Cyber Factories

Cyber Factories

Cyber Factories is an Automation and Base Building game in a cyberpunk universe.

On post-apocalyptic Earth, all cities and settlements have been ravaged by pollution, war and a hostile biosphere.

Humanity as a species hasn’t adapted well and only a small fraction of them remain. Fortunately, humans recently discovered a new technology allowing them to transcend death. This discovery consist of transferring human soul to a new synthetic cyber-body receptor. These new humanoid robots can now endure thousands of years of light speed travel!

With this new hope, you lead a colony of human remnants. Help them survive, expand and gather enough resources to leave Earth for their new home planet..

Read More: Best Colony Sim Automation Games.

Cyber Factories on Steam

Space Trader: Merchant Marine

Space Trader: Merchant Marine

Space Trader Merchant Marine is that strange situation where two very different genres have been combined together in the hope of hitting that once in a lifetime combination that everybody agrees is pure genius, like Vampires and Teenagers, or Ninjas and Cheerleaders. Space Trader doesn’t quite hit that special recipe however.

Space Trader is a combination of a numbers trading simulator and a first person shooter and by far and large the biggest problem is that playing the game you have trouble telling which of these two aspects feel the most tacked on.

Real player with 82.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim FPS Games.

Space Trader Merchant Marine was released in Oct 23, 2008. It boasts a score of 89% from a review by GameFocus saying, ““One of the best indie games of 2008. An innovative and addictive experience. Addictive, very fun and innovative are the best words to describe the game and the bottom line is this is a welcome addition to any gamer’s library so buy this game and enjoy it.”

This is very akin to the how ‘reviews’ reflected Bubsy 3D on its own packaging, to those that remember.

The game is broken down into four different areas, exploration, trading, time management, and fighting/bounty hunting.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Space Trader: Merchant Marine on Steam

最后的夜晚 Babel

最后的夜晚 Babel

I would really love to give this game a good review, but I simply can’t. It is broken, unfinished, and not even completely translated into English.

It is a nice, stylish looking tower defense game, but there is much that either is unexplained, doesn’t seem to work, or both.

For example every gun has options beneath it, that might mean damage, range, health, rate of fire and crit chance, but clicking on them doesn’t seem to do anything. All of those are stats given for each gun, but nothing changes when you click them, even after they seem to have leveled up fifty times.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Casual Games.

The game has been translated over from Chinese, there are typos in some places (e.g. after base destruction). You can also see direct Mandarin in some text areas e.g a boss has appeared.

I also have a bug where if i zoom out too much the screen starts to shake i believe only on smaller maps. (May be due to ultrawide monitor 3860x1600)

Otherwise, the game is fun! Reminds me of Yorg.IO.

Great price at less than 10AUD, looking forward to updates.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

最后的夜晚 Babel on Steam

Cliff Empire

Cliff Empire

It’s quite a decent game for $15. There is a lot of unlockable content in the mid to late game that the sheer scale of the world makes you think that you really got value for money. The game starts off slow but picks up the pace later so in the beginning expect to wait around a lot for your production to catch up with your construction needs.

At the start, you can get whatever you need from your great “supplier” in the sky as long as you have money but in the later part of the game, the “cheat” in production closes and you’ll start to need to produce everything by yourself. This slowly ramps up the difficulty. Expect to lose your first 3 or 4 games before you learn the mechanics of the game and it becomes easier, if you go in with preconceived notions of “how the game MUST work!!”, you are going to be in for a rough time. Remember to save a lot if you’re still learning if you don’t feel like restarting from the beginning often.

Real player with 175.9 hrs in game

Wow. This game is my surprise packet of the last 5 years.

Bought game in very early access for about $8.00 - could see potential, but it needed work and content was limited. Thought it was a good concept and small amount of money well spent. Never expected what I got for that paltry $8.00.

After playing about an hour and moving on, I noticed that the game was constantly on the update list, so started taking notice of developer updates - man these guys, whoever they are, or whether they are “guys” at all, work very damn hard.

Real player with 92.7 hrs in game

Cliff Empire on Steam

Project Martians

Project Martians

can’t re-read (tutorial) objectives, save game ended up broken mid tutorial but at the start?

it seems more of an early access proof of concept than anything.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Clumsy controls, a broken tutorial, and not much to recommend it.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Project Martians on Steam

Click Space Miner 2

Click Space Miner 2

This game has absolutely nothing to offer in terms of gameplay, entertainment, satisfaction, rewards or achievements.

13 hours of my time wasted.

Game has no instructions and nothing to indicate what any of the icons on the screen are for. There are no bonuses for reaching any levels. I got everything to level 200 and there was nothing at all to show i had achieved anything at all. Ok so i unlocked a bunch of achievements but there was no rewards for anything. Upgrading the “buildings” seems to do nothing. I would have expected that having everything at level 200 would be some kind of awesome feat… but in this game obviously it’s not. I could see NO indication that upgrading anything actually contributed to increasing the “money” earned in game.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

I couldn’t put my review on deluxe DLC so I do it here:

The main is a generic clicker with some annoying ads, but it is f2p with achievements. So I gave it a go. Even the lack of stability, the no explanation, no story I still bought the Deluxe Edition DLC for the promised no-ads (yet they are still present) and for the more achievements. Maybe they are unlockable, but I wouldn’t know. Everytime I want to buy an upgrade a script error appears. Despite the saved files, I lost my progress..

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Click Space Miner 2 on Steam

Sphere - Flying Cities

Sphere - Flying Cities

Ok, so let me preface this review by saying that I am only giving it a thumbs up because I want the game to succeed, and it looks like the devs are listening to feedback. For example, there was a patch on day 2 to address a complaint that most people had (not a bug fix, but a mechanic change). There is a foundation for what could be a really fun game, and a different take on the genre; at least I have yet to play anything exactly like it. As others have said, it does give off Frostpunk vibes, and I think it feels a little like Surviving Mars as well; both of which are games I really enjoy.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Updated 16/10

Ive left my original somewhat negative review below, but after a significant developer update today, thought id jump back in and my what a difference a few days makes. Almost all the original issues have been resolved making this a good fun solid game. Wonderful to see that a large amount of work appears to have gone into resolving the initial round of issues. I cant find any major issues at this point now, and have changed my review to recommend and now believe you can play and have fun for a considerable time. Minor issues to tweak dont affect much and Road map forward looks interesting indeed. Hats off to the developers on this one.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Sphere - Flying Cities on Steam

Industries of Titan

Industries of Titan

There are already a lot of excellent (constructive) reviews here already for the 21 June 2021 Steam release but I’ll add my 2 cents here to talk more about the side elements of the game and offer some advice for potential players who are still sitting on the fence.

What do you get when you combine the macro-management aspects of SimCity 2013, with FTL-like micro-management in factory management and combat, then slap on a UI that’s reminiscent of grand strategy games? You get the absolutely fascinating city builder that is Industries of Titan (IoT for short).

Real player with 115.3 hrs in game

My first impression of the game:

The beginning is a bit confusing. You have different management levels:

1. Production

  • Collect raw materials (initially from ruins, later in mines)

  • Collect artifacts (also from ruins)

  • Produce fuel and electricity

  • manage garbage (a lot)

2. Citizens and workers

  • Buy and house citizens

  • Earn money from citizens watching advertisements

  • convert some citizens into 24/7 workers (who then stop watching ads)

3. Build on two different levels

  • Inside buildings on a square grid (reminiscent of Tetris blocks :D )

Real player with 54.8 hrs in game

Industries of Titan on Steam

Space Station Tycoon

Space Station Tycoon

After the Recent update of the Raiders and new riftgate. I decided to make a quick review on the understanding of the game… Times for events are as followed. Police scan once year Feb or March, Raiders will come every 5-7 years these you can’t bribe and will require more firepower to get rid of. Pirates can be bribe but can drop cash and items. Aliens will only attack for your Research points so spend wisely and each time you can spend.

Early game this game is a real grind. Hard mode w/ events on. Don’t build anything you can’t afford to loose. The bathing house is one of the highest profitable building 20,000 a month in revenue when full upgrade but cost 15,000 to get your hands on 1. Everytime i try to rush R&G sends a asteroid to destroy it. GAMEOVER. So piece of advice start small and grow small. 2 docks are find early game. Then focus on BILLBOARDS 1 cafe, ___then swap this for a bar. Then you get into research .

Real player with 31.4 hrs in game

a fun, simple game. there is not much combat. and once you start going, you get going. a lot of reviews are complaining of mechanics that are really … not that complicated?

Income - your first priority should be to reduce upgrade costs. don’t build faster than you can afford. Even starting at 20,000, build 3 dock stations and let your money generate and as you can, buy upgrade materials and reduce upkeep costs for each building.

Research - start research with upgrade cost reduction and then move to increased research - you will not have any more problems once you max both of these out

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Space Station Tycoon on Steam



This is a good game, but it has potential to become an even greater game.

Here are some of the Pros and Cons when you buy this game


  • Fun and Challenging Levels

  • Strategy is needed to complete the levels

  • Good Cutscenes

  • Good Graphics


  • Maximum of four buildings can be built at any one time

  • Sometimes it requires more luck than strategy to complete the levels because of the building queue system.

  • The Ion Cannon is unusable in some of the levels because by the time you get to use it, nearly all the infected have destroyed either the control gates or barriers and powerplants.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Great quality, smooth visuals and challenging missions - all wrapped in a cool storyline.

Instant recommendation, just a must have.

I hate power plants though xD

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Infectra on Steam