Song of Iron

Song of Iron

A commendable effort from this solo dev…

First off, huge kudos to the solo dev for putting together this game alone. It’s impressive, and the fact that it’s only a solo dev behind the game should be taken into consideration when reading my review of the game. And ontop of that, the 2 BIGGEST issues that I have with this game, are completely fixable, so if the dev wants to, then they can certainly get a positive review from me once those are fixed.

Pros: #1. It looks very pretty

#2. The combat sounds and also music are on-point

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Hack and Slash Games.

An amazing and gorgeous product from a single-man production. Just take it for what it is and you’ll get a couple of enjoyable hours out of it.

  • You can pick up different weapons (sword, axe, spear…) which apparently cause the same amount of damage. I just choose the one I liked the most and stayed with it until the end. Shields lose their usefulness in the second half of the game, or once you realize that offense is the best defense. They also break easily.

Bow, which is part of your initial equipment, is a welcome addition to the arsenal. It can be a powerful tool when aiming for those headshots! It’s always fun to pull on the string and drop the ones foolish enough to charge at you without a shield.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Song of Iron on Steam

Teomim Island

Teomim Island

This was by the far the best single horror, looter, island(er) game out there. The attention to detail; made me want to cry. I highly recommend playing this and supporting the developer!

10 of 10, cant wait until the next one!

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Does this game even have a point? The mechanics are terrible, the objectives are not clear at all. Overall not impressed at all and would love my money back if it wasn’t too late. Don’t even waste your time, there are a bunch of much better survival games out there I rather spend my time on.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Teomim Island on Steam

Broken Lines

Broken Lines

It is an “ok” game if you have no better alternatives. The reason I gave a thumb down is because of so many super positive reviews with which I disagree and think they distort the picture here.


The challenge curve is rather flat, mostly without any complex or demanding situations. Maps are all very similar in terms of combat challenges (very similar setups of obstacles, terrain, challenges etc).

One of the top reviewers here complained about pulling extra pods in Xcom due to bad mechanics - IT IS THE SAME HERE! Once you spot 1 enemy then the time does not stop when you discover more enemies. So you end up pulling more and more enemies and your soldiers once told to go somewhere, will never abort the order even if going straight into the enemy guns.

Real player with 37.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Multiple Endings Games.

I would recommend Broken Lines for those seeking a simpler, yet more raw/ intense tactics gaming experience than XCom. If you’re just a fan of third person tactic games and want to try something with a neat tactical twist, Broken Lines is a great purchase.

Differences from your average squad based tactics game:

  • Biggest difference is the 8 second command increments. You provide your soldiers a series of orders to execute in sequence, then let time flow and see how they worked out.

  • Set characters means being able to bake in things like how your soldiers work together or interact based on your back story.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

Broken Lines on Steam

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One

-Story is quite poor, from the pacing, and the direction of this so called origin story, it mostly makes more holes in Sherlock’s story than it does filling in the questions we expected to have answered in a Sherlock Holmes Origin Story. Then if you expect to have at least a decent ending for this story, then you might be sadly mistaken, it will not be a satisfying taste you’ll have when you finish the story, you also outta save files that you like or want to replay again, because this game doesn’t have any NG+ for you to replay a new game with your progress in hand. The scenes are also van be very off at times, where it feels like you’re seeing an illusion, but it was just in Sherlock’s odd imagination in the weirdest time possible or in a serious situation.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One, Is it that Elementary dear Watson?

Written by Happymartin


Sherlock’s Childhood. A rarely touched on subject matter as most would prefer to think of Sherlock as a Victorian Batman; a perfect detective and badass that’s better then everyone and has practically zero flaws outside of the occasional drug habit or being eccentric. Why is Sherlock who he is? What makes him so much of a investigative genius while doing insane things like shooting up his suite or nearly dying of self posioning?

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One on Steam

Sword of Hypotenuse

Sword of Hypotenuse

     The bloody truth of the Pythagorean Theorem lies along the Sword of Hypotenuse. Become a squishy tofu ninja and battle your way through the broken Number Line.

     Walk, run, skip, dodge, jump, flip, and dive head first into this isometric 3D (+2.5D?) world filled with weapons - and a bunch of squishy Pythagoreans that want to stop you!.. from stopping them. Its umm, ok let’s back up.

     So, the Pythagoreans want to reconnect the Number Line, but they’re sorta interpreting information they stole - so you know - kinda sketchy - its a whole thing, you’ll see. Talk to some of the characters, it’ll make sense. No math pop quizes, but you will need to think! There’s some different worlds and different permutations depending on how you break stuff, then reconnect it, then brake it again if you need to.

     Find the rare missing Alogon pages from the Sacred Book of Math - err, not the count-y add-y stuff - the fun stuff! Traditional 2D pencil-test animations that help you interpret the story… depending on the interpretation of course!

     In addition to the Story Mode you can also just battle your fellow humans in Battle Mode, or have them pop in to help you fight - maybe even as a squishy tofu shield! There’s also a Classic Mode where you battle waves of increasingly difficult enemies - stop talking and ship the game? OK, got it!

     So, hope you enjoy it! Good luck fixing the broken Number Line Pythagoras broke. May your booleans always be true!

Sword of Hypotenuse on Steam

Wrath Of The Mad King

Wrath Of The Mad King

Wrath Of The Mad King is a top-down action RPG set in the year 2042. In Wrath Of The Mad King, you are a B.E.C. A Bionically Enhanced Collector, searching the world for mechanical scrap to sell for credits at Collector Corp. You have one hobby, creating all kinds of gadgets and contraptions.

Little do you know, your talents will be needed in the upcoming battle against an unknown species from outer space.

Always come prepared. Fight head-on with your bionic abilities, or target enemies from a distance with a multitude of weapons.

The arrival of the Sentians has altered planet Earth. Discover all sorts of mysteries during your adventure in a semi-open world.

Gadget parts & blueprints can be found anywhere on Earth. Combine the right parts into all kinds of gadgets and contraptions!

The same place is never the same during night and daytime. find out how the world changes each day.

The world is changing and is in need of a hero. Decide what hero you’ll be.

Wrath Of The Mad King on Steam

Afterlife Beans

Afterlife Beans

an experience

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Afterlife Beans on Steam



Watch intro which lasts 5+ minutes and cuts off before its' conclusion.

Start my first race, the AI pull ahead.

The AI swap positions with each other off screen.

Catch up with said AI, and they are in a perfect line, no swapping of positions.

But, still shows AI swapping positions on the side bar?

Insert confusion.

Pass some chariots - shows me in last position.

Pass all chariots, cross the start/finish line first, tells me I lost.

Insert more confusion.

Restart race…

The AI start climbing up the scenery and doing doughnuts.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

After getting this game as a gift, I now want to pay my friend for getting it. I also want to pay him for getting himself a copy because I now have a seriously dangerous urge to get into a car crash. This games CPU has an IQ worse than its fps as they will slam the walls cheeks harder than Jordi El Nino. The worse thing about this though is the 5 minute intro. The only reason we all played this is because of the lore. 11/10

PS if you’re into 500cc mario kart, this is for you.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game




Inspired by several horror legends from Latin America, DeadFright’s storyline unfolds in the fictional town of ‘Ravenford’ where you will find yourself stranded and in need to survive a disastrous outbreak of living corpses. While you explore the small town you will be able to interact with the residents to find help and uncover the story behind the outbreak. In this action game, you will be able to fight with the creatures, or die trying thus becoming one of them playing in the reverse role, searching and killing residents.

DeadFright on Steam

Paper Dolls 2 纸人贰

Paper Dolls 2 纸人贰

Update: I have published a guide with translations and solutions to the compass. It is currently awaiting approval. Hope this helps anyone who was stuck!

This game is not for everybody. Avoid if you’re not a fan of puzzles, because there are a ton. Some of which are exceptionally esoteric and obscure. You may end up having to work your noodle a bit harder than normal(giggity) or consulting a walkthrough/video.

There were so many things about this game that tugged at my heartstrings for so many reasons. The biggest one being that it gave me serious Silent Hill vibes.

Real player with 49.3 hrs in game

It is a great game, the atmosphere is amazing for a horror game and the graphics are nice. I would recommend playing the first game before this one for a better understand of the deep and interesting story. But if you just want to play without much of a care for story, just look up a Youtube video on the story for game 1 and play this one. This game is for any skill level gamer, you could be a casual gamer like me and enjoy it or you could be elite gamer and still enjoy it on a higher difficulty. I’m kinda dragging on but I genuinely love this game and I feel it should be shared with others. So if you play it alone or with some buds, you’ll have a good time, quite a few scares and moments where you go “how tf did I miss that!” Btw this is a puzzle game with a nice combat system. So when you finish reading the review I hope I convinced you to get it. I rate it 20/10.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Paper Dolls 2 纸人贰 on Steam