Galactic Command Echo Squad SE

Galactic Command Echo Squad SE

Game crashed three times while trying to play it. That’s as much as I plan to fool with it for a free game I was given in apology over another game. Can’t say I got to play it too much because of all the trouble, so take that as you will.

Here’s some video of what it looks like played if you’re interested, or read the other reviews.

Here’s the error my Steam now has (going to have to reboot) where it thinks the game is still running but it’s not. It’s not a huge thing - I just gotta reboot but it illustrates the issues.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Space Games.

I’ve always enjoyed the ‘Battlecruiser Universe’ games. Sure they take some getting used to but the amount of depth put into them once you learn how to play they are immersive. Most complaints I see are regarding graphics and controls but they forget these games are made by one indie developer and the games are old now - but if you check out the king of space sims UC you’ll see it’s being updated and having a new versiion out soon with modern graphics etc. It takes time and not everyone has $20million of other people’s money to make a game.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Galactic Command Echo Squad SE on Steam