100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack

100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack

Welcome to the 100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack, a set of upgraded arcade game classics that let you play in real-time with or against your viewers. Imagine something like Twitch Plays Pokemon where everyone controls their own character (viewers use Twitch Chat commands) and it’s absolute chaos. And when you need to step away, AFK Mode will give your channel a way to stay engaged during the downtime.

Current games included in the pack are:

Happy Tanksgiving

In this free-for all arcade game, everyone controls a tank on a battlefield free-for-all. It’s you versus 100. As a streamer, you’ll be commanding a super tank with heavy armor that can be controlled in real-time. Each of your viewers will command their own lightly-armored hovertank by using chat commands. They can kill you, or kill each other, but only one tank can claim victory.

Minesweeper 100

Why are we always minesweeping from a distance? Isn’t it about time we were actually there on the minefield with 100 of our friends, living or dying together, as a team? With Minesweeper 100, everyone controls their minesweeper on an active minefield, frantically trying to work together to clear it before a major earthquake triggers all the mines. Beware! A single mistake will cost you your life, and the lives of those next to you. This mode works well with a very small number of players, and gets even better as more viewers join the sweep!


The ultimate in 100-Player bomb-planting action! Control your bomber, surround your enemies with bombs, and be the last one standing, all the while collecting powerups and tightening the noose around your enemies.

DMCA-free music

With all the issues surrounding video game music DMCAs on streaming platforms, all the music has been either specifically created for the game, or licensed from the same indie artist (Couteau Papillon, who also did the soundtrack to Spaceteam), and is verified by SOCAN to be streamed without triggering a DMCA.

Read More: Best Combat Tanks Games.

100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack on Steam

Drone Swarm

Drone Swarm

Not really swarming with fun…

I like the upgrading of your ship and all the new abilities that you acquire, and I like the graphics too… and the gimmick in the main-menu is fun to play with for all of 2 minutes… but yeah man, other than those points, I just didn’t really find the game to be fun. I mean, it’s certainly not anti-fun or a fun-vampire at all, but I just kinda found myself plodding along doing mission after mission and watching cinematics for a story that I didn’t really care for. But the game is pretty high quality and it certainly has a lot of redeeming qualities so I’ll give it a recommended. I do however think the $25 price tag is slightly too high and the fact that the game has the Deadnuvo virus is almost enough basis on its own to not recommend the game… guess I’m feeling generous today, but seriously: Deadnuvo is a bag of Meekrob..

Real player with 111.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Physics Games.

**This is an excerpt of my much more detailed review and analysis, that you can find here (ENG & DE) and also as Video below.

| Visit and maybe follow my curator page, to get more detailed reviews |

Opinion and conclusion**

Drone Swarm has a very original and unique concept that can be really fun if you like the setting and controls. The drone controls are usually very catchy and the fights are strategically scattered between easy and super tricky. But here you sometimes wonder if you could get some additional explanations.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Drone Swarm on Steam




Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat 2D Games.


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

4Line on Steam

Empires and Tribes

Empires and Tribes

Empires and Tribes offers a lot of what I’ve been searching for in years: a medieval city and castle building game with a lot of freedom to build what you want almost anywhere you want it. But it still needs a lot of improvements to get there…

The positives:

  • a pure medieval city/castle bulding game (no wizards, dragons etc.)

  • beautiful graphics

  • a high level of freedom in building and forming your city and castle keep

  • a lot of citizen/worker activity (makes your city come alive)

  • You can walk through your city in 1st person and build in 3rd person.

Real player with 91.9 hrs in game

I really like the game so far!! I now wonder, as a noble and probably the future King/Emperor, will the player have the chance to marry to form an alliance with another nearby faction? (For male players, they marry a female NPC noble/royalty or vice versa, female players marry a male NPC noble/royalty.)

The five suggestions I will bring up to the devs in my game review:

  • Marriage to a daughter of an important prominent noble family (If playing as a male character and vice versa, to a son of an important prominent noble family if playing as female)

Real player with 84.2 hrs in game

Empires and Tribes on Steam



Local & Online Competitive Action Strategy (LOCAS).


A Grand Strategy digital board-game focusing on simplicity and fun. We have stripped out lengthy text rollouts and numbers for a more accessible game experience. No number crunching or RNG’s here! Just a familiar interface and good old fashioned skill. Take direct control of Infantry, Tanks, Fighters, and Transports across space and planet-side on unforgiving worlds. Absorb opponents into your great empire and subjugate them for your glory. Choke enemy supply chains and capture control points to keep the talantium flowing into your mighty war-machine and win by amassing the greatest empire or obliterate your foes with raw power.

Increase your intel to strike unsuspecting enemy commanders and kidnap, bribe or assassinate them. Place bounties to tempt your enemies into doing your dirty work while you carefully position cloaked forces at the edge of their planet. Demand ransoms for imprisoned commanders or hijack transports for a quick influx of talantium. Conquer the galaxy with a mix of card management and contextual mini-games for up to 6 players locally via LAN or online.

Build and Upgrade talantium-payload missiles to breach planetary defences and pave the way for ground forces to storm the enemy HQ. Loot their resources, widen your intel and bring your enemies to submission. Unlock 36 unique, beautifully painted commander cards with powerful contextual abilities that can change the tide of war. Judge when to call on your commanders and where to assign them, is critical to your success. Bribe, Sabotage, Capture, Kidnap, Reinforce, Scan, Mine, Hack, Shield, Cloak, EMP and Battle against your foes to ensure the continued existence of your people.

Conquer worlds to create a mighty empire and wage the war to end all wars against the unforgiving Kollektiv… or suffer the same fate as those silenced by their devastation. EONWAR: strategy war-gaming evolved.


  • Online Multiplayer

  • Local LAN Multiplayer

  • Scalable match settings & Modes

  • 36 Commander Cards

  • Contextual Commander Powers

  • Randomised Planets ensure each match is full of suspense- a reconnaisance team can be sent ahead to gather intel on planet topology so you can formulate the best strategy/ angle of attack. Each planet hex has been crafted (not procedurally generated) to provide an exciting variation of strategy and attack when controlling your tanks and infantry. Each planet hex is randomly positioned and rotated at the start of each match making invasion a challenging prospect for armies brave enough to land on them.

  • Directly Control Air Support with your squadron of fighters and drop devastating TP bombs on unsuspecting enemies below, but beware the enemy may call in their air forces to counter you!

  • Space Strategy offering factions the ability to position and proliferate their forces across the galaxy

  • Space Battles across several contextual locations such as in debris, amongst the Ancients or in the The Belt

  • Enemy Conversion to bring them into your empire, gaining you an ally and speeding up the match conclusion. It is possible to absorb 5 of the 6 factions in the game (exc. Kollektiv) ultimately making you win via the Greatest Empire.

  • Service Sectors allow repair to your ships and deposit of mined talantium

  • Overshields giving your battle-group additional hit points or immunity from certain strategic phenomena

  • Planetary Shields to help protect your capital that can be rotated and repaired as special actions

  • Cloak providing your fleet or lone battle-group a means to gain favourable strategic positions or escape battles entirely

  • Advanced Scanners to identify enemy positions and sniff out powered-down units awaiting to invade

  • Retreat when a battle goes horribly wrong, but be warned you must pilot your ships through the Jump Gate to succeed while the enemy likely tries to end you or the gate itself!

  • Bribe to bring additional commander cards (and their powers) into your hand while weakening the enemy

  • Kidnap to imprison enemy commanders at a command post and force them to work on weapon research or allow you to demand ransoms

  • Capture sectors and colonies to grow your mighty empire and keep the talantium flowing

  • Rig a doomed allied colony in an attempt to obliterate oncoming enemy with a well-timed detonation

  • Jump to lightspeed to reach distant sectors before your foes- but this costs precious talantium!

  • Engine Priority to give a chosen battle-group a speed boost til the end of the day

  • Weapon Priority to give your controlled battle-group a powered-up edge during battles

  • Reinforce a friendly colony or planet with available units residing at another friendly colony or planet, without having to pay the jump levy

  • Shop to create more units and missiles to breakdown your enemy’s planetary defences

  • Radiation creates additional variation on the gameboard making each game unique

  • Ion Cannon Support for factions defending their colony, providing more incentive to capture them first

  • Missile Piloting to ensure the best pilots in the galaxy may hit enemy targets- even without upgrades!

  • Missile Upgrades to help lesser pilots hit enemy targets at the cost of time and research

  • Randomised Mining to add depth to your strategic decisions- do i capture a commander, colony or mine the asteroid only two sectors away? Do i have enough hull-space for such a large haul?

  • Steal the haul from enemy transports with a cheeky cloaked stand-by group

  • Scalable Asteroid Belt that acts as a primary defence to TP Missiles, provides cover at the cost of speed (unless shielded) and a means for spectators to influence the outcome of battles taking place within it

  • Multiple Win Conditions including Capital takeover, Obliteration, Greatest Empire and minor wins for loyal subjects that served their Empire

  • Single, Concise Progression Bar with a clear route to all unlockables. We are focused on bringing players the best game-experience possible, not cosmetic upgrades

  • Optional Wagering System to speed up (or slow down) game progression so you can get on with being the best faction in the galaxy

  • Pumping Original Soundtrack from leading underground psy, minimal and techno artists including Quivver (John Graham), Grouch, Beat Bizarre, Khainz, Champa, Burn in Noise and others!

  • Many more tactics, features and powers waiting to be discovered.

Early Access Schedule

  • Planetside Battles/Planet diversity

  • Kollektiv (PvE) integration

  • More space battle variation

  • Additional Commanders

  • Local Same/Split Screen Multiplayer (Kickstarted)



EONWAR on Steam

Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons

Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons

I have NOT played this game very much, but here is a quick review of my first session.

First impression is it’s just so so so clunky and slow.

So far it reminds me of playing through those first few missions of any RTS like starcraft or red alert stuff. You’re trying to grab helipad dropship checkpoint things to heal/resupply and little oil pumper things to earn command points to call down more of your stuff. You get your little group of infantry and go blow up things, have some floating female coordinator telling you random updates. But with only two unit types, infantry squads of 4-6 people and individual mechs. Each can have different loadouts or types.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

While I’m a fan of both RTS and Mech centric games this title flat out fails to deliver on either front.

  1. The primary complaint you will see anywhere, and that I will confirm myself, is that this game is painfully slow. Even the most mundane of missions will take you much longer than it needs to as your units move at a snails pace through the board. Firefights between anything but the lightest of units are boring to watch as they just sit in one space and chip at each other’s health until one drops.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons on Steam

Net King’s Call

Net King’s Call

lotta fun, each unit is fun to play and switching up the troops prevents it from getting stale.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

10/10, almost as good as committing tax evasion

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Net King's Call on Steam

Nevergrind Online

Nevergrind Online

Nevergrind Online is a real-time cooperative multiplayer online RPG where you and a group of adventurers join forces to protect the Kingdom of Edenburg from the sinister forces of darkness. Up to five players can form a party and venture forth to help restore peace and order to the Kingdom.

Your adventure starts in the peaceful Kingdom of Edenburg, the trading capital of Vandamor, which has recently been under siege by agents of chaos outside of its castle walls. Supplies are running low in the Kingdom due to recent disruptions in major trade routes to the Kingdom. Your first orders from the King are to investigate who is blocking the trade routes, and to what end? Your adventure will lead you on a perilous journey across the furthest reaches of Vandamor, to creepy crypts, forgotten fortresses, and ravaged ruins!

Choose to fight alone or join forces with up to four other players in a party! Before you embark you must prepare and organize in the Kingdom of Edenburg. There are seven buildings that offer various services.

Kingdom of Edenburg

  • Tavern: Choose from a list of quests, get tips from the innkeeper, or check out the leaderboard.

  • Academy: Seek class-specific training for all of your skills—for a price of course!

  • Merchant: Buy and sell goods from the merchant, who offers the widest variety of items in Edenburg.

  • Bank: Store valued items in the bank which can be shared with your other characters.

  • Apothecary: Buy and sell potions, scrolls, cloth armor, jewelry, and staves.

  • Guild Hall: Create a guild to help organize and communicate with a group of friends.

  • Blacksmith: Buy and sell weapons and armor, including mail and plate!


  • Create a character from 12 races and 14 classes! Allocate attributes that favor your playing style!

  • Level up 12 different skills for each class! Will you train them evenly or decide to specialize?

  • Discover thousands of different items including magical, rare, set, and unique items, which feature a wide variety of useful properties!

  • Crawl through procedurally generated dungeons which offer a new layout with each quest!

  • Complete dozens of quests through 14 different zones in the world of Vandamor!

  • Communicate with allies and forge friendships using a robust chat system!

  • Encounter more than 40 different types of mobs which appear in various types including rare, champion, and bosses, each with their own unique traits!

  • For the fearless—hardcore mode offers the ultimate adrenaline rush! One death brings your illustrious journey to an abrupt end!

Nevergrind Online on Steam

Noble Armada: Lost Worlds

Noble Armada: Lost Worlds

Despite the fact I backed the game because of sentiment of the setting I quite suprised because I really enjoy it:) Especially, I love movement of the ship-as physicist I really enjoy it:) From my point of view it is very realistic

It is simple game, but with lot of possibility to play:)

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Poor. It is, more or less, about the quality of a cheap game from 1995 with poor documentation and mechanics. Worse, the campaign game is pretty buggy. I’ll probably put some more effort into learning/playing…maybe some of it is a learning curve and maybe some of it has a bug/fix/workaround.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Noble Armada: Lost Worlds on Steam

Arc Vector

Arc Vector

Arc Vector is an action arcade game with a hint of flight simulator, inspired by various classic 1980-90s Archimedes games.

  • Pure arcade combat across 3 distinct campaign areas, the Lush Tropics, Scorched Deserts and Volcanic Rim of Melos

  • Intuitive flight controls - pitch and rotate your ship with the mouse

  • Dogfight against alien pilots, dodge anti-aircraft fire and destroy enemy tanks in their tracks

  • Capture enemy bases to recharge weapons and fuel

  • Destroy supply depots to secure bases against being recaptured

Pilot a stolen alien ship in a rebellion against the Archronite invasion. Fly across the archipelagos of your home world and capture enemy bases with the help of your navigation droid co-pilot, DFX-9T. Battle against enemy Arc Vectors, Fighters, Drones and Laser Tanks, liberate your planet, Melos.


You are a lighthouse keeper on the planet of Melos, a small world rich in oil and gas, home to a small population of industrial workers, fishing fleets and sheep farmers, scattered across the Melosian Archipelagos. (“Melosian sheep are famed for their genetically engineered Kevlar-like wool” - Melosian Tourist Board).

Melos has been invaded by the Archronites, a warmongering species fighting their way through the local galactic sector. The Archronites have started to colonise Melos to exploit its natural resources, driving the native population from their homes. When one day you discover they have even invaded your tiny home island, you are forced to act.

Together with your trusty navigation droid, DFX-9T, and after an enemy pilot had apparently met an unfortunate fate on the rocks, you commandeer their vessel and take to the skies in the fight back against the alien colonists. One by one, you must capture their airbases and destroy the infrastructure they are putting in place.

Beware, however, Archronite Commander Veilos will be out to stop you! You will come up against his forces in Arc Vectors - a devastatingly powerful attack ship, and Arc Fighters - a stealth-like fighter aircraft, Drones, Plasma Tanks and Laser Tanks and numerous other defences. Fortunately, the ship you have stolen is also an Arc Vector!

Arc Vector on Steam