Mini Crafty

Mini Crafty

This game is very basic but has a lot of potential. There are definitely a few bugs, and for how short the game is it does feel strange to have to sit there and wait for the right materials to spawn before you can progress. It is also infuriating when you die to a swarm of enemies and have to restart the entire game. I think the crafting and inventory system is interesting but there is only a few crafting recipes, and I have yet to figure out the purpose of the minions. The audio and screenshake left me with a headache and there is no menu that I have seen to tweak any game settings. I would love to recommend this game but in its current state I cannot say I would spend more than a couple of dollars on it.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Casual Games.

At first, I have no idea about what the game want me to do. After I unlock 3 maps and die 3 times, I still have no idea. Why don’t you set save points ?

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Mini Crafty on Steam

Glittermitten Grove

Glittermitten Grove

Okay, since this is not the “normal” game we are getting here, so i am gonna first talk about the “Main game”, the one we are sold with, the one with the game title - Grittermitten Grove. Especially for those who didn’t know the “dark secret” behind this game at the time they hit the buy button.

This game reminds me a lot of the PC98 Pixy Garden (ピクシーガーデン 妖精伝説) back in 1995. Such nostalgia! Haven’t really seen a similar genre of that type since, I’ve played Creatures and other monster breeding/town management games but none of them gives me that special feeling from Pixy Garden, until i find this game. This game is like a combination of Pixy Garden with Terraria’s suvival and terraforming touch, making it much more difficult and intriguing.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Farming Sim Games.

Glittermitten grove is, in and of itself, a very simply fun game with a shallow learning curve and an immediately apparent reward for learning the game’s fairly simple mechanics. It’s nice to look at, it’s original, and it’s a worthwhile time-waster if you’re into building bases and managing resources. There’s not really an endgame and the depth leaves quite a bit to be desired, but we all know that’s not the game you want to hear about.

Frog Fractions 2, or TXT World as it’s called in-game, does not measure up to its predecessor. I’ll admit, it’s got a very unique sort of charm, and the minigames that are unlocked are funny enough; the glaring issue is that the game utterly lacks the spirit and sense of absurdism and unpredictable over-the-top progression that, in my opinion, made the original Frog Fractions great. The game is interesting and engaging to a point, the difficulty is tough but fair and easy to adjust to, but rather than an imaginative journey from humble beginnings through a goofy and nonsensical plot that retains cohesion with interesting – if consistently silly – writing; TXT World serves as a sort of ascii hub through which to access games that feel like in-jokes and collectibles that reward you with cheap nonsense meant to make one laugh through its randomness and reference to pop culture. The entire time I was playing, I was left wondering, “When does the real game start?” to which the game replied, “Never.” If you’re a die-hard Frog Fractions fan and want to see what the developers did with the kickstarter money they raised, then you can spend $20 on a nifty resource manager and a collection of game jam titles, and hopefully prove my feelings about this game wrong. As it stands, however; I cannot reccomend this game. I was disappointed and saddened by this title, and while I don’t regret purchasing it, I couldn’t encourage any of my friends to spend their money on this end product. Maybe wait for it to go on sale? I don’t know.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Glittermitten Grove on Steam

Niiikotopia: Sky Fall

Niiikotopia: Sky Fall

The evil aliens are invading Niiikotopia and attacking your beloved Niiikos, so your task is protecting them and repel the invasion. Collect and manage resources. Maintain Niiiko’s population by provide them foods and houses. Research new technology, design new gun and bullet to hold again enemy invasions. Save your cute Niiiko race from anihilation.

Read More: Best Colony Sim Early Access Games.

Niiikotopia: Sky Fall on Steam

Castle Formers

Castle Formers

You can tell this was a game created to be enjoyed by gamers. A lot of love here.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

This is a cute and fun little game, worth buying to support independent game producers, but . . . A wee bit more of a tutorial would be helpful. There are whole upper floors of my castle filled with people that I have absolutely no clue what they do apart from take my hard earned gold. D__n it I smashed a lot of pots and picked the locks of dozens of treasure chests that some benevolent person randomly leaves out on the lawn to get that gold. Not to mention the kindly watersprite that lives in the well who also donates generously to the cause. For their sake, if not for mine, kindly tell me what the devil these random strangers are doing in my castle!

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Castle Formers on Steam



Kingdomonium is an indie medieval procedurally generated side-scrolling real time strategy game. Build up and command your medieval kingdom to explore and conquer the land. The game at its roots is a real time strategy game with the unique mechanic of playing as a side-scrolling 2D platformer. You play within a procedurally generated sandboxed open world environment which allows activities such as foraging, chopping, digging, mining, building, fishing, sailing, exploring, strategic combat and many more!

So what’s so special about this game?

Most traditional real time strategy games play from a top-down perspective. Kingdomonium plays as a side-scrolling 2D platformer. This combined with the fact that the world you play in is procedurally generated with aspects of destructible terrain makes for some very intriguing and enjoyable gameplay!

What can I do in this game and what is the end goal?

The game allows you to take command of a medieval kingdom. You give orders to various constituent units (some of which are mentiond below) to perform tasks such as foraging, chopping, digging, mining, building, fishing, sailing, exploring and tactical combat. There are many goals in the game but the main overarching one is to expand your kingdom and take over as much land as possible. Other goals include exploration, finding rare items, overcoming various obstacles and enemies and many more.

What commandable characters or units are in the game?

Below are some of the basic units planned in the game. Of course this is only a small sample. There will be many others and advanced versions of these below in the final game!

#### Villager

Villagers are the heartbeat of the kingdom. They perform a multitude of tasks such as wood-cutting, mining, building and crafting. Without them the kingdom cannot function

#### Swordsman

The short swordsman is a staple infantry unit. Although basic they are a formidable force to be reckoned with when commanded in groups for close range melee battle

#### Archer

The archer is another staple infantry unit. They are very effective for planning strategic range attacks and defending the kingdom from higher vantage points and gaurd towers

#### Knight

The knight is a more capable, experienced and equipped infantry unit. They possess a great amount of armour and durability as well as quicker attack times and greater hit-point damage

#### Cavalry

The cavalry are highly durable and effecient combat units. They possess a great amount of stamina and hit-point damage against any opposition as well as having the ability to traverse vast distances quickly

#### Priest

Priests can heal wounded units as well as cast spells against the enemy during battle. In addition to these they also possess further mystical powers yet to be revealed

#### Catapult

The catapult is a basic artillery combat unit. Highly advantageous for launching ranged attacks with large splash damage. Especially useful for destroying buildings and other structures

#### Transport Ship

The transport ship is essential for moving troops, equipment and supplies across sea to neighboring lands

Kingdomonium on Steam

Regions Of Ruin

Regions Of Ruin

tldr: a fun unique game that brings back memories of Kingdom combined with a skill based open world RPG. Enough available content alrady in the Early Access version, lots of unique areas to visit, enemies to fight, quests to do, loot and resources to collect in order to gear up fight bosses, level up and unlock more skills to complete quests and build your dwarven kingdom.

If Kingdom and Elder Scrolls had a baby, that would be called Regions of Ruin. RoR is hevily inspired by Kingdom but it’s a completely different game at the same time, it’s a side-scrolling RPG where you explore, fight, level up, and build your town. The world has a ton of unique areas, quests, loot and resources waiting for you. You will die a lot or you can change the difficulty if you are not into fighting signigicantly better than you enemies, you can visit and complete each area in the order you chose and you can recruit mercenaries to assist you in combat and workers to farm resources for you.

Real player with 84.9 hrs in game


Regions of Ruin is good game that combines many different video game genres. This game includes: platforming, RPG elements, real-time battles, city-building, horde survival, and puzzles. Unlike other games that have attempted this kind of hybrid, this game succeeds in creating a great balance between every element. Every system plays into each other, though there are a few flaws with some systems. Sounds is enjoyable and satisfying. The graphics are pixel are and look a bit basic, but it works as intended. Everything is easy to discern from one another graphically. The story is quite interesting, but if story isn’t the player’s favorite element, they can skip most dialogue and story with ease.

Real player with 31.4 hrs in game

Regions Of Ruin on Steam

Regions of Ruin 2

Regions of Ruin 2

Enter a vibrant open world as a Dwarven hero to take on the task of reclaiming forgotten lands and ruins. Conquer the over-world of its rich resources and delve into the depths to uncover the secrets behind your ancient past.

In this sequel you’ll find a vast improvement to the landscapes and ambience of the game’s environments as well as a more versatile combat and skills system. Regions of Ruin offers a unique side scroller experience in that you have the freedom to roam an open world similar to Elder Scrolls' classics Oblivion or Skyrim. Explore, loot and discover hundreds of unique areas and quests at your pace.

Regions of Ruin 2 on Steam