Mission Indeed 2.0 FPS

Mission Indeed 2.0 FPS

IF this game was FREE, I would still NOT play it…Please stay away from this game…this was one of the worst experiences ever…first of all the game crashed about 3 times just trying to get it started, the launch screen looks like a mobile port from the first nokia device. I feel ripped off for getting charged a price like this…the actual game play was terrible, seriously not even early access, this is like a prototype of an idea. REFUND PLEASE!

Youtube Experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsgKzkGMXPI

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Gore Games.

Mission Indeed 2.0 FPS on Steam

Proxy Air Force

Proxy Air Force

A functional but quite baisc vertically-scrolling shoot-em-up. I’ve tried the developer’s platformers and top-down horror games, so I was curious what they would do with this genre. It deserves a neutral rating but, since Steam doesn’t have that, I can’t really recommend it because there are better games out there for the same price.

Proxy Air Force has responsive controls and plenty of enemies and powerups. You could almost call it a twist on the bullet hell subgenre. Seems like there are dozens of bullets on screen, too many to dodge them all. To comensate, the game gives you a generous lifebar and fairly regular health refils. What this means, though, is the game doesn’t require as much skill as most shoot-em-ups. There’s a little strategy to positioning yourself to avoid the most destructive enemies and making sure you last until (and pick up) the next health item. It is accessible to casual gamers because of this but doesn’t have the complexity, the pacing variations, or the overall excitement that classic shmups do.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Violent Games.

Proxy Air Force is exactly what it looks like - a poor man’s 1942 with an iffy geopolitical-war plot, the kind of simplistic, no-frills, ultra-low-budget affair usually reserved for freeware websites and built-in game selections on dodgy clone consoles. There is exactly one plane to choose from, no options to speak of, and the assortment of enemy aircraft and structures to take down is not particularly varied, either. Gameplay is a simple one-button affair, and, with some skill and a generous heaping of luck, the entire thing can be completed in around half an hour. At times, even 80 British pence seems too hefty of a price to pay for it, considering one might expect something similar to be available for free.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Proxy Air Force on Steam



It’s like a newgrounds Flash game back in 2007 but thousand times better

The gameplay itself is pretty much what you see. The controls are very unconventinal and hard at first but you get the hang of it. The gameloop is a bit like Starfox 2. You search the grid map for the portal getting you to a new map. Random events occur everytime you move tho.

Has a lot of unlockable units and weapons now which you get as a random reward for clearing these map events.

For such a low price you can most assurely try it out at least.

Real player with 56.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Combat Space Games.

The game seems to be not updating anymore and its still in (early access for almost 3 years)

-need controller support


-the controls are confusing as heck

love playing the game but its sad to see the game stagnated :(

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game

SilverFrame(纯白星原) on Steam