All Walls Must Fall - A Tech-Noir Tactics Game

All Walls Must Fall - A Tech-Noir Tactics Game

A great game that just needs a bit more polish. If you liked xcom or syndicate (old school) youll probably love this game.

This game has a few levels to it.

The first level is a great shooter/ and minimal rogue or semi-RPG with time travel mechanics. Some of the firefights can be intense and complex strategizing your twisting of time between hailstorms of bullets allowing one man to wipe out an army.

Its not terribly deep on the surface likly because they didnt get the funds to make the game its full intended length (west germany as well as east germany). I do not regret any time spent, or not spent in this game. (yes its a bad joke since at the time of writing this I have the world record of completing the entire game in 1 minute 29 seconds… time travel accounted for=).

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Indie Games.

A masterpiece ruined by retard downvoters, small minded casual homophobic cry babies.

I got this game during early access, did a first run but messed the first 3 tutorial missions,

earning low money and getting stuck on harder missions because with low money you can’t upgrade much.

Now that the game is published I did a serious run, nailed the tutorial missions and also unticking the ‘decision timer’ option,

which allows you to think about each move without losing time (time = money).

After those 3 missions you get access to the map, where you can select your next mission.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

All Walls Must Fall - A Tech-Noir Tactics Game on Steam