

Lead the people of the Tribe of the Dawn as they venture deep into forbidden lands. Complete quests that shape their personalities, impact their wellbeing, and decide the fate of their community. Ensure the survival of your populace in a grim fantasy world inspired by Slavic folklore.

Erect palisades, develop structures, and grow your gord from a humble settlement to a formidable fortress. However, expansion won’t be easy! Your population is constantly at risk from enemy tribes, gruesome monsters, and mysterious powers that lurk in the surrounding woods.

Venture outside the walls of your settlement with Gord’s AI-driven quest system, ensuring a huge variety of challenges to take on. The Scenario’s main objectives will guide your gameplay, while versatile side quests and random encounters will send you off into the wilderness to hunt down legendary creatures, uncover secrets about the Ancients, or vanquish a nasty scourge. Expect the unexpected.

Set the stage by choosing from a wide range of Scenario options, and try to emerge victorious. Take it easy or set an impossible challenge; almost anything can be adjusted! Choose from a variety of primary objectives, select the level size, the intensity of raids, the environment you’ll play in, the types of enemies you’ll face, starting resources, and even the severity of weather. Of course, don’t forget the Horrors.

A healthy populace is the key to survival in Gord. Every aspect of your settlers’ lives - from illness and hunger to the death of their kin - can impact each subject’s Sanity and Burden levels. Keep a close eye on them, as once they reach a critical point your subject will suffer from a breakdown or even flee your rule.

Please the Gods with your prayers and they may give you access to their spellcasting abilities. Incantations vary in nature - some are offensive while others are defensive - but they all help to tip the battlefield in your favor. Conceal areas from your enemies, gain control over threatening beasts, or turn an unholy rage against all who dare to oppose you.

The Chronicle explains the history of the Gord universe that blends real-world Slavic mythology with dark fantasy. Pages torn from The Chronicle will be scattered throughout the game’s landscapes, giving dedicated players an additional challenge of discovery. Collecting as many pages as possible will provide insight into the origins of the Gods, ancient factions, and the mystical Whisperers.

Read More: Best Colony Sim Atmospheric Games.

Gord on Steam



There aren’t many RTS game nowadays. So, this one is like… a rare gem. One of the most brilliant contemporary RTS out there.

The objective is simply to win, by which means though is entirely up to you. You can choose a mercantile clan and obliterate your enemies from the map or a war-mongering one and wins the wisdom victory, for example. It’s possible, but not ideal, but again we have to make do with what we have. The game offers like so many clans to choose from (many of which are DLCs though). Your town hall, the main building, regularly generates your population. One at a time. You construct a building and assign a worker to it. You explore the map, each zone in tile with designated resource(s). You colonize a tile and construct a building you see fit. During winter each year, you suffer production penalty. And everything moves along the passage of time until one clan rises to supremacy, or everyone else falls. Oh, and all the while some special events occur: Kraken attacks, abnormally harsh winter, annoying earthquake, etc. One of the best things about this game is that you don’t have to micromanage your resources and workers so meticulously. The town hall only produces one person at a time and each production building can hold but a few assigned workers, so everything is easy to put under control.

Real player with 636.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Resource Management Games.

gave 250 hours of my life to get an extra chromosome very worth

Real player with 263.0 hrs in game

Northgard on Steam

Dice Legacy

Dice Legacy

I picked this up on a whim, purely because I am a sucker for these hybrid dice games. While I do recommend this game, it still is a very flawed game and your appreciation of it will surely come down to your flexibility to cope with said flaws. A lot of games exist that are imperfect and this is one of them.

What is fun?

The core system of building up a unique dice pool, in real-time, with stamina and special powers is pretty fun. It feels at odds with itself at first but it definitely caters to it’s real-time gameplay mechanics unapologetically which I think is a good thing. You can tell from others' reviews that others do not like the RTS elements and wanted something slower, methodical, and more tactical). That isn’t this game which I think is going to just be a matter of taste.

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Roguelike Games.

I’m more of a turn-based and tabletop gamer myself. This game seems to draw heavily on the mechanics of some very good tabletop dice games like Roll for the Galaxy and Dice Forge, but with real-time pacing. If you’re like me, the RTS pacing of Dice Legacy might be a bit much for you. In that case, I have some advice for a more laid-back gaming experience:

1. Start a new game on pacifist difficulty. It effectively disables the biggest source of real-time pressure, the hostile raiders, and lets you think through your moves at your leisure. The game far, far less stressful as a result, largely becoming self-paced. The economy of the game is still involved enough to get many hours of fun even with the raider threat removed. And you can always bump up the difficulty later if you find yourself mastering the rest of the game, and want more of a real-time challenge.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Dice Legacy on Steam

Stronghold 2: Steam Edition

Stronghold 2: Steam Edition

Real player with 39.3 hrs in game

…o mannnnnn , this one brings back memories ! When there was no stress , no problems , coming from school and chill with this :( Perfectly Splendid' :D

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

Stronghold 2: Steam Edition on Steam

Stronghold Crusader HD

Stronghold Crusader HD

i grew up playing this game so id recommend to others i probably have more hours in crusader then i have any other game ive played

Real player with 168.3 hrs in game

Good classic fun to revisit from time to time, and never gets dull

Real player with 116.6 hrs in game

Stronghold Crusader HD on Steam

Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition

Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition

Stronghold Legends is kind of the the odd child of the entire Stronghold franchise, being the only title featuring fantasy elements.

Arbitrarily, it is also the title which divided people the most in regard whether to like it or not in the past.

Personally, I believe it to be one of the most innovative Stronghold games due to the very fact that a lot of different new mechanics and also tactics were introduced with the likes of giants or dragons as well as magic. Granted, it didn’t look great back then and even remastered it still doesn’t, but gameplay wise it has more than enough depth to make up for it, even although that depth is more shallow than with other Stronghold games due to the fact that the devs tried to open the target audience a little with those fantasy elements.

Real player with 689.3 hrs in game

So if Steam logged all the time I had playing this game on the Disc, I would legit have over a couple thousand hours. This game was my childhood, and a few years ago I convinced my friends to play the multiplayer with me. Once we were finally all into it and knew the mechanics, they closed the multiplayer servers not two months later. Devestated, I still played through all the single player modes, but I did so long for the multiplayer back. But, Steam delivered, and upgraded the game to the Steam edition, reviving the community for the game and allowing us to play multiplayer again (While adding a few new cool features! Workshop is so nice). While my friends and I (Sadly) don’t play this game as much currently, as League of Legends has consumed our lives, whenever we get bored, or when I’m feeling in a particularly mediaval mood, this is always the first game I turn to, as every time I play it I am filled with that sense of nastolgia, and am able to relax to the nice sounds of my catapults tearing down my enemy’s walls.

Real player with 143.6 hrs in game

Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition on Steam

The Stronghold Collection

The Stronghold Collection

Real player with 39.3 hrs in game

…o mannnnnn , this one brings back memories ! When there was no stress , no problems , coming from school and chill with this :( Perfectly Splendid' :D

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

The Stronghold Collection on Steam

Generation Ship

Generation Ship

You’re the AI responsible for a generation ship, mankind’s last hope for survival. Build efficient raw material cycles and help your crew in a realistic real-time simulation to survive the hardness of space on their long journey to a new home!

  • Realistic Environment controls

    air pressure, air composition

  • Realistic Artificial Gravity

    by spinning the ship

  • Realistic Persons

    Metabolism using air and nutrition, many needs to be fulfilled

  • Realistic resource conversion

    Resources are converted between each other

  • Everything in real time

    No fake time used

  • Optimized for simulation

    Extreme Gamespeed (100.000x and faster)

  • Timewarp

    to wait for something, automatic pause in critical situations

  • Build a generation ship

    as fast as possible

  • Take care of your crew

    Fulfill their needs

  • Make the ship independent

    Grow your own food, build resource cycles

  • Build it large enough

    to survive the long journey

  • Connect Storages

    To manage the resource flow

  • Recycle Resources

    Convert them into resources that are needed

  • Get supplies from earth

    Till you are independent from them

  • Gather Resources in Missions

    (coming soon)

  • Life support

    several Environment Controls

  • Crew Supply

    Toilets, Sleeping quarters, Canteens,…

  • Food Production

    Greenhouses, Kitchen,…

  • Artificial Gravity buildings

    Mass Balancers, Spinning engines

  • and much more

Generation Ship on Steam

Stronghold: Warlords

Stronghold: Warlords

i love this. i want all of your other games to be like this but there are a few things i would like. the fire lances i think is the best unit. put 4 of them into a siege tower and walk it through an army of axe men. i would like to see them in difrent clothing though. they give me some sort of native american vibe with the leather and hair going down to the shoulders. i think they would look good in the bow men uniform or as the guy with the fire grenades. they just dont fit i think with the games look but they are so good i use them all the time. in stronghold crusader 2 there is a unit called the ranger. they have bows as thier main attack but can switch to a sword. in japan there were sameri that used a long bow as thier primary but also had a katana because of how iconic it was. i would like to see a unit that is this games ranger like counterpart. i think if you ised orange sameri armor and gave them the ability to call horses to ride like the templars from crusader, that would be realy cool to see! it would also be accurate to ancient japan warfare.

Real player with 54.8 hrs in game

Warlords system is shit. If you take into account that on some maps you are playing against 3 or more opponents that means that you can be facing up to X times troops count, so if the limit is 150, then the computer can attack with 450 troops. Add the warlords into the mix and that number goes up to 600 or 700 to 150 of your own. It is frustrating to even move out at this point because the computer also reinforces at higher rates. Add the constant saving lags, the crashes after loading saved game and the constant messages from the warlords that keep jumping out at the worst possible moment and you have a game which is far from polished. To the developers at Firefly Studios, if anyone is reading this, consider adding like a timer delay before the AI can retake a warlord via diplomatic points in case of capture by force or a condition that if there are player troops in the keep then diplomatic option should be disabled for other players. For this last one I had troops in the keep, babysitting warlord and the AI claimed him with diplomacy points. I mean WTF.

Real player with 45.8 hrs in game

Stronghold: Warlords on Steam

Stronghold Kingdoms

Stronghold Kingdoms

Okay, with over 12000 hours on steam alone I think it’s time I review this game. This is a very addicting very parasitic game. It is completely pay to win. While it is possible to do everything for free it would take too much time. The steam version has a lot of issues with crashing so It’s probably best to just download the client at strongholdkingdoms.com. I actually quit this game for some time after leading my house to win an Age then plunging it into war.

If you want to be successfull in this game (in terms of leading other players) you have to have a basic understanding of politics and diplomacy. This game has tightly weaved webs in its community that can sometimes be very hard to climb. It took me most of an age to rise to the rank of House Marshal. It took rising up through the ranks of a faction within house 16. Then when I had a reputation I formed my own faction and filled it with volunteers from other factions of House 16 and the gloucestershire area. Pretty soon it was full and I formed 2 more factions and joined them to house 16. At this point I had 3 votes to make myself marshal. But it was not time to strike. I waited for the opportune moment which presented itself as a out of game issue that my house marshal had. Suddenly he had to go on vacation mode. During his vacation the house started to go slightly down hill and I would just keep whispering how we needed a house marshal. It wasn’t long before I had some of the other convinced that we needed a new HM. But they wern’t sure who, it’s not normally a responsibility people want. Luckily I already had plans of stepping up and ran unopposed. This wasn’t the top of the ladder though. House 16 (at this point) was in a super alliance that controlled the server. House 16 happened to be slated for winning the second age. I had to maintain diplomacy with the other houses of the alliance while waiting for my age to begin. Once it began I became the leader of the super alliance it was just a matter of keeping stability. Which takes all your time. I was psychologically drained and by the end of the round I was ready to quit. But the world at this point was farmville. So I declared war without warning on our main enemy and left the game. I found out later that the enemy won and took the next age.

Real player with 12899.3 hrs in game

Dear Wallets, the TL;DR is run from this game. It will make promises about delivering the best night of your life, only to steal your dignity, and your pocketbook

I started SHK approximately a year ago, in that time i’ve learned that sometimes customer service does get so bad that your absuive family relations really did you a favor preparing you for the “Real World”.

The issues as I see them:

1. You MUST pay to play: You can invest all the time you have to be “the best” but you’ll never come close to the lady/fella that has thousands to spend in order to become the digital pimp of SHKland. You will forever be outclassed and outgunned, and if you want to have any hope of being a competitive player, you’ll end up spending at minimum a few hundred dollars to keep up. Free to pay this game isn’t.

Real player with 3358.0 hrs in game

Stronghold Kingdoms on Steam