Secrets of Moon Island

Secrets of Moon Island

A desperate measure has been taken to inform you of a strange and mysterious island’s whereabouts.

Will you answer to the call and journey to Moon Island?

Was it really your long lost ancestor trying to reach out to you in a last ditch effort, or could this be a trap? After all your family’s wealth has been considerable for generations.

In this indie(solo dev) swashbuckling adventure RPG you control two protagonists, and any allies you can craft or recruit, to explore the dangerous island.

But…. also… some things are just weird, and don’t completely add up, can you figure out what is really going on here?

Key Features

  • Experience Non Target Based Combat.

    The game features its own combat system, the “Fencer Mode”.

    If your sword connects with an enemies body with suffiecient speed, or even if they just run into your sword, they will take damage.

    To avoid getting hit and taking damage of your own, simply either move out of the way of the enemies hit or move your weapon in the path you think the opponents weapon will take

    In most cases enemies do what is known as telegraphing, they pull their weapon back in the direction they are going to try to hit you from. Use this to parry their weapon. If you have successfully parried an enemy, you wil have a small timeframe to get in a hit of your own.

  • Zen Mode In Zen Mode you become one with your weapon and forget about everything else, which allows you to fully focus on combat without parts of your body getting into your line of sight.

    gif: Fencer Mode combat whilst in Zen Mode

  • Gather help for your main heroes by making friends with some creatures or by crafting others. (You can craft little “helpers” to help you right off the bat).

  • Search for legendary weapons and armor to help you in your quest. Some of these weapons are imbued with powerful effects that can unleash their wrath upon your enemy after you perform a successful parry in fencer mode!

  • Fight your enemies either top down or in direct control of your main hero.

  • Direct control combat comes in two variations, one more traditional with pressing buttons for performing attacks or blocking, whereas the other one gives you a more “direct” control of your sword. Note: because the Fencer Mode form of combat and movement is somewhat uncommon, a more standardized combat system is in place as well. In order to enter this more standardized way of controlling your character simply press the [Ctrl] key.

  • Experience and a very simple level up system. You don’t need to spend hours learning tech trees, you literally just increase some attributes.

    All creatures you control can gain experience and level up, not only the main heroes!

  • Explore the small island without hand holding mechanics such as quest tracking lines, by orienting yourself solely on landmarks and your map.

    Note: There is a per default disabled option in settings that allows you to get a “your position” marker on the map.

Read More: Best Combat Hack and Slash Games.

Secrets of Moon Island on Steam



EDIT: Only a bit more than a week after i posted this review and i can tell you to STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS GAME.

It’s clear now that the ones running the game are the same old korean Kakao that don’t give two fucks about the games longevity, just this week we’ve had a feature that was highly requested, a second mana tree page added in to the game, but guess what? It’s paywalled on the ruby shop! A second mana tree gives a big advantage for people who have both a mana tree for PvE and PvP, but that’s not all!

Real player with 778.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat MMORPG Games.

Despite having over 350 hours on the game and having even spent a bit of money on the game, I still have to say this game is terrible for players that are trying to progress but cannot due to “RNG” literally gating players from getting any farther than those who are just lucky to “one tap” everything and progress in a couple of hours. There are two types of gear you can equip which are normal and Breakthrough. Normal gear on failure depending on stone can either downgrade 1 or 2 enhancements or just stay the same as before the enhancement but consuming an enhancement slot. Meanwhile Breakthrough gear upon failure is just bye bye to the piece you’re enhancing. I have definitely tried to enhance about 30+ break through gear pieces in the time span I have been playing and I want to try to love this game as it does have some nice things about it, but this one thing is literally preventing me from doing so. It doesn’t help that a break through off hand piece is required to have an extra skill slot which gives those who have it an advantage over those who don’t ( like me). There isn’t even a pity system for a guaranteed like +8 after like 50 failures or anything so you’re literally just screwed or have to go about living without breakthrough gear which is stupid. This game will continue to lose their player-base and die as time goes by unless this gets addressed, but it won’t knowing how the company works. But let’s be real, no one here wants to spend a month or more of their time to only be gated by “RNG” and never progress compared to those who can spend like 10 hours, do the same enhancing as you and literally surpass you in gear. After about almost a month, I am only 495 Item level meanwhile I know a friend of mine and other randoms who will one tap two or three pieces and are all around 520-550+ item level in way less time (about 1-2 weeks and less for the randoms). This is the only thing I will say that truly ruins this game that could be an amazing piece out there despite being a game that runs on UE3 and looks older or whatever. It has variety of things to do but if you can’t even progress past the early end game point cause of “RNG” then why even bother playing this game. In it’s current state I cannot recommend it to anyone at all unless you’re prepared to face disappointment with countless hours being poured into the game and only to realize your efforts were in vain as you watch it all disappear upon failures. Also doesn’t help that you don’t have many options to get purple breakthrough pieces so makes it even worse.

Real player with 682.1 hrs in game

ELYON on Steam



I like this game a lot. You really feel in the moment. I swear I’m in a comic book right now. I have some suggestions for gameplay and new features (doubt the devs will see this but it’s worth a shot.)

-Multiplayer. It sounds like too much, and it probably is, but seeing this game how it is, PVP/PVE would be awesome.

-New Powers. I love this game in it’s current state but new powers would always be nice, For example, a shapeshifter where you can change your size (to an extent) and smash those dumb robo-thingies. Or maybe the flash where you can run fast/slow down time. Even Aquaman would be fun, who in fact brings me to another fun idea.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Physics Games.

SO much potential in this game, I urge Loco Motion Devs to keep working on this because the a bit more polish, maybe another method or two of moving (Superspeed to wallrun, teleporting like Nightcrawler, a dragon steed etc) I feel this could be way more than what it currently is, if they did missions like Saints Row 4 where they don’t take things very seriously and just have fun with the powers then hot damn this could be a real money maker.

Zero question that if you want powers in VR then this is SO MUCH better than Powers VR

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Superfly on Steam



It’s a bit short but, I really like what I see so far!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Cute game with good-looking visual style, intriguing plot and challenging combat. If you like indie games with tactical combat, you may like it!

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

OverTime on Steam

Ethos 2: Fall Of Empires

Ethos 2: Fall Of Empires

Carve Your Own Path

Ethos 2: Fall Of Empires is a Historical RPG where every single decision you make affects your journey. Abilities, upgrades, weapons, interactions, quests, the atmosphere, and much more, are all affected by the actions and moral decisions you make within the game.

Become a tyrant, a hero, a lone wolf, or many other archetypes, the choice is yours!

The Story

The game takes place in the year 1453. You play as Constantine XI Palaiologos, the last Emperor of the Byzantine Empire. Your once great city of Constantinople has fallen into the hands of the Ottomans and your goal is to take it back.

You can do this by gathering troops/equipment/allies from leaders of other nearby nations in Egypt, the Balkans, The Middle East, and more! OR you can also choose to overthrow the leaders of other nations, and take their nations by force!

You may also attempt to take back Constantinople by making yourself an extremely powerful one-man-army, and attempt to take the city by yourself whenever you are ready. This can be through many means such as assassination of Mehmed the Conqueror, or by facing the entire Ottoman army by yourself.


The game is very non-linear. Meaning that you can technically attempt to finish the final quest very early on in the game. Its an open-world game that doesn’t place a limit on exploration.


Want to murder a main character that you need to complete a quest? Go for it. But expect there to be consequences. Want to become a pacifist and try to not harm anyone ever? Go for it. But expect there to be consequences.

Why This Game Is Being Made

As a massive RPG-fan, I was very tired of many AAA games giving you the illusion of ‘your decisions matter’. Because at the end of the day, choices in many AAA games pretty much only affected how much of a discount you could get at a merchants shop, or how some NPC’s react to you when you walk by.

I really want choices to matter in games. And that’s why this game is being made.

Saying that, this is a passion project for myself, and no one should expect this to be a AAA title. But hopefully it could be a really fun indie game that people can replay and have fun with :)

Ethos 2: Fall Of Empires on Steam



Its a fine game, the multiplayer is confusing to set up but i did manage in the end.

The secret in the cave is impossible.

The Rifles below the flintlock don’t seem to be able to be reloaded.

The game does require a bit of grinding to get to general.

But its a fine 10-minuter game, except i spent over 2 hours on it.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

I spent 2 hours playing this and I feel pretty confident saying I seen everything put into this game.

It is extremely bare-bones, it feels like one of those shock waves games you’d find on those old flash game sites, for free, It’s whatever, but I can’t believe this was put on steam with how little exists in it. I’m still not sure how to even use potions, or alcoholic drinks to restore health.

Item drops are incredibly scarce and you’re left running to the same locations with item spawns already there to pick up the singular item that only respawns once without having to exit to the main menu.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Gelldonia on Steam

Into The Valley

Into The Valley


interesting game

Even tho i did not expect too much from it, i was actually amazingly pleased.

I started played and it kept me hooked for a while

The take is quite uniqe as the setting and all


A little lagish sometimes given that i have a quite good pc

I hate the right click mouse control. if you could add like a mouse centered movement where i dont have to right click to move the image it would be awesome.

I actually recommend it. its not a bad game given that it came from a single man team development but there are many ways that you can actually improve this game. I recommend buying it as its a quite nice small game and it will keep u occupied for a while. i’m planning on finishing the story soon.

Real player with 49.7 hrs in game

A unique environment with unfamiliar enemy types and some really tough combat!

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Into The Valley on Steam

GAME ABOUT GAMES – interactive videogame critique

GAME ABOUT GAMES – interactive videogame critique

please dont make episode two episode one was already toture enough and who the heck wrote the shitty in game script

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

not really a game but it was cool I guess lol !!!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

GAME ABOUT GAMES – interactive videogame critique on Steam

Planet Nine

Planet Nine

This one’s a nice little adventure where you make your way through the world in a customizable mech. In addition to the numerous mech parts your character can level skills. This gives you quite few different approaches you can take and the choices you make have a real impact on your play style. It’s also one of the few mech games I’ve played where running a light mech can work if you use the right strategy. This game requires skill and quick thinking.

At first the overall dark nature of the lighting system bugged me. But, as I played and after a few good scares from monsters sneaking up on me I grew to like it. It’s actually quite well done with dynamic lighting where muzzle flashes, lasers and rocket trails light up the area around you as you fight. It’s quite atmospheric. Again you have a few different options deal with this, you can upgrade the lights on your mech, use flares, and even a scanner system that will highlight targets for you. There’s also a day night cycle, so you aren’t always fighting in darkness.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

Awesome game. Lots of fun. I have been through it and in touch with the developer and he has fixed some bugs and adjusted a few things. This game is a lot of fun. It just hasn’t been discovered yet. If you are looking for 20 or so hours to waste look no further.

Do you like blowing stuff up ?

Do you like lots of explosions ?

The atmosphere of the game is generally quite dark. This can make it a little tricky to see all enemies all the time but most of them light up in some way and it really makes for some awesome visuals while playing.

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

Planet Nine on Steam

Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions

Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions


KoA CotC short for “Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions” is a PVE/PVP Fantasy Survival Game with many “RPG” aspects.

In the “KoA CotC” world you start your journey as a Champion; a divine mortal, sculpted by the great Elder, to quell the corruption that has enveloped the land and its inhabitants. Different champions, also sculpted by the elder, have the same goal. Be aware, some might be friendly, some might be foes, you all have the same goal but even the strongest Champions can succumb to the darkness. An array of combat options will be available to your champion from melee, ranged and magic. Choose your “Faction” with care! Factions reside in specific villages around the CotC world and belong to different “realms”. Be warned champion! Your actions in these realms will follow you and might effect your destiny.

Your aspiration, since arriving in this world, was to cleanse the darkness and vanquish those responsible for it….the Fallen. These divine guardians, once beloved and cherished by all of Atham, unearthed the Crown of the Champion; an ancient divine artifact that balances the light and the darkness in all living things.

The conflict between the guardians originated over control of the crown and lead to a split in their ranks. One that wanted to preserve Atham as is; the other that wanted to dominate it. As the battle between the adversaries raged it enveloped the known world. Giant shadows were observed on the horizon, the echoed sounds of shattered mountains reverberated through the realms and violent tremors reduced civilizations to rubble. The final engagement between the two factions lead to the shattering of the crown and the apocalyptic release of energy that reforged the Guardians into calous power mongers. Blinded to their original belief of maintaining balance amongst all things they transformed into tyrannical desbots. Their malice, brutality, and oppression altered the very nature of Atham.

The moment the Crown shattered every creature experienced and was changed by it. This was followed by 5 mysterious objects that fell from the heavens and impacted the world with such force that it created fissures across the realms. Following the “Sundering” despair invaded the hearts and minds of the people as an unnatural propagation of twisted creatures ravaged the lands searching for those remnants of the Crown. Inevitably this lead to a new conflict, the Divine War, and it has raged on for almost 400 years.

Your goal, Champion is to find the remnants of the Crown and restore balance to Atham. Build your fortress, find allies and save the realms. Crafting and fighting your way to honor and glory. The Darkness is your worst enemy; the Light … a lost friend.

We plan to add these features in the full release many are already existing in game.

-Building (make a small house, village or town).

-Complex Crafting (farming and fishing included).

-Towns with merchants and guards (Faction based).

-Party & Guild system.

-Impressive enemies of all kinds.

-Special companion to follow you around the world.

-Combat: melee, ranged, magical and underwater combat scenarios.

-Reputation aspect where your choice will impact your game play.

-Dedicated servers for rent to make your own rules and world.

-Three different races with bonuses to specific classes.

Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions on Steam