Clan O’Conall and the Crown of the Stag

Clan O’Conall and the Crown of the Stag

Very fun action/puzzle platformer with an interesting Celtic theme. With an intuitive switching system. you control 3 different siblings on their quest to rescue their father the King, who has been captured by the Mother of Demons in an attempt to gain control of the titular Crown of the Stag that he wears. Each hero plays very different and are specially suited for combating different kinds of enemies or solving different puzzles.

The game does a good introducing those puzzles and letting you solve them, but by the mid game you’ll be smoothly swapping multiple times between them in mid-air, triggering different abilities to maximize your hang time or get to a far ledge.

Real player with 22.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colorful Puzzle Games.


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


A varied platformer where you take on the role of three Vikin… er, Celts. With them you’ll have to run, fight and jump through a variety of levels to stop the mother of all demons, Caorànach, from destroying an ancient peace between humans and the Fae Folk. To this end, Caorànach has stolen the Crown of the Stag from your village and, by the way, seriously injured the chief, your father.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Clan O'Conall and the Crown of the Stag on Steam

Orb and the Stars

Orb and the Stars

Fun and challenging platformer where you have to reach the exit as an orb while you can collect star shards in each level. The graphics are rather simple, but the game is fun and challenging.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colorful Puzzle Games.

Orb and the Stars on Steam

Trials of Argolis

Trials of Argolis

I’ve done a lot of testing for this game and nearly every time was a joy (bridge boy frustrates me sometimes!! ;-;). Very fluid and smooth first-person combat with challenging bosses and fast paced action. The handpainted artwork lends a really neat aesthetic and overall it looks gorgeous. A great dynamic in play styles despite the rather simple controls and each boss has a particular gimmick to it. Lots of content and deffo worth a buy! ;_; eek

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colorful Difficult Games.

Good concept but mechanics and actual gameplay is not polished and ass

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Trials of Argolis on Steam

Hermes: Tricks of Thanatos

Hermes: Tricks of Thanatos

Foi muito divertido, vou jogar de novo em outro modo. Hermes ficava sentado lá enquanto os Minions faziam tudo e Apolo ganhava a fama. Toda a trama de mitologia também muito legal. Nem senti as horas passando.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Hermes: Tricks of Thanatos on Steam

Sea Wolf: Tactics

Sea Wolf: Tactics

Sea Wolf: Tactics is a tactics RPG that aims to honor the best parts of the genre while introducing new systems.


  • Drive Back the Empire: The empire has conquered and expanded for centuries - now they are at your doorstep and threaten your way of life. Although they vastly outnumber you, use cunning tactics to destabilize their hold of territories, incite rebellion and disable their empire.

  • Explore Midgard: Accomplish quests that will have you exploring every corner of Midgard, capturing empire strongholds, completing trading missions, and hunting down dangerous bounties.

  • Customize and Train: Build your raiding party up using new warriors you encounter on your journey and level them up. Carefully choose abilities from each classes' diverse skill tree to create warriors that can adapt to any situation.

  • Honor the Gods: Provide the Gods some amusement by willingly accepting additional burdens in battle and they will reward you with their favor. Burdens change the rules of combat in challenging ways that will force you to adopt new strategies.

  • Raid or Trade: Coexist peacefully with neighboring villages and they will offer you lucrative but dangerous trading contracts or chose to raid them and steal their resources for yourself.

  • Tactics Modernized: Sea Wolf: Tactics was created from a love of classic tactics games. Sea Wolf: Tactics aims to honor those iconic titles by adding new systems and streamlining old ones. Combat is responsive and quick. Battles are smaller scale to limit action-less turns but Battle Campaigns challenge you to survive multiple battles in a row.

Sea Wolf: Tactics on Steam



The current state of the game is about 4 hours worth of fun until the game doesn’t save on hours of work you’ve had by closing it down, no visible option to manually save either.

Options are just too plain compared to any other idle games.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

轮回修仙决 on Steam

Okami HD

Okami HD

I wish I’d played this when it came out

Real player with 44.2 hrs in game

A beautiful adventure game with “retro” design sensibilities that must be experienced at least once in a lifetime.

A classic tale of an epic, heroic journey to defeat a powerful evil being, paired with a huge and fantastically crafted world to explore. Presentation is definitely this game’s strength, to the point it can sometimes become overwhelming. A few things I didn’t like was that the game draws out for too long on some parts of the story and because of this, the combat can become tiresome due to it not being used to the fullest. Port itself is excellent and while 60 fps would have been amazing, the 30fps cap is understandable and doesn’t get in the way.

Real player with 38.5 hrs in game

Okami HD on Steam

Chess Knights: Viking Lands

Chess Knights: Viking Lands

It’s been a while since I played chess and when I tried this game I could remember that beginner feeling.

I Recommend this game for those who like chess and also likes a good mind challenge.

I liked some scenario items left behind … buckets, wooden decks and wagons that block areas in board, these kind of things got rid of predicables movements and make things more challenging. I also liked the way some parts got half-covered by snow, this increase the challenge and make me think twice on choosing where to move … specially against Bishops. A little suggestion to improve a sense of progress could be some kind of icon or text that tells the current chapter and stage.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Move chess knights across varying boards to pick up pieces from one square and return them to home squares while avoiding being taken by AI driven enemy pieces.

There are a lot of issues here, the difficulty wildly varies, though ultimately never gets particularly clever and many of the puzzles become just a matter of moving one of your safe pieces back and forth until the board state lets you win.

Some levels try to limit that which is where you feel a sudden difficulty spike which just ends up being more frustrating than challenging.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Chess Knights: Viking Lands on Steam

Earth Guard: Egypt

Earth Guard: Egypt

‘Earth Guard: Egypt’ is a very basic archery style game that sees you armed with a bow and arrow trying to stop waves of enemies who are trying to break into your village. There is only one way in, so that makes things easier, but the enemies (of which there are a handful of different ones) run (and I mean a super-fast sprint) towards that door. The only way you will last more than a few seconds in this game is to spam the bow and arrows, literally just pulling the trigger over and over without pulling back. OK, so there is only one level in this game, but it is free after all and if the enemies can be slowed down quite a lot this could be a fun little download. There is no scoreboard sadly and no end tally, so you have to guess what score you got, but these are small issues that could easily be fixed.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Earth Guard: Egypt is a free to play VR game that did not work. It ran on my HTC Vive system, looked bad, sounded ok, played Nope. Had No VR controls. Had only grabbing of a ball in a pot that you can throw and it exploded. The start and Quit menu button was off in the distance, ball hits didn’t work them either.

Do not bother to download this, unless you are going to review this turkey.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Earth Guard: Egypt on Steam



The game

Sitting at her messy desk. The objects that dress it evoke chimeras, stories and fantasy characters for our protagonist, the Author. Dreamy and immersed in her imagination, she brings this decor to life.

Through this introspective adventure, explore the identity questions of the Author, this faceless protagonist. Let yourself be guided by this inner journey to the rhythm of her personal wanderings.

The Author is the character that you will play and follow through her inner journey.

The gameplay

Dice in hand and perched on this desk, the Author of Facettes invites you on a journey of identity initiation. At your fingertips is a dreamlike world, populated by heroines, Potentials and life paths to discover.

The Author keeps creating more Potentials using tabletop RPG mechanics: roll a dice and assign values to various characteristics in the process of character creation.

There is a set of Potentials to collect, alongside the objects which inspired them and the voice recordings of the Author’s thoughts.

The Potentials

Her experiences give life to fantastic creatures and worlds yet imbued with reality that nourish the personal construction of this mysterious Author.

These creatures are the “Potentials”, enigmatic women whose stories represent many possible lives for this mysterious protagonist. They each have a past, a purpose, and ties with other Potentials in this introspective journey.

The world

The stories of these chimerical women gradually come to life through the dreams of the Author in the phantasmagorical world they inhabit.

Mirror Island is the main place of this fantasy universe. There is where most of the Potentials live, but some of them are not terrestrial beings.

The island is torn apart by a conflict involving many of the Potentials rivaling to rule this land.


  • An inclusive and LGBTQIA2+ game celebrating the queer identity, which is also an accessible and nice-looking game introducing an issue by experiencing it

  • A metaphorical and poetic experience sharing the process of self-discovery and accepting one’s identity

  • A relatable story that contributes to build empathy with the Author, the characters and LGBTQIA2+ community, providing more content to understanding the issue and self-questioning


Facettes is the third game from the Nuances series which holds a strong message about feminism, LGBT+ themes or inclusiveness.

It follows Sweet Love, a game about moral harassment within a couple, marital rape and femicides and A Comfortable Burden, a game tackling mental load with an otter couple.

Facettes on Steam