Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron - Flyboyz Edition

Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron - Flyboyz Edition

“Just fly straight at ’em as fast as ya can, give ’em sum dakka, and don’t ferget to yell “WAAAGH!” dead loud like. Nuffin’ to it!"

— Flyboss Skarzag, Badtoof Skwadron


“Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron - Flyboyz Edition” is an arcade shooter I first became aware of in a preview of the mobile version in a “White Dwarf” magazine from 2017. I am only now getting to reading my older issues, yet before I got to even look the mobile game up on the Google Play Store, this was announced for PC. Being a long time player of the greenskins I knew I was destined to join their ranks once more. I am a long time PC gamer who enjoys mobile ports, in fact I often prefer them for a casual aside to more serious games. Mobile platforms are quite often the testing ground for potential PC releases and this is becoming more and more the case.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colorful Warhammer 40K Games.

I have mixed feelings about this game, but I will approve of it for 40k fans who are fond of the Orks.

There is barely any background information about the 40k setting in the game itself, and there is an unspoken assumption that the person who is playing this game is already familiar with the lore, so people who are not 40k fans will probably not care about what is going on.

Graphic settings are practically a joke: There is a single low/medium/high graphics option and the ability to turn VSync on or off, and that’s it. The framerate is capped at 60 FPS in-game, and while it easily keeps to that cap, this might bother some people with higher end gaming PCs with a +120Hz monitor.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron - Flyboyz Edition on Steam

Fermi’s Path

Fermi’s Path


Tags: Casual - Runner

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

Tags: 4-lane tuberunner with dubstep. Slow pacing. The bullets do not destroy obstacles and the powerup lift is arguably ill designed. Play Redout instead.

Fermi’s path comes across as a unity engine runner with aspirations to have a lot of accessibility to a large swathe of player. The level design always consists of a tube with the only variation coming in with the placement of coins and powerups.

Real player with 17.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colorful Indie Games.

Runners usually please me, especially the science-themed ones like ‘Boson X’ or ‘The Collider’, but I don’t recommend this game for it is unfairly hard and generally dull, plus it has blurry textures and lags on weaker machines. It’s very difficult to assess right distances for your movement on that monotonous pathway you travel, there are no landmarks to judge it. Sometimes when the path bends you can’t even see the upcoming obstacles, so you’ll have to memorize the pre-made levels by heart. I shall hunt for achievements a bit, but I curse the devs already, Im so bored..

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Fermi's Path on Steam



Phew, what to even say about this game besides that it is amazing.

The art, the gameplay, the music. It all works together to create this concise but beautiful journey as you play through the original levels. Learning and mastering the game’s fundamental mechanics and the gameplay principle before inevitably showing up at the final level. (The game does a fairly good job of teaching you of this without any tutorials besides basic controls but this also mean that some people won’t pick up on certain things. It may be enough to ruin some people’s ride overall just cause the levels get too difficult for them. No there isn’t much to learn, it’s just the fact that

! the object’s position in lanes is correlated to their movement or positioning. This is taught in the Forest Region and used even more on the Plains Region. )

Real player with 1169.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colorful Indie Games.

So I’ve been playing this game for a while now. Around 200 hours by the time I’m writing this review. Here are my thoughts

This is a casual rhythm game. If you’re a hardcore rhythm gamer like osu! Don’t expect this game to be hard as you think. Although you can make it hard as you wish.

The most common complaint I’ve heard is the obscured notes. And I actually see this as a good thing. It’s a rhythm game from a new perspective. Which the reason why it’s a casual rhythm game in the first place. It’s on the music, Not completely on the visuals. You have to have combine your sense of rhythm WITH visuals. Which most rhythm games often doesn’t do. It’s absolutely brilliant.

Real player with 269.3 hrs in game

Overpass on Steam



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Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron - Flyboyz Edition Demo

Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron - Flyboyz Edition Demo

ok, so the game is fun, has lots of kustomisation but some very important problems with the game,

1: allow you to mute all the messages so they dont show up (EDIT: you can turn off the sound in the menu, but not the popus themselves )

2: zoom back the field of view (Edit: its fine but could use slightly more zoomback)

3: for slower firing weapons, have 1-3 second cooldowns so that people can properly semi auto instead of just holding down the key

4: shooting at the oppenent is much less fun that using the faster firing rates or ramming into enemies, add more burst weapons

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Broadly super fun game, brings me back to Rogue Squadron 2 era of gaming, but admittedly I haven’t played many modern flight sims. Graphics, controls, art style, and audio assets are gold. Love it. So looking forward to its release plus seeing how multiplayer works out.

My only Major problem thus far is friendly NPC’s hitting me and killing me. Feels like friendly fire from NPC’s needs to be disabled, or at least contact-based damage (annoying dying from something AI does that won’t see till too late.) Some of the pathing on enemies is weird, but not a huge deal just requires disengaging then strafing them from a distance. Or maybe I just am too stubborn and tail enemies too much. :D

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron - Flyboyz Edition Demo on Steam

Quible Sphere

Quible Sphere

I’m fucking addicted

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

A very fun game.

It’s a challenging platformer, that doesn’t alow you to jump, and you have to rely on ball physics to do any tricks.

Roll around, dodging obstacles, and beat the stage as fast as you can. It becomes adicting to beat a stage very fast, especially when you notice speedrun tactics by yourself, and you get a pretty good time.

Depending on your skill, this game can take anywhere from 2-15+ hours to beat.(first time playthrough that is)

But if this game gets enough people to play it, the custom levels will also add even MORE hours to it.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Quible Sphere on Steam