


It’s 1989 and the flames of a New War are flaring up. Thousands of square miles of German landscape will become a stage for sweeping battles between the best NATO and Warsaw Pact has to offer.

Lead your Regiment through the inferno of a wide-scale Cold War conflict in this new Real-Time Tactics game. Break through the lines, call in artillery and air support, maneuver, feign retreats, and stage mobile defenses. Do not relent.

The Platoon Command system lets you orchestrate battles with unprecedented precision and ease. No need to micromanage every infantryman - you’re a Commanding Officer, not a sergeant.

Form your force on the fly. Selecting the main Regiment is just a start. You can expand your army during the game by calling in unique Task Forces, each bringing its own equipment and off-map support options.

Main features

  • A strategic dynamic campaign, encompassing warfare around the Inner German border

  • Three distinct skirmish modes with varied, dynamic objectives

  • Aggressive, competent AI that can challenge experienced RTS players

  • On-the-fly force customization, rewarding adaptability, and creativity

  • Deep game mechanics, simulating the Cold War era mechanized fight with great detail

  • Four key Cold War Factions: Soviet Union, USA, West Germany, and East Germany

  • Visceral visual effects, bringing the WWIII to your screen in all its terrifying glory

  • Over 60 authentic vehicles modeled, combined into a multitude of different formations. Deploy such iconic vehicles as Leopard 2, T-72M or M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle

  • Smooth learning curve and high accessibility even to novice RTS players

  • Refined controls that make commanding hundreds of soldiers a breeze

Read More: Best Cold War Combat Games.

Regiments on Steam



ICBM is a great way to kill an hour, along with a few hundred million people. It’s got a bit of a learning curve to it but it’s simple enough that you can pick most of it up in 2 or 3 games.

What I find interesting (and a little terrifying) about ICBM is how nothing is permanent and how the game always keeps you at the edge of your seat, because much like a real nuclear war, you could find yourself and everything you’ve built being vaporized by thermonuclear weapons at a moment’s notice. If you build an airbase, the enemy can nuke that. If you build missile silos, the enemy can nuke that. If you build submarines, the enemy nuke that. The game effectively works out to be a scramble between you and your enemies as you try to keep tabs on where they’re keeping their city-melting goodies, as well as protecting your own, either by keeping them well-hidden, or building enough defences that the enemy can’t smash through them until you’ve already turned their continent into a giant radioactive parking lot. Then there’s also the question of “Should I attack first or is that going to end horribly for me and 85% of my country’s population”, which then promptly leads to the question of “But If I don’t do anything, are all my cities going to be on fire in 5 minutes” which means you’re always guessing, or always trying to find out.

Real player with 385.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Destruction Games.

I had to go back and change my original positive review to inform you not to buy this. Multiplayer community is dead and its been less than a month since the game lauched.

Game already has rampant hacking which ruins the game for everyone. Not to mention that the actual game itself is not really that fun after a few games.

Matches are 95% build up and 4% figuiring out who to attack and 1% fun combat. Most games you’ll build up for 35mins to literally not be able to use a single one of your nukes due to the game ending due to nuclear contamination via a massive barrage two guys release at once and even if you launched right then your nukes would not hit the ground before their nukes end the game.

Real player with 43.3 hrs in game

ICBM on Steam

Sea Power : Naval Combat in the Missile Age

Sea Power : Naval Combat in the Missile Age

After hostilities have broken out in Central Europe, the race is on as a pressured US Navy escort force battle off Soviet bomber and submarine attacks on a perilous quest to reinforce NATO defenders in Europe. Meanwhile, in the Persian Gulf, the conflict between Iran and Iraq risks escalating into a larger confrontation between superpowers as both sides indiscriminately attack neutral merchant shipping. And in the Norwegian Sea, an outnumbered Soviet surface force challenges the might of a massive US Navy amphibious force bound for occupied Norway…

Brought to you by the lead designer of Cold Waters, Sea Power lets you control NATO and Warsaw Pact forces in a modern naval conflict. Whether it’s gunning it out with Boghammars in a surface duel, fighting off aerial attackers armed with long-range missiles, or hunting for enemy submarines with aircraft and surface ships, advanced weaponry and sensors are at your disposal. Can you successfully hide your forces while detecting and tracking theirs? It is up to you to play an advanced game of cat and mouse on the high seas, to seize the initiative and attack with the advantage of surprise on your side. And at all times, you have to observe rules of engagement and take care not to cause an unnecessary incident that could lead to escalation. After all, you cannot really be sure just who that radar contact at 30.000 feet is, can you?

Features List

  • Cold war era between the ’60s and ’80s

  • Theatres including North Atlantic, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Tonkin and Mediterranean Area

  • Dynamic campaign - theatre scale

  • Historical and fictional single scenarios

  • Dynamic time of day and weather per engagement

  • Dynamic soundtrack

  • Realtime combat

  • Advanced flight and ship physics

  • Scalable realism such as weapons malfunctions, advanced sensor modeling

  • Pausable real-time, time compression

  • Full user scenario editor and quick mission builder

  • Advanced in-game tutorial

  • Save games everywhere/every time

  • Detailed and accurate 3D graphics

  • Over 50 original ships and more than 30 original aircraft

  • Land facilities and real-world terrain

  • Post-battle replay

Read More: Best Cold War Real-Time Games.

Sea Power : Naval Combat in the Missile Age on Steam

Wargame: Airland Battle

Wargame: Airland Battle

This game has gotten some raw reviews lately by people whome have put very little time into this game. Others have voiced legitimate points over the games campiagn mode. This mode is very lacking but shows just a glimpse of what a campaign can really be if they move in a different direction (i.e. Total War). The maps are set up pretty good with great detail in vegetation and the size of the air space your planes fly in is amazing. Model detail for the vehicles and air power are great while the infrantry is mediocre whitch leaves alot to be desired. The difference between models of air craft is neglegable with no difference in aero-nautical and external hardware. They swap out the skins and say it is a different vehicle despite the fact they look the same.

Real player with 195.8 hrs in game

Before reeding, please accepte that i have bad Englsih :)

90 hourse online and 300 offline game time.

Short: This game are taking the RTS in a new lvl and twist. Cause the game have made it massive and “smal” in the same time. I feel the developer have made it realistic and smoth. And I feel like i have the countroll over whats happening while playing.

Long: I go after 6 thing i going to rank. GIGS-CO


I find it realy great. It is many thing that bring it easy to play, but in same time funny to countrol. One eks: can give many comands; move fast, move, attack, spread, regroup, split. This is very importan when it comes to winning or losing. (You can say witch direction thay gonne stay at if you are holding in left mouse butten).

Real player with 133.3 hrs in game

Wargame: Airland Battle on Steam

Radio Commander

Radio Commander


Set during the Vietnam War, Radio Commander is a realtime strategy game in which the player assumes the role of a company commander known by the radio handle of Papa Bear who has to accomplish military objectives by ordering two platoons via radio. Alpha Platoon is lead by a proud Texan named Kovacs and Bravo Platoon is lead by a black officer named Coleman with some prior combat experience. Unlike any other military strategy game, Radio Commander expects the player to keep track of platoons and enemy units by marking them on a map and radioing (frequently if desired) to the platoons to pinpoint their coordinates on the map in addition to locations of enemy units in which the platoons may be engaged in battle with.

Real player with 32.8 hrs in game

After roughly 20 hours and earning all the achievements, I feel it’s time to put my look on this game into perspective.

The game is fun if you’re into pseudo-realistic military strategy games, in saying that it’s probably not for everyone, but it is fun.

Imagine a Vietnam era Tom Clancy’s Endwar, with a twist, you can’t see your units.

The three difficulty settings in the game are Story, Commander, and Veteran. The first 2 are fairly easy with the amount of micro and enemy difficulty, and the third kicks it up a notch, which is a very good thing for a game like this. It increases the difficulty to the point where you can’t just skip through radio communications all willy nilly. The combat your troops will get into is much more difficult for them to win on this difficulty mode, and you’re more likely to suffer casualties. Your troops can get lost if you keep them in a sticky situation too long before they pull out of combat. You have to keep your choppers and vehicles fueled up, or risk them crashing and losing the valuable crew they have, and the valuable asset they provide.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

Radio Commander on Steam

Escalation: Aggressors

Escalation: Aggressors

Really nice game with a lot of potential and devs actively listening to feedback on discord server. It’s good and it’s cheap, definitely recommended for Cold War-era military fans.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

I picked this game up when it first came out and I don’t regret it. For five dollars you get a fun little 2-D strategy side scroller. The developer plans to add more factions and units from the EU. The gameplay works by you having your capital ship/sub and protecting it while trying to survive the round or destroy the enemies capital ship/sub. You will get spending cash to spend on either prepicked units or units you pick from the available list. Then when the match starts you get cash for every second and choose what units to spend it on to accomplish your goal. You might need to use a mix of units or space out deploying them to win. In summary for five dollars you get a side scrolling RTS that is fun,addictive but not to time consuming and will challenge you a little bit.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Escalation: Aggressors on Steam

Wargame: European Escalation

Wargame: European Escalation

This is the sort of game I have been waiting for a long time; an ultra-realistic RTS game simulating the tactics of a hypothetical Cold War showdown. As a professional soldier I know the history on the development of all the vehicles I used in combat, but we always wondered how they would do fighting in the role for which they were designed (hint: Bradleys, Abrams and Apaches weren’t meant to fight third world insurgents). All of the Wargame battles require a combined arms fight with knowledge on how to use terrain and maximize the strengths and weaknesses of one’s equipment. This game is an incredible achievement in my mind. When a red horde slams into your position, and you realize that you do not have enough TOW’s to stem the tide, it puts the Fulda Gap into perspective.

Real player with 232.5 hrs in game

I really hate that I have to call this game terrible, but sadly I do. For me, it is almost unplayably bad, and I wish I had never wasted my money on it.

The gameplay mechanics are good; it is sometimes difficult to micromanage the orientation of platoons to keep them facing the enemy, and my recon helicopters have an annoying tendency to land whenever they’re not actively moving, while I may want them to stay airborne to keep enemy units visible; the inability to set stances, and the rather awkward method of turning off individual weapons on individual units to keep control of who fires what, can be annoying, but I can generally get my units to do what I want. The graphics are fantastic, making each unit distinct and identifiable. The music fits the scene nicely, and the single player campaign storyline is nicely plausible.

Real player with 83.3 hrs in game

Wargame: European Escalation on Steam

Wargame: Red Dragon

Wargame: Red Dragon

Awesome..Im a Total War Junkie, and this feeds my addiction perfectly!!!

Real player with 1609.9 hrs in game

One of the few games that can make me throw my mouse at Mach 2, but still come back for more. Worth every penny.

Real player with 420.7 hrs in game

Wargame: Red Dragon on Steam

Arms Race - TCWE

Arms Race - TCWE

Arms Race - The Cold War Era is pretty promising with the way game mechanics work and the AI is good. The recommended strategy in the guide section doesn’t work reliably for me and I ended up using a different strategy. The AI is also pretty good at adapting to what you are doing. The limited 3 budget changes ends up meaning every decision has long term implications.

Most games turn out slightly differently due to the AI choosing different tactics and the randomness of global crisis events.

The game isn’t as full fleshed as say Hearts of Iron but I feel like the mechanics are well thought out and the AI provides a challenge even on easy. It does a good job of abtracting the cold war and reducing decisions to the macro level (‘meaningful decisions’) compared to HoI3/4 which features considerable micromanagement. I personally prefer macro level games (less micromanagement) but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. If you prefer to play M&T in EU4 vs base EU4 or if you prefer to play Darkest Hour/HoI2 vs HoI4 then this is the game for you.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

This is a fun little game which plays a complete run in about 2-3 hours.

It runs through the whole of the cold war and includes extensive historical detail and research - history geerks will enjoy looking through the tech trees and space race just reading some of the interesting commentary.

The game itself is primarily about resource allocation - the resources being influence (generated by diplomats) spies, and military. These three resources allow you to control the board through a variety of diplomatic coups and military intervention.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Arms Race - TCWE on Steam

The Cold War Era 2

The Cold War Era 2

Bored while waiting? Please support our developing by playing The Cold War Era! -

About the game

There can only be one victory, and it all depends on your skill. Who will win? Us or them? Fight your war on earth, in the sky, and in the offices of the Kremlin and the White House for the promotion of your ideology. The prestige of a power depends only on the best qualities of your character - arrogance, deceit, cunning, guile, the ability to take risks and the thirst for power over the world! Do you deserve to be inscribed in the history of the twentieth century? Will your name be in the history books of the Cold War victory?

Main features :

Total war of ideology

Every citizen on the planet supports some kind of ideology. We must force the people of the world to support our ideology by force of arms, political influence, or prestige of our country. It is the only correct one and brings prosperity to the world. Through propaganda, politics, and diplomacy, we will help them think correctly. Those who continue to dissent will be destroyed by the power of our modern weapons, the best and most effective in the world!

Military unit constructor

Under your command are the best design centers of our power and production. Each military unit has different systems. Improve weapons, engines, armor, radars, countermeasures, stealth, and much more, so that the enemy does not have a chance to win on the battlefield. Improve various military systems and build your own units from these systems. Create your own unique unit that will make the world admire its excellence, and make your enemies shake to their core!

Economy and social development

The world should envy and admire our economic muscle and the level of social development for our happiest citizens on the planet. But to do this, we need to work and completely clear our country of corruption, inflation, and reduce the influence of radical groups. Use the ministers and their influence in the parliament to develop our country in the only right direction.

Political development

The adoption of laws in parliament determines the development of our country for decades to come. Every law can have irreparable consequences. Therefore, the parliament always has a heated discussion of different political ideas and trends for its laws. If the laws are too reformist then a coalition of opposition will gather in Parliament to pass such strong laws. Under your leadership ministers can influence parliament to pass laws that will allow our country to continue to be the most attractive country in the world. Our embassies abroad will do everything possible to influence the parliaments of other states and force them to join our ideological alliance!

Additional game features :

  • 3D map of the world with more than 70 regions on the planet. Each region is individual and has a huge number of indicators - its GDP, army and Navy, leader, Parliament, radical groups, and more.

  • a large number of Embassy missions to help regions or Vice versa, change their regimes through military intervention or revolution.

  • real historical global consequences that will irreparably happen, and only depends on the experience of Ministers if they happen in our favor or against us.

  • in the budget, we have the opportunity to develop the national or private economy. At the expense of the national economy, we can build much cheaper, but the private economy has its own annual growth without government intervention. The national (planned) economy is growing solely at the expense of public administration.

  • participation in proxy wars, where you can transfer your units to certain state regimes or Vice versa, to radical groups during a civil war, or to a revolution. You can initiate your own interventions and if there are military bases in the region, then openly provide your military assistance for the sake of dominating the regions.

  • the war is divided into military phases, in which you need to overcome certain phases to start a fight in the next. Winning in battle is possible only from the military qualities of units and their number on the battlefield. The unit Builder allows you to build your own military units, the qualities of which need to be developed to win battles and pass military phases.

  • Players control game elements such as their political influence, national and private economy, embassy missions, prestige, national monetary fund (savings), political parties, leaders, ministers, parliament and elections, laws, unit designer and systems for all types and branches of the military, corruption, inflation, science, social development for all regions, intervention and revolution, radicals, military morals, military bases and Maritime zones, elections, historical events and much more

  • For players who would like to focus only on a specific gameplay, the game allows you to enable AI mode, in which the game will independently take care of different parts of the game’s micromanagement for the player. AI

auto mode is available in economy, diplomacy, military management, and unit Builder.

Bored while waiting? Please support our developing by playing The Cold War Era! -

The Cold War Era 2 on Steam