

Have you ever dreamed about a game where you can just chill, listen to a bunch of good music, while admiring the beautiful landscape and not harming anyone?

Well… You may guess that this will NOT be that game!

Bikerz is a fast-paced, action-packed game where you have only one goal: survive all of the coming levels!

Of course, everyone will be able to choose a difficulty level which will fit their style of play. Are you a casual or a pro gamer? Are you looking for some fun or a real challenge? You’ll get it!

Read More: Best Combat Racing Bikes Games.

Bikerz on Steam

Ero Tennis

Ero Tennis

[0.5] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0.2] Sound & Music

[0.2] Graphics

[0.3] Game Design

[0.3] Game Story

[0] Game Content

[0] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

Stars received: 1.6/10 ___ Note: v.4 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

Game description key-points: a mouse Clicker

Overview: missing a cake and cherry…

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Racing Management Games.

Asset Flip from this Unity Asset Kit:

My Score: ZERO. ..Not Recommended!

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Ero Tennis on Steam



Carperation is a racing game with item and unique ability for each vehicle. Players can use different items or ability to win: not only can you boost yourself, you can also interrupt your opponents with different featured items and attack them! In the game, there are a lot of Hong Kong styled vehicles, such as taxi, jumbo taxi, rickshaw, three-wheeled ice cream bike, etc. Their unique ability can be utilized for defending, hacking, attack, etc. Split-screen and controller are supported. The game is very suitable for playing with friends, family and relatives, especially during party and festival.

Hongkongese (香港)

Carperation 係一個可以用道具同特殊能力嘅賽車遊戲。運用唔同嘅道具加上部車自身嘅特殊能力係比賽入面勝出。除咗可以幫自己加速之外,仲可以妨礙同影響對手。遊戲入面有好多唔同帶有香港特色既車可以揀,例如珍寶的士,人力車,三輪雪糕車。佢哋各自都有唔同嘅特殊能力,有防守嘅,有攻擊嘅,有干擾嘅,仲有更多。而且遊戲支援分割畫面同手制,非常適合party同節慶嗰陣同親朋戚友一齊玩。

Read More: Best Combat Racing Multiplayer Games.

Carperation on Steam

Bob Mazzolini Racing

Bob Mazzolini Racing

Don’t go in with high hopes….

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Extremely simple drag racing! Nothing to do but time the light and gear shifts. No adjusting anything mechanical. No game play. No immersion. $5 might even be too much for this game.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Bob Mazzolini Racing on Steam

J15 Jet Fighter VR (歼15舰载机)

J15 Jet Fighter VR (歼15舰载机)

I tried this on Viveport and then I bought it. I enjoy it thoroughly. I feel they’ve captured the feeling of being in the cockpit very well. The controls are easy enough to get the hang of- I could see the potential for expanded controlability via a flightstick controller- maybe a ‘detailed control’ option or something- but, the basic controls are simple and easy. I’ve seen ppl complain about the blurry FOV or not being able to see the drones very well- that to me seems more like reality- your radar will see them a whole lot better than you will, at long distances and high speeds. The future potential of this platform seems amazing- dogfights, chaff/flare countermeasures, ATG or CAS missions, other planes(A10 Warthog?? omg)- I have very high hopes.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Reviewed using HTC Vive Pro

🚧🚧🚧 NOPE 🚧🚧🚧 HOT MESS 🚧🚧🚧 NOPE 🚧🚧🚧

All excited but 🚧 has major controller issues 🙃

✔️ Will look again once out of Early Access

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

J15 Jet Fighter VR (歼15舰载机) on Steam