

My honestly review on Sumire

You have one day, one life.

Sumire is a adventure game with colorful anime were you control a young girl who meet a mysterious flower who want to fulfill her most desired wish. To achieve the wish come true, she have to fulfill all task of other soul before night falls.

As I have play this game, I have a wonderful day to see some relaxing and colorful day of this game. I love the colorful art and music when you travel into the Japanese village or a rice field, as it feel relax and sometime is nice than adventure in the big city because sometime you (might) always travel on important cities and landmarks, but never see the countryside.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Collectathon Interactive Fiction Games.


Sumire tells the story of a little girl with a lot on her plate.

You will follow her journey, make lots of small and big decisions

and you will witness how these decisions impact the people around her and herself.

You can help those around her or focus on her goal alone.

Will you seek revenge or go the path of forgiving?

Will you be a helpful, kind-hearted spirit or isolate yourself and be self centered?

Will you be able to face the darkness inside you?


The controls are very simple and intuitive.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Sumire on Steam



Review at:

I’m sorry to say that this game is very unimpressive, regardless it being free. The instructions are on the steam page if you wish to find out how to play, therefore it jumps you right into the game. There is sooooo much wasted empty space. The matching eggs and so forth can easily be put into a simple smaller grid. The description describes like you can compete against someone, but If you can, I have no idea.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Collectathon Creature Collector Games.

Artemis on Steam

Florida Man: Hurricane Hijinks

Florida Man: Hurricane Hijinks

Six hours until the hurricane hits. Six hours alone on a Florida island with no one to stop you. Six hours of free booze and stale burgers. Six hours to reach fame!

Slip into Florida Man’s favorite incarnation - Dale - for one hour game play sessions full of laughs and eyerolls, ending with sharable headlines summarizing your exploits! Roam the island to find books, keys, weapons, and many many hidden items! Hunt a little, explore the swamp, or see what the inhabitants of the Vampire Hotel were up to! Oh, and always try beating your friend’s score (you do have a friend, right?) by coming up with crazier hijinks!


Discover this scenic Florida island. Roam the beautiful hills, smell the flowers. Pet a pretty duckling and somewhere along the way, don’t forget to break into the diner to fill your empty stomach. That place had it coming!


It was a chore in your second year arts class with Ms. Guttentag that old hag, but things have changed! Who could turn down a pirate hat made of leather and two rolls of duct tape? Or an apron to finally cover up after that unfortunate bathroom incident…


Don’t fall to your death. Don’t overdose. And for god’s sake, don’t get caught breaking into the Vampire Hotel! You remember the stories about that place. Ever since that shipwreck, strange things have been happening there!

What Will Your Headline Be?

Florida Man Goes Home Early With Illegal Drugs!

Florida Man Can Not Stand The Heat! White House Set To Issue Statement Monday At 11am. Tacos May Be At Fault!

Naked Florida Man Wields Speed Limit!

After eating pork rinds and grits, Florida Man went crazy. Sources say, Sheriff may have known. Nobody hurt.

Reporters out of Business! Florida Man on Vacation!

Faced with lack of news, Tribune continues to report on pancakes! Florida Man’s grandmother concerned, police remain optimistic.

Tired Florida Man brings home Chicken Hat!

Reading 13 books was not enough for naked Florida Man. Breaks into Cafe and steals Nixon’s prized personal photo. Police still searching for witnesses.

How To Make Scrambled Eggs

Add some butter to pan on medium-low heat. While it melts, combine eggs with some milk, add salt and pepper. Add into the pan once hot. Stir occasionally until the eggs have firmed up to your taste. For cheesier eggs, add cheese. For bacon flavor, add bacon. Do not add pets or spouses.

Fine Print

No developers were harmed during the writing of this description. We treated them well, fed them Dr Pepper and chocolate. We promise. Don’t listen to the badgers. They weren’t even there. They have no witnesses. Dale said it was alright!

Read More: Best Collectathon Funny Games.

Florida Man: Hurricane Hijinks on Steam

Lamp Head

Lamp Head

The protagonist of this game is a strange man with a lamp instead of a head.

The game will appeal to people who have only a couple of working keys left on their keyboard, because in LAMP HEAD the gameplay is tied to the endless character running through scary and dark tunnels on which all sorts of obstacles appear, which must be feared in order to run as much as possible.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

To quote Curtis Armstrong, “Go that way really fast, if something gets in your way turn.”

Simplistic endless runner game in which you can unlock and upgrade stuff. At this point I’d imagine there are far better examples of this genre out there as it’s presentation is pretty weak.

I’m hopeless at it, I also didn’t like it. i wonder if those two things are related ?

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Lamp Head on Steam

Warlocks Entanglement

Warlocks Entanglement

Warlocks Entanglement puts you into a destructible open world in a magical medieval setting. Explore and learn all this world has to offer and then open a gateway to the next world!.

  • Destructible environment

    Destroy anything see you see and build something new with the resources.

  • Combat

    Fight a variety of different creatures with various weapons that you can either find from looting or craft yourself as you learn.

  • Day and night cycles

    Craft torches to provide you light or enchant one of your weapons with radiance to help you see in the dark, You can carry torches in both hands giving much more visibility in dark places.

  • Looting and exploring

    There are many locations to loot but as you exhaust areas you must start heading further afield to find what your looking for.

  • Base building

    You can occupy a house and convert it to your own requirements or build one from scratch, there are many different resources around that you can utilise to aid you in this.

  • Levelling

    As you gain experience create more advanced high tier weapons / bows and armour.

  • Gardening

    You can create or loot seeds and plant them to grow crops, Cross contaminating some crops can cause more exotic and useful plants to grow, You can learn the secret to this as you go.

  • Brew potions

    As your cauldron grows stronger with the ingredients it needs you will be able to brew more powerful potions, Providing an array of additional skills to aid you.

  • Delving deep underground

    There are many chasms that open up to underground tunnels and sometimes cities, There are many precious recourses to loot and mine underground

  • Many Worlds

    Play the pre-selected map or a randomly generated world.

Warlocks Entanglement on Steam

Plan B from Outer Space: A Bavarian Odyssey

Plan B from Outer Space: A Bavarian Odyssey

A funny, replayable and “Zork-esque” Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game that compensate the shortness of a single run by offering lots of different choices that lead to extremely diverging paths and endings.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

forgot to cover my space ship, created new beach front property, 10/10 would do it again.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Plan B from Outer Space: A Bavarian Odyssey on Steam

Clarice Clairvoyage

Clarice Clairvoyage

Clarice Clairvoyage is a traditional roguelike adventure where you’ll need to navigate the open seas while exploring the islands which offer ‘choose your own adventure’ style quests. Venturing to new lands and fighting zombies (and killer mermaids) will reward you with different abilities and spells to become the ultimate naval spellcaster!

-Traditional roguelike gameplay where skill is more important than progression

-Manage your ship between naval navigation and mermaid ship defense

-Explore islands with ‘choose your own adventure’ decision making

-Combine spells to become the ultimate spell wielder of the seas

Clarice Clairvoyage on Steam

ABC Flappy

ABC Flappy

This is an educational game. It was designed to literate children in a fun and interesting way. Learn how to spell and assemble words to unlock prizes. You can trace and colour the letters of the alphabet too. Swoop deeply into this amazing adventure alongside Albert, the eager for knowledge bird, flying through the many levels to save his silly friends while learning the alphabet and the very first rules of grammar.

One thing is for granted : You will not get to the end of this journey without learning how to write and read !

ABC Flappy on Steam

Mutiny Island

Mutiny Island

This game could be so much better. I have warped to grey screen death countless times. I camped while being attacked by a skeleton, woke up on Davy Jones' ship surrounded by the undead, and glitched to the starting warp. Jumped through many stone walls diagonally, and fought tigers from vantage point because of it. In my short time with this piece i have seen so many classic mishaps that that in itself is making me appreciate it more.

It’s $8, buggy as hell and absolutely wonderful.

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

I received a copy of this game to Let’s Play it and I loved it quite a bit. This is a really fun open-world game with a lot of stuff to explore and experiment around with!

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Mutiny Island on Steam

Player City

Player City

The purpose of the game is to keep the history of the city of Farroupilha-RS / Brazil alive and to bring to future generations the essence of the place where they live. With the passing of the years a lot changes around you and with the change sometimes, history is lost. The main objective of the game is to eternalize what the municipality has lived, lives and will live in its tourist sites, museums and architectures.

At Player City, you will be able to get to know the sights of the city of Farroupilha-RS and in the future of other cities, in addition to knowing a little about the history of the city that since 1934 has won several titles such as: “The Cradle of Italian immigration in Rio Grande do Sul, National Capital of Moscatel, National Capital of Malha, National Capital of Kiwi, Land of muscat grapes being the Heart of Serra Gaúcha. "

Take control of the character “Kiwinho” and come and visit the city of Farroupilha / RS!


  • City of Farroupilha-RS Brazil and its sights

  • Three places to visit (Salto Ventoso, Parque dos Pinheiros, Igreja da Matriz)

  • Adventure over 3 hours long

  • Museums, parks, squares, faith, venues

  • Historical knowledge of the city through videos

  • Arousing interest in getting to know the city

  • Characteristic art involving 3D semiotics and the real world.

  • Association with reality

  • Pedagogical Tool

  • Biography of the first immigrants

  • Suitable for all ages

Player City on Steam