Fata Deum

Fata Deum

With the power of a god, who will you become?

A god game where you not only build settlements, but compete with other gods for influence. In Fata Deum, the more followers you have, the more power you wield.

Manage your mana to manipulate your settlements, devotees and the fabric of reality itself. As you amass more power, you’ll be able to pick more unearthly feats to wield.

Convince or conquer

During the day, use your influence on the mortals. Will you bless and inspire them onto good work, or strike fear into their hearts with terrifying visions? But be wary, the townsfolk have their own free will.

At night, you can manipulate settlements. Instruct the mortals to build you mighty temples for worship, farms and lumber mills so that they may prosper, or even to ruin other villages.

Frighten or foster

Perhaps you’d like to be a tyrant, ruling over a kingdom of debauchery and blood. Raise an army and sacrifice your mortals to summon terrifying demons. Your choice.

Or maybe you do believe in fun, festivities and spreading the love, but have no qualms weakening your enemies by spreading fear - or just hitting them with a Thunderstrike.

Shape a living world

As your influence grows, the living world will shape around it, getting ever more vast. Each god manifests their kingdom differently.

Will yours be a kingdom of crops and light, or twisted trees and glowering darkness? You’ll battle gods of Violence, Deceit, Fertility and Pleasure.

Experience your story

Play a young god rising to glory in campaign mode, which is full of curious and revealing challenges set to an engaging narrative.

Read More: Best Colony Sim Real Time Tactics Games.

Fata Deum on Steam

Space Colony: Steam Edition

Space Colony: Steam Edition

I really like this game. It has been described as The Sims in Space. I have never liked The Sims games as I find that they are far too repetitive and boring. Space Colony is a good building game, The Sims element is that you do have to be aware of the needs of your operatives to improve production. This does give an extra twist to the game that you have to think about and some of the challenges are based around ensuring that your crew are reletively happy or they won’t work.

Any Building Sim worth it’s salt should have an element of ensuring that you are providing basic things, such as food, so I don’t find this particularly strange, as some have mentioned. Making sure your crew does not go mad while on an abandoned planet does give the game an additional challenge.

Real player with 102.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Sandbox Games.

well i dont know what to say, i really want to like this game but its more about mini managing all of the peoples quirks than it is about building a colony. the maps are very small so building is limited even in sandbox mode. there are numerous objects on maps that cannot be removed (maybe by bombs in free mode ?) forcing you to make odd looking and crappy base layouts in most cases.

alot of the quests are just kind of gimmicky, in a previous scenario you will unlock items for the quest, yet the very next quest acts like you never used them before just to make certain quests “seem” harder. although there is an option to download user made content so thats a plus.

Real player with 40.5 hrs in game

Space Colony: Steam Edition on Steam

Territory - animals genetic strategy

Territory - animals genetic strategy

Territory is an isometric 2D real-time single player strategy about genes and animal species. Animals are behaving the way they would in nature, but you can indirectly control them and mutate them to achieve various goals like dominance in the ecosystem.

Core Gameplay Mechanics - Challenge Mode

  • you are entering the game with one species and mutate it to different species later on

  • you are playing on the map with existing ecosystem that is producing various sources of food

  • you are changing species genome and that is changing its attributes and behaviour

  • map is populated with various species (~10 depending on map size), species can die out, species can mutate to new species in time

  • each species has its own territory, its size and shape can be adjusted

  • species can be herbivores, omnivores or carnivores and can have one of five different sizes

  • species lives complete live from being born to death, need food to survive

  • individual animal can die in fight, starve to death, can be killed by predator, die by disease or die by old age

  • species are hostile only when they share the same source of food and has similar size

  • you can migrate your species to new territories

  • you can invade enemy species on its territory

  • you can defend your territory from enemy species

  • you are evaluating your surroundings and complete ecosystem to determine your next steps

  • species are reacting indirectly on player’s command if certain conditions are met (migrate to new territory only when not being hungry, having certain genes, etc.)

Core Gameplay Mechanics - Sandbox Mode

  • you are playing on the map without any species

  • you can create unlimited number of species

  • your goal is to achieve the largest biomass and/or diversity

Read More: Best Colony Sim Sandbox Games.

Territory - animals genetic strategy on Steam

Cutthroat Cove

Cutthroat Cove

DO NOT BUY THIS GAME! There are way too many bugs, the major one is that you cannot craft water jars, which is a necessity, if you want to live. I have also attempted to contact the Developer with no success. I am wondering if the Dev has abandoned this game. I enjoyed playing the Demo, so I bought the game. I can tell you that it does NOT play like the Demo, it plays like an early Alpha. Do yourself a favor and avoid this fiasco. I tried to get a refund from Steam, but evidently I played for more than 2 hours, which is the limit. I have 550 games on Steam, and this is the first time I have left a bad review.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

So to start the game you grab a bunch of loose stone and wood from the ground. If you grab all of the loose stone and then die of fall damage (which is easier then you would think) and can’t get to your inventory again you pretty much can’t get more.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Cutthroat Cove on Steam

Deadwater Saloon

Deadwater Saloon

Create Your Character

Playing as a rich and dynamic character in the old west, you will be able to fully customize your attributes to fit your playstyle, such as Mixology, Seduction, and Sneakiness. You will manage your life as well as your saloon, such as maintaining your reputation and getting married. You will struggle with the effects of disease, aging, sanity, and addictions.

Form Relationships

Provide travellers with a distinct drink parlour, gaining legendary stories to regale and build your legend. Interact with townspeople as they populate the town, forging friendships with blacksmiths, sheriffs, and preachers, romance prospective partners, or blackmail, abduct, and murder those who threaten you.


Build your saloon from the ground up. Expand the walls, build bordellos, opium dens, high stakes gambling rooms, and railed porches. Buy and place spittoons, tables, chairs, handcrafted bars, pianos, chandeliers, and diamond dust mirrors.


Thrive within a complex economy system, stockpiling booze, food, guns, and opium. Research a diverse array of drinks and foods to serve customers. Hire and manage staff from within the town populace, including barkeeps, cooks, servers, prostitutes, croupiers, pianists and bouncers. Help them reach their full potential, or fire and replace them with those more skilled.

Hundreds of Events

Face the forces of nature, meddlesome customers, firebrand Preachers, rival outlaw gangs, and much more. At some point, you will be tested by stronger and more formidable nemesis in longer event chains. Whatever you choose, you will face the consequences of your choices. The frontier is an unforgiving place.

Deadwater Saloon on Steam



Caveat emptor: this game is in super ultra bleeding edge early release. Lots of forthcoming features are not implemented yet. There’s still weird bugs. If you’re looking for a mature Blue Bottle Games title, go play NEO Scavenger and come back in a few months once the rest of us have playtested and QA’d this game into shape.

With that being said:

Ostranauts is an effective, entertaining spiritual successor to NEO Scavenger. You begin by using a sink to choose your appearance and gender/pronouns (you can be male, female, or nonbinary - big upgrade from the original!) A randomized personal history generator now precedes the trait selector, and your choices when generating your background influence how much starting cash you have available to kit yourself out before going hunting for a derelict to fix up and call your own.

Real player with 103.4 hrs in game

A quick preface here: This review is based on the early access release as of 12th October 2020. This game is BROKEN and needs a fair bit of patience to play. There is only the one save slot and it’s easy to overwrite it and wind up with all your effort so far being lost. This is very-very Early-Early Access, bear that in mind.

That said, it’s a great game (the huge number of bugs, some game breaking, notwithstanding). The lack of a tutorial makes it hard at first to get your head around it but basically you play a spacer in a huge space junk yard. You start off with a little money and a tiny shuttle, you have to buy the gear you need and fly to, then fix up, a derelict space ship. That’s pretty much it at the moment but as you have an extremely complex control system where you have to scavenge parts from a number of hulks before you can fix up the trash ship of your dreams, and everything is included: Floors/Walls to make it airtight, doors to compartmentalise, temp gauges/heaters/coolers to control the temp, O2/N2/air pumps to control the pressure and breathability, beds, fridges, toilets, sinks, food, water, money, power plants, batteries, wiring, lights… believe me, it’s enough to be going on with.

Real player with 39.6 hrs in game

Ostranauts on Steam



Clanfolk is an elaborate life sim set in the highlands of medieval Scotland.

Live off the land using historically accurate tools and processes to survive while building a growing settlement for your Clan. Every tile on the map has a purpose. Where you place your settlement, and how you build it, really matters.

Clanfolk will execute your grand building plans while also intelligently fulfilling their own personal needs. Get to know your Clanfolk as they live their entire lives in your care.

The world is fully simulated, and the largest threat is nature itself. Initially, food will be plentiful and the nights warm. There is lots of time to plan and enjoy the medieval homestead atmosphere. As the seasons change, resources will dwindle and careful planning becomes critical. Surviving your first winter is highly unlikely.

Colony Sim

The Clanfolk’s homestead will begin as a wilderness surrounded by mountains, forests, grasslands, and lakes. Over time it may develop into an industrial farm, or a livestock ranch, or a bustling trading post, or a quiet forest Inn, or maybe a hidden mountain fortress.

  • Build sealed structures out of Floor, Wall, and Roof tiles.

  • Structures track lighting, warmth, beauty and various unhappy smells.

  • Windows allow ambient lighting into rooms.

  • Use wall torches and fires to heat, light, and occasionally burn down straw houses.

  • Venting system to allow fire and body heat to travel from room to room.

  • Door locking system to keep Clanfolk, visitors, and livestock where they belong.

  • Storage container objects to keep the ground clutter under control.

  • Crafting can be prioritized, scheduled daily, and also controlled by maintaining a desired supply.

  • Till the land, plant seeds, water them, add fertilizer, harvest, re-till the soil, and start again. All automated to the level you desire

  • Care for livestock from birth. Keep them warm, dry, fed, watered, and clean their stalls.

  • Learn just how hard it was to make a linen shirt. Grow the flax, thresh out the seed, throw the stalks in a river, let them rot for months, strip the loosened fibers from the stalks, spin the fibers into thread, weave the threads into cloth on the loom, and THEN sew your linen shirt!

Life Sim

Clanfolk live their whole lives on the Clan homestead, from birth until death over multiple generations. Clanfolk follow daily schedules, waking up before sunrise, taking their morning meals, washing up, and maybe having a conversations before the day’s work starts. Throughout the day, they will work as hard as their mood and health will allow. In the evening, they finally all come back together to eat, drink, have a chat, maybe play the flute for a while, then off to bed, hopefully a little better off than the day before.

  • Clanfolk needs include: Hunger, Thirst, Sleep, Warmth, Cleanliness, Bathroom, Social, Fun, Beauty, and the inexplicable need for Plaid

  • When needs are not within safe ranges, then afflictions may result. These afflictions can range from having a bad mood, to a cold that slowly deteriorates into pneumonia.

  • Clanfolk have many skills which are improved through use. Skills can be prioritized or disabled to give Clanfolk different job roles to best utilize their skills.

  • Babies inherit some skill proficiency from their parents. They are mostly time vampires, but they are cute and keep everyone’s' mood up (during the day)

  • Babies grow into Juveniles that begin to provide labor. Juveniles are idea sponges, working slowly but learning much faster than adults.

  • When Juveniles become Adults, their learning slows, but Adults finally work at full speed. Ideally, their childhood will have been spent on jobs that they enjoy, making them experts by adulthood. Another benefit of adulthood is the ability to have children to grow the Clan.

  • Eventually Adults become Seniors. Seniors work and move more slowly than Adults, but they have the highest skills and provide learning bonuses to others working near them.

  • Finally the Seniors will be unable to work and will need to be cared for. Clanfolk are able to understand the needs of other Clanfolk and are able to take care of the sick and injured, fulfilling all their needs when possible. Once the Senior dies, they can be buried in the family plot, and the cycle continues.

World Sim

The seasons in Clanfolk never seem long enough. Winter is always approaching and your time needs to be spent wisely. Each Season has ranges of temperature, rain, snow, wind, and even windchill. Some seasons are for growing and others for harvesting. Winter is for staying inside a warm room and processing the materials collected throughout the year.

  • All four seasons have smooth transitions between them, ever advancing and changing each day.

  • Sparks start fires that spread throughout the environment based on moisture and object flammability.

  • Plant growth system that is aware of ground moisture as well as fertility level, which can be changed with watering and fertilizer.

  • Overlays to quickly show fertility, moisture, heat, and beauty.

Neighbor Clans

Visitors will occasionally arrive from neighboring Clans surrounding the homestead. Over time your reputation with these neighbors can grow based on how they are treated as guests, workers, or traders. As your reputation increases with these Clans, contact will strengthen, providing better opportunities.

  • Each neighbor Clan comes from a different Biome with different products and desired items for trade. The savvy player can run a profitable trading post if there is enough trade traffic from different Clans.

  • As seasons progress, different items become more scarce and therefore more expensive.

  • Neighbor clans have intrinsic skill bonuses based on their Clan type as well as their Biome. When looking for the best workers (and potential partners) keep these in mind.

  • Neighbors do not send their best and brightest visitors until relations between the player Clan and the neighbor are strong.

Clanfolk on Steam

Dungeon Overseer

Dungeon Overseer

Promising early access, inspired by the Dungeon Overlord Browsergame.

Currently there are very few features and mechanics, but my hopes are high the devs have enough ideas and skill to improve the game. 6 Months until 1.0 release is VERY ambitious considering the current state of the game.

I just hope they will implement more mechanics to:

  • AI

  • Raiding (Overworld)

  • Mining

  • Minions (Skills)

  • Multiplayer

  • Stability of the game

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

EA Sim dungeon builder + UI + promising = Inspired by Dungeon Keeper with unique features. Build with multilayer tiles, recruit, raid, defend, research and craft. If only I could smack the workers.

Follow our curator for similar games

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Dungeon Overseer on Steam

Ant Empire

Ant Empire

I would absolutely recommend this exceptionally unique and very deep RTS, but be aware that it’s not for everyone and the game still needs some fine tuning.

There are quite a few negative reviews that never game a fair chance, and one that suspected it was a scam because of a major issue preventing some people from playing. I can verify that issue has definitely been resolved - however, there are still some minor bugs/issues.

Get this game if:

-You like well-crafted, deep real-time strategy games that are turn-based.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

It’s 2021, I’m riding around on a bug mount I farmed in Classic WoW with the help of some sick bros. I just figure let’s look around for some bug games, stumble upon this beauty. If you enjoy games like Civ, give it a try, plan on staying in my own colony digging to the bottom of this game and a bottle suntory. If you’re a gamer, like me who reads these reviews, you will not be disappoint. Now let me get back to that bottle.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Ant Empire on Steam

The Hundred Year Kingdom

The Hundred Year Kingdom

Welcome to an untouched new world.

Only you—the Creator—and a mythical young goddess who calls herself an oracle exist here.

Share times of laughter, tears, and joy as you combine your skills and powers to guide the emergence of a brand new civilization.

Behold what becomes of your world after a century of growth.

・Develop a civilization from the ground up over 100 years in this simple turn-based simulation.

・Construct buildings and cultivate land to create and nurture a civilization with the help of a mythical young goddess who calls herself an oracle.

・Your world will be free of complicating elements like diplomacy, war, and calamities. Rest assured, barbarians won’t invade and Gandhi won’t launch a nuclear attack on your beautiful world!

・How you care for your civilization is up to you.

The Hundred Year Kingdom lets you build and care for a civilization in a world of your own making.

Set up and reshape your world with realms covered in mountains, vast seas, thick savanna, or whatever you like!

The Hundred Year Kingdom on Steam