Alekhine’s Gun

Alekhine’s Gun

Alekhine. One of the greatest chess champions. Not only for his timeline but for the whole history of known chess players. He was eager for finding smart, precise moves, he was rather an attacking side even in his defensive schemes. So, it is actually a cool name for a Hitman-like spy operative, who’s supposed to very selective and cautious in his covert work of dispatching enemies and revealing their secret plans.

However, when we’re talking about this specific title, Alekhine’s Gun, we’re actually putting ourselves in quite a strange stalemate position. To be brief, it is the “enjoy the good part and suffer a lot of shortcomings as well” - type of game. 40% rating on Metacritic should warn you as well - even if it’s underestimated, Alekhine’s Gun is definitely not for everyone’s tastes.

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Action Games.

If your a fan of Death to Spies games like i am this is the third entry to the series as the devs had to work indie as their publishing license expired so they had to Crowdfund & Kickstarter their work but it didn’t go well so Maximum Games published and helped them complete it. You still play as Semyon Strogov with some familiar gear such as Chloroform and throwing knives but you have less weapons and equipment then before with less space to bring items for the next mission so choose well. Depending on how you perform you will earn points to buy new weapons, equipment and upgrades for your guns to use in the coming missions. There’s a new Instincts mode that gives you awareness of where the enemy is looking at and who finds you suspicious but also is a meter that tells you if you can knock someone out instead of spotting people unlike before so you have to regain that meter by doing objectives if you want an alternative to Chloroform. The overall gameplay is mostly similar with different objectives and different disguises but you can’t go prone stance anymore, crouch sneaking only effects noise and you can’t ride vehicles anymore either then the overall map is much smaller less complex linear even at times making some areas rather difficult cause of how cramp it us but you can back to wall to hide as well as surprise attack from plus performing “accidents” is easier then before at varied locals with missions getting more progressively complex as you reach the final mission. This time its not just historical missions but there is an actual story now compared to before with the biggest weakness is that it doesn’t use in-game cutscenes unlike before instead using pre-rendered art stills but still gives a great thriller spy story. Graphics are better then before and help with the immersion and believability despite the level size. The soundtrack is alright like games before it though at times the audio doesn’t sound as good or as clear. Overall not bad but it could’ve been more despite that for what the game is its a decent entry to the series that you can buy on sale if you want to know how Smeyon Strogiv’s story ends or need another social stealth game alternative.

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Alekhine's Gun on Steam

Disney•Pixar Cars Mater-National Championship

Disney•Pixar Cars Mater-National Championship

So… almost two years later, and I’m reviewing the second game in the Cars video game series (shhhhhh Radiator Springs Adventures never happened SHHHHHHH). Let’s go.

A year later after releasing Cars: The Video Game and Rainbow Studios, after technically developing two versions of the same game (I’d say three, but Incinerator Studios made the Wii version of the first game), were at it again with an entirely new game acting as said first game’s sequel. How did it turn out?… Mixed, to say the least. Let me explain.

Real player with 1344.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Open World Games.

I cannot even begin to express my gratitude towards this video game. This video game has gotten me through the toughest times in my life. This video game helped me get a girlfriend. This video game was the missing piece in my life.

Back on one day in 2007 or 8, I played this game for the very first time on my dads computer. With the original disk. I distinctively remember letting out the biggest fart in the entire world. It didnt end up being just a fart though. It was a massive shit. I then became lost and could not play the game due to lack of interest, and the big life goals of finishing kindergarten and starting first grade.

Real player with 198.3 hrs in game

Disney•Pixar Cars Mater-National Championship on Steam

Calm Down, Stalin - VR

Calm Down, Stalin - VR

It is fun and stressful, but feels impossible to complete, i rage quit frequently because difficulty doesn’t build up well, once you learn the basic mechanics you are thrown into multitasking 4 things at once. It’s very fun, but you don’t feel like you will be able to complete it, which leads be to quitting the game a lot.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Indie Games.

ah i love being dictator of soviet Russia and killing spies and threatening country’s for nuclear domination but the most important thing is drinking VODKA

while doing all of the things on here……………..THIS IS GREAT VR GAME

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Calm Down, Stalin - VR on Steam

Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

Darkest Hour would merit an award not only for its terrific value but also for the care put into its playability and historical accuracy. Historical events will generally always occur but sometimes at a different moment than anticipated depending on a number of factors. It is generally impossible to avoid having Stalin’s purges as the Soviet player, or election results in France for instance. But in spite of this, outcomes may be very different from game to game because of all other factors that may come into play. It is a complex game that requires a lot of attention, but that is also very rewarding to play.

Real player with 2008.6 hrs in game

I have 250-something hours in this game, and it is truly worth every cent i payed for it, i think it was like 2$ CAN. As Hoi4 can never hope to run on my system so this was my first hearts of iron game and i think its a good introduction for the series. It does have a steep learning curve and requires some mental capacity, but it is sorta simple when you look at it and its parts.

Some reviews say that the game is rather linear, that is sorta true at a glance depending on how you play. You can choose to play any nation at a variety of start dates and choose multiple paths to go down for your nation, (though not nearly as extensive as hoi4s foucus trees). there are options to go down alt-history in the base game, through the great number of events and decisions. they are limited though, it is impossible to have a communist USA for example, without the use of a little thing called console commands, which opens up alot of opportunities. make canada a fascist industrial powerhouse rivaling germany in might? you can do it, you can cheat your way through alot, but my advice is to use it only for developing minor nations or capitulating a already defeated enemy, or bypassing the script and creating your own scenarios.

Real player with 812.1 hrs in game

Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game on Steam

Supreme Ruler Ultimate

Supreme Ruler Ultimate

if you enjoy tactical planning and engagement theory this game tops anything I’ve ever played in my life thus far…. I enjoyed games like command and conquer/age of empires etc. as a boy….. this game eclipses that level of gameplay by about a million times over…… this games layout and playability it brings about 1000 manageable tasks to hand on a daily (game day) to be tended in order to effectively manage a country; as well as development of that country’s military armed forces which are specific to thier own unique ability’s, mobility, range, and fire power based upon real world specs of each unit as well. It’s an incredible format and if you have an extra hundred hours per week to invest into it then you can really take full advantage of what it has to offer in a complete sense of understanding……. it makes for an incredibly enjoyable experience that can easily account for a fake workday….. you can make a day of work from this game…..easily…….you simply will not recieve a real life paycheck from your work at the end of the week…… make sure it’s a labor of love in doing it…….and as a simulator comparable to actual reality a fair one at that… I’ve noticed some flaws in the progression of difficulty on an economic scale that bother me at points…..for example I wanted to improve the difficulty of my economy after I got the gist of managing it on easy…. and it became harder by America destroying thier own economy by conquering Canada and Mexico and going into major debt which screwed the entire world market in time….. and no matter how good my country’s infrastructure became I could not profit from it because every country in the world eventually became broke….. and I could never really make a significant enough profit on anything to ever really get a ahead at any point and so after I militarilly defeated every major military force in the world I decided to cheat and gift myself a few trillion dollars so I could then have some fun with that…….. in reality they would just….print more money (the UN) and tell America to f*ck off….. lol…..America would never actually destroy itself in such a way….. then again…… well I would like to hope not anyway….. you can literally lock and manage every to do in the game, from economy to diplomacy, to research and development of societal techs along with military techs and in addition build a military force of land sea and air units to be deployed unit by unit by unit hand selected to your own desire and discretion…. that’s how I like to play…. because I’m 34/ currently unemployed and living with my Grandmother….. I am incredibly healthy and fit despite my game time I am regimented and decisive with my diet and excercise which is always my top priority….next would be keeping my bunker….I mean my bedroom clean and neat…… and lastly I spend what other free time I have in between enjoying this game as of late…….. I’ve had some odd jobs come up over the past few months…… I’m also an avid reader… I have my laptop going and do real world research often while I am playing….. when you actually run the game at normal speed you will reach a point where you will encounter hours of down time…. if you have good infrastructure and enough money as well as strong alliances in and around your country you can literally issue a series of orders and let the game run untended for up to 2-3 hours at a time….. and it periodically autosaves so if you do that and end up coming back to a disaster you can re-load the game to a point prior to that particular happening….. I……….love……this game…..FANKYOU BATTLEPACK STUDIO! WE LOVE YOU! . -love, Chuck…. lol….Battlegoat studios….. they are incredible and I send them many many many sincere thankyou’s many times over. You guys kick ass.

Real player with 3588.6 hrs in game

Supreme Ruler Ultimate lets you supremely make the world your bitch. Play as any nation that existed in 1936, 1949, 2018 and beyond in a real time strategy game with so much depth you’re gonna to be drowning in militaristic decisions……such as Do I as 1936 Brazil want to buy Japanese ship designs, produce Soviet Tanks or buy outdated artillery pieces from the french?

[Military Units and Diversity]

Every major nation has a ludicrous selection of nation specific unit designs from tanks, artillery, motorized infantry, special forces, marines, planes, ships, submarines, carriers etc. However a lot of these become outdated or are by the start of the game but are still cool….. Maybe you as 2018 Germany want to rebuild the Bismark idk. Lets say you don’t want to play as the big fish in small pond Europe, the units don’t actually mater because you can just buy the designs from other nations. If you want to play as Portugal you can just buy German or Soviet tank designs to produce yourself (As both countries by 1940 typically have 40+ tank designs and specialized variants. If you ally with a country you can just buy their units directly and have them shipped off to your country. As Mexico if you ally with the United States you can just buy anything they have in reserve….. for a price (This includes nuclear bombs and missiles and ICMBs too).

Real player with 2000.7 hrs in game

Supreme Ruler Ultimate on Steam

The Operational Art of War IV

The Operational Art of War IV

Grognards will love this game. Fans of easy gameplay and immersive graphics will not. Don’t expect to see cavalry charges and explosions. Think moving pieces on a chessboard, but with hundreds of unique pieces.

A grognard is a hard core wargamer who values accuracy over playability. Wargames started during the Napoleonic era. Miniatures, then cardboard counters, then computers used markers or counters which identify the unit and its attack and defense capabilities movement, morale and other factors all represented by numbers. When the attack is resolved the numbers on the combating counters change and the units advance or retreat into the next hex.

Real player with 3672.1 hrs in game

This review includes suggestions for those new to the genre.

tl;dr: If you don’t want to put/have the time to learn, don’t like more abstract games, hate the graphics (as shown in screen shots) don’t like time limit and pressure, then you should pass. Otherwise, I recommend trying it out if there is a hunch that you might enjoy it–I’m glad I did.

I had not played games in this genre before (learned to read NATO counters to play). Starting out, I read the manual, referenced resources other players provided, and watched YouTube tutorials. I was then lost, confused, and put off. With persistence, I won my first scenario (Kasserine Pass) and, after that, felt I had the hang of it, after which the game has been more fun.

Real player with 195.9 hrs in game

The Operational Art of War IV on Steam

Save Jesus

Save Jesus

4k graphics, blown away by the sound quality, the voice acting is superb. personally, one of my favorite quotes is “ya think yu can stop me? look it, ah gawt a tahme macheen!” very intricate and thought-out dialogue is one of this game’s strongest points. in addition, the plot and lore of save jesus is so complex and designed so well that its almost like you are actually there in the game saving jesus! it is an experience similar to that of smoking weed, while dying and going to heaven but learning that jesus is in trouble so you save him and then wake up wondering… “what did i eat for dinner last night?” you look over to jesus in your bed and he stares back at you and then you wake up again to find that your entire existence was actually a dream in itself. anyway, every game has its downsides as well. save jesus is no exception. one of the worst parts about this game is the lack of an easy mode, as the difficulty rivals that of dark souls. another issue is the demanding system requirements. my macintosh computer at school has trouble running this game. constant crashes and it struggles to get even 10 fps. no problems on my coughcoughsuperiorcoughcough pc though. the game is magnificent, and the sheer quality is reflected in every possible aspect. the system requirements can easily be justified for such a masterpiece. in conclusion, save jesus is a fantastic AAA title that i recommend to any fans of the popular book series “the holy bible,” based on this very game. hope this review helps!

Real player with 247.1 hrs in game

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Real player with 163.9 hrs in game

Save Jesus on Steam

War Thunder

War Thunder

Oh how I wish i could call an arty strike on Gaijin’s head office.

Let me list the most frustrating aspects of this game:

A bit of a lengthy review but if you are really interested in this game then you should at least skim this review to get an idea of what you’re signing up for. Also the first serious review I’ve done of a game but I have been playing this for 4 years now and it’s about time I told (warned) people about it.

The devs:

Has never listened to it’s community’s suggestions or bug reports. The closest we ever got was when everyone, including the largest Youtuber Phlydaily was pushing to have parts and fire extinguishers to come for free with every vehicle, instead of making it a module to research (or spend money on). So if you get shot in the transmission, yup you cant move the rest of the match, or get shot in the barrel? Yup, you are completely useless unless you can make it to a cap point which sometimes there is only 1. Guess what… they said “no” and have since never acknowledged community suggestions since then due to the horrible PR fallout. They balance the game based off players stats in that particular vehicle. Leaving some vehicles completely broken or overpowered for months while data comes in for them to actually do something about it. Easily the most frustrating of these cases was the fact that the battle rating spread is so compressed from power creep that they couldn’t figure out what level to put the Maus at to make it competitive and balanced so they just removed it from the game. LOL yeah they barred new players from being able to research it cause they were too lazy to fix their game. They also will gladly make up stats or armor values about tanks to fit their view of what they think it should be capable of.

Real player with 2618.4 hrs in game

Okay listen.

I’ve got 2,222 hours in this game while I’m writing this. I get that it’s confusing that I’m making a negative review.

Tl;dr: This is a good game, but one of the worst, most scummy products I’ve ever seen. One that preys on people with addictive personalities in a wide spectrum of ways.

All I really need to do is explain the monetization tbh:

-Silver Lions: Silver lions are the non-premium currency for War Thunder. They are achieved passively just by played, and playing well gives a nice bonus. Winning matches massively multiplies silver lion gains (ie, if you kill 1 person in a match you lose in the planes mode you’ll get a small amount of silver lions, but even just one kill in a match you win is worth a fair amount, and to a degree this gets better the better you play). But here’s the… well… “but”. Silver lions are precisely designed so that when you first start playing the game, no matter what (ie, whether you are completely free to play, just have a premium vehicle, or have premium vehicles and a premium account) you will be getting enough silver lions to more than cover the silver lion costs of the vehicles you will have access too. Low tier vehicles cost basically nothing to repair, as do almost all premiums (and premium accounts and vehicles both massively boost silver lion income while using them). You might be seeing the problem already, but if not stick with me here. As you progress through the game, if you’re free to play you will at first quickly unlock cheap vehicles before reaching more expensive ones, then things will be slower and slower to unlock and more expensive. To be clear, all of this so far isn’t a big deal. The issue comes when you reach about 7.0 (battle rating, which is basically just a “level” for matchmaking balance) for ground forces or about 8.0 for air forces, in my experience. At this point vehicles are sluggish to unlock and extremely expensive. Buying them, training a crew slot to play them, and every modification all costs SL, but also repairing and rearming the aircraft after the battle. At the lower tiers you might not even notice this. By about 6.0 you’ll almost certainly notice this but unless you play very poorly it won’t be a major issue. You might have to take it easy right after buying a newly unlocked vehicle, but other than that you’re fine. But beyond that, certain vehicles (seemingly arbitrarily, though there’s always a long winded explanation that boils down to “balance”) cost bafflingly, ridiculously, hilariously high amounts of silver lions. If you have about 2-3 million silver lions at lower tiers, you’re golden. You can lose some of it if you have some rough matches, but you’ll be fine. At the higher tiers, you could burn through that in a day just by being unlucky. Half the time you unlock a new jet or main battle tank it’s so expensive you either can’t buy it, or can but then can’t play it because if you die before getting a kill you lose massive amounts.

Real player with 2313.7 hrs in game

War Thunder on Steam

Wild Animal Sports Day

Wild Animal Sports Day

I got the priveledge of beta testing this masterpiece of a game made by the one and only Paul Bird. It’s a bit more difficult than WAR, but it brings some new movies and mechanics to the game. Such as a “campaign mode” type thing and cutscenes. But if you want the better ending, prepare to train long and hard. its no easy task.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

The sheer threat that the presence of King Croc imposes, can easily shake even the most experienced horror game enjoyer to his/her core. On top of this amazing atmosphere, the combat also rivals the likes of Bloodborne, Mortal Combat and even Chess. All of this taken into consideration, and even dismissing some of the aspects of this game since there are so many, I find Wild Animal Sports day to be one of the best experiences steam has to offer, and it an understatement to call it a worthy successor to Wild Animal Racing.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Wild Animal Sports Day on Steam

Math Fun

Math Fun

I’m a massive Math Fun fan. I loved the hell out of the Math Fun remake, thought they kept it 90% faithful but the stuff they changed made sense for a modern take on an old classic. That said, Math Fun is my favorite in the entire franchise for a number of reasons. Despite Math Fun taking the blame for kicking the MF series into action, I thought it was a nice mixture of horror, drama and action that traumatized me as a kid and continues to entertain me as an adult. I have almost the whole script memorized, I know how to speedrun it, I loved the Mercenaries mode which had you strategically race through the city on a 10-minute timer that gets longer for every enemy kill, every dodge, and every civilian rescued, with 4 characters to play as that have different weapon arsenals.

Real player with 2169.1 hrs in game

I ain’t tryna

I ain’t tryna

I ain’t tryna

Yeah, ain’t tryna be cool like you

Wobblin' around in your high-heeled shoes

I’m clumsy, made friends with the floor

Two for one, you know a bitch buy four

And two left feet, you know I always drop

First thing a girl did was a bop

I’m the whole damn cake and the cherry on top

Shook up the bottom, made a good girl pop

You ain’t even here to party

Ken in the club tryna pipe a Barbie

I don’t wanna go, go, go with the flow

Back-bend ‘til I touch my toes

I don’t wanna row, row, row the boat

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Math Fun on Steam