Cork The Volcano

Cork The Volcano

Cork The Volcano is such a fun game that reminisces towards my childhood. Aimed towards kids and young ones, this platformer makes you help a cute little dino traverse the good looking and well designed levels. With the levels getting more challenging as you progress, Cork The Volcano makes you think and use the skills you just learned to move towards the end game. Aimed towards kids, but recommended for all ages who love a fun and fairly challenging platformer with a cute story.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colorful Strategy Games.

Cork The Volcano on Steam



SOKOBOT is a puzzle game about placing and programming cute little robots. The SOKOBOTS can be given a string of simple commands to move themselves, communicate and manipulate objects. From these simple building blocks much more complex interactions can be made!

Solve, Optimise, Compete!

As an open-ended puzzle game each level has unlimited ways to be solved. Once finished you can choose to iterate your solution for different criteria, such as commands used, and compete on friend leaderboards!


  • 50+ unique stages: Ranging from simple to taxing

  • Open ended puzzles: No preordained solutions

  • Branching progression: Stuck? Try another and come back later!

  • Friend Leaderboards & Histograms: Compete on SOKOBOTS used, cycles and commands

  • GIF Exporter: Share your solutions with others!

Read More: Best Colorful Logic Games.

SOKOBOT on Steam



A great little puzzle game with fairly nice graphics and simple controls. Makes for a game that I can play without having to so engrossed that I can’t simply get up and come back later to play more. There is a little room for further enhancement especially apparently running on the Unity engine…I would like to see the ability to rotate the puzzle to different angles and make the cards to where they must fit in perfect numerical sequence just to make some of the higher levels more difficult. I would recommend this game as a great casual puzzle type that I would go back and play all over again.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colorful Casual Games.

This is a game to plan the way, but you need to be aware that the possibilities are limited.

At first I got confused with the arrows when thinking about how I would use the directions, but then I got the hang of it! Seeing the bear in search of honey is fun!

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

HoneyLand on Steam

Monster Logic

Monster Logic

One of the best programming games I’ve played. Lots of levels and a variety of interesting ways to solve each one.. Competitive leaderboards, the top score in some of these puzzle are already pretty crazy. You are going to have to be super creative in order to match them. There are three categories for the leaderboards and your best score in each category for the puzzle is automatically saved. (Zachtrnoics take note please)

I have played almost every programming game on steam and this is probably my second favorite. With my favorite being EXAPUNKS

Real player with 86.9 hrs in game

First off, I was a beta tester and received the game for free.

It might be scary for those who are not particularly into programming to look at the store page and see stuff like “Based on esoteric programming languages Befunge and Trefunge”. It could make you think this game is “too niche” and not for you.

Now, I don’t know whether you’ll actually like it or not, but let me tell you this: I had never even heard of Befunge or Trefunge before playing this, and I’m not a programming enthusiast or anything. I just looked at it as a fun puzzle game with cute monsters and animations and tried to solve the levels as best I could using good old logic.

Real player with 54.5 hrs in game

Monster Logic on Steam

DumbBots: Hello World

DumbBots: Hello World

A grate game 10/10

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

This was pretty easy & fun. (Although I am a professional game developer.) Looking forward to the full DumbBots game!

EDIT: Seriously, why doesn’t this have more positive reviews? :/

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

DumbBots: Hello World on Steam



While not as thoroughly polished or intricate as other open-ended puzzle games, OCTOPTICOM absolutely nails the concept and gameplay on a fundamental level. At the time of writing I’ve been playing this game for 150 hours.

From a technical standpoint, the game has a significant number of bugs and crashes and unintuitive moments that have yet to be ironed out. I’d be lying if I said I don’t notice them or they don’t bother me. The whole game is rather rough around the edges, and there are a number of things that I’d like to see done better.

Real player with 440.1 hrs in game

Octopticom gets a definitive thumbs up from me and I can recommend it without the slightest doubt to all logical puzzle fans. It very much reminded me of Spacechem and other “programming” puzzlers but I found it much easier to get into.

The game is basically about directing a source beam of white light through one or more input modules, which will color the beam according to the color sequence inherent in the input module, and then directing that colored beam into one or more output modules. This sounds blend and it is. However, each level has certain rules according to which you have to modify the colored beam from the input sequence so that it fits the required output sequence. And that’s where all the puzzleing fun of this game lies.

Real player with 78.5 hrs in game


Sam & MaRU

Sam & MaRU

The premise:

It’s a Zach-Like programming puzzle game where you write code to move robots around a 2D grid and perform tasks. If that sounds like your thing (and it certainly sounded like mine!), you’ll probably like this one. The most well-known and obvious game to compare it to is 7 Billion Humans, but to me it feels much more heavily influenced (in both gameplay and story, and art style for that matter) by Marvellous, Inc..

It is different enough from both of those to qualify as its own thing, though.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

A charming little game where you program your worker-bot to complete mundane tasks - uncover a sinister plot - and get in over your head engaging in corporate espionage!

The levels lacked any leaderboards - so there’s less of an incentive to optimise everything like you often get in this genre - so not a huge amount of replay value; but I was a big fan of the easter eggs, with extra scraps of story hidden off the main track.

It’s also good at teaching you the mechanics; introducing them slowly - so by the end combining them into a complex program becomes second nature… I mean very good at that; someone has obviously put a lot of thought into doing that.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Sam & MaRU on Steam



Great game. Didn’t let me down.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

If you enjoy logic puzzles you’ll enjoy this. It’s a perfect sandbox to be able to see [on a basic level] what goes into logic of computer-controlled characters in video games. There are simple logic blocks to start with, and advanced ones that can create a very ‘intelligent’ DumbBot.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

DumbBots on Steam

Zen Trails

Zen Trails

Look at that beautiful pictures in trailer.

However, I have to warn you.



15/10 * Great tutorial in this game.

10/10 * Math tool with great potential.


-10/10 * Product awareness is too LOW. (I learned Zen Trails after it was on steam for 8 months. )


If you like Zen Trails, you may like this, too.

It’s a free online graphing calculator.

Real player with 55.4 hrs in game

What I love about this game is that without having the faintest idea what I’m actually doing I can produce the most wonderfully colourful and symmetrical patterns imaginable just by tinkering about with speeds and angles etc and following some examples from the ‘Inspiration’ list provided. Sitting back and watching your work finally come together is a real joy and it can only take a few minutes - more if you want. Clever idea, relaxing and very satisfying. Thanks developers.

Real player with 37.4 hrs in game

Zen Trails on Steam

Bananas Academy’s Psyber

Bananas Academy’s Psyber

I saw the trailer for this and was intrigued at the idea of teaching someone the fundamentals of programming while being a puzzle based 2D platformer game. Played it for 1 hour and let my 12yo niece play it afterwards. She finished all the 4 chapters (4 chapters available in the game as of writing this review) and she wanted more. I was fascinated how the game kept her engaged and had her attention throughout. Being an Indie developer myself I want to support up and coming developers. I can see how good concepts like these shouldn’t be compared to titles from established developers. Truly nice work and idea on the part of this developer for bringing this concept into fruition. Looking forward to the future expansive updates or possibly new titles on this concept soon.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Okay, so first of all I’d like to start with what I liked in the product.

1. This is a very cool concept of teaching programming. I am a competitive programmer myself I regularly

attend monthly challenges in websites like Codeforces and Codechef. I remember how I struggled to learn the fundamentals of programming as none of my school text books had a proper exposure to build a base towards coding.

2. Game is buttery smooth even in my Intel HD 5500.

Here’s what I saw in the product which I feel needs more attention

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Bananas Academy's Psyber on Steam