Time To Stop Time

Time To Stop Time

This game is SERIOUSLY fun. You start off with super-slow-mo that lets you deflect human enemies' bullets back at them, and it goes from there. You ramp up with full time-stopping, telekinesis for having Fun With Physics (hint: it can be faster to THROW rockets at people than to just LAUNCH them), and a super-mode that turns it completely into Dio Simulator (complete with steamroller).

A story, to show you what’s possible in this game:

It’s the end of the world. I’m fighting a speedster. I unload at him point-blank with a minigun, but he dodges every shot. We keep fighting, keep clashing, moving through the level so I can grab more weapons to use on him. Then I notice – oh hey, hovering over there, those are the bullets from before. So I manoeuvre him, get him to stand with his back to the bullets… and I timeskip to make them all shoot him in the back at once. He goes down, and the day is saved.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Violent Games.

this game is fun, the only level that bugs me rignt now is the one with the big red robot, 2 helicopters, 4-6 enemies with lightsabers, and a tank with 4 people. its too hard for my liking, you dont have enought energy, and the robots/ people with lightsabers are too OP. not only you do you have to avoid the big red robot, and the people with lightsabers that shoot blue forcefields, you have to worry about your energy,

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Time To Stop Time on Steam

Train Chase

Train Chase

A nice basic game. Stand, shoot, dodge and survive. climb the leaderboard and show off to your friends how awesome you are.

i like the different gun options, and the way the game gets a little harder every 20 levels. If you games like superhot, Space pirate trainer give this game a go.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Vehicular Combat Games.

Its a ok game and its not done so I would like to see this change with more updates. So the game is where your on a train and you grab a gun and shoot the bad guys or robots and the more waves you go the more harder it gets and sometimes i’m on my floor laying down while shooting the robots. The game is like Space Pirate Trainer and Super Hot so the game can be fun if you make it fun and find creative ways to take down the robots. This is a good game for the price its not bad and I really like this game and I hope more guns, robots, and areas are made so it can be better

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Train Chase on Steam



Uncover XEL’s dark past

XEL is a 3D action-adventure set in a sci-fi fantasy setting. Play as Reid, shipwrecked on the strange world of XEL. Without any recollection of her former life, it is up to you to unravel her past and connection to XEL. Ready your sword and shield as you explore the overworld of XEL and dive into imposing Zelda-like dungeons full of unforeseen threats and challenging puzzles. Throughout your journey you will make new friends and foes, learn new moves, find new gadgets as well as being able to jump through time and space. As Reid delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding XEL, she discovers an endless cycle of peril. Will she be able to break free from it and what will it take?

An ass-kicking 3D action-adventure through space and time

  • Explore the mysterious world of XEL and uncover its dark past

  • A vibrant overworld and challenging Zelda-like dungeons await to be explored and mastered

  • Help Reid figure out who she is and why she is stranded on this strange place

  • Hack and slash your way through gone-haywire-robot-minions and face the exotic wildlife of XEL

  • Solve time bending puzzles and make use of your arsenal of gadgets to unlock secret paths

Old-school gameplay meets new-school features

  • A classic top-down 3D action-adventure with dynamic camera shifts to stay close to the action

  • XEL offers a well-crafted combat system with different attacks, combos, dodging, parrying and gadgets. How you tackle each encounter is up to you

  • Upgrade your weapons, shield and gadgets to kick even more ass and unlock powerful new moves and combos

  • Collect cores to unlock unique abilities that will let you jump through time to traverse prior inaccessible areas or encounter foes in a weaker state and bend the rules of space

  • Zelda-like dungeons and puzzles put your wits as well as your guts to the test

The world of XEL awaits

  • Experience an intriguing sci-fi fantasy tale with a strong emphasis on story-telling, combat and puzzling

  • Meet a memorable cast of characters and engage in witty and charming dialogues

  • Stumble upon secret quests and landmarks to learn more of the lore

  • Discover time-distorted areas that allow you to take a glimpse behind the curtain that led to the downfall of this strange place

  • Interact with your environment and actively engage with NPCs

A timeless soundtrack and visuals

  • XEL offers vibrant visuals, handcrafted by a passionate Indie team as well as a timeless soundtrack composed by Gidon Wolff

Read More: Best Combat Story Rich Games.

XEL on Steam

Red Ronin

Red Ronin

Imagine Hotline Miami or maybe Katana Zero being a turn based tactical puzzler. That is what Red Ronin actually does. And it does it very well.

The main concept of the game is very interesting. Similarly to the above mentioned titles in Red Ronin every level is you fighting a couple of enemies, you must kill them all to proceed and both you and them die in one hit. However both you and your enemies move in a turn based way and you must outmaneuver them and kill them one by one avoiding putting yourself in a vulnerable position. That is not all, your character does not actually moves - instead she dashes with no distance limitations, only stopping by hitting an obstacle. This can be advantageous as you can strike your foes and instantly be so far away that they won’t be able to reach you but at the same time abusing it too much may end up with you having no place do dash but right into your own death.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Full review (including score): https://youtu.be/Lga1uQ-2Dv4

Summarized review below!

Turn-based tactical dash n’ slash with a Hotline Miami aesthetic, that’s what you can expect from Red Ronin. It’s a neat little indie game developed over the last two years by one dude out of Brazil.

Note: Trimmed review to fit character limit, check video for full version!


Red Ronin may look like a mashup of genres, but at its core, it’s actually a puzzle game. You’re tasked with clearing each room of enemies and reaching the exit without getting hit. Moving in one direction moves you all the way until you hit a wall and you’ll have to take advantage of this in order to dispatch of each enemy. Seems simple, but this is by no means an easy game. In fact, it’s one of the hardest puzzles games I’ve played in quite some time.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Red Ronin on Steam

Carrier Battles WW2: Admiral of the Fleet

Carrier Battles WW2: Admiral of the Fleet

OK big Leaguers, this game is fun! Reminds me of the old Carrier Strike game. Easy to learn.

Now that I have a few hours of play, I can quibble about minor annoyances, and will later, but the basic game-play is FUN. Send out your search planes, find the enemy task force before they find you, and sick your cap, dive bombers, and torpedo planes on them.

Developers should play the steam game ‘Fleet Command’, a lot of great ideas can be had that would improve this game even more.

Developers have already fixed most of my quibbles with game patch updates!

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

I had got this game on the first day, and i felt that the controls were rather confusing, and that there wasn’t a clear objective.

This game on the other hand seems very unfinished, so i hope i see graphic updates that make this game a little more user friendly. I did however play this game on launch, so what i have seen is untapped potential. I would not recommend purchasing this game for now, but within time I believe that this game will become not only playable, but fun and entertaining!

P.S.-I really like the art style

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Carrier Battles WW2: Admiral of the Fleet on Steam

Afterlife Beans

Afterlife Beans

an experience

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Afterlife Beans on Steam

District Steel

District Steel

Developer’s Note: If you are new to VR, we suggest playing a few other VR games first, before playing this one!

Check out the free demo!

Sent from an alternate dimension, SenTRI corporation robots are occupying various locations on Earth and are preparing for an all out AI takeover. There is only one person left to put an end to this…

Half human, half machine, you are equipped with a mechanical arm that gives special time bending powers, while in the other hand wielding a selection of deadly weapons. Blast your way through the underground facility, smashing robot skulls and going in guns blazing. Can you reach the Central AI Core? Can Earth still be saved?

District Steel is a full locomotion VR action game, inspired by the FPS classics. Brought to you by two long time gamers, first time developers, we hope you enjoy our game!

District Steel on Steam

A Night In Berlin

A Night In Berlin

I’ve been trying to figure out what it is about A Night in Berlin that really works on me, because something clearly does. Something made me play through it all in one go, which took hours, and then go into the kitchen for a glass of water, return to my desk, and play through it all over again.

Maybe it’s the fact that I love super-violent action games, because A Night in Berlin is an immaculate super-violent action game. You move through buildings full of angry guys, and each room is like that bit at the end of a Mexican standoff when someone pulls the trigger and everyone dies in a split second: you crash through a door, then sprint six feet to cut a guy’s throat before he can raise his weapon, quickly shoot a bullet backwards as someone bursts through the doorway to investigate the commotion, and then stab at his torso until he falls on the floor. There is no time to think. There is no ‘think’.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

A Night in Berlin, a simple but yet hard game to master and complete you WILL rage however this game is worth the time and effort, as simplistic as it may seem it still is a very interesting story. The game takes place in 2024 and you have 3 different characters to play. The first one involves half stealth half non stealth and you can take out your enemies in any way achievable utilizing your gun or knife given thankfully you can resupply your ammo from dead enemies or it can be scattered around the level. The second… well you better make EVERY single shot count, one missed bullet will cost you the level, keep in mind you cannot melee or resupply on ammunition. And last but not least the 3rd and final character has a kung fu like fighting style and he has the ability to slow down time and roll. KEEP IN MIND YOU DIE ANYTIME ON ANY LEVEL YOU NEED TO RESTART THAT LEVEL COMPLETELY!!!

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

A Night In Berlin on Steam

Cube Land Arena

Cube Land Arena

This game has discusting GUI, awful music, putrid graphics. The game is trash. It was made in 10 minutes in a free Unity knockoff and you should stay away from this garbage. I had more fun in the main menu then the game itself…

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

You have no idea how hard I laughed at this game.

You have to learn the controls by yourself because, as far as I played, no tutorial was there to help me.

I glitched in a mountain and couldn’t leave there, but I could beat level 1 glitched. It was really funny.

I think this game can be great, realizing my mistakes trought gameplay was fun.

The graphics bother me a little, but, nice tower defense game.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Cube Land Arena on Steam

John Wick Hex

John Wick Hex

John Wick Hex is a hex grid strategy game that takes place in the world of John Wick and you play as the Baba Yaga himself. Most people don’t think of strategy game and John Wick in the same sentence, expecting any John Wick game to be a mindless shooting game. This may be a valid expectation but John Wick Hex really captures the feeling of being John Wick and using skill and strategy to come out on top even when vastly outnumbered and outgunned.

If you’ve ever played a game like X-Com before then you know the basics of this type of strategy game only in John Wick Hex you don’t have a squad; you are just one man. You can move around, shoot at enemies, refocus, reload (if you have ammo), bandage, throw your gun at an enemy, or if you’re close enough to them initiate melee combat with strikes, parries, pushes, and takedowns. You have to keep track of your health, your weapon’s ammo, and your focus meter which is used to perform parries, takedowns, and dodges during melee combat. Before each mission there is a level map where you can use your Continental coins to purchase buffs/perks and stash weapons or equipment in the level. You may have to change your play style based on what perks you buy so this adds an element of replayability. At the end of each stage you can watch a real time replay of your actions in the level complete with cinematic camera angles.

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

I really wanted to like this game and it was enjoyable for a while, but in the end for me just misses the mark. It makes me sad because this game has so much potential but limited move options mixed with some poor designs and unnecessary RNG made the game more frustrating than fun.

I like the way all actions happen on a time scale and you can see what your enemies are about to do. Developers nailed this 100%. The move list isn’t bad and most have their place, but to really feel like John Wick there should have been more. In the movies John is constantly grappling one enemy while shooting another. This mechanic is missing. You can’t shield yourself from gunfire with another enemy. This makes the push option largely useless. I would have liked to see a push and shoot option where John can either shoot the enemy being pushed or another enemy while being shielded. There should have been a disarm move as well (or even further - disarm and keep weapon or disarm and discard weapon). We should have been able to chain moves together like a Roll into a Takedown or a Takedown into a Strike instead of John taking down a target, then selecting strike on the next and the target magically gets off the floor for John to do pre-rendered stance strike animation. This is just laziness by the devs.

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

John Wick Hex on Steam