too much? Ask four of your friends for $4 each, and your all set! Overall, The Ship is a very innovative, satisfying and humorous experience that a bunch of 5 friends can’t pass up. “Let us set sail!.”

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

The Ship: Murder Party on Steam

Styx: Shards of Darkness

Styx: Shards of Darkness

Ah, yes. Styx. You know, I’ve never actually finished the original. Got about halfway, then lost interest. So this game already did better in that regard, since I’ve not only gotten all achievements but actually enjoyed it enough to keep playing after. So what can you, a potential buyer expect?

Let’s get the obvious things out of the way first. It’s a stealth game. Not a stealth-action game like Dishonored. Pure stealth, which means that you’re not meant to fight fair. The combat system is very basic as a result, and on the highest two difficulties it’s outright disabled. If you get caught, you either flee or turn invisible.

Real player with 106.3 hrs in game

After almost 75 hours of play, it’d be hard for me to say I didn’t get my money’s worth, but while I had a blast (most of the time) playing Styx: Shards of Darkness, I think it was frequently in spite of the game rather than because of it.

Shards of Darkness is a stealth-focused, third-person action game with some great, sprawling maps that often had many paths to your objectives. The main character, a chatty, 4th-wall-breaking goblin named Styx, has a ton of unlockable skills and tools up his sleeve that offer a lot of replayability, despite most of those maps being reused two or three times. The game is at its best when it drops you into a level with all your tricks and leaves you to yourself to find your way. Unfortunately, it also suffers from some hyper-annoying bugs and poor design that will account for the vast majority of your deaths and reloads.

Real player with 77.7 hrs in game

Styx: Shards of Darkness on Steam

Chicken Duty

Chicken Duty

I am re-writing my review after the graphical updates. This game all boils down to an RNG simulator. Where the foxes spawn and where the chicken runs = RNG. Where the chasers spawn and which door is open = RNG. Where the cars are = RNG. What math questions and their difficulty = RNG. Where the chicken is put and where the butcher goes = RNG. While I appreciate your effort, making a game and updating it doesn’t make it a good game. My apologies, but I’m not a fan of a constant RNG simulation. The idea of the game is funny however. :)

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game


Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Chicken Duty on Steam