Girls' civilization 2

Girls' civilization 2

Before the game launched I had it on my wish-list since it was announced, When the game first launched I tried the Demo, the game used to drop you in the ocean with a chest and it was hard to pick everything up. it was very frustrating that it put me off from buying the game. I tried the Demo again today after it updated, now you start the game locked up. I like the game now and It finally got my interest to buy it. some of the things you can do in the game is better then I hoped for when I first heard about the game.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Inventory Management Games.

Fun but optimised by drunk monkeys.

the game itself can be pretty fun, funny a times too when you forget the button to interact and end up punching someone, only to end up on the receiving end of a musket volley.

stuff like having to manage your ammo supplies by adding bullets to magazines or trying not to starve to death gave it a surprising bit of difficulty.

but all this is under one big issue, performance, more specifically the morphing blurs when you move. it isnt at all bad when playing desktop mode but it makes playing in VR a bit of a challenge.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Girls' civilization 2 on Steam



It’s a strategy game that focuses on ground war.


The continental Tiracian has the Terra Empire and the National Union of Ren(Aron, Baekra, Cheollok, and Zili) is at odds with each other. The Continental War, which broke out as a result of the confrontation between the two camps, has decimated the power of all nations.

It served as an opportunity to make. The Royal Government of the Kingdom of ‘Baekra’ prevented the invasion of the Terra Empire in the Continental War.

It has consumed a great deal of financial and military power and has thus far been unable to exert complete control over the entire country. Each region and city in the kingdom of ‘Baekra’ is still trying to survive.

[Game Introduction]

Players start in a specific area, collect resources, produce a variety of units (trams, vehicles, etc.) and recruit heroes.

‘Unit Troops’ consisting of units and heroes are used to defend friendly forces and bases, or to expand friendly forces, with hostile forces in the region and unmanned tanks (UGVs).

Do not avoid battle. It gradually expands its power by occupying bases in other regions and forms a united kingdom. When the time is ripe, we will conquer the Terra Empire.

We welcome peace on a unified continent.

Read More: Best Combat Tanks Games.

LandCombat:Ren on Steam

Destiny of the World

Destiny of the World

Sound Strategy game and brings me enjoyment. There are some bugs but hope they will be fixed soon. This game is worth the money.

Real player with 101.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Wargame Games.

I like the game, I am having fun playing it. I think it has one main problem, the production process could be better. Once you choose a city for production you no longer know how many production points are available. It would be nice to have production points shown so you can figure out how many of a particular item can be produced and also a max button would be good, just press max for an item and the max amount will be set to production of that city. And also since the last update the game is hard to start, have to press start three or four times before it will load. Get these fixed and I’m sure I will give it a thumbs up!

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Destiny of the World on Steam

Idle Armada

Idle Armada

  • Not a clone like many other idle games.

  • Continues to be updated and developer is active on Discord

  • Fun and has an ok balance for active and passive play styles

  • Enough content and unlocks to justify the price, new jobs have been added in updates since release.

Real player with 755.8 hrs in game

An humble little clicker that does not promise much but delivers.

Although progression is very slow, it’s very pleasant to just see your fleet cruising in space, casually shredding any and all opposition to your grind.

The gameplay is quite simple, with two upgrade trees + a prestige tree, three base resources and three advanced ones. Grinding is relatively slow, but just enough to make you keep coming back after a few days.

The graphics, ripped from the 90’s classic Tyrian are very nice to the eye and blend well with the retro interface

Real player with 276.3 hrs in game

Idle Armada on Steam

Across the Galaxy: Stellar Dominator

Across the Galaxy: Stellar Dominator

Latest Review:

I’ve been playing the game on the easier difficulty and it has been fun.

I really like the art between battles. The art in battles is kind of good too.

The gameplay improved with the last update and I’m not dying instantly now.

I think what the game needs more is to be more polished in general. It’s a pretty cool concept and the execution is not bad, but needs more polishing.

I hope the devs can keep improving it, because I think the game is something special.

For now I give it a 3.5 of 5 stars.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game –-just a quick look at the game for anyone who is curious NOT A REVIEW yet.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Across the Galaxy: Stellar Dominator on Steam

BeachHead 2020

BeachHead 2020

This review is for the non-VR game.

I bought the early access BH2020 as soon as it came out and I’ve been enjoying it immensely. I thought BH2002 was a blast so I was excited for this newer version.

The game has a new and detailed look compared to the earlier version. The graphics are nice as are the sounds. I’ve only encountered minor glitches such as the game loosing count of health and a stutter with aiming, but they were quickly resolved when reported to the Devs.

The game is still “early-access” so issues are still being adjusted. I’ve found the Developers to be very attentive to any concerns that are communicated to them. It sounds like they have a huge and fascinating game besides the stationary shooting station out now.

Real player with 2167.3 hrs in game

A REAL review on BeachHead 2020

First off, looking at the negative reviews, these people are not giving it time. Almost all if not all played the game for less than an hour if that much (look at their hours on record). With that being said, this IS still in very Early Access, meaning that it will be less than perfect as the company works out the bugs, kinks and adds more features.

I have found a few issues like the aiming is kind of choppy when zooming in. But really I am not holding this against the company. As of writing up this review, the game version is at 1.1.1. So in time I am sure these minor things will be fixed.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

BeachHead 2020 on Steam




Build cities with in-depth economic systems, resource chains, taxation, streets, decoration, and an unbreakable fortification.

With up to 100 different structures, the opportunities seem endless.

RPG Roguelike

Take off on your journey with your customizable, personal character and refine him throughout your countless runs.

Classical RTS

Battles in the style of classic RTS games, with a wide variety of units.

Defend your base from the oncoming hordes of enemies.

Over 8 Factions

Various asymmetrical factions from all over the ancient world with a touch of fantasy.

Face numerous Generals and Characters from different civilizations with specific traits and specialties.

Kratoria on Steam

Lifeflame Compendium

Lifeflame Compendium

Lifeflame Compendium is a WarBreedFarm RPG. These 3 main aspects of the game co-exist in an equilibrium that revolves around Lifeflame.

Lifeflame is a resource that enables entities to live, and is therefore the main driver for all creatures that want to stay alive. Players and NPCs alike gain Lifeflame by eating and drinking, herbivores start by foraging while carnivores must rely on hunting.

Both plants and animals age and then breed, passing on their traits to their descendants and giving way for the next generation.

With time, farming becomes the most efficient way to produce food, and together with crafting, civilization begins to develop to more advanced stages.

Prosperity, however, always precedes times of war, especially when resources grow plenty on one side and scarce on the other, giving rise to great clashes of swords and magic.

You will come to life onto this interconnected world, learn how to harness its resources and thrive in moments of peace, war, passion, mystery, adventure and romance!

Lifeflame Compendium on Steam

Ruin or Victory

Ruin or Victory

Ruin or Victory is a modern take on the classic RTS genre with added detail, continuity, and strategic depth while remaining accessible and well-paced.

Game modes at release

  • A free-build mode with no opponent and optional tutorial hints. A complete user manual will be accessible in game while paused.

  • A scenario mode against an AI opponent that starts with a base and launches increasingly challenging attacks against the player. Both the map and AI preset will be randomized each game, and difficulty, game length, and other settings will be available.

Features at release

  • Random map generation with different terrain, resources, and starting positions each game. Create your own custom map configuration files to control most parameters of map generation.

  • An AI that does not cheat, but uses all the same mechanics that the player does. The AI will make decisions based only on what it has spotted.

  • An extensive, branching technology tree with new items, buildings, and abstract benefits. Some paths are exclusive to others and offer both advantages and disadvantages that define your strategy and playstyle. The tree starts in the stone age and ends at the early medieval age.

  • An organic population growth system that uses real-time food consumption, death due to starvation, and overcrowding factors. You will have to balance your population’s growth, food production, and military size.

  • Skills for your peasants that are gained from their actions and significantly improve their efficiency. Various crafters make high quality items and are a strategic target, while skilled warriors take time to train but are dangerous in battle.

  • Rally system that allows you to set gather points for peasants and warriors separately and summon them as needed. Collect your idle peasants or rally your troops to their posts with any number of points that you place.

  • Domesticated animals that serve as more efficient farm and transport workers and enable the use of cavalry, but require food and training. Animals can be captured when their previous owners abandon them.

  • Continuity of resources and items presents a new strategy of logistics. All resources gathered and items made are physically present in the game world.

  • Resources must be moved to buildings for construction, can be taken out of the building by disassembling, and are lost when the building burns. Workshops that make items must have resources delivered, and the items must be moved and stored in armories.

  • Buildings and other constructs, such as siege equipment, require humans to operate, and can be captured if abandoned. Buildings captured from the enemy can be looted, burned, or used like your own buildings.

  • Warriors are equipped with custom sets of equipment that you design. Create armored archers or light spearmen to fend of cavalry. Every piece of a warrior’s equipment will impact their speed and combat abilities. Carried items and resources are dropped on death, allowing the victor to loot the battlefield.

All of this detail is scaled to the strategic level. There are no inventory screens or per item management. Stored items and resources, warrior equipment, and item upgrades are managed in any quantity with a few button clicks. Peasants automatically find necessary items and buildings for pickup and drop-off, carrying out their tasks with an individual AI.

Selected humans, animals, and constructs are automatically categorized and sorted, allowing you to select by type, skill, or equipment quickly. An order queuing system allows you to chain orders and display them in the game world.

A clear user interface with customization options, intuitive hotkey navigation, and unlimited map zoom with scalable icons, is presented with original, stylized artwork and font.

Features that will be added after release

  • Multiplayer, including cooperative play in all singleplayer modes, as well as PvP on any random map.

  • A skirmish gamemode in which the AI starts and builds up like the player.

  • Rivers and lakes that divide the map as well as island maps on the open ocean. Gather fish and fight the enemy with warships crewed by your warriors in ranged and boarding engagements.

This list is not exhaustive; support and additional features will continue after release.

Ruin or Victory on Steam

Diggles: The Myth of Fenris

Diggles: The Myth of Fenris

Very surprised Diggles/Wiggles has appeared on Steam, but VERY happy it did!

This is an unique game; nothing really compares to it then (20 years ago), and since then no game has been published (to my knowledge) that comes even close to it. So i almost immediatly bought it (again).

Didnt play Wiggles for years as the original sadly wasnt compatible with ‘newer’ Windows-version. (Could play the official Demo a bit longer though.)

Although graphics is a bit outdated and gameplay is quite slow, the game concept is so good, it was and still is the best game i ever played.

Real player with 310.5 hrs in game

WTF!?! Who’s feet do I have to kiss for finally bringing this game to Steam!! If you ever played and enjoyed, Oxygen not Included, and the new early access game, Hammerington, then you will like this game as well. I even purchased those aforementioned games in the hopes to fill the hole this game left in me decades ago. While a bit dated on graphics (released in 2002), the game still has its same charm and is still very playable. By the end of the game, your dwarves will be riding around on hover boards, and brandishing light sabers. How can you go wrong with that? Thank you

Real player with 48.2 hrs in game

Diggles: The Myth of Fenris on Steam