The Guild II Renaissance

The Guild II Renaissance

The Guild II Renaissance is a game that is most fundamentally about money management. You use your funds to build a number of production facilities - everything from your basic farm to buildings producing high end equipment, armor and artifacts for trade or use. In addition to a typical strategic “god view” you control 3 individual characters. You can engage in a variety of activities with these characters like having them run for office, enage in special actions with the buildings they own like goading the workers into action, and so forth.

Real player with 118.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Economy Games.

TL:DR; Steep Learning curve. Old Graphics. Buggy Mess. One of my favorite games.

So I want to start off by saying if you’re interested buy this version of the game and only this game. This is a stand alone game, and it is the most up to date - bug-free version. Also, getting the MegaMod pack doesn’t hurt either, adds a lot to the game and fixes a bunch of bugs.

It took me 4-5 times on separate occassions to get into this game. Until I finally found my stride and went deep in, and man I feel like I was missing out. If you’ve ever played Civilization games you know the term ‘one more turn’ - well this game gives you exactly that same feeling.

Real player with 95.3 hrs in game

The Guild II Renaissance on Steam

One More Island

One More Island

The Queen of the Old World calls upon you! As Her Majesty’s domain expands, we require a capable administrator to guide Her latest colonies to prosperity. We will provide you with ships, colonists, and other tools necessary to tame these wild, virgin lands, and turn them into a prosperous colonial enterprise, all under the Queen’s watchful eye.

Naturally, the Crown will expect you to share the bounty of these new lands, pay your taxes on time, and continue expanding the boundaries of Her Majesty’s colonial possessions. Obedience may earn you rewards,but refusing to pay your dues or worse, declaring independence, will have dire consequences.

So, governor: Are you ready to colonize One More Island?

You are called upon to explore the frontiers of Her Majesty’s colonial empire, claim territory, then exploit it to its fullest to gain riches for the throne!

  • Set sail for the New World to plant Her flag and establish a new colony - as well as ensuring it thrives.

  • Each exploration is never the same, thanks to a world map generated dynamically from a combination of hand-crafted map elements.

  • Customize the challenge to your tastes, adjusting island size, land fertility, amount of natural resources and more, to make it as easy or as hard as desired.

As governor, you’re in charge. Plan out the colony, take care of your residents, and turn a small outpost into an overseas metropolis bustling with commerce!

  • Construct the buildings you want: The freeform building designer allows fine-tuning workshop placement and colonist’s paths to optimize the holy colony plan.

  • Look after the colonists' needs. Happy colonists work harder and faster, growing your, err, Her Majesty’s colonial empire.

  • Harness this legendary colony and these dedicated colonists to create production chains, producing necessary goods on the spot and growing the community.

There’s always One More Island to conquer. Explore the world, find new spots to establish more colonies, then tie them together into a self-sufficient network: An empire of your own making.

  • Build a new fleet to explore the archipelago, claim new islands for your domain, then link them together with overseas trade routes.

  • Optimize your production chains and increase their complexity to create entire industries independent of the Old World.

  • Research new ways to develop your fledgling colony into a New World superpower. Each civilization tier brings with it new challenges, new requirements - and new opportunities.

The Queen wants her share of New World’s bounty. Taxes are expected, as is ordained. But there’s always another option, one that your colonists might look upon favorably.

  • Manage your reputation at the royal court. Pay your taxes on time and meet their expectations or…

  • Do you dare to commit the unthinkable? Do you dare to disobey the monarch?

  • Do you dare try to form a new nation, breaking free of Old World tyranny?

Well? Where do you stand?

Read More: Best Colony Sim Building Games.

One More Island on Steam

A Planet of Mine

A Planet of Mine

A cute time killer that its easy to get lost on for hours at a time. The random planet load outs and landing positions can make some planets practically impossible to win which can take a while to spot. Re-starting is fairly easy though.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Building Games.

Very enjoyable little game~

Takes a bit of learning but it’s very fun~ you can find some good info and tips with a quick google search that might help you get started.

I used to have it on mobile but I find it much more enjoyable on PC and it runs very well.

Lots of races (I believe 16) and different ways to play. Discovers and exploration. Planets are very unique and not all the same.

You can also destroy a rivals planet completely or be friendly and trade with them.

The gist is you start on a single planet and harvest resources and build different constructs. After a while you ascend (which you can do several times) and more technologies become available. Soon you will be colonizing multiple planets.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

A Planet of Mine on Steam

Dragon Throne Battle of Red Cliffs

Dragon Throne Battle of Red Cliffs

The game follows a civil war fought in medieval China. The three campaigns allow you to assume the roles of one of three warlords, and your commanders gain experience and acquire new powers and extra health as the story goes on.

Before the carnage is unleashed, though, the familiar rigmarole of setting up an economy awaits. Chop down trees, harvest grain, mine stone, breed the horses.

You must recruit peasants to build a base of operations, then create an army to crush your enemies.

Dragon Throne Battle of Red Cliffs on Steam

Million on Mars: Space to Venture

Million on Mars: Space to Venture

Million on Mars feels great with its crafting and how hardcore it is.

The linking of the factories has to be my favorite part, it really lets you build complex structures and planning really has to go a long way.

The sound track is absolutely beautiful.

The terrain feels like I’m actually on mars

Obviously this game is in early access and a lot of work still needs to go into it.

Would love to see more progression systems but as early access goes I think it’s worth it!

Real player with 184.4 hrs in game

This is still clearly early alpha, but the resources/recipe system definitely shows promise for being a physically accurate model for really building a human civilization on Mars!

Real player with 89.4 hrs in game

Million on Mars: Space to Venture on Steam

Red Sun Raiders

Red Sun Raiders

Join the last humans aboard the vast colony ship Tarian. Moving through the remains of the galaxy in front of a nameless dying sun destroying everything in its path.

Red Sun Raiders is a strategy game with elements of trading, levelling, looting, resource management, basic combat and exploration. This is not a combat based game, the gameplay involves building farms and mines to maximize loot collected, exploring to find keys and gold deposits, and trading to get a good price for your loot.

Red Sun Raiders on Steam

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

this game has potential but in its current state its basically unplayable on an end game scale. massive game breaking bugs are a regular thing. there are no in game moderators what so ever so aside from automated suspensions for too many accounts there is virtually no check on the toxic behavior of the player base. pvp is drastically slanted to the defender and taking over a full system for a single person can take weeks and the defender can just instantly populate other planets. players can run full pvp fleets from a protected set of starter systems so there is no way to really cripple your opponents and the end game combat is lacking in any sort of diversity. maybe in a decade it will be playable but after over a thousand hours playing this game i must say that i am truly disappoint.

Real player with 1544.5 hrs in game

This is like some 4x meets a kind of dwarf fortress in outer space.

While the game shows a lot of promise the wildly unpredictable nature of the interface and random bugs will have you scratching your nuts off. A convoluted, ad-hoc asymmetrical click fest to do simple tasks, a distinct lack of basic search facilities or even fundamental next/prev selection, walls of worthless text thrown up in modal dialogs, it is arcane, yet strangely addictive.

If you are a diehard basement dwelling mutant grognard with nothing better to do than lament the fact that the Dwarves of Dwarf Fortress never made spaceships, then I highly recommend this game for you, provided you have some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder or like sitting on sharp nails and can’t be bothered getting up off it.

Real player with 491.3 hrs in game

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity on Steam

Architects of Shangri-La

Architects of Shangri-La

Architects of Shangri-La takes you to a beautiful, mountainous land full of myths and untold stories. The state is led by thoughtful monks that constitute spiritual, political and economical power of the nation. Help them build their community, spread wisdom, make Shangri-La thrive and guard it against enemies!

Colonize uninhabited wild slopes. Search for the right spots so that your settlements are easy to reach by traders and porters, but also safe from natural disasters, animals and foes. Make sure that there is room for necessary infrastructure and future expansion. Try to make living in the mountains easier for your citizens.

Take care of physical and spiritual needs of your people. Give them shelter, provide with food by building farms and breeding cattle, ensure access to water, organize trade, construct places of worship and meditation to keep their morale high. Protect your citizens from wild animals, weather breakdowns as well as raiders wanting to disturb your peace.

Communication in the mountains is essential. Carve your way through rocks to connect your settlements with the net of roads and narrow, hazardous paths. Monitor their state and repair them to maintain supply chains, necessary for your people to survive.

Fulfill your spiritual duties. Schedule regular prayers, build chapels and temples to keep evil spirits away and be blessed in your deeds. Meditate to acquire wisdom and remain in balance with your body and mind, assuring happy and peaceful life.

Architects of Shangri-La on Steam



Build a settlement from the ground up and sustain with nature’s blessings. Produce, trade, prosper. Spread the word to attract other people. You have no lord, so choose your ways of ruling. Educate your folk, but remember that knowledge is a double-edged sword that can turn against you.

Implemented & planned mechanics:

  • Procedural landscapes

  • Resource extraction by foraging / farming / mining

  • Production chains with varied automation level depending on the state of the game

  • Grid-less settlement planning

  • Complex building system where materials of the building determine its parameters

  • Player-made buildings with customizable interiors

  • Unique knowledge system

  • Personal stats affecting productivity of a particular villager and their preferences

  • Health system

  • Lifecycle simulation

  • Market simulation

  • Coinage and banking system

  • Trading with other settlements

  • Settlement policies and different government types

  • Political opposition

  • Guilds

  • Inter-settlement traveling

  • Second game mode

  • Other features to be announced

Kolo on Steam

Path to Prosperity

Path to Prosperity

The game offers a brilliant twist to classic strategy games by its first person perspective. You get to explore the island and run your little settlement while also getting involved in building it from scratch, collecting materials, making trades and protecting it from intruders. This game shows great potential and I’m really looking forward to new updates and added features!

It also runs smoothly on my Catalina despite the warnings on the Steam page.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

Awesome little game! I’m a fan of first-person gather/craft/build/farm games, but never really explored the RTS genre. This game bridged that gap, balancing the elements of both really well. It doesn’t (yet) have the slickness and polish of games from bigger studios, but I found myself devouring the full default 100,000 coin cycle and then thinking about how I would adapt on my next play-through.

Overall, it’s unique and full of promise! Give it a shot!

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Path to Prosperity on Steam