Star Realms

Star Realms

I used to really enjoy the online version of this game. Saddly that is no longer true. While I would HIGHLY reccomend this game for the Campaign Mode, the Online Mode is another matter ENTIRELY!!!! Once you reach level 5, you must win a number of sucsessfull wins to advance onwords, but each loss counts you backwords on that total. THIS, is not a problem. THE PROBLEM, is that many players have found a way to “HACK” either the timeclock, or the game itself! I have found myself ready to acquire a good card, only to have my game freeze. Then reload. Not only do I lose precious time during this reloaded “Glitch”. But often it will undo my card purchases or even worse, my bases will be destroyed or my health slashed in half. All of which being impossible with the card’s the opponet had availible to play. Now, I KNOW I’m not the best player. I admit that freely. But after almost 500 games, I STILL CAN’T GET EVEN HALFWAY THROUGH TO LEVEL 7! This means With the losses counting against me, I have only managed to go up 1 LEVEL in almost 500 games!!!

Real player with 561.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Space Games.

I’ve enjoyed Star Realms for many year. It is an entertaining deckbuilder game, which is easy to learn. A huge number of cards have been added to this game over the years, and the core sets (5€) are definitely worth the value, while a lot of the smaller dlc (2-4€) is a bit pricey. Although skill does play a part in winning, I would definitely say that a large part of winning comes down to the luck of the draw. And the expansions increase the luck factor quite a bit. I would still say that it is quite enjoyable, and I take it as a challenge, when my opponent start out quite a bit better off than me. Sadly I will not be giving this game my recommendation, based on the recent addition to this game, in the form of Star Realms Arena, which is a particular nasty way of introducing gambling into a kid friendly game.

Real player with 516.5 hrs in game

Star Realms on Steam

Tep The Destroyer

Tep The Destroyer

I’ve had the chance to play many tower defence games through my YouTube channel and I found this one really interesting, especially the challenge mode.

Looking forward to doing more with it in the near future

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Tower Defense Games.


5/10 Tower Cats recommend this game.


☑️A serious “looking” Tower Defense game.

☑️A campaign mode / Survival mode.

☑️A little bit of variety.

❌Feels lacking in terms of freedom.

❌A more forced version of a Tower Defense.

❌Isn’t fast enough.

❌No repair function.

❌The radius HUD for turrets is confusing. Does it reach?

My personal opinion?

I’ve played TD games my entire life from time to time.

I’m familiar with the different niche attempts to make something new and fresh and modern…

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Tep The Destroyer on Steam