Death Trader: Cold War

Death Trader: Cold War

This game was great! It was super fun and im suprised its not more laggy and gltchy than it is, i was sceptical buying it but im glad i did, lots of fun, you need to fix a few bugs but i loved it otherwise and suggest you buy it! One thing I would like to see is things like being able to change the time you start like 1960, 62', 65, etc. I would also like to see more weapons from more country’s, I would like a variety in this game.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Indie Games.

Oct 28

The game has a few kinks but the dev(s?) have been quick to patch. It is worthwhile, especially on sale. I’ve not been able to get more than 2 years into the 30 that the game has due to bugs but I’ve gotten a lot of fun out of it.

Nov 8

I can now play 15 out of the 30 years of the game before it crashes or becomes unplayable. The majority of the early bugs are gone, the gameplay is more user friendly with a better ui/tooltip, was a fun game before but it’s even better now. The devs may have released it prematurely, even as early access, but it’s been rapidly improved.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Death Trader: Cold War on Steam

Doomsday Room

Doomsday Room

Can we have character customization, and also-I don’t know how to actually stir conflict in nations, is it the nuclear testing? Because I’m trying to do the Covert Ops and I don’t actually know how to do the tasks given, nor does it show any indicator saying that the covert op is complete. Can anybody help?

Other than that, this a really good game, I love it already, and you guys should keep developing it! It’s a very educational game, and also fun to know you can lead something! I recommend this game.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Choices Matter Games.

When i was young, i remember a Time where the United States and Europe where in Conflict with the Soviet Union todays Russian Federation. It was West against East and there was fear in the Air, nuclear Fear.

Both Sides armed and armed theirselves up in Fear of each other, having big and enough Weapons to scare the other Side.

It all started 1947 and ended 1990.

What if you are send in to prevent the World from a Nuclear War?

Take a seat and welcome to DOOMSDAY ROOM.

DOOMSDAY ROOM is a fictional take on these Events.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Doomsday Room on Steam

Calm Down, Stalin - VR

Calm Down, Stalin - VR

It is fun and stressful, but feels impossible to complete, i rage quit frequently because difficulty doesn’t build up well, once you learn the basic mechanics you are thrown into multitasking 4 things at once. It’s very fun, but you don’t feel like you will be able to complete it, which leads be to quitting the game a lot.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Indie Games.

ah i love being dictator of soviet Russia and killing spies and threatening country’s for nuclear domination but the most important thing is drinking VODKA

while doing all of the things on here……………..THIS IS GREAT VR GAME

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Calm Down, Stalin - VR on Steam

China: Mao’s legacy

China: Mao’s legacy

I would definitely recommend this game probably the best Kremlin Games has out insofar as the whole political dynamics are concerned (you are able to fully shape your country' s policies and the factions are much more ‘real’). The economy however could have been dealt with better and have a proper blend between it and Ostaglie (placing individual buildings alongside the investment).

Alike Ostaglie, relations with individual western European Countries are generalised as NATO and it would be better to not have done it in this way so we can see how the worldwide socialist movement is doing at the time, which in turn, could affect individual countries rather than having it all generalised as ‘NATO’. This would have been much better as China often had more interaction with Western Europe (with the initial funding of left-wing guerrilla groups then to investments) as the WPO did (which mainly tilted towards its own bloc, which China interreacted less with whereas the game sometimes focuses too much on Chinese-Soviet or Chinese-Middle Eastern Relations, whilst relevant it mises opportunities with Western Europe) as well as making the international playing field (which takes up a large bulk of the game) more active, especially seeing how the Years of Lead, the Spanish Transition, the German RAF and the French Maoists pan out with China still being a beacon of Maoism. Or it could show how China has been integrating more with the west and encouraging the growth of the EEC or NATO (if not becoming a member then associating maybe if you take a hard anti-Soviet line).

Real player with 131.3 hrs in game

I write this as a gamer who has played Kremlingames previous simulations, Crisis in the Kremlin, and Ostalgie: The Berlin Wall. As such, I can’t write this from the perspective of a person who will be exposed to this type of gameplay and Kremlingames' unique idiosyncrasies for the first time. I can only write subjectively from the viewpoint of someone who has played both games already.

First impression: it uses the same map as Ostalgie, with some haphazard modification to add Malaysia, Indonesia, Rhodesia, and the USA to the nations you can interact with. It’s better than the huge scrolling map of Crisis in the Kremlin, so I suppose I can’t complain too much. Go with what works.

Real player with 76.8 hrs in game

China: Mao's legacy on Steam

Cold War Minister

Cold War Minister

You are one of the most powerful and influential people on Earth!

You are driven by the vision of establishing a world-class superpower led by one ruler.

As a result, you deal with significant influence, plenty of weight resting upon your shoulders, but powerful enemies, too.

So, how are you going to manage?

Keep your finger on the pulse thanks to many devices for recording and monitoring enemy movements. Options are many: sonar, radar, satellites, and scouts.

Take appropriate action to maintain your edge over your opponents.

Make use of your forces' potential and the assistance of your allies alike.

Manage your troops. You have a staff of generals, engineers, and seasoned operators ready to carry out your orders.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and war is no different. You have the means to get away from responsibilities and indulge in the pleasures your position offers like a true Russian!

Cold War Minister on Steam

Crisis in the Kremlin

Crisis in the Kremlin

Well I’m a Chinese and it’s my first time to write a comment on steam, so if I say something wrong or something you don’t like please forgive me.

For me I want to recommend you to use Romanov or Gromyko. Actually all 4 characters in 1985 have chance to win including Gorbachev, yesterday I play as him and it’s not impossible to save the country but use him will have two problems. One is reformer look like too strong to resist in the CPSU, other one is you cannot extract resources in Africa because you need to make conservative and Stalinism majority to open the mutual-aid in foreign policy part, but you can’t legalize Stalinism when you play as Gorbachev. For Grishin, a conservative, well I think is no problem to use him but I’m Deng supporter. And maybe it’s not a good news that Gromyko died in 1988 though he is really, really good man. So personally I choose Romanov. Year 1985 or 1986 is a better choice because you can change the country more easier.

Real player with 266.2 hrs in game

It’s incredible really for a game to be so vague in how the mechanics work, so rough in design, so lacking in proper translation (seriously, the translation is a real problem here), and yet, I’d still definitely recommend it to any modern history buff or, of course, any aspiring Red with a taste for revisionism, and what Red doesn’t like a bit of Revisionism? I know I do.

Graphics: Nothing too much to mention here, they’re largely functional, and while many of the event pictures are nice Soviet posters or photographs, beyond that it’s very much just a text adventure with a red border. Not a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination, but don’t expect a 3D sprite of Yeltsin to go stumbling across the top of the screen in his signature drunken fashion. (Hm, suddenly I feel a real sense of loss)

Real player with 264.5 hrs in game

Crisis in the Kremlin on Steam



Its a pretty good 6/10 game that could be great but it can be extreamely frustrating to play. The concepts are behind it are strong and it does provide you with a sense of fighting the cold war, as you fund rebellions, rigs elections, strategically station your troops and try to come out on top of various nuclear confrontations. The art style and aesthetic are also gorgeous and i’d love to see more animalised takes on famous cold war imagery within the game itself.

That being said there are also alot of issues with the game that are also really frustating. The major issue that needs fixing is the lack of infomation giving to the player, especially in regards to how many turns you have left on a crisis or on how many troops an another nation has before you invade (maybe you should see the military strength of a nation when you deploy a spy.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

now that it has updated to a playable state, i can now approve.


I see that this review is one of the first to be read, so allow me to elaborate on some things that could be improved…:

1. Add and/or improve some perks. Example being some perks involve Warsaw/NATO regions that are utterly useless given that these regions have been nerfed to non-existence. Overall more unique perks to choose from would be nice.

2. (kinda 1-B.) Give an option to have Warsaw/NATO regions worth a lot more. If I recall correctly this is how it was originally designed, them removed in the update. I’d say compromise by giving a toggle option.

Real player with 20.5 hrs in game

Precipice on Steam

Ostalgie: The Berlin Wall

Ostalgie: The Berlin Wall

It’s hard to really describe what makes this game so much fun.

Is it the ability to save the Warsaw Pact? Maybe, but that’s not quite it.

Is it the possibility of reforming the Eastern Bloc? Hm, perhaps…oh, no, got it!

It’s the ability to do both those things, while building an excessive number of TV towers and imagining that you’re broadcasting the amazing in-game soundtrack to every citizen of Europe, constantly, at 100 decibels, forever.

Seriously though, this is one of the best ‘small’ games I’ve played in a while now. It’s fairly short, spanning three ingame years, and although you can go longer, not much really happens after 1992, but what happens in those years is enthralling.

Real player with 258.0 hrs in game

Reminds me of the old-school Paradox Interactive games. You want tooltips? Clear explanations of what is what? Too bad. Stare at a statistics screen for a while, you’ll figure it out.

There is a neat game here, but good luck surviving for even a year. It is very hard.

edit: Okay, I have played enough I can write a little more.

Did you play Crisis in the Kremlin? It was about leading the USSR through the time of political turmoil and reform when there were many factors that would eventually bring the country to its collapse into many autonomous states. In the game you had a lot of freedom to pursue your goal. You could become a liberal reformer, play as a hardline-communist or somewhere in-between with many other variations. However, you were the main actor. You could decide how you would play. The only real condition of the game was “don’t let the USSR collapse outright.”

Real player with 250.2 hrs in game

Ostalgie: The Berlin Wall on Steam

REDSIDE episode 1

REDSIDE episode 1

In the exciting technotriller REDSIDE , the player will visit the Soviet side during the Cold War.

REDSIDE is a series of games related to one plot, characters, events and the universe. I present to your attention REDSIDE episode 1 - the first game in the series.

During the operation to free Soviet citizens, the GRU special forces group receives information about the existence of an international channel for the supply of chemical weapons components. Intelligence assumes that someone is preparing a terrorist attack using a chemical warfare agent “Sarin”. Neither the targets of the terrorist attack, nor the executors, nor the customers are known, which means that the consequences of such an attack are unpredictable. In the context of a new round of the Cold War gaining momentum, such an attack could lead to the beginning of the Third World War. To prevent the worst scenario, the GRU uses all its capabilities and conducts a number of special operations around the world. Will it be in time?

  • A twisted plot will send the player to carry out missions in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. The game takes place in 1996 in an alternate universe.

  • To solve a combat mission, the player has more than 20 types of weapons available, from pistols to grenade launchers and sniper rifles.

  • Where firearms are useless, ammunition and additional capabilities will cope with the task.

  • In addition to brute force, the player can use cunning - elements of tactics and stealth will help in this.

  • How long have you been hunting terrorists from a drone, riding armored vehicles, or blowing up enemy patrols? Special missions and minigames will make your adventure even more exciting.

REDSIDE episode 1 on Steam

Advanced Intelligence Surveillance Agency

Advanced Intelligence Surveillance Agency


Introduction: Advanced Intelligence Surveillance Agency(AISA) is a surveillance system building game. You will control an intelligence surveillance agency, you will need to achieve mission goals by establishing the surveillance system in the city. A news system will be provided in the game to provide players with the latest mission information. You can customize your equipment according to your needs in the Research center, including surveillance probes, surveillance drones, large reconnaissance drones, etc, and you can choose the way to complete the task according to the current intelligence. The location of the surveillance system you deploy, the detection range of the surveillance system, the efficiency of eliminating threats, and the casualties of civilians will all affect the success probability of your mission. Every action you take may have different effects.

Initiating foreign territory surveillance program

Protocol ‘AISAS-984XN’

Get main objectives:

– Establish surveillance network

– Search and Eliminate threats

Administrator detected

Initiating ‘Briefing’ protocol

Welcome to Advanced Intelligence Surveillance Agency (AISA)

– AISA is an intelligence surveillance agency approved by the Foreign Territory Land Monitoring Act, which is subordinate to the Ministry of National Defense.

– AISA is mainly responsible for the detection and elimination of terrorist activities in overseas territories and cities.

– The surveillance plan will allow administrators to place surveillance equipment anywhere in the city.

– Any individual entering the surveillance area will be scanned by the surveillance equipment and obtain personal information.

– If the surveillance device locates the threat, the administrator will be asked to take action.

– Administrators will be authorized to use equipment including military detectors, drones, and electronic warfare weapons.

– The administrator will be able to customize the equipment research plan according to the needs.

Authorizing the deployment of surveillance equipment

Authorized. Monitoring equipment is now free to deploy in the city

System diagnosing:

– Command center ready

– Research center ready

– Operation center ready

– Black Ops center offline

Bypassing local reinforcement security network


Requesting citizens information


Inquiry parallel projects status:

– PRISM (Decoy)

– Upstream Collection (Decoy)

– ECHELON (Activated)

Gathering Intelligence from base stations

Access denied, additional equipment required

Initiate program complete

Waiting for commands

Advanced Intelligence Surveillance Agency on Steam