Auto Age: Standoff

Auto Age: Standoff

A ton more fun than I was expecting.

Full disclosure, I am an indie dev living near where Phantom Compass is located, so I knew about the game and was given a free copy. Very surprised at how fluid and smooth and most of all FUN the cars are to drive. I absolutely love the way the little cars handle. It has that perfect “arcady, videogamey” vibe, where teh cars aren’t striving to feel realistic, they are striving for teh best player experiance possible, which I personally think is teh best way to go about this type of locomotion based game. They really did a great job tweaking the cars, and probably my favrit part about teh game is drifting around and boosting into teh air, feels so slick.

Real player with 119.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Racing Driving Games.

This is not a combat-racing game. vehicular brawling, varied classes/styles and weaponry, arenas, aesthetic; this is a car combat game - Auto Age is this in essence, and it’s not too shabby.

In my opinion, the last proper car-combat game was Twisted Metal for the PS3 released back in 2012, and when there are far too few games released apart from the Twisted Metal franchise that fit the bill for being considered part of the car-combat (sub)genre, and to date, as an indie title, Auto Age: Standoff covers the bases to officially be a part of the lineup and not be cringeworthy in 2018.

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

Auto Age: Standoff on Steam

Video Realms

Video Realms

the closest thing to twisted metal that exists. very good car combat game

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Racing Early Access Games.

Okay, so…

Fuck the other two games - flesh out Carnage Cross as much as humanely possible. This is the closest the Twisted Metal fan-base will ever get to a spiritual successor since Sony decided to elbow-drop Twisted Metal for good. Wait until at least 1.0 to keep working on Sanitize or Starglades.

I know some of the suggestions I’m gonna make are already on your roadmap - AND I DON’T CARE. I’ll repeat them infinitely into the fucking VOID if need be.


● NONE of the vehicles should have auto-aim machine guns - all of their guns should fire directly forward. Auto-aim should be either a power-up or a special ability. With that being said…

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Video Realms on Steam

Junk on Wheels

Junk on Wheels

Very fun to play with friends. Driving is most fun with controller and setting it up is only to plug it in. Controls are easy to remember and driving is easy but mastering it takes time. I recommend this to everyone.

Real player with 57.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Racing 3D Games.

Really fun game, spent hours smashing my way to victory! Constantly getting updated and becoming better too. Reminds me alot of Mashed!

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

Junk on Wheels on Steam

Bloody Rally Show: Prologue

Bloody Rally Show: Prologue

Bloody Rally Show is my game of the year for 2020. It has everything I want in a racing game, from violence to an endless array of tracks to meaningful progression. It has become my favorite racing game of all time, so I implore you to try out this free version, and I hope you fall in love with it as I have.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

One of the most satisfying drift mechanics I have ever experienced. Great variety of cars, each with an unique feel. Super fun daily randomly generated tracks. Super squashy pedestrians. Most stressful gaming experience ever if I lose a car and have to play as a pedestrian instead.

And all of this… For free. Man!

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Bloody Rally Show: Prologue on Steam



Its great fun to see cars get destroyed and see stuff left and right. Full car destruction is a banger.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Just for clarity I got the game key for free for testing the game.

Its a fun game we don’t get many combat car games.

50 players with bots or people 2 modes currently in the game, race and arena. The cars tend to drift around corners its quite controllable with a controller, might be slightly tricky with keyboard.

Its fun racing with others, especially when you get your weapons on lap 2. The game needs work but hopefully it will become a really good car combat game.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Zaacar on Steam



Carperation is a racing game with item and unique ability for each vehicle. Players can use different items or ability to win: not only can you boost yourself, you can also interrupt your opponents with different featured items and attack them! In the game, there are a lot of Hong Kong styled vehicles, such as taxi, jumbo taxi, rickshaw, three-wheeled ice cream bike, etc. Their unique ability can be utilized for defending, hacking, attack, etc. Split-screen and controller are supported. The game is very suitable for playing with friends, family and relatives, especially during party and festival.

Hongkongese (香港)

Carperation 係一個可以用道具同特殊能力嘅賽車遊戲。運用唔同嘅道具加上部車自身嘅特殊能力係比賽入面勝出。除咗可以幫自己加速之外,仲可以妨礙同影響對手。遊戲入面有好多唔同帶有香港特色既車可以揀,例如珍寶的士,人力車,三輪雪糕車。佢哋各自都有唔同嘅特殊能力,有防守嘅,有攻擊嘅,有干擾嘅,仲有更多。而且遊戲支援分割畫面同手制,非常適合party同節慶嗰陣同親朋戚友一齊玩。

Carperation on Steam