Super Chopper

Super Chopper

THIS GAME is more arcade like than simulator and is like Steel Talons rather than Gunship or Super Huey. Whats nice is there’s a mission editor. There’s more to be desired but its worth the price I suppose

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Flight Games.

I wouldn’t buy this game unless you have a good computer. I couldn’t run the game on the lowest settings. It seems fun but I just can’t play with like 10 frames.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Super Chopper on Steam



The game still feels somewhat unfinished, but they actually fixed the combat so that it’s fun again. That, and the amazing mod support means that I can’t but recommend the game. It’s a bit pricey, but it offers some of the most satisfying melee combat ever seen in a game. Perhaps even more satisfying than Dark Souls or the like. Despite it’s tragic state after a ridiculously long development time, it’s a cult classic and one of my favorite games for a simple reason; The combat is so good. It’s my go-to I-wanna-clap-some-people-to-death-or-die-trying game. If you love melee action combat games like me, you can’t pass this game.

Real player with 27.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Sandbox Games.

Amazing. I got this from Humble Monthly, installed it, and in one sitting completed the main story. Now it’s 3 in the morning and I’m writing a review. The main story is indeed 3 hours long, but it held my attention by being so fun to play and look at that it passed by way too fast! I haven’t gotten to try the other 2 stories yet, but I can say a few things about the game, and from now on, I’ll be referencing the main story.

The good:

  • Movement: it’s amazing. There’s so many ways to get around, it feels so fluid to get from place to place, and the best part: Moving around is FUN! If I can have fun just getting from place to place, it’s a game I’ll enjoy. I’ve seen a couple reviews saying that the movement doesn’t do what you want it to do, but I just don’t see that in this game. Everything is spot on. Whenever the character did something wrong, it was always my fault, not the game.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Overgrowth on Steam

Five Nations

Five Nations

A nice up-to-date looking 2D RTS like AoE2: Definitive Edition or C&C Remastered,

neat homage to Base Build Space RTS like Star Trek Armada 2 or Conquest: Frontier Wars.

Despite the game was made by a team of 2 people, it does rival AAA products.

While it does lack Multiplayer, Story and Single-player Skirmish are very well done.

The game has a really good Wiki page and Demo version on steam.

Five Nations is an impressive real-time strategy game that borrows action and gameplay elements from many of the genre’s classics. The game has a very deep and complex base build alike Age of Empires, where you have to care for 4 different resources, also the unit population. The map terrain has an interesting variety of open space and white nebulas where units can hide, but not use their abilities and are slower, also there are areas that do damage units if they try to pass them like red storm clouds.

Real player with 112.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Space Games.

I think its by sheer luck that I found this game. Someone on twitter just randomly brought it up and I got curious and looked it up. I first tried the demo and was very surprised!

For a small studio and their first game this is a REALLY impressive RTS! It does so many things well that alot of AAA RTS’s seem to struggle with. There’s a few blemishes here and there, but overall I am surprised at how polished and well designed all the mechanics are, and the factions feel very finely tuned to fit perfectly in a competitive scene.

Real player with 80.3 hrs in game

Five Nations on Steam

Blade of Darkness

Blade of Darkness

As it is the case with many other people, Blade of Darkness brings a lot of good memories from my childhood back to me. However, at the time I didn’t understand the game too well, since I was just a child. I remember my cousin explaining to me how to do combos, but after I tried to do them a couple of times, I would just proceed to spam-click the left button. Now, after so many years I finally picked the game up again and, oh, boy, did I have a blast playing through it and beating it at the end! I would say the bosses are quite a challenge, but once you get the hang of the combat, you will have no problem with butchering them. All of the classes are unique and fun to play around with. At first the weapons seem basic, but each and every one of them has its strenghts and weaknesses, depending on the character that’s wielding it. Besides the base damage and defense the weapons and shields have, there are a lot of other different “hidden” stats like range, speed, hitbox radius and so on. And there are so many different places, secret rooms and hidden areas, containing all sorts of goods - food, potions and the best of all - special weapons with unique powers and moves you can perform with them! The enemies have patterns and at first they are a bit difficult to follow, but around the mid-game you are bound to be hacking and slashing body bits left and right. There is nothing more satisfying than dismembering Orcs and leaving their remains in a puddle of blood!

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game


  • Расчлененка

  • Много оружия и навыков

  • Отображение урона на герое

  • Противники с хилками (почувствуй себя на месте противников)

  • Френдли фаер с переагром - крутая механика

  • Сохранения в любой момент (советую установить мод на быстрое сохранение)

  • Не очевидные решения загадок для открытия путей, один раз пришлось на ютуб зайти, чтобы узнать, что я мог столб сломать


  • Ужасные хитбоксы, анимация четко проходит по картинке, но урон нет

  • Игра состоит из серо-желтых коридоров, поэтому легко заблудиться

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

Blade of Darkness on Steam



Boundary is a multiplayer tactical space-based shooter that puts players in the role of a heavily armed astronaut, called an Astroperator, engaging in fierce team vs team zero gravity firefights and executing low-gravity operations on orbiting space installations against other enemy Astroperators and other entities.

Powered by your EMU suit, you can now navigate the harsh atmosphere of space and orbiting installations in order to engage enemy combatants in a 3-dimensional battlefield where threats come at you from all angles. This is astronaut combat more akin to dogfighting where your angle of attack and position can make all the difference.

Personalize your protective space suit and your arsenal of modified weaponry. Be a keen-eyed sharpshooter executing long range kills from afar or get in close and personal as an Assaulter, taking the fight forward. Modify and upgrade your chosen primary weapon from a wide selection of stocks, grips, scopes, barrels, and ammo types to coordinate with your play style and create a weapon and class appearance unique to you.

Heavily inspired by real life industrial technology and space exploration, Boundary features a varied selection of multiplayer maps including a wreck strewn debris field, Solar Farm and so on. These maps provide Astroperators with a range of diverse and challenging combat environments.

Weapon customization, multiple combat classes to choose from, including combat medics, snipers, support, and utilizing special devices like the grappling hook to help navigate complex map design will make your combat more unpredictable and challenging. Gain the tactical advantage and employ cunning strategies in multiplayer combat to gain the winning edge.

Boundary on Steam

Thunder Tier One

Thunder Tier One

Thunder Tier One offers real-time tactical action in which you directly control the team leader of a four person squad. You can customize many of the details of the squad before you enter the mission, by spending your budget on silencers, grenades, flash-bangs, breaching charges, etc.

There is an element of stealth that you can take advantage of but don’t expect a very nuanced AI - on either side. The AI does a decent job of responding to sound and sight but its shortcomings become apparent in the little details: taking cover on the wrong side of an object, jiggling around when they get stuck on a piece of the terrain. Usually your AI teammates do what you tell them - just not in the way you want. A good example of this is movement; I cannot find a way to get your squad to move slower than full speed which makes it hard to do sneaky things when you are close enough to the enemy.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Feels like a fantastic blend of SOCOM, Doorkickers, and Insurgency. A few things need ironing out, but the core gameplay is great fun and (on realism mode) very punishing. Once mod support is opened up, it will get even better. A few things I noticed during my few hours so far:

  • Camera controls are not as bad as others make them sound, they just take a bit of getting used to. The camera itself could use a little fine-tuning though. Multiple times I had my camera blocked by something (like a crane), or I was getting shot from a spot that was very hard to see. I’m sure it will get better with patches.

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game

Thunder Tier One on Steam

Incarnata: Dormant Stories

Incarnata: Dormant Stories

Incarnata is a text-based game where everything is procedurally generated: offering an incredible depth, within an infinite world.

Dive into this adventure simulation and become everything you decide to be. The game adapts and builds challenges, creates unique characters, places, and goals for you to weave your own story.

Gameplay depth

Will you aim for your enemy’s throat or maybe their left eye? Will the memory of this fight stop your character from sleeping tonight? Are you wearing enough layers of clothes to protect you from the cold? Create your own story by playing with an unprecedented level of depth.

Procedural everything

Everything in Incarnata is generated by a complex algorithm. The world, the items you find, but also the story you are going to live through. Love, Betrayal, Twists, and Challenges are all handled by an algorithm meant to always keep you on your toes.

Extremely moddable

About everything in the game can be changed. Play as a human in a medieval fantasy world, a cyber human in a dystopian future, a wild animal with godly powers. Anything you can think of, the game can be made to play.

As a modder, you are able to change the world the players will explore but also the very actions that are at their disposal. Incarnata works as the platform where your dream world will come to life.

Your custom-made content is incorporated within the procedural generation algorithm, allowing creators to be players in their own world.

Incarnata: Dormant Stories on Steam

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

As somebody who played Mechwarrior 2/2:GBL/2:Mercs, 3/3:PM, 4/4:BK/4:Mercs, Mechcommanders 1 and 2, and was involved in the Mechwarrior community for years back in the golden era…. This is an acceptable giant stompy combat game.

Take command of your own mercenary company in the 31st century. Choose where to go and which contracts to accept, while being careful who you offend or favor since your reputation has a big influence on your contract benefits. Prepare for each mission by outfitting yourself and up-to three team mates from your pool of owned mechs and customize their weapons and upgrades. During battle, choose the right weapon for the right target at the right range while managing your heat output and your remaining ammo. Stay moving to avoid taking focused return fire. Follow your waypoints and complete each simple objective (generally some variation on “kill or destroy this”… battlemechs are not subtle) until you’re given the go-ahead to leave the area. Between missions, weigh your contract pay and battlefield salvage against your repair costs, crew salaries and travel expenses. Shop for new gear. And try to make enough C-bills to retire on a quiet private world some day.

Real player with 300.9 hrs in game

A long-overdue single-player game for the MechWarrior franchise, MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries shakes up the game’s usual format with predominantly randomly generated missions, although there are certain hand-crafted questlines here and there. After the tutorial quest chain (which you can skip if you have the DLC, but more on that later) you are sent off to look for a few choice contracts in the nearest warzone and strike it rich with the modest stable of mechs you have on hand. Or die trying. Wouldn’t be getting that much hazard pay for nothing, right?

Real player with 135.8 hrs in game

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries on Steam

Balsa Model Flight Simulator

Balsa Model Flight Simulator

(Also put 230 hours into the public playtest prior to EA, quite confident this will become my most played game by quite a lot)

Haven’t even touched career yet, or done much with the scenario editor. I’ve just been completely captivated by making and flying planes. If you can think of something or find an existing design that seems feasible you can probably make it, and you can even come with new ideas that no one has thought about before and make them work.

This has replaced all other flight sims for me, MSFS may be beautiful and have great wind simulation etc, but I can’t fly and build my own designs which I’d much rather do. The community aspect of this is great too, seeing all the weird and wonderful designs that people come up with is always entertaining to me, and the mix of friendly dogfighting and chill flying around together is just great.

Real player with 285.8 hrs in game

Balsa is one of those games that is up and coming with afterburners lit. Ignore the fact there are no afterburners (yet).

Multiplayer - Check

Weapons - Check

Creative Design Options - Check

Modding - Check

A Dev Team that LISTENS - Check

Keep in mind, this game is in Early Access. This means the game is developing, growing and has potential ONLY limited by feedback provided to the developers. The team even released a modding kit that allows for building mods already. I have been able to create several custom designed propellers, fuselages, and fuel\battery tanks and used them in game.

Real player with 154.7 hrs in game

Balsa Model Flight Simulator on Steam

Zombie camping

Zombie camping

Awesome tiny game to relax and shoot some zombies. It’s still on early access, but is playable and enjoyable. Hope devs will add achievements.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

I love zombie games, especially those that are from the third person, and then there is also an unusual approach where we need to camp in order to play.

There are 5 types of weapons in the game, but it can be improved, there are also waves of zombies that become stronger

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Zombie camping on Steam