Daily Espada

Daily Espada

Daily Espada is a small gem, a 2D action with gameplay very dynamic and entertaining.

In the game there are many upgrades and extras such as super attacks, new combos etc.

Very beautiful boss battles, in maximum difficulty becomes truly play difficult, but still VERY fun!

In short, a game that does not cost much, and it provides a solid gameplay and fun!

I recommend it, and it’s a shame to see so few reviews, because the game is worth so much!


(Below is the Italian full review)

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Hack and Slash Games.

Slashing Brazilian folklore monsters and bosses, saving the world and making your family rich in the wierdest game show ever? Sign me up. The game is short by my accounts. Graphics are dark and unique, but also can lead to some visual confusion. Not greatness, but fun, short, but enjoyable.



and here:


Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Daily Espada on Steam

Pilfered Liberty

Pilfered Liberty

Fun short game that’s worth giving a shot.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Pilfered Liberty on Steam

Buck Borris in Action

Buck Borris in Action

Great idea of ​​a small 2d survival game.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat 2D Games.

I liked the graphics and the hits on the enemy, the game is very promising :D

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Buck Borris in Action on Steam



I have mixed feelings about that game— the story is, to be brutally honest, infantilely ridiculous. Moreover, the gameplay feels repetitive at some point and limited to traversing from point A to B.

Last 3 nights are a horrible choice of a game design— it is all the same, annoying process, throwed in the sake of forced “challenge” and, I presume, prolonging this short already digital story.

On the other hand, I adore the artistic touch applied in here. The cozy, yet tense atmosphere with consistency have been accomplished. The story looks interesting and it gave me subtle thrills in the first 3 nights.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

After 3 hours I regret to say that I can not recommend this game.

The atmosphere of it is wonderful and the slow build up, the introduction of the monsters is incredible. Perfect from what I can tell. The difficulty of managing resources (well being of your kids - use the cookies wisely, the light allocation of the house, etc) is also spot on. It is a real challenge. You need to recognize rooms as well and have a good feeling for the layout of the house as it’s critical to later evenings.

But the interface is absolutely god awful, and I have gotten stuck in geometry requiring me to replay evenings. Clicking on nails has to be done several times, and rotating the screwdriver was fucking terrible. If I hadn’t watched a video of someone else playing (seeing that I had move the curse far, far away from it to rotate it) I would never have figured it out. So stupid. An example of this are the pill bottles - there’s no hint as to what you need to do to them (take off the cap using the mouse and cursor, click on the bottle to raise it high above your head, then tilt it to pour the pills out of the bottle and into your mouth).

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

MOTHER on Steam



Playing this game feels like you’re on a 90 degree day and you’re sitting on the toilet trying to force out a shit that is having a really hard time coming out and all you can feel is sweat running down your face and back as you try with every fiber of your muscles to force this hunky turd out of the backside of your anus. What I’m trying to say is that this game sucks and if you like it YOU suck. 0/10

also I’m a girl so you better upvote my review!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

ok so the new update just came out i manages to play it and its getting better but here are some bugs i found

bug #1 everytime you go into the weapon table to buy a weapon or ammo or even just look if you can buy a weapon the teleporter charge resets

bug #2 the plasma rifle does not reload it only plays the animation i even bought more ammo and it still didnt reload meaning i was stuck with no guns.

bug #3 with the shotgun most stuff goes down in one shot 2 if unlucky but with the fire ball throwing zombies half the time they dont take damage

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Survivor on Steam



I like the art and I think that it has potential to be pretty good. I am unsure how to accomplish it but the mouse being the indicator of where you swing your sword isn’t that good when you’re constantly moving around. A different control scheme would certainly help. A little more content would be nice but for the price it was a pretty decent framework for a game. I would also recommend more sounds for when enemies are hit and different ways to attack. Great start for a game but definitely needs work.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Feylin on Steam

The Harrowed

The Harrowed

Fun throwback RPG game. Great balance of combat and world exploration. Pacing is crisp and the interplay between the characters is fun. Love the story and looking forward to any future chapters. Took me about five hours to complete and the price is right for sure. Definitely recommend.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Quick and fun tale in JRPG-form. Took me like 6 hours to beat. $3 well spent in my book.

Story: good…and then great (really loved the ending section of the game)

Characters: one of the characters, Hargon, is a perpetual troll and I love it.

Music: cool. I especially liked the ending section

Combat: meh. i’m not a huge old-school JRPG guy. I was mostly in it to get to the next bit of plot

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

The Harrowed on Steam

Unto The End

Unto The End

I want to start of by saying that I have now beat this game 3 times. This game is truly a 9/10 for me as a standalone game. Does this mean this game is perfect? No. Does it mean it’s for everyone? No.

First: the not so good of this game. Initially, the combat in the game feels clunky. It’s quite difficult to learn early on, and the first play through can be VERY frustrating at times. Once the combat is learned well, it feels very satisfying though, but it never gets easier. There are no tutorials in game except for the “sparing area” which can be accessed from any fire. Though this helps with the basics, I wish there were a few more advanced techniques gone over. Another con for the game is the apparent random damage amount a player takes from enemies. It feels like sometimes you’re really hardy, and other times you’re a piece of over ripe fruit. Initially this can be frustrating, and apparently illogical, but after DM’ing 2TON about this in the game, I was told that damage variance comes from the current position of vulnerability the character is in. For example: if you are rolling when you are hit, you take 2 or 3 times the damage than if you are in a guarded position. As a design decision, I think that this makes sense for the type of game this is, but I would like to have maybe seen at least a mention of this in the “sparing area”. Last con for this game is that in some areas visibility of the character is frustratingly difficult where you need to interact with something because of placement of a rock or something.

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

Death is inevitable


Unto The End (UTE) is a cinematic platformer that like several other indies rakes in uniqueness and originality. The main focus is the challenging combat that has excellent nuance. It doesn’t have much of a setup nor does it try and hold your hand at all. I should also address the storyline or rather, lack thereof. All that is shown is a Father leaves his family to presumably go on a hunting expedition. Of course, it isn’t long before he gets into trouble and players must aid him through an unrelenting frozen wasteland to return to his home.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Unto The End on Steam

The End o,,,o

The End o,,,o

You are a slow-moving pixel zombie who can shoot fireballs and just wants to get home. This is a very (VERY) old-style, slow, MS-DOSesque platformer(?). Very short, very vague, and very odd. Single life- you screw up, you’re starting over. And that dude moves REALLY slowly. Good luck building up the patience. The music isn’t awful but just kind of drones on slowly.

Gameplay: https://youtu.be/sKpDX2KKuP4

It will likely take you all of 10 seconds to download, so check it out I guess? I say this often- but– give us a ‘Neutral’ option, Steam. I don’t really recommend this, but there’s nothing worthy of a thumbs down. It accomplishes what it’s trying to accomplish.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

O,,,O is the sad story of a fire demon that wants to go home. You control a purple undead by using WASD and SPACE to walk, jump, hit next and throw your fireballs. A tiny retro treat that fullfills its simple ambitions. Interestingly enough, this title was originally developed for the C64, but I’m glad a free PC port made it to Steam because now we can all bask in all the glory of its 3FPS. However, because of this glorious framerate, the controls can feel clunky at time – but nothing serious enough that will get in the way of your journey back home. The soundtrack is a depressing 5 second loop, but the enemy deathcries are so jarring they might as well be jumpscares. In addition, despite being heavily pixelated, O,,,O successfully creates an eerie atmosphere that makes the player feel like if they were walking through a graveyard in the dead of night during a full moon. Moreover, the game ends with

! a bloody question mark, meaning that there might be a sequel depending on the traction of this demo. Let’s hope so!

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

The End o,,,o on Steam

Hanefield Asylum

Hanefield Asylum

For a solo developed game, this played pretty well. The jump scares weren’t obvious like in a lot of games, and offered a good sense of fear throughout the game. The additional content after you complete the game was great. A lot of action in a small amount of time, and added more depth to the story of Hanesfield Asylum. Definitely a great buy for less than $10.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

I actually had some fun playing this - I thought it was a great premise and the spooks did work really well. However the lack of a save game is a major thumbs down. I can cope with the excessive shots enemies need to bring them down and some glitches here and there - but I’m doing a series on this game on my YouTube channel and haven’t finished the game in one go so I’ve had to go back to the start every time I want to play the next section.

Enjoyed the horror theme though, the devs nailed it.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Hanefield Asylum on Steam