FUTURE NOIR is a first-person adventure, action and self-discovery story that combines elements of FPS and walking simulator. You play as agent Langley K., a detective in charge of solving a senseless crime that will take you to the most remote places in a dystopian future in search of clues and evidence that will help with your investigation, but as time passes everything starts to get complicated and nothing makes sense, pushing K. to the limit and discovering things that perhaps would have been better not to know, are you ready?


The game takes place on Earth, a planet in ruins and that has been suffering a nuclear winter for decades. Humanity has spread throughout the solar system, with colonies on the Moon, Mars, Venus, and the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.


FUTURE NOIR has a unique combination of elements: FPS and walking simulator mechanics mixed with adventure, action, suspense and terror, as well as charismatic characters and a great story waiting to be discovered.

Read More: Best Colorful Story Rich Games.




the levels are pretty cool, reminds me a little of golden eye. The shooting is satisfying and could be a decent aim trainer.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colorful Singleplayer Games.

Gun'eM on Steam



Your ship has crash-landed on a stray rogue planet, and your ship is out of fuel… It’s up to you to delve beneath the frozen surface and find a way to get your ship back into space while fighting strange sea creatures and uncovering the mysteries of the world beneath the ice!

  • Randomly generated enemies and upgrades

  • 8 weapons, 14+ upgrades, and 40+ enemies

  • 8 distinct zones, 8+ bosses

  • 4 ships with unique playstyles

  • Tight, polished movement and controls

  • Gameplay systems focused on risk and reward

Read More: Best Colorful Indie Games.





There the story’s hero makes a stop to embark on a quest of treasure hunting, discovering ancient artifacts in a broad variety of locations across the world – from Europe to Japan to Egypt.

The Traveler is quite an exceptional character, not only because of his daring and curious personality, but also owing to his unique special power. He can slow down time to a halt and resume it at will! This ability will come in handy as Timerunner’s main mechanic; you can use it to your advantage in a variety of ways – dispatching opponents, moving through the game’s world, and solving puzzles, among others. Beware though – time manipulation is no easy feat and you have only so much energy at your disposal. If you run out, you will have no choice but to release time back into its natural flow and face whatever awaits you in it!

But things are not as we know them on the Blue Planet. Strange forces appear to be in place that make the days on our world as different from its nights as, well, night and day! Daytime appears to be the domain of civilization, a time to tackle the modern forces of the human military, understandably feverish to get their hands on a powerful alien and stand in his way. After sunset, the world seems to be ruled by the creations of human imagination. Centaurs, ogres, phoenixes, and even dragons emerge from the darkness to oppose the Alien Traveler. To what end? How do they come to be? Some of these questions will be addressed as the hunter pursues his prizes.

Apart from his ability to stop time, the Alien Traveler relies on his adventurous instincts and quickly adapts weapons secured on Earth to his needs – whether it’s a pistol, revolver, shotgun, assault rifle, or a rocket launcher. Combined with his time manipulation skills, each of these can display some incredible results on the battlefield, an advantage the Traveler will need to make use of when facing overwhelming odds from diverse enemies with their own array of unique abilities.

Even if it seems like time is on your side, be sure to think fast!

Timerunner on Steam



Comme d’hab, Max et Zino nous offrent du lourd !

On a le droit à un jeu de grande qualité pour un prix très abordable.

Les différentes améliorations disponibles sont super, le jeu est beau, les maps sont travaillées.

Donc oui, ce jeu est réussi sur tous les aspects.

Hâte de voir de futures mises à jour, qui, je suis sûr, renderont l’expérience encore meilleure.

Et encore félicitation aux deux développeurs !

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

Really good game, still a little rough around the edges but that’s to be expected since it came out so recently. Can become oddly terrifying if you spend too much time in the lobby trying to do the parkour.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

UpGun on Steam

Fox Goes Hunting ™

Fox Goes Hunting ™

A basic game with awkward controls but can be reasonably fun if you like hunting achievements

Fox Goes Hunting is a third person hunting game with very light shooting elements.

Playing an adorable fox, you are on the hunt for predators and prey. The predators must be shot with bullets and the prey must be eaten.

Shoot enough predators and catch enough prey in an allotted time to advance to the next level.

Gameplay Video


🤔Overall Impressions🤔

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read full first impressions review here:


Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Fox Goes Hunting ™ on Steam



Please buy this game its so cheap and regularly goes on sale, its a great value and the Dev is super helpful on steam and twitter.

Fun game. I’m so glad it came to Steam I loved it when it was on Xbox Indie Arcade back in the day. Has a lot of replayability.

The price is great.

The game play is great.

The sound design is great.

Cannot go wrong with this game. If I were rich I would gift this game to everyone on my friends list.

EDIT: After this review they added a bunch of online Leaderboards so it got even better!

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Remember Geometry Wars? It’s similar to that but with Music at its core instead of bright explosions. I kept my 360 solely for this game, thats how great it is. Years ago, I’d get home around twenty after four from work and fire this game up. It was easily one of my favorite ways to chill and wind down after a long day. The game isn’t deep, but it has a lot of depth. 3 basic modes, the last 2 being locked until you beat the first mode.


The game takes place in a 2d box. Your a little spaceship(that always reminded me of The Last Starfighter) and every enemy is a musical instrument. Some enemies only need 1 shot to kill(or trigger their instrument) while others, aka The Romulan looking ship (the rapper) requires numerous hits to kill. There’s numerous waves which are all different. Each wave presents more difficulties than the last. There’s changes in your weapons, rate of fire, enemy population and variety, and a lot more. Later in the game, some pretty crazy things happen, which are pretty exciting to encounter and play through. You only get 3 lives. Theres no restart from checkpoint. So getting to the end is an amazing feeling. Its very reminiscent experience to playing old games at the arcade. Theres definitely a lot of strategy and you’ll learn through your play though how to attack each wave. However, I always called them Shells(guitar), can and will ruin your day. They can go out of the play zone, and come back in. They only take one shot, but when youve been backed into a corner or running a wall and your trying to get out, having a shell sneak in behind you is frustrating. Especially when you seconds to the next wave.. It is very easy to get swarmed and overwhelmed so here’s a couple of beginner’s tips.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Groov on Steam



The game is good, if you want to have some quick fun and you like bullet hell’s I would recommend this game. I think there are a few draw backs though, there is not a big variety of enemies to fight at least not at the beginning of the game, the enemies very between size which can get annoying because you have to run into one of the enemies and take damage to kill it if you don’t upgrade your range. There is only one song that plays at the start of the game that plays and that’s the song in the video up above. That is pretty much what I had to say about this game, I would like a “damage” or “health” stat but I guess you get stronger and your hp resets when you beat a level, which brings me to my next point. I do like how you can choose to go to the level you died on and try and beat it again but I think that also kinda takes some of the fun away from the game.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Haos on Steam



Can you feel them? The colors burning beneath your skin?

Splatter is a first-person fever dream where you blast constantly-adapting enemies into neon sprays of pulp and slime. This world is one built for violence. It is a digital mindscape, surreal and yet strangely familiar, constructed by four anonymous administrators. To survive within it, you must overcome each challenge and outsmart hordes of creatures that learn as you defeat them. Blast enemies with your finger guns, chug cans of energy drinks, and maintain your brain chemistry in order to win.

Your victories, however, may come at a terrible price. Can you uncover the motives of your captors before it is too late? Can you survive? Can you remain sane? Can you remain yourself?


  • Shoot, slap, and slurp your way through waves of enemies in a blaze of finger guns and rainbow fluids.

  • Explore a variety of strange environments.

  • Experiment with an extensive arsenal of finger guns.

  • Push yourself to master the style system and achieve the highest score on the online leaderboards.

  • Experience dynamic challenges as enemies adapt to your tactics.

Content Warnings: Flashing lights, visual glitches/distortion, explicit language.

Splatter on Steam



SUFFER is back!

SUFFER 2 is a tough-as-nails boomer shooter with a horror punk twist - become The Spirit of Anarchy and destroy the corporate police state with righteous ninja fury! Deadly traps, aggressive enemies, and abstract level design will take you to hell and back. Experience a pixelated dystopian hellscape set to an agonizing melody from punk rock guitars and broken computer synthesizers.

  • Handcrafted Levels

  • Brutal Difficulty For Hardcore Gamers, 5 Difficulty Settings

  • Colorful Sprite Graphics Inspired By 90’s Computer Games

  • Original Punk/Metal Soundtrack

Are you ready to SUFFER yet again?

SUFFER 2 on Steam