Dungeon D14

Dungeon D14

Fun little toy. Not super deep and you only really play it once or twice, but for the price its good.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Base Building Games.

needs more info. unplayable in current state. you will fail because of a resorce you didnt know you needed to make another requires the first, and a string of 3 more, however this is more info on that fact then the game will give you. playing you will have fun untill you grind to a halt because you didnt rush iron-steel bars-copper- copper bars-copper plates-microelectronics-gas-fuel cells, if you get behind you have lost, there is no coming back from one of these buildings losing power, your guys are best suited to doing one or at max two jobs as they run around like chickens with there heads cut off chasing invisible resorces. i lost 2 times one because i didnt understand my guys have ZERO controll minus telling them were to mine or build, not to mine or build. and a second time i microed my 2 chaines well and didnt figure out that coper plates/microelectronics were part of the power the building chain, lost because you cant make enough to power that chain with one building, meaning you somehow have to create extra energy or never build a building incorectly dont try for shoes or armor or anything cool it will ruin the power chain you have to run, taking the power grids away from the main chain will also resault in one or more of your buildings going unpowered, and they compeat for resorces with your units “life” bar battery thing, taking iron bars and a fair few people to make it. the food/ o2 system will almost never come into play if you take 1 min every half-hour of play to mine water/seaweed from the ground. this is the best tutorial for this game out there btw. cement=hard rocks , sand , water . steel bars= iron ore. coper plates= coper bars= coper ore. batteries=acid+steel bars. acid=sulfer. food=seaweed+water. o2=water. legit better than ingame id sugest if you get this get a notebook and wright it down, share it with the next chump afterwords.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Dungeon D14 on Steam

Diggles: The Myth of Fenris

Diggles: The Myth of Fenris

Very surprised Diggles/Wiggles has appeared on Steam, but VERY happy it did!

This is an unique game; nothing really compares to it then (20 years ago), and since then no game has been published (to my knowledge) that comes even close to it. So i almost immediatly bought it (again).

Didnt play Wiggles for years as the original sadly wasnt compatible with ‘newer’ Windows-version. (Could play the official Demo a bit longer though.)

Although graphics is a bit outdated and gameplay is quite slow, the game concept is so good, it was and still is the best game i ever played.

Real player with 310.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Mystery Dungeon Games.

WTF!?! Who’s feet do I have to kiss for finally bringing this game to Steam!! If you ever played and enjoyed, Oxygen not Included, and the new early access game, Hammerington, then you will like this game as well. I even purchased those aforementioned games in the hopes to fill the hole this game left in me decades ago. While a bit dated on graphics (released in 2002), the game still has its same charm and is still very playable. By the end of the game, your dwarves will be riding around on hover boards, and brandishing light sabers. How can you go wrong with that? Thank you

Real player with 48.2 hrs in game

Diggles: The Myth of Fenris on Steam



Review Date: Nov 20, 2021

I wrote a giant review, and then after reading through it, realized my opinion was more like no than yes, and when I changed it, Steam erased everything I had written. So, rather than do it again, I’ll just drop some bullet points. I’ve been playing since early in Early Access, so that will color my review.

New overworld trade system is terrible. It’s boring. It’s grindy. and it doesn’t work. I’m at max rep with a faction, and have yet to see the “subversion” mission mentioned in the tutorial.

Real player with 158.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Base Building Games.

A decent time killer as-is, but released far too soon for the ambition they sought to achieve.

  • Settlement milestones are sparse and largely uninteresting, with few “make your own goals” opportunities to fill in the blanks. You will pretty much always build the same structures in the same order, and most structures are not actually all that useful.

  • Overworld is shallow and brainless, with pawns moving around for the sake of moving. Factions have no personality or storyline aspects, and the “war” has nothing to make it compelling or interactive. This is actually a bit of a downgrade from the initial concept at the start of Early Access, where there was at least a good vs. evil kind of thing going on.

Real player with 116.1 hrs in game

Hammerting on Steam

Earth Elements

Earth Elements

The game is great, definitely worth the buy. I love the game-play, and the overall freedom that the game offers without overwhelming me. There is a lot of in-game content and new things I can explore with each time playing, so it seems like ill never get bored of it. I am super excited to see where the game goes as it continues development.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Earth Elements on Steam

A Planet of Mine

A Planet of Mine

A cute time killer that its easy to get lost on for hours at a time. The random planet load outs and landing positions can make some planets practically impossible to win which can take a while to spot. Re-starting is fairly easy though.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Very enjoyable little game~

Takes a bit of learning but it’s very fun~ you can find some good info and tips with a quick google search that might help you get started.

I used to have it on mobile but I find it much more enjoyable on PC and it runs very well.

Lots of races (I believe 16) and different ways to play. Discovers and exploration. Planets are very unique and not all the same.

You can also destroy a rivals planet completely or be friendly and trade with them.

The gist is you start on a single planet and harvest resources and build different constructs. After a while you ascend (which you can do several times) and more technologies become available. Soon you will be colonizing multiple planets.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

A Planet of Mine on Steam

Utopia Colony

Utopia Colony

First of all it’s a game you play once and never again. Simply because once you complete your mission you win and game ends. It can be done in a w/end.

Game is interesting, it has a huge map you can walk or drive but going from one place to another takes time!

Graphics are not great but decent, there are several bases you can explore and complete some task for credits.

Your main source of credits are minerals can find around, collect and sell for credits. You upgrade your suit with more oxygen capacity, and as you progress you buy rovers, you expand your base and build several buildings like greenhouse which provides food.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Loving this game so far. Love the desolate atmospheric surroundings, and very impressed with my base as it grows. Currently hitting a bit of a brick wall as I need credits to complete the research tasks, but can’t find enough resources to collect, and haven’t figured out how to get my water extractor to work, so having to buy lots of water, cancelling out the credits I earn for any ore do I find on my trips out. I’ve built my greenhouses, and looking forward to when things start go grow. I’ve lost 8 hours straight on my first play, so I really need to go and make my lunch now. Thanks, great game.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Utopia Colony on Steam

Mercury Fallen

Mercury Fallen

This is a fun little game in early development. Start by awakening in a small ruins underground on an alien planet. Dig out rooms and gather resources to build the base that was supposed to be awaiting you, but something went wrong. But you do get a few friends to help and a little spidery robot. More survivors and robots can be found burried outside your base. The only food at this time is potatoes, that can be made into mashed potatoes (This must be heaven for the Irish), but more crops and items are planned. Water pipes and electrical is not very intuitive, but a little trial and error will teach you all you need to know. After a game week you will have all the tech tree filled and have built all there is to build, but with an elevator to the surface and more content planned, this game has a ton of potential. This game is hours of fun, but not days of fun. Only buy now if you are willing to get it cheap and wait for more content to follow. I had 2 crashes and a bug where a survivor became stuck until I reloaded. Compared to other early releases this is pretty minor. As more content is added I am sure most people will find this very enjoyable. I recommend this game.

Real player with 1003.3 hrs in game

The game is in the early stage of EA which means it is not a full game yet and bugs, crashes and lag can happen.

That said, in the 30+ hours i played, the game has crashed once and never had any lag issues even on the highest possible settings.

So is there anything to do already?

For the stage MF is in yes.

It has the basic items to build your base and with research you can add new rooms, equipement and other options.

You can refine the raw materials from mining and farming and use those to make building materials, food, bots or refine them into next tier materials. Besides the production of bots you can also clone colonists.

Real player with 158.8 hrs in game

Mercury Fallen on Steam



I HAVE mixed opinions with the game, on the one hand it seems to me an excellent game with very good mechanics in most cases (not all, some are grossly absurd) I like the customization of the character that is not extensive but for a 2d game it is good, a large map that invites you to discover it, but now come the negative points that unfortunately are many:

1 / some mechanics do not make much sense, things like artificial firewood logs have a relatively high cost in the early game phase for the small amount and the time they last to burn, in terms of the medium, wild creatures with absurd damage, A javali takes 1/4 of your life with a tier 4 armor, armor and durability system too short, I understand that it is a game that encourages crafting but they pass in terms of the durability of weapons, armor and several other things.

Real player with 380.8 hrs in game

Short version

A pretty polished game for an Early Access title. PvP are pretty much a full-fledged game at this point, PvE however still needs some late game contents. Download the demo and try it for 8 hrs and judge it for yourself.

Long version

GRAPHICS : I gotta be honest, my first impression of Cryofall is not that great. The character and animation felt kind of “cheap”, like the type of designs you often sees in Freemium mobile games. There’s a variety of avatar faces to choose from, but they all have the same default “idle” expression. They’re by no means “ugly”, just a tad bit uninspired. The environmental, structure and creature designs however, looks great. You can tell the artist puts a lot of time and effort into it, plus the character design started to grow on me after a couple of hours of gameplay. So, eh. It’s alright.

Real player with 334.6 hrs in game

CryoFall on Steam

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

this game has potential but in its current state its basically unplayable on an end game scale. massive game breaking bugs are a regular thing. there are no in game moderators what so ever so aside from automated suspensions for too many accounts there is virtually no check on the toxic behavior of the player base. pvp is drastically slanted to the defender and taking over a full system for a single person can take weeks and the defender can just instantly populate other planets. players can run full pvp fleets from a protected set of starter systems so there is no way to really cripple your opponents and the end game combat is lacking in any sort of diversity. maybe in a decade it will be playable but after over a thousand hours playing this game i must say that i am truly disappoint.

Real player with 1544.5 hrs in game

This is like some 4x meets a kind of dwarf fortress in outer space.

While the game shows a lot of promise the wildly unpredictable nature of the interface and random bugs will have you scratching your nuts off. A convoluted, ad-hoc asymmetrical click fest to do simple tasks, a distinct lack of basic search facilities or even fundamental next/prev selection, walls of worthless text thrown up in modal dialogs, it is arcane, yet strangely addictive.

If you are a diehard basement dwelling mutant grognard with nothing better to do than lament the fact that the Dwarves of Dwarf Fortress never made spaceships, then I highly recommend this game for you, provided you have some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder or like sitting on sharp nails and can’t be bothered getting up off it.

Real player with 491.3 hrs in game

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity on Steam

Death By FrostByte

Death By FrostByte

After years of scorching heat, an incoming frost is on the horizon, putting half the planet into another Ice Age. Most of the land has been taken over by ice, which forced many cities to relocate. The mining industry has been severely impacted by the lack of space. With demand for more mining on the rise, you set out for the arctic to start your mining industry.

Your goal is to build a colony of workers to mine resources and manufacture parts while surviving the harsh climate. Research new technologies, build up your industry and survive with limited resources.

In Death By FrostByte, it’s a constant arms race between you and mother nature. Build up an array of heaters and wind diverting walls to combat windshield. Research better tech while expanding a successful mining company. Throughout this journey, you will need to manage:

  • Temperature

  • Workers

  • Food Production

  • Power and Water Systems

  • Currency

  • Contracts

  • Research

  • And More!

Are you up to the challenge? Or will your company fall to the frost?

As Death By FrostByte is currently in Early Access, here is a list of all the major mechanics and features already added to the game.

  • Snow Storms

  • Land Expansion

  • Item Crafting with an in-game crafting wiki

  • Build up your water & power grid

  • Research new tech

  • Complete Contracts to earn currency

  • Manage your workers

  • Sell or order items from the in-game market

  • Automation & Mining Resources

  • And More!

Death By FrostByte will have many new mechanics and features added throughout Early Access. Here is a list of new content that we will be adding next to the game.

The list of future content may change during Early Access. They are to provide you an idea of the future roadmap of this game.

  • Rails

  • Underground Mining & Elevators

  • Maintenance

  • Shift Management

  • Workers Skills

  • Final Objectives (Victories)

  • And More!

Death By FrostByte on Steam