Space Hole 2018

Space Hole 2018

I’ve only played about 3 hours now, and I can tell I’m nowhere near completing this game. Space Hole 2018 is visually stunning. It plays a lot like the Super Monkey Ball series, but is a lot less annoying in every respect. Minor game mechanics make the game much more enjoyable, plus you gain these new mechanics throughout the game which gives a sense of achievement and growth. The soundtrack is great too. Overall, this is an awesome, relaxing, psychedellic game that is definitely worth the listed $3.

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colorful Stylized Games.

This seems to be what Sam Atlas was aiming for all along. This newest Space Hole has a lot more of the Antichamber vibe and is overall a great improvement on 2016. Here’s why.


  • Visually a lot more interesting now. Full on psychedelia, the inner workings of a mass hadron collider, giant chess sets, hypercubes, Saturday Night Fever disco floors the lot.

  • More varied levels this time. Not just a get from point A to point B anymore. You sometimes need to exit your ball and fly around to scope out the large levels to see where you are supposed to be heading and work out a strategy.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Space Hole 2018 on Steam



I’d say that I’m a little mixed on this one.

Obviously, I have a love of psychedelics. I love the Bay Area (live there), love the PDK inspiration, love the artstyle, love some of the sound(s) and love creativity & originality.

The reason I’m mixed is due to a little bugginess and honestly the game requiring a little too much patience on my part (I’m a pretty patient dude too). It almost feels at times like it is bordering along “ambient” gaming to solve the “puzzles”. And by “puzzles” I mean the game relies heavily on one core mechanic: find the right spot for clicky, click, repeat. This becomes a bit tedious; even for a $10 game and not immersive. Which sucks because obviously this game has the right ingredients for being very immersive (or even only immersive without clicky click, aka Alien Isolation mod removing the Alien - aka spontaneous combustion exploration instead of clicky clicky) but the tedium of finding that one core mechanic puzzle to progress dampens the immersion & experience for me. This is where it becomes almost “ambient”, the looping atmospheric effects and saying WTF is that little symbol to click, causing much retracing over an already limited (and by limited I mean small) map.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colorful Surreal Games.

Devs are French and yes, there are noticable English spelling and grammar errors throughout but not unplayable bad. And the English voice acting is on a much higher level than the localization/translation bits and bobs so if you are worried about things being lost in translation that’s not an issue, for me at least. And if you have even a passing familiarity with PKD then you ought to be able to catch the little nods to his books because, well, they aren’t so little nor subtle. It is interesting to see a French perspective on a somewhat contemporary popular American mind and world(s) though. For that alone I feel the game is worth it to me. But this game is MOST DEFINITELY not for everyone, and I would be very selective with whom I reccomend it to. Most PKD fans should find something valuable in the game. I make the assumption that most PKD readers will be less critical of writing and more interested in unique and original ideas in general, and this game is certainly that.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Californium on Steam

Subway Midnight

Subway Midnight


Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colorful Cute Games.

This game made me scream so badly my roommate had to come make sure I wasn’t being murdered.

I really love the different designs and areas. I only played through it once so far and got the bad ending but I definitely want to play it again to see if I can get the other endings. The level and sound design is brilliant, in my opinion. The game really knows how to invoke anxiety and fear into the player. There’s the anticipation for a scare lurking around for the majority of the game. I enjoyed all the puzzles as many of them felt very unique and there was certainly a feeling of relief upon completing specific ones and entering essentially a safe zone.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Subway Midnight on Steam

The Infinite Trial of a Hopeless Man Running

The Infinite Trial of a Hopeless Man Running


Don’t Think.

Don’t Think About Death.

Don’t Think About The World.

Don’t Think About Your Freedom.



Use Toilet.

Technology Is What?

Crave Time.**


You play as a hopeless man trapped, running in an infinite loop.

You must dodge obstacles and collect powerups to succeed.

Get a high score, and try to stay alive as long as you can!

How To Play:

  • Use arrow keys to control your character

  • Move left / right to change lanes as you wish

  • Up to jump over obstacles

  • Down to slide under things

The Infinite Trial of a Hopeless Man Running on Steam



A fun game to get lost in for a few hours, very tactile environment and satisfying sounds/visuals. Good variety of puzzles and storytelling in the environment, all coming together in a lovely hidden gem.

Also you can bunnyhop and schmove around which I highly recommend.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Has a beautiful and fantastical landscape.

Cannot play with just a mouse, one either needs a mouse and keyboard or a controller.

There is a lot of walking , hopping and jumping.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

ENDO on Steam

L.S.D. (Lasting Spiritual Derangement)

L.S.D. (Lasting Spiritual Derangement)



L.S.D. is a first person shooter set during a hallucinogen trip.

It’s a dream-like experience, in which things don’t seem to make sense. Because they don’t.

You keep waking up in different, weird open worlds. You have no choice but to explore them, trying to survive and to get back to reality as soon as possible.

Suddenly you’ll find yourself in magic medieval-like towns, fighting against fire-spitting dragons with a magic sword, then you’ll find handguns and rifles to attack fierce giant creatures that come right at you.

You keep waking up in mysterious, unexplored places.

You’re in a loop. You keep living the same moment again and again.

It’s up to you to decide how you’re going to live it.

Are you going to slaughter those dragon with your sword, or are you going to let them rip your head off?

Will you try to wake up from this nightmare? Or will you take control of your dreams?

What you’ll find in this game:

  • Giant open worlds;

  • Creatures that try to kill you;

  • A psychotic narration;

  • Magic swords;

  • Very loud rifles;

  • Very loud handguns;

  • More creatures that try to kill you;

  • Things that blow up for no reason:

  • Even UFOs! Maybe. I’m not supposed to talk about it.

The game also features original music by Salvatore Palermo.

And all of this for about the price of a cheap cinema movie ticket!

Keep in mind that L.S.D. is being developed by a solo, but very passionate, indie developer! That’s me!

If you got this far and you’re reading this then it basically means that we’re friends, so I’ll stop using the third person.

L.S.D. is my very first commercial game. I love creating games that feature open worlds and that let me channel my creativity in unusual ways.

That’s how I came up with the idea for L.S.D.

Since I’m all alone, sometimes I use some beautiful pre-made assets created by amazing artists that let their work be licensed online and I try to make the most out of them.

If you’d like to get notified about the game (and sales) at launch, make sure to put it in your wishlist!

Wishlisting L.S.D. is a great way to support me in creating the game of my dreams in a completely free way.

Feel free to contact me for feedback, advice and anything related to the project.

L.S.D. (Lasting Spiritual Derangement) on Steam

Drilly Willis

Drilly Willis

Thoroughly enjoyable and has a great soundtrack

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Weird, fun, creative platformer with unique characters and oddly charming. would recommend

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Drilly Willis on Steam



a psychedelic journey full of wonder sounds and positive affirmations. Great to be entranced by. Highly recommended.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

What on the surface may seem like a trippy yet simple 2D puzzler, ends up being a lot more thoughtful and complex as you dig into its core. The game’s base mechanic of rotating the block and manipulating gravity feels both familiar but unique at the same time. The sound effects and visuals are very satisfying, mixed with spacey ambient music that you can listen to for long periods of play time.

I’m by no means a puzzle-game expert, but I do really enjoy the ones that click with me – and this one clicked with me. It felt just complex enough to be challenging, but not to the point that it felt overly-frustrating. When you solve a puzzle you feel a sense of satisfaction, not “finally it’s over”. That isn’t to say it doesn’t get more difficult as it goes on, slowly adding more mechanics to keep the gameplay fresh and tricky.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

XOB on Steam

Neon Souls

Neon Souls

That’s where you’re wrong. These same effects are the main part of the game mechanics, which at first didn’t seem to me, but the more I progressed through the levels, the more I saw the importance of using these effects to my advantage, whether to anticipate some moves or to help me stay alive. Gameplay quite different and very attractive 100/100.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

As good as the colors of the soul. It is necessary to play with caution and explore slowly so as not to die. Very good.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Neon Souls on Steam

Tetris® Effect: Connected

Tetris® Effect: Connected

Tetris is the king of the puzzle games. The thing practically made the GameBoy sell for 10 years, the longest running console in History.

And with such notoriety, you didn’t necessarily need to improve on the formula. Game sold! Why spend money trying to improve when it’s already perfect?

So over the years, we’ve seen the licence get adapted for garbage mediums. Java. Apps on smartphones. Facebook gigs. Adaptations on stupid consoles. Quick cashgrabs. Still, the licence remained draped in glory.

Real player with 62.7 hrs in game


Latest iteration of possibly the most well-known block matching puzzle game in the world.

In detail

Over the last couple decades there has been plenty of Tetris games and countless more if you include all clones or ones that somehow borrow the core idea of dropping shapes and having the player match them together. The gameplay needs no explanation, but this brings it officially to the modern systems and adds a couple new spins on it as well.

The game is divided into three main subsections: journey mode, effect modes and multiplayer mode.

Real player with 53.4 hrs in game

Tetris® Effect: Connected on Steam