Oh No! Bugs!

Oh No! Bugs!

This game looks pretty, but it’s not always what it seems. It’s fun for the first few minutes but then that’s it, you’re doing the same thing over and over again with no difference but a few characters here and there. It has potential but it also needs much more content to feel fulfilling, anyways, in it’s current state, I do not recomment.


Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Racing Co-op Games.

A Co-Op Arcade Game


  • The gameplay is enjoyable. You mainly go around pushing blocks at bugs trying to squash them. You have to be careful though because blocks will bounce back at you if you miss, and you must avoid getting hit by the bugs.

  • Relaxing background music

  • Local and Online co-op

  • I felt the game as a whole was a bit too basic / lacking in content. After about 10minutes the game started to feel repetitive.

  • After you complete each level you get some coins and experience, which you can use to purchase cosmetic items for your character. Unfortunetely, I just didn’t feel like these were rewarding or worth while to work up to.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Oh No! Bugs! on Steam

Garfield Kart

Garfield Kart

“I don’t think any word can explain a man’s life,” says one of the searchers through the warehouse of treasures left behind by Jonathan Arbuckle. Then we get the famous series of shots leading to the closeup of the word “Garfield” on a kart that has been tossed into a furnace, its paint curling in the flames. We remember that this was Arbuckle’s childhood kart, taken from him as he was torn from his family and sent east to boarding school.

Garfield is the emblem of the security, hope and innocence of childhood, which a man can spend his life seeking to regain. It is the green light at the end of Gatsby’s pier; the leopard atop Kilimanjaro, seeking nobody knows what; the bone tossed into the air in “2001.” It is that yearning after transience that adults learn to suppress. “Maybe Garfield was something he couldn’t get, or something he lost,” says Lyman, the reporter assigned to the puzzle of Arbuckle’s dying word. “Anyway, it wouldn’t have explained anything.” True, it explains nothing, but it is remarkably satisfactory as a demonstration that nothing can be explained. “Garfield Kart” likes playful paradoxes like that. Its surface is as much fun as any mascot kart racer ever made. Its depths surpass understanding. I have analyzed it a frame at a time with more than 30 groups, and together we have seen, I believe, pretty much everything that is there on the screen. The more clearly I can see its physical manifestation, the more I am stirred by its mystery.

Real player with 8108.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Racing Competitive Games.

When I was 18… 18 years old, I saw for the first time in my life… I saw an image of clarity. I saw a comic strip… a three panel comic strip that, though simple as it seemed, changed me… changed my being, changed who I am… Made me who I am…

Enlightened me…

The strip, Garfield, the comic strip was new… no more than maybe a month and a half since inception, since… since coming into existence… and there it was before me in print, I saw it… a comic strip… What was it called?

Real player with 5068.5 hrs in game

Garfield Kart on Steam