

I wanted the full experience of stumbling around an unknown spaceship desperately trying to work out how to survive long enough to reenter correctly without dying, so I selected hard mode to start with. This mode disables a little tutorial describing the spaceship at the beginning of the game, and also removes hilighting on which buttons to push.

In hard mode, I died twice, and then landed safely after about an hour of gameplay, at which point the game was basically done. I tried to aim the spaceship retrograde and deorbit manually far ahead of the script, but it didn’t do anything. As far as I can tell, the spaceship is on rails (you can’t actually fly and watch the oribital mechanics play out; you have one path and you die if you get too far off it).

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Indie Games.

I truly enjoyed playing in this fictional Soviet spacecraft hurtling across planet earth, pulling levers switches and pushing buttons that do important things. Lot’s of fun and after a bunch of deaths made it safely back to earth!

Sound design was great, and helped with immersion. From radio chatter with ground control to the chunky metal clanks of buttons levers switches and hatches or the hiss of leaking gasses and electrical shorts.

The instructions over the radio were good, as I frantically searched for the needed buttons\ panels in russian and little english subtitled labels.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Interkosmos on Steam



A very cute and fun game!!

Reminds me of galaga, except it has it’s own unique and fun gameplay 3

Made by an awesome person who takes time and devotion to make his games the best!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Action Games.

Metori on Steam