Ultimate Bomb Squad

Ultimate Bomb Squad

Ultimate Bomb Squad is a challenging fast-paced 2D platformer, with precision insta death combat and stealth elements with a ‘sound’ mechanics that takes you in missions across time and space!

Every shoot you take makes sounds, every sound attract enemies and activate the environment, from traps and doors to missiles and lasers.

Styles Challenges

Every level has 2 challenges that test your abilities to play in a specific playstile, ranging from pacifist and ninja, to fast and cyborg.

Level Editor

Create and share your own custom missions!


Far into the future, time travel is not only possible but it is also a pain in the ass.

Evil doers and rampaging megalomaniacs are trying to break time and space, by blowing up important pieces of time and reality and the only thing in their way is the F.L.U.S.H organization!

Operating in the margin of the continuum and with a very low budget and no active agents, F.L.U.S.H tries to hold time and space together. Suddenly a delivery guy shows up, can he be the hero we need? And more importantly : Is he ok with 10 bucks an hour?

Read More: Best Combat Level Editor Games.

Ultimate Bomb Squad on Steam

Guns and Grapples

Guns and Grapples

I absolutely love this game! It takes a while to master, but I enjoy playing it. 8 hours in and I’m only on world 5 because you can play this game in so many different ways! Great for completionists, speed runners, and casual gamers! I normally can’t play platformers for long before getting bored. But the challenge this game provides keeps me hooked! I highly recommend trying!

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Physics Games.

A brand new look at the old platformer Genre. 10/10 from me

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Guns and Grapples on Steam

Wing Chun Pak Sung Bo Legends

Wing Chun Pak Sung Bo Legends

adventure cut short感谢游戏缓解工作和生活的挫败感

Really awesome game.especially towards the end it keeps you poised since you have to at times fight crowds of 20 enemies while fighting the boss.AND WATCH OUT BEING KNOCKED DOWN COULD BE FATAL! You’ll see,if you play. really cool moves variaying from akido to karate to muay thai, I would like a steven seagal skin (in an all black indian tunic) Since he would translate well with this games movements and moves. if there will be any modders or ip man.

HOWEVER DEVS PLEASE! THERE IS A BLUE DOOR AFTER YOU DEFEAT MASON YOU CANNOT ENTER AND THE GAME’S PROGRESSION IS HALTED! I seriously would like to complete and know all there is beyond the game. Thanks 中国#1 KotaroDevsgame

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Hack and Slash Games.

Wing Chun Pak Sung Bo Legends on Steam

Damn Ropes

Damn Ropes

Damn Ropes is this one hard game nobody wants to play because it’s too difficult a challenge but you play it anyway (just don’t tell anyone you play on the ‘Not So Hard’ mode).

You want your own NPC in the game? Join our Discord for more info on this!

There’s no running and jumping in this platformer game. Use your rope to swing from platform to platform. Perform impressive maneuvers, beat diverse challenges and speedrun your way through each level. Oh, did I mention you can fall all the way down to the beginning of each level?

Ah yes. Story. There is a story in this game. There’s actually a pretty deep story in here. But we can’t just throw massive dialogues at you while you try not to fall down. Pay attention to the background and other small details to understand the lore and deeper meaning of the games story. Or don’t. It’s up to you!

So you’re a fan of torturing yourself so you speedrun every single game you can find? Good thing we prepared the game for you! There’s a timer for every level as well as a global timer to track your records. The obvious route to the goal is not always the fastest one (spoiler: It never is).

So the game isn’t difficult enough for you? Then try activating a challenge. Or two. Or all of them. There are challenges like the ‘The Floor Is Not Lava But Very Dangerous’ challenge where you’ve to reach the goal without touching the ground. Or the ‘Your Rope Isn’t As Good As It Should Be’ challenge where you can’t expand or decrease it. If you can beat the whole game with every single challenge activated at once you gained our deepest respect.

We want to create a difficult game, but we also want everyone to enjoy it. So we implemented the ‘Not So Hard’ mode (it just sounds less rude than easy mode). This mode helps a lot when you’ve trouble beating the game. It’s easier to hit the environment with your rope and you can expand and decrease it further.

Damn Ropes on Steam