

I played a lot the other game made by the same developer, CrossWorlds: Escape.

For some reason I like that game more than other survival games, despite still being improvable for normal players.

I am confident that this game will have a similar evolution or better.

When you start the game, it shows the following message:

**Welcome to the alpha version of the Vilset.

This version of the game has many limitations, many game mechanics have not yet been implemented, and temporary models and animations are used.**

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Base Building Games.

far to many serious bugs in this game to be enjoyed, characters starving even though they have plenty of food constantly eating yet starvation monitor going up up up dead

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Vilset on Steam

A Planet of Mine

A Planet of Mine

A cute time killer that its easy to get lost on for hours at a time. The random planet load outs and landing positions can make some planets practically impossible to win which can take a while to spot. Re-starting is fairly easy though.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Base Building Games.

Very enjoyable little game~

Takes a bit of learning but it’s very fun~ you can find some good info and tips with a quick google search that might help you get started.

I used to have it on mobile but I find it much more enjoyable on PC and it runs very well.

Lots of races (I believe 16) and different ways to play. Discovers and exploration. Planets are very unique and not all the same.

You can also destroy a rivals planet completely or be friendly and trade with them.

The gist is you start on a single planet and harvest resources and build different constructs. After a while you ascend (which you can do several times) and more technologies become available. Soon you will be colonizing multiple planets.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

A Planet of Mine on Steam

Castle Story

Castle Story

OK, so a while back I did a review on this game. I still said it was positive, but I basically said “It’s buggy but it’ll get better”. And now I feel is the time to re-review it.

Let me start off by saying this is one of the coolest and prettiest castle builders I’ve seen in a long while. It has a near perfect arrangement of blocks to suit all of your construction needs, yet it simultaniously keeps you materials as basic as possible. You can build with Stone, or Wood. There are a few other materials that can be used to make useful structures, but those are the two things your castle is really gonna be made of. Yet in that simplicity, you can make very cool-looking castles with ease. And what’s even cooler is that in the survival gamemodes, all of the castles you built for purpose and purpose alone still turn out looking amazing.

Real player with 233.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Colony Sim Sandbox Games.

Game is worth 10USD. If that is what you’re paying I think it’s worth it. Unfortunately it isn’t 10USD.

The game lacks content and barely works, but it is quite fun for what there is. The devs have left it alone rather than milking it for DLC so they have my respect for that, but they fall short in most other categories.

My gripes:

1. Instead of optimising the AI, pathfinding, job finding etc. they made a limit of 15 units. There are videos of people playing with 130+ units and having no issues.

Real player with 179.6 hrs in game

Castle Story on Steam



Herding cats is easy! Said no one…ever

Your main job in Catizens is to build your town around the personality traits of its inhabitants. Just like in real life, cats require personal attention and special treatment. Combinations of different personality traits and moods affect their proficiency and obedience. Catizens form relationships with each other and will occasionally issue personal requests, so you will need to learn what makes each cat happy in order to stay on their good side.

Create unique cats and design the perfect home

Pick from an assortment of facial and body features, as well as personality traits to create cats with distinct looks and temperaments. Design a place just for them by decorating the interior of their home with pieces of furniture, plants and other items. The better furnished a house is, the happier your catizens will be. So get creative!

Build and manage your settlement

Catizens can learn a variety of professions – from farming, to blacksmithing or offering protection from local wildlife. Different building types unlock depending on the traits and professions available. There’s no need to micromanage the entire settlement when it gets large. Invest your time and attention in a few outstanding cats and let them become town leaders.

Explore the wilderness

Develop your settlement, complete objectives and expand to areas with different environments that offer new adventures. Carefully examine your surroundings to find the best fishing spots, hidden treasures and quirky characters that may offer a quest.

Catizens on Steam



Stonehearth is a game about building a small town, with the help of a group of ‘hearthlings’ who build, mine, farm and craft their way to victory (sometimes) over ever-stronger groups of enemies. You have an amazing amount of control over the appearance of your town, and you can custom build every house, road and wall. There are a variety of decorations and tools to place around your village, and there are two main storylines to follow (if you aren’t playing on peaceful) - fighting the enemies, and becoming a township. You also get to pick one of two types of hearthling: The Ascendancy, who live in the forest, or Rayya’s Children, who live in the desert. They have slightly different skill trees, so the gameplay is a little different.

Real player with 1318.7 hrs in game

UPDATE 3: No I don’t recommend this anymore, the build system is completely borked. Tried to build a simple road with a few block columns and 5 hours of wasted time later I discover the engine has broken so bad not even instant build will build it. I tried to make it into a template to place it again but no, roads won’t lower. Absolutely disgusted the game was left in this condition.

UPDATE 2: I would switch this to recommend but since it’s one of the most helpful negative reviews I thought maybe leave it so people worried could see this update. The most important thing I want to say is: The devs have REALLY stepped it up, they are fixing bugs, updating often, and even responding on Steam which is hugely important to me. It feels like there’s been a major shift in priorities, and to be frank it’s making me very excited! :D

Real player with 552.3 hrs in game

Stonehearth on Steam

As Far As The Eye

As Far As The Eye

This game was incredibly brutal until I discovered the Council building and the Knowledge resource, and then it became an incredibly fair and deep city-building/roguelike/4x game.

The biggest problem with the game is there isn’t a good reference for how all the mechanics work. I think it will be better once an online wiki is available.

My tips for a winning initial game:


1. Get 40 wood and build a sawmill. Assign one of your workers to be a gatherer and gather wood. Later, when you don’t need wood, switch this worker to be a food gatherer and build a fruit hut for 80 (you can do this earlier if you get a 4th worker). You should have enough rations for this, and the carpenter/fruit gatherer jobs share the first 3 levels.

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game

I too believe that this is a nice game if you enjoy roguelike games.

When I first saw the list of buildable buildings I was worried the game wouldnt have much depth, as there are exactly 15 buildings which can be built.

So .. I was worried I will just figure out how things work and lose interest in the game after a few days, because I found some safe winning strategy.

Luckily it was different!

The overall difficulty is quite high. After the tutorial campaign you get to play 4 tribes with increasing difficulty (you have to start with the lowest difficulty tribe). However, even that tribe took me quite some effort to win with.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

As Far As The Eye on Steam

Colony Survival

Colony Survival

With almost 500 hours, I now feel I can give an honest review of this game. This IS my first review, hence why I see so much potential in this game because i normally don’t do reviews. Also, 1/3 of these hours are from me being afk in game while working on additional content for the game and my server, so keep that in mind. (This will be updated in the future if nessecary)

Here are some of the conerns I’ve seen from potential players of this game:

1. It’s expensive

  • Keep in mind, this is an early access game. To continue development on a game, you need funding, funding that will overall improve the quality of this game and allow the developers to potentially get better gear for developing the game, hiring more staff to work on it, and allow them to live off of funds so they can put more time on the game.

Real player with 794.2 hrs in game

I first got this game for my son, who enjoys Minecraft and similar building games. I got a copy for myself to play with him. Turns out I liked it more than him. My main beef with Minecraft was that I didn’t feel like I had a purpose. Ok, I’ve gathered a zillion chests full of various resources and built a cool house to store them in. I don’t find the combat in Minecraft enjoyable after playing too many MMORPG’s with quality pvp and pve so now what? With Colony Survival, I have found that purpose. I have endless zombies to plan how to slaughter to defend my city!

Real player with 505.9 hrs in game

Colony Survival on Steam




  • love the weather cycle

  • great attention to small details

  • better than average graphics

  • great foundation to build on with improvements

  • bandits/native american interaction is a nice aspect


-terrible economic system at all levels (easy medium hard)

at hard you pretty much can only build one way or you will fail

at medium you can waiver a little but not much

at easy not much different from medium

if you want to build only a logging town and never advance your populations status then you have no worries

Real player with 165.4 hrs in game

Bottom Line Up Front: This game will be amazing when it’s finished.


  1. It’s a very cool concept of starting a town in the wild west.

  2. The Devs. have come up with a great backbone for the buildings and resources you will need to be successful.

  3. Replay-ability once complete will be a GINORMOUS 10/10.

  4. It’s not an easy game to master in the beginning. You really need to think a few steps ahead before building anything. This makes it so much more fun when you are successful in your choices.

Real player with 43.1 hrs in game

Depraved on Steam

Seeds of Resilience

Seeds of Resilience

I had hopes for this game, but unfortunately it seems like it won’t be developed further, and I don’t think it’s worth the price in its current state. Even with the current 30% off I’d say only get it if you really like what you see.

The game is mostly good, very atmospheric, nice music, there are no major bugs.

However the gameplay is very rigid/static/uncreative, short and unbalanced. There are interesting ideas in it, but they aren’t developed enough or used in a meaningful way. That’s the main reason I didn’t give it a negative review right away… because there seemed to be potential.

Real player with 39.3 hrs in game

Seeds of Resilience

| Genre | Survival simulation & RPG |

| Version | 0.8.3b |

| Campaign | Not yet, only survival mode with 2 islands |

| Game length | maybe 4-12 hours if you want to do all stuff? |

| Difficulty modes | 1 |

| Achievements |

Real player with 37.6 hrs in game

Seeds of Resilience on Steam

First Feudal

First Feudal

The game is cool but it has alot of polishing and quality of life improvements to go.

-Your dudes just seem to quit hunting and cooking despite the avaliable resources and tools. you’re just strolling along and suddenly you have no food. You got the tools. the animals, no food, your dude’s just standing around. there’s no explanation. I’ve been having to manually do all the hunting.

-Need to have more options for work. some dudes I strictly want doing things, once those positions are filled I just want to place orders, I don’t care who does it.

Real player with 112.4 hrs in game

I’ve been playing this game non-stop for a while so i can make a review, so here it is.

Things i like:

  • Has a great sound track

  • Has a great art style

In general its a fun game to play, not just to pass the the time, its a game where you can put a lot of hours into and still have a lot to do.The AI is great, i haven’t experienced many bugs with them besides a couple of times which ill mention later. Its a very re-playable game, with every new world being unique from the last, which makes you rethink strategies to survive on that map.

Real player with 94.5 hrs in game

First Feudal on Steam